Two humans (one an imperial citizen, the other a Sororitas acolyte), an ork, a tau, an eldar, a kroot...

Two humans (one an imperial citizen, the other a Sororitas acolyte), an ork, a tau, an eldar, a kroot, a necron and a chaos cultist with a demonic possession all are made to live in a frathouse together. Warp fuckery prevents them from causing any bodily harm to themselves or each other, and any damage to the house is reverted the following morning to brand new. They get food and water and they each have their own rooms.

All of them are college age females, except of course for the ork and necron.

what happens?

They spend a few years trying REAAAALLY hard to kill each other before the actual plot starts.

Why aren't the Ork and Necron college-aged females?

Wouldn't that be funny, if they were transposed into new bodies?


>AHAHAHA now I have your body, you dog of the false emperor and I will do ALL KINDS OF HERETIC THINGS with it!
This shit writes itself.

Someone starts stealing other's food and water so they starve/dehyrate first,and/or find a way to trap them indefinitely. I'm not sure who'd think of it first, or if they'd succeed, but eventually it should happen...

A pillowfight to end all pillowfights


>Inviting a necron to a pillow fight

This pillow will flay you down to your constituent atoms, fleshling! Also, I filled it with marbles

Does the anti-murder field extend to the neighbors? If it doesn't, then the ork and the chaos cultist will just leave to go on a rabid murder-spree through the surrounding environment. Also possibly the necron.

months of hate followed by weeks of begrudging lesbian sex followed by months of lesbian sex

>a kroot

eats all the furniture each time it regenerates with the rest of the house, after a while vegges out so hard the other tenants use her as a beanbag chair

Furniture doesn't have DNA user.

>Imperial Citizen
Try to keep out of everyone's way. Is usually found hiding with an icon of the Emperor. Nods in respect to the Sororitas.

>Sororitas Acolyte
Occasionally tries to purge the house with fire, bolter and melta. Usually just stays in her room and prays.

98% of the time she (or he) is fighting someone. The fact that everyone is protected from bodily harm means that the fight goes on forever. Other residents have taken to locking the Ork in his room. 2% of the time, the Ork's making something wacky in the garage.

Assuming average Fire Warrior, the Tau started off trying to be diplomatic, then tried to fight everyone off, but now just avoids eveyone. Occasionally tries to convert the Imperial Citzen to the Greater Good.

Assuming Craftworld, the Eldar just stays in her room. She'll often try and manipulate the other residents into doing what she wants, but sometimes she just gets bitch slapped.

Tau's quirky best friend. Usually found in the garden chasing (and eating) raccoons.

Tried to murder everyone in the beginning, now just doesn't give a shit. Gives everyone the silent treatment.

>Chaos Cultist
Invites the most boys around to worship Slaanesh. Sometimes leaves the toilet in a mess to praise Nurgle. Likes to mess with other people to please Tzeentch. You don't want to know what happens when she worships Khorne. The most hated resident.

I'd expect the Ork to destroy the house on at least a daily basis.

Yeah there are actually female Necrons, they just aren't any different body-wise (they were female before losing their flesh).

They could ALL be female for all we know.

>fetish bait

I...Well...Cant argue that. Maybe the Necrons are like the reverse Veeky Forums; all the little girls want to be giant, spooky space skeletons.

Then the frat house next door for Storm Troopers is added into this.



The ork spreads his fungal spores everywhere but nobody notices until like a month in.
Chaos ensues until the house is relocated to the nearest celestial body (in this case the sun)
New house is built on a passing space hulk and the crew adopts a genestealer

This can only end in exterminatus.


You son of a bitch...

What artist is this? I think I recognize some of their other work.

Nicholas of Kreig

he stopped 40k along time ago though