This movie makes me angry
This movie makes me angry
Have you seen it?
because he understands it
>the Reddit short
/ourautist/ was so unlikeable in this movie.
Fuck the casting was so weird in this film. Good movie though.
Weird. Just saw this for the first time.
But yeah, the whole thing kind of blew my mind.
Yeah it's enjoyable but it's definitely one of those films that leave you thinking for days afterwards. I can't believe jewniggers get away with anything and nobody bats an eye.
It's a great movie but Bale as an autist, Gosling as an analyst and Pitt some kind of expert is fucking retarded.
It's extremely didactic about the whole situation but the cast is idiotic.
What did he mean by this?
The part about the autist fund manager calling Goldman and accusing them of fraud because they only priced his CDS's fairly after they had a net short is fucking infuriating. Fucking financial institutions all deserve to collapse.
/ourgoose/ should have been the autist
>This movie makes me angry
Cose you get how retarded you realy is
Dont play with money, you is cannot win GrandMasters
>watch this to learn more about 2008
>realise it's for normies and I know way more than they explain in the movie
>had to stop every 5 minutes to explain to gf
>I'm sure she didn't get anything anyway
>still liked it a lot because of the characters
>gosling was actually fun as fuck and it changes from the roles he does now
8/10 will watch again
What did he mean by this?
jacked to the tits, its just a meme for that feeling when you are in pure alpha, money is just raining on you because of the perfectly executed trade you made
I've only been truly /jackedtothetits/ Nov 11 the night BCH pumped to .5
too bad I didn't sell :(
About Elves?
What part made you angry user?
For me it was when our "heroes" faced their second act challenge when the government and banks attempted to stop the crash.
How they were broken and devastated that they weren't going to get the financial collapse they were planning to get rich on.
Thankfully it all worked out okay for them. The world nearly imploded and they made some money. Then Brad Pitt got sad and reminded them about poor people.
financial types have classic alpha personalities, its top tier competitive.
rollingstone com/politics/news/the-great-american-bubble-machine-20100405
so you haven't been, you only were retarded
The fact that we bailed the banks out and bankers in return used their lobbying powers to keep themselves out of prison and in a position to keep ripping people off. What a bunch of criminals
Eventually they're going to make a drama about Bitcoin and Dwayne Johnson will play Tone Vays.
Bitcoin isn't a massive fraudulent bubble though
Also the fact that they kept on extorting premiums from the shorters even though it was clear they were sitting on a pile of steaming shit.
thats becuase they were shorting themselves on the other side.
banks work on arbitrage, they will happily take a bet on both sides if the numbers are right
Margin Call was an infinitely superior film.
However this is a good song for shorting mortgage backed securities.
It should. We lost our house over that shit. Fuck clinton and bush both
>margin call
pls, half the movie was the boss asking his subordinate to tell him wahts happening in plain english
>realise it's for normies and I know way more than they explain in the movi
>has gf
I realize they were trying to keep it light but the "here is Selena Gomez explaining MBS in a bubble bath" type sketches didn't work at all. Didn't really harm the movie that much though because the absurdity of the main plot is more than enough. Kind of a funnier version of Margin Call.
8/10 will probably watch again at some point.
>all of these guys are jews in real life
>all get played by wasps with the exception of the nice guy Steve carrel
>doesn't mention FDIC coverage which gives banks a free safety net
>doesn't discuss private ownership of federal reserve
>"people will blame immigrants" at the end
Lol this is Jewish trash
Well, given that the elected officials you put in power forced these banks to give mortgages to jobless niggers and print money out of thin air, I'd say the least you could do is take some responsibility when these practices make them crash.
The evil bankers meme is fine in lefty pol or some other low IQ platform, but if you cannot understand the effect of incentives then you should probably get out of here before you lose all your money.
>elected officials you put in power
8/8 gr8 b8 m8
>defending capitalism this hard
Fuck off you retarded reactionary. Go jerk on muh IQ in some white supremacist forum
>The evil bankers meme
not a meme my friend, just the leftists think it means something different
Also of course it's the niggers that were behind the financial crash all along! Retard
Forcing banks to give money to niggers and printing money is not capitalism, it's literally the governments fault this shit happened
Leftists are smart enough to understand that it is the capitalistic system that leads to this. Nazi's only see the superficial: they assume it must be the Jews because most bankers are Jews. Nazi's are too stupid to understand complex systems and instead they blame it on some invented ethnicity
That post really redpilled me on a lot of financial quackery. Surprised Taibbi never got suicided.
Actually all instances of private property is capitalism, so giving money to someone is also capitalism. But you are obviously too feeble minded to get this.
I never thought I'd see the day when ISDA docs are mentioned on the big screen
t. used to review the fucking things
>Leftists are smart enough to understand that it is the capitalistic system that leads to this.
central banking is much more socialist in nature than 'capitalist'
jew's are certainly a real distinct genetic race, this is well documented and it is naive and ignorant to suggest otherwise
>giving paper notes to people via a socialist policy is still capitalism
im not really sure what your arguing for
Yeah the immigration thing at the end, WTF is that. I mean yeah you had people blaming po' niggas for taking out loans they couldn't afford but never once was immigration ever brought up as a scapegoat for the '08 crisis.
This movie was just a stealth Democrat party campaign ad much like Miss Sloane.
>t. A megabrainlet
It was well made but it was said in this thread, it went off the rails when it started reeing about immigrants being blamed and no one going to jail.
Also never mentioned shit like the community reinventment act which helped contribute to the crisis.
Also the part with the big Mexican guy was retarded. There just to make us feel bad for Pablo getting screwed by big banker (who weren't Jewish at all in the film)
I did enjoy the goose, bale, and carrell in it though
Thanks for the book user.
Does it mention rh blood type correlations?