How the fuck do i make money online...

how the fuck do i make money online, i've tried crypto-currency but it always takes forever to buy and I don't feel like its right for me, ive tried surveys and they never pay, i've tried Facebook advertising but no one ever clicks and i just end up wasting money, and i'm seriously beginning to lose hope. Ive tried so many things and I only end up with way less then i started, I dont know how much longer i can keep living like this.

This gotta be a bait

you know what hustling consists of?

eating shit like 70% of the time but when the good times come in that 30% oh boy is it sweet

if you ain't ready for the 70, you ain't read for the 30.

No my problem is I don't know what the fuck I should even be doing.

for what...?

bro, people land in this shit coz they got a feel for the business. buying low and selling high isn't a new concept

are you here to invest in the long term because you like the idea of a coin?

or are you here to shill coins and make quick flips?

ill seriously help you with this, just answer me honestly with everything

prepare for unconventional money making 101 fagboy

if there's any newfaggot anons lurking around i suggest f5ing this thread, coz most people are willing to share information that helps them get rich

this isn't tricks or ways to manipulate the economy or learing how to read graphs. it's pure philosphy. let's do this

>i've tried crypto-currency but it always takes forever to buy
>i've tried Facebook advertising but no one ever clicks and i just end up wasting money
>Ive tried so many things and I only end up with way less then i started
>I dont know how much longer i can keep living like this.
You can't be this stupid right?

hey user, let's give this guy a break for a second alright, you and me right now try and teach this little douche bag how to make some money

knowledge is powerful, let's teach

Buy fake designer clothes/shoes and sell to kids with rich parents


thanks, any help would be really appreciated

you're an idiot

answer my fucking post.

what the fuck are you here to do. long term holds or day trading coin flips?

Dude I feel u. I've been doing pretty much the same this year. Nothing seems to work out.

I dunno what to do

OP what are u into ? I'm starting to think of buying some crypto but I don't know if one can make monthly income with that..

um okay

I guess id like to learn both, but im not sure where to even begin

read. learn. study it.

this isn't a free ride. find out whats good
read up on cryptos, start with satoshi nakamoto, move onto charles hoskinson from ethereum just done be a pleb who doesnt research

absolutely satanical

u seem super weak, get a real job and become normie

yeah exactly, if i sank all my money into it now, i would still only be able to pay my rent for like the next month even if it doubled


I've been looking into affiliate marketing but it's also something that might be a waste of time and money

I spent a solid month trying Dropshipping and Facebook advertising and I lost so much money as well, so im kinda hesitant to start something new that requires a large amount to start with

Bro I released a digital product this year. However advertising was too costly had to stop. Also that product was very scammy. Didn't feel like the right thing at the end.

Anyway I am now trying to think of starting to "day trade " crypto. I really want just to make 700€ profit per month. I don't know if that's possible.

Would like to see other anons doing that and giving me some advice.

>Anyway I am now trying to think of starting to "day trade " crypto. I really want just to make 700€ profit per month

I mean isn't it all about buying low selling high and making a profit in between .