40k chuckle thread

40k chuckle thread

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I never posted this but I got my friend to photoshop Boris Johnson as a psyker.

Because lets face it, Boris Johnson has warp powers and is a voidborn psyker.




newfag here - how much of this is a steaming heap of carnifex shit or has since been nerfed?

Separated at birth?


the joke is they suck

>top secret pict- recordings from imperial guard segmentum command


They used a blood thirstersin their section on "they have higher initiative than these" and BTs are like I9 or I10



I've started playing killteam HoR recently, almost never played original 40k - they seem quite good for killteam, even insane. Am I missing something?



why did this show have to end

Isn't that that pic some bot used to spam threads on Veeky Forums a while back?




They all died.

>surprised no one has posted this yet

I guess I shouldn't be. People tend to forget GW once did this


they all died at the end of each season (barring season 3 which only had the one death), it doesn't stop their being another one

is it bad or ?
Was it a good discount ?

>Over £7000 or $11000
>A good discount

It was fucking horrific.

The sad thing is that if I was a much richer man I would probably do this then get it all comission painted.

If my memories are correct, at least 1 person on Veeky Forums bought that.

>local idiot goes to 1d4chan for tactical advice.jpg

>The Warhammer Fantasy page...

Dear Sigmar it still hurts.