Mining or investing?

If you have about 3 to 5k to get started then mining long term is OK but, honestly if I threw my cash into the coins I have now I would have tripled my investment by now. With that said I'm mining Monero hoping the price goes up in thousands in a couple of years.

You'd likely be better off mining a more profitable Cryptonight algo and trading for XMR, but I don't know your hashrate.

Mining is dead now, it's all about investing (see: ICOs). Personally I really don't like it. I think providing a service to the early network in exchange for high rates of remunerations as an investment (i.e. you get paid $10 a day now but that can turn into the equivalent of $10000 a day in future when the coin increase in value) is a much fairer way to distribute. Of course in both cases you have the problem of the rich becoming richer (they have the money to buy the hardware, or they plain have the money), but it's easier for normal people to reuse hardware than to send more millions at an ICO.
A scheme that allows perfect identical fair distribution anonymously would be best, but it's probably impossible to implement.
The coin creators should be entitled to keep a very small portion of their coin so they're invested in making the coin good so they can cash out, instead of getting money upfront they can run away with.

Best Nvidia GPU for under £150-$220? Go!

For mining? Don't even bother. Go radeon.

thinking about buying a 1070ti, do you recommend?

Hmm, is the hash better on radeon? I guess I should stop being lazy and google it really. Saying that I already have CCminer setup for Nvidia and I am lazy. I think that only runs wiht Nvidia not radeons...

No. An xXxTitanXxX9001 fully OC'd is like a downclocked last-gen amd gpu.
Google it. There are ample comparison sheets (wiki pages and google docs). Significantly better bang/$.

Don't bother, for a single or dual GPU gaming/mining rig get at least an 1070ti or Vega 56 (if you can find one that is )

Aren't Nvidia better at certain algorithms? I've got an r9 380 mining already