Redshirt edition.
Previous thread A thread for discussing the Star Trek franchise and its various tabletop iterations.
Possible topics include the rpgs by FASA, Last Unicorn Games and Decipher, the Starfleet Battles Universe and WizKid's Star Trek: Attack Wing miniatures and game.
Game Resources
Last Unicorn Game's RPG
-Official and Fanmade Resources
Decipher's RPG
-Fan Supplements
Far Trek
Lasers & Feelings
Lore Resources
Memory Alpha - Canon wiki
Ex Astris Scientia - Fan analyses of ships, tech and continuity issues
Daystrom Institute Technical Library - Database of ships and technology
Star Trek LCARS Blueprints Database - Ship schematics, deck plans and recognition manuals
Star Trek Maps - Based on the Star Trek Star Charts, updated and corrected
Star Trek Cartography - Information and maps