Fuck Thrall edition
Discuss the viability of the Warcraft setting, story, and lore, for a tabletop game.
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Fuck Thrall edition
Discuss the viability of the Warcraft setting, story, and lore, for a tabletop game.
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>the only page about goblins in the Chronicle is this
my sides
literally the worst race
wait til the old thread reaches at least page 7 next time, dude
you guys are unreliable at making new threads so I made one at my last chance after it hit bump limit
I assure you that, so long as I am not at work, I will make new threads.
I was waiting until it hit 7.
>I very much doubt I will be doing one of Kalimdor
Better claim the glory for yourself.
Expanding on this idea,
>Alliance and Horde become more informal
>Race-based nations become more prominent
>Factional barriers broken down mechanically, since they're pretty moot now (and have been for quite some time) in lore.
>Can party-up and PvP alongside any other player, regardless of race.
>PvP takes a more Guild Wars 1 route, with it being battles between guilds and independent factions.
>Guilds become political entities in the lore.
I mean, hell, it's not like there isn't pre-existing examples of this. The Argent Crusade, the pirate and mercenary groups, the Twilight's Hammer.
Pic unrelated.
Do you think MMOs are just intrinsically difficult to develop a setting or lore in? I look around and it seems like, in most cases, MMOs have to start with a giant reservoir of history and places and people, but as the game itself goes on it all gets used up faster than it can be topped up again. Because the players themselves are kind of in the way.
Oh, almost certainly. I think it's a cross between having to meet certain standards, and how long MMOs tend to have to last without allowing a reset like standard vidya.
Splitting populations between factions in particular I think is a big issue, especially since damn near most MMOs end up ignoring them anyway. They're presented as two groups that hate each other, but always end up fighting the same enemy, usually putting aside their differences to do it.
One issue with corrupting lore that seems to be changing with MMOs is the static environment. A lot of MMOs are unable, or unwilling, to change the setting to reflect the storyline, be it due to engine limitations, or budget/time issues. So, even though big things may happen in the lore, it doesn't usually reflect in the lore. But, like I said, this is something some MMOs have been progressively fixing. EverQuest Next was supposed to have an evolving world, and WoW now has some pretty heavy phasing to help with that issue.
But largely, I think it's a longevity thing. MMOs typically have to stay persistent for a fair amount of time, and have story progression during that time. Unlike non-MMOs, which have no obligation to progress the storyline until a sequel, which aren't quite the same as expansions because vidya sequels allow for new engines and typically bigger budgets.
>hating Thrall
Kill yourself, op.
I am sure that OP hates Go'el, the Shaman married to Aggra, not Thrall, the Warchief or the Horde.
as much as I'd LIKE to have the two factions dissolve, the rabid autists who identify with their made up video game faction will throw a shit fit and unsub en masse, and that's an embarassingly high number of players, even on PvE realms.
I'd love it if they at least let us do dungeons and raids together, so I'm not stuck trying to get all of my friends on the same faction, let alone the same server.
>game with millions of players
>can only even talk to half of them
>out of that half, can only trade and do guild stuff with like 1/20th of them, assuming you're not on a dead server
Aggra was the biggest mistake.
>as much as I'd LIKE to have the two factions dissolve, the rabid autists who identify with their made up video game faction will throw a shit fit and unsub en masse, and that's an embarassingly high number of players, even on PvE realms.
Oh, I wholeheartedly agree; it most likely wouldn't happen, probably not even if there was a WoW 2 simply because the player base expects there to be arbitrary borders.
Which is dumb because, like I said, the lore a lot of the time dismisses the division between Alliance and Horde. Order class halls in particular.
The world of Warcraft feels compressed to me. Raiders kill big name bosses every week. The factions those bosses belong to are presumably destroyed or severely weakened with each content patch. Big name leaders of every playable faction are directly meddling with the player's affairs. It doesn't feel like there's room to expand anywhere because every major component of the game is constantly in use. They're forced to go outside of this space and bring in more lore that's often 'fantastical' and they never really attempt to enrich the races we've been using since the start of Warcraft.
They decided to raise the player to the level of gods and Blizzard feels the need to raise the stakes with each release to match their iLevel.
Eve Online's world feels unlimited in comparison. Any big names that are rarely killed off are generally done so outside of the game. Every faction in the game is forever present and never 'dealt with heroically'. You're never in contact with the mystical big-wigs. And the player never drives the lore of the game.
Those maps are incredibly ugly
o here's one for you bud, hope you like the colors n stuff
Anyone have the blogpost on why
Oh, God, that was funnier than it should've been.
>another map drawn with potatoes
I appreciate the gigantic lakes desu.
I realize in WoW you couldn't have everything to scale, but the lakes were way too small for me, considering I remember playing missions in those lakes with submarines and battleships.
So, how is everyone liking getting transformed into a QT Nightborne?
I can neither confirm nor deny that I have an addiction to looking up their skirts.
fuck yourself you filthy gnome loving shit,
I want to gently feed her mana crack while she sucks my dick.
Well their dongs are pretty huge so I don't blame you.
Not on me but boy was it a good one.
tldr it was, "She browbeat him into giving up all of HIS values in exchange for orcish values that ended up destroying his horde and leading him to ruin and expects him to thank her for it,"
then have the Chronicles one
note: this is also the nightborne warrior outfit
Wait, you're serious?
Yes? Why wouldn't I be.
why is her buttocks partially exposed like that?
Because I don't buy for a second that Blizzard is actually willing to indulge my magical realm.
>The Wandering Isle
Is that Kul Tiras?
That's the Pandaren starting zone.
Because she is a decadent wizard emulating her wizard-queen who likes showing off her ass.
Look closely, it's a giant turtle.
I'd say that in EVE, players do drive the lore, and that's the whole point. If you've heard of EVE, it's probably due to some of the stuff the players did, like huge fleet battles between player coalition, or the time Goonswarm awoxed Band of Brothers.
In general, the metanarrative seems to be moving things more and more to player hands, with capsuleers becoming more independent from the empires and players being able to build their own stations and eventually stargates.
that is awesome
You rang?
the first part is kinda shit.
Might be the best place to ask this.
I've got a mage [in-game on a roleplaying realm, and with all the artifact shit going on I wanted to make her a nice IC staff, because it's fairly unrealistic for me to give her Aluneth or some shit.
Can anybody give me any suggestions on what could be used to make a powerful mage staff? I don't want it to be too over the top but I don't want it to be too generic either, as long as it fits the setting.
It's maximum cheese and ham, but let's be real for a second here: It's one of those rare cases where obsessive shipping of the fanbase would have made perfect sense in the canon, and the canon would have been flawless despite being abso-fucking-lutely cheesy.
So yeah, Thraina should have been a thing, Ag'oel is the black boil that signifies what plagues Warcraft.
I don't give a flying fuck over the shipping. Disregarding Jaina's feeling for arthas because she was 'Over him' is maximum overmaximum bullshit in trying to get your favorite ship going.
The lore always implied that they had feelings for each other,, and they still had feelings as of warcraft 3. Arthas felt betrayed by Jaina, because she was not there when he needed her the most. It makes sense that she feels some sort of guilt or remorse for the person she once loved. What we see of her in WoTLK is trying to see if enough of arthas remains inside. She is crushed when she finds out that it does not and escapes.
Then after the raid, the players find out that he kept a locket of her even after he was lost to the world, which meant that there was still a part of Arthas somewhere there, and he regarded Jaina kindly enough to remember her.
But hey, She and Thrall made an alliance of convenience that didn't magically fall apart because jaina killed off her father to make it happen. They are so destined to fall in love because the fanbase demands it.
I- is that Garithos Sama?
This user's right.
Depends on what kind of character your mage is. If it's your average half dragon half blood elf mage, using aluneth is fine. If you have a more grounded back story, a staff you think looks cool or comes from a quest line you think your character would approve of will do just fine.
Here is what I did for my DK's backstory, and why he carries the weapon he does.
>An alteraci townsperson who lived off trade in strahnbrad.
>followed arthas when the orcs raided it.
>after the town was ruined he moved to andorhal to become an agricultural laborer. Found the grain to be rotting and shitty.
>He 'borrowed' money and ran away to stormwind, joining a local alteraci gang that worked as agricultural laborers and highwaymen
>found out he had a natural talent for command
>he fell for the scarlet crusade meme.
>was constantly beaten and mistreated there because he is from alterac.
>eventually joins the argent crusade because he cannot progress any further into the scarlet crusade ranks.
>all his time in the scarlet crusade has him become more and more mistrustful of his underlings.
>is ordered to march into andorhal with a big force to secure an approach to the city.
>afraid that adventurers and mercs will steal his glory, he leads his alteraci boy band into the town.
>gets merc'd and captured by the undead.
>Get's raised into a member of the ebon blade because the lich king finds it funny.
>he listens to when Thassarian tells Orbaz that in death they are all brothers and koltira needs to be rescued.
>carries the same runeblade he forged himself once he was free of the lich king.
>the weapon is as much a part of him as his limbs.
>he changes his fighting style from two handed swashbuckler to a terrifying warrior who fights with a demonic runeblade (fel iron greatsword).
>raises undead minions to overwhelm his foe with his spooky combat capabilities. (unholy)
>over time during the Northrend campaign begins to trust his undeadbros and undeadsisters, and is home.
oh, and, tell me your character's backstory Veeky Forums
Do the Suramar questline user. Your magical realm gets indulged.
when is it unlocked?
I am almost at level 108
This kinda shit makes me feel like playing an RPG based in the Warcraft setting would not be so bad. I personally love the idea but I don't know of anyone interested in running the game.
I ran a quest here when it was allowed on Veeky Forums. was moderately popular too.
I don't mean appearance wise. Right now I've moffed it to Sho'varon becauyse it looks neat and has an arcane feel to it.
I don't really have one for my mage yet. All I have is: draenei mage, originally really shit at magic until she got a mentor who realised over time that the reason she was such a bad mage was because she had no instinctive ability or knowledge on how to draw out the arcane. Her learning magic was akin to being told calligraphy when you didn't know how to use your fingers. Best described as 'putting play dough through a cheese grater and expecting it to resemble something'. After they worked on that, she actually became a really good mage, and over 10k years of practice has made her extremely good with magic.
She's the nicer, polite mage, a foil to her mentor who'se arrogant and believes anybody who doesn't live above 100 years can't weave a decent spell worth the mana in their body.
My draenei death knight has a slightly more interesting backstory.
>I don't mean appearance wise. Right now I've moffed it to Sho'varon becauyse it looks neat and has an arcane feel to it.
any quest you think speaks to your character? Kinda like Zen'kiki being a bad druid in nearly everything but is a good healer?
Ah so you were asking for components for a staff? Not too much I can say in regards to that, but I think including Khorium would be good idea. It's a material from Outland that, if I remember right, was great at storing energy.
Orc rogue, born to members of the shattered hand clan in the internment camps, mother died young. Raised by his father who had lost most of his will to live after the burning legion abandoned the orcs, had a hard time reconciling the cunning warrior every other orc he knew said his father was, and the listless old orc he knew him as. Then Thrall came and broke them all out. His father immediately clung to Thrall's ideals and he followed suit
His father fought for the Horde across the third war before dying at the battle of mt Hyjal, the sudden resurgence of his father in that short time inspired him greatly. He joined the shadowswift brotherhood the moment he was old enough to do so, and has been working as the eyes and ears for the Horde he knows, Thrall's Horde, ever since.
Played on a pirate WoW RP-server for 4 years. Best memories, and those folks introduced me to TRPGs later. Now it's more cancer than ever but old players had pretty radical and interesting ideas.
Things would be great if Blizzard hadn't forgotten about trolls entirely, especially with nobody filling the important troll quota.
>raise Nazgrim as a Horseman? The Horde will not be pleased
>raise Thoras Trollbane as a Horseman? The Alliance will not be pleased
>save Koltira? Sylvanas will not be pleased
>raise Whitemane as a Horseman? the Scarlet Crusade will not be pleased
>make Cordana into an abmoination? the Wardens will not be pleased
>steal a magical focus from the naga? N'zoth will not be pleased
>raise Tirion as a Horseman? Nobody will be pleased
who /DKWP/ here
>DH: "Abloobloo, what have you sacrificed!"
>DK: "We do what the living cannot."
Kul Tiras is in Eastern Kingdoms though.
>the Scarlet Crusade will not be pleased
They literally do not exist anymore.
you're welcome, meatbag
>order of fanatical faithful paladins
>not useful in a fight against demons.
>mfw as a draenei death knight a demon hunter is asking me what I've sacrificed to fight the legion
>mfw it's considered rude to slap the shit out of these whining cuntstraps
Well that was a general questline though canonically they were wiped out by the Forsaken.
canonically they held on until Legion when the Ebon Blade kills the rest of them on the way to raise Whitemane
You have to have a female character already though
As a priest I did use them against the demons and brought (the less fanatical ones) back into the fold.
Those were just a couple of stragglers. As a military power they were broken in Northrend by Sylvanas.
>they were broken in Northrend by Sylvanas.
Implying that Sylvanas had any relevant part in that.
Demon Hunters are Death Knights done right, though.
Are you 13?
nice try Kanye
>that Demon Hunter and Warden in Vault trying to out edge each other with No one understands muh sacrifice
talk about cringe
>death knight: are you two done or...?
Nice try, Illidan. With my death knight eyes, I can easily see through your bullshit.
>They are CRAWLING IN MY SKIN tier
I know, but there was no reason death knights HAD to be that way. There was some promise early on with the Thassarian storyline which showed that he stilled cared for his sister even after reanimation.
However after that they did a critical misstep in confirming that almost no death knights have any emotional connection to their old lives, nor do they have any feelings for the living. Their lore from late WotLK until today became "I exist only to exact revenge regardless of the consequence", essentially becoming turbo-Forsaken. I had some hopes that they would change it in Legion, but sadly the only one who shows some signs of a good character development away from the single-minded Forsaken attitude towards hatred is Darion, who just doesn't want any part of that shit anymore. Of course he also gets killed during the DK order hall campaign and turned into the last of the Horsemen so who knows if they wanted to show him as being right or wrong.
But yeah, it's an unfortunate part of the introduction of demon hunters that they now have the motivation I always wanted to have DK's to have. Demon hunters have "I do this to protect everyone who can't" whereas Death Knights have "I do this to avenge what was done to me".
But different strokes for different people. There are those who love the emotionless loner vengeance machine archetype and for those Blizzard's chosen path for DK is perfect.
nice try Kayn.
Now fuck off and talk about sacrifice while the ebon blade get's its shit done.
Ebon blade = brothers in death.
Illidari = super snowflake loners that congregate together and fuck their own shit up.
DH's in charge of holding back the legion.
>barely surviving in a tiny camp in aszuna.
>a bunch of dead night elf ghosts are doing more in the zone.
He was saying demon hunters are CRAWLING IN MY SKIN tier, not death knights. Lrn2read demon pleb.
What are you talking about? The entire POINT of the Ebon Blade in Legion is "We do what the living cannot." Most of them are extremely dedicated to protecting Azeroth's people, because they have nothing else to "live" for.
Hell, all of the Four Horseman are risen to make amends for the things they did in their life, especially Whitemane, which is really true of most of the Ebon Blade. Thoras Trollbane is also a total bro, and probably the most dedicated to helping the living in his hew form.
the Ebon Blade are my favourite faction in Warcraft
Kil'jaeden's greatest plan twisted against him into his ultimate nightmare. A group of chaotic good death knights and necromancers forged into a nigh unstoppable hammer to smash the Legion into submission.
Death knights can't be corrupted by the Legion or Old Gods, and will not be lost in battle as long as one of their comrades survives the engagement.
Every single one of them is ready to live and die as many times as need be to save Azeroth and the universe from anything that threatens it
and they don't even cry about it like demon hunters do
Somebody raised a good point to me before.
Demons have been shown to control the undead. Dreadlords have canonically raised the undead, and possibly controlled them too. It's been established that sentient undead that break free of control are either impossible or really hard to control again, but nothing much about mindless undead.
Say the Ebon Blade decides to go full out. The new Lich King tags along and they bring all the Scourge and undead with them and open a portal to Argus to skullfuck the legion into submission. Is there a chance of the dreadlords/eredar turning around and making the mindless scourge under their command and pushing that wave of undead straight back at them?
The Lich King was created by the Legion though he supposedly broke free of their control it is possible Kil'jaden though of this possibility and put fail safes in place
dreadlords (and I assume Inquisitors but it hasn't been shown) can control undead, but the Helm of Domination's control over the Scourge can't be broken by any known means other than the Frozen Throne's power leaking out, which Arthas' merging with Ner'zhul has eliminated as a problem
Demons may engage in necromancy, but the scourge has it down to a science. The Death Knights were largely controlled by the lich king and were raised with his brand of magic. It stands to reason that now that they are free of the Lich King's mental block, they will be taking steps to ensure that the same doesn't happen to them again.
The Lich king was an immensely powerful necromancer that was watched over by the dreadlords to make sure he wasn't going to betray them. We don't know if individual demons even have the kind of magic to raise armies on par with the ebon blade, let alone the scourge.
Is that the one girl that gets fugged by a wendigo?
All good points. Thanks for answering.
What if the Lich King wasn't present and it was Ebon Blade vs. Scourge? Would there be any control issues there?
If the scourge had a few powerful necromancers on their side they would probably need to take countermeasures. Otherwise the DK controlling the others is the most likely situation
I meant Ebon Blade vs Burning Legion. Derp.
It was a joke based on Kul Tiras movement.
If the lich king never existed Death Knights would be on the legions side already.
If he just wasn't involved well the Death Knights have trained extensively in mental strength to resist his call. It would take a extremely powerful demon like Kil'jaden himself to bring them to heel. Any distraction could cause them to break free again, it would be easier just to destroy them.
depends on what way you look at it. The death knights were actively trying to increase their dominion over the undead ever since the ebon blade went scourge patrol. They have access to a large amounts of incredibly potent artefacts including several legion made runeblades which are capable of fucking shit up or absorbing demon souls.
If the lich king didn't exist, current generation death knights wouldn't exist.