Warhammer Fantasy General: Heldenhammer Edition

Talk all about Warhammer Fantasy. Some people are still SJW-level triggered by End Times, so I'm required to say that you should limit discussion about it since it's seen as the start of AoS even though this hasn't stopped anyone. If anything, please limit the shitposting. If you don't like something (like Endhammer) just ignore it.

Link to last thread: >1d4chan

>Newbie Introduction to Warhammer Fantasy (Download, start reading at page 174 for the story and all the races)
mediafire.com/download/i330182xo9b1hsi/Rulebook (Hardback).pdf

>Third Party Miniature Manufacturers

>List of Warhammer recommended proxies

>Tomb Kings Range reborn!

>Warhammer Wikis

>Resources (Armybooks, Supplements, Fluff, Crunch)

>9th Age

>Total War: Warhammer

>End Times: Vermintide

>Mordheim: City of the Damned

>Bloodbowl 2

>Man O' War

Last thread died. Been a while and no new thread has popped up.

What are the regular sizes for a match table? I'm feeling crafty and want to make one for home.

also is there a good place to find battle scenarios? Like the ones in the BrB. Would love to see some community ones.

Lastly: Is the AoS skaven screaming bell any different from the 8th ed one? trying to get the cheaper of the 2, but I dont want to sacrifice the look of the 8th ed one.

I think they're 6ft x 4ft, just like 40k

So I am thinking of starting a high elf army (currently play beastmen). I want to do so!etching different than the traditional white and. Lie scheme tho

>Tau in Fantasy
Can it be done?

Sure, have them be not!china/mix-o'-asia who field their own people as ranged units and artillery while heavily depended on auxillaries for their infantry and melee cavalry. As a faction they should ofc be focused on whittling down the foes with rains of arrows, hails of gunshot and barrages of artillery before they can get into melee.

Would Sigmarines be their Battlesuits, or would their Battlesuits just have a terra-cotta surface?

Since Tau allied with Demiurge and got most of their technology starter set from them, should Fantasy Tau incorporate Dwarfs as the race that uplifted them from fishmen to civilization?


Is there a mega for the End Times and WHFB black library books?

Check the archive thread.

Are there any good guides for general war tactics for Total War: Warhammer? I love the game, but my ass usually gets stomped in when I actually control my troops. The only time I'm able to win anything is when I Auto-Resolve with a bigger army.

So I've been wondering what an Ogre PC in WFRP 2e would look like based off their information in the bestiary and how'd it'd be balanced with the rest of the party. Assuming that any Ogre player had to accept some kind of XP deficit (say, 500-1000?) how does this like for a starting Ogre?

W:Roll on Dwarf Wound Table+12
Skills: Common Knowledge (Ogres), Consume Alcohol,
Gamble, Perception, Search, Speak Language
(Grumbarth, Reikspiel or Tilean)
Talents: Fearless, Frightening, Specialist Weapon Group (Two-handed), Street Fighting or Disarm, Strike Mighty Blow

Fate Points:
d10 FP
1-8 1
9-10 2

Basically a massive bucket of wounds and Attacks with maybe the option to pickup the Unstoppable Blows Talent later on. This alright to be included in a party of 500-1000 XP PC's?

I have been playing counts and chaos. General tactic? Send a fuck ton of basic skelies in to stop them, have a couple fast units swing around back. Just send a load of bats to fuck up artillary.

For seiges, I just raise a decoy army to break down the door, then let my main body come in second.

For the record: I'm pretty shit at the game as well. Only doing well with counts because I took east/west sylvania and just fucking made every public order and income based thing.

3 attacks base is ridiculous even with an XP deficit.

>how'd it'd be balanced with the rest of the party.
If you desperately are in need of balancing in Warhammer Rpg you better drop the idea as a whole because you are doing something wrong.

That bad huh? Well 2 Attacks Base would probably be a lot saner even if it doesn't match the bestiary/tabletop version. Was kinda going with the idea that an Ogre PC would only be allowable after your campaign had moved on from the "You're lowlife scum one bad roll away from dying of infection" into the "You're mildly important scum one bad roll away from dying from infection" stage. After all if you want to pound in the idea that your character is helpless before the oncoming threat and all of your efforts to stop it are in vain you probably shouldn't be playing a 10 foot tall obese Mongolian who can eat militia for lunch and laugh off Fear.

>14 posts in 12 hours
>last thread 404'd without even reaching bump limit



So how's Whm40k: Eternal Crusade?

Is Valten a lost Primarch?

Warhammer is utter shit as a game but the setting is very nice

Basically attacks rule 2nd end, especially as WS hits peak levels and DMG spikes with impact and strength buffs. I would definitely drop to 2 attacks and even consider lowering WS or S bases.


there already are fanmade rules to play an ogre

All these fucks talking about putting 40k races and AoS shit into fantasy

People not checking the fucking OP

People talking about the fucking videogame adaptation

People talking about fucking WFRP

All these fucking non-contributing posts

Jesus H Christ. Fine I'll post the Dwarf update guide.







There you go. Discuss that you fucks

From what I can see, it's pretty much just reboxxed from their last plastic one(could be wrong, but looks like it.), the only differences being a white box and a heretical, unholy circle base.

So if you've got the right square base for it, I'd say go for it.

Why are you so angry. All of it (except the irst) are related to warhammer fantasy battles.

The game is dead, at least let us enjoy the setting

Guys, anyoe has the image of Caledor II with all the names the Dwarfs gave to him?

I need it pretty bad.

I'lll give you a nice Dwarf instead

I have it, but the dwarf-favoritism is getting out of hand in this thread.

I just need it for science.You want Chaos, i have chaos if ya want

I'm not interested in Chaos either, but here have it. "The Pointlessly Tall" always makes me laugh.

Despite all this time, I still think the new Karl Franz model with the oversized Griffin is fucking awful.

After this is said and done, let's talk about the Storm of Chaos continuity. What is likely to happen to Archaon after failing so miserably in his great invasion?

The Chaos gods don't take failure well, and as far as i know, Archaon is the only everchosen who failed and survived his failure. Would the Chaos Gods remove their favour from him? Would they curse him?
What if in the exact moment Archaon Failed, a new aspirant Everchosen arose, and the two will have to battle for supremacy?

Why the fuck did gw remove high elf Spears and archers and silver helms and basically 90% of its core.
Like, even for age of smegmar it's retarded because all the high elf battleline (core) is oop. How the fuck am I supposed to build an army for fantasy, let alone smegmar? I don't want to scavenge ebay for overpriced thicc models lacking shields or something stupid, and there's no alternative that match gw scale or aren't overpriced and goofy. I bought some metal white lions because they look cool and now I'm just stuck. I figured I can paint glade guard as archer but what of Spears and silver helms?
Fuck my life

Try 3rd party models. Some of them are bretty gud
there is a pastebin in the thread

>Why the fuck did gw remove high elf Spears and archers and silver helms and basically 90% of its core.

Because they're old and ugly as fuck.

So would wood elves ally with high elves?


elves are sluts, they'd ally with anybody


They have a couple of times, but wood elves don't want anything to do with high elves, dark elves or the civil war. There was a time the high elves showed up to help fight a major Beastmen invasion as an attempt to create bonds between the 2 elf nations. The high elves got pissy that so many of their peoples died in a conflict they could have stayed out of and blamed the woodies, who in turn got fed up with their cousins arrogance

The thread is dead as fuck already, Why do you care what people talk about at this point, at least it generates discussion

Fuck, well I only wasted 50 bucks on my elves so far, guess I'm doing dwarves.
I have a boner for gw and can't just buy alternatives.

My flgs only has dragon calv wich makes me sad

Don't trust that guide Slayers are actually viable.

You just can't use them always or carelessly, but do wonders against armies that other units struggle to stand up to.

Like Ogres.

Slayers will melt those shits. They WILL die, but that's what they're here for

I'm probably gonna drop 200 on 3 boxes of warriors and 2 boxes of quarellers.
3 squads of 20 warriors, 4 leftover to convert banners/heroes and 2 squads of 16 shooty fucks.
See where I go from there.
Do they still sell BfSP dwarves on ebay?

Not that i know of, but if so they probably cost a shitload of money