>Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list. mtgcommander.net
>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck’s strategy and card choices. tappedout.net
>Another resource for commander discussion; they have an entire forum dedicated to discussing decks. People often make primers, which go into detail about how they built and play their deck. mtgsalvation.com/forums/the-game/commander-edh
>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet. edhrec.com/
>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commander’s color identity. manabasecrafter.com/
Thread topic: Who is your favorite mono-color commander?
Jeremiah Kelly
Its a little early to be making a new thread, shit user. The old one was on page 7, barely over the 300 reply limit, and night time Veeky Forums slows down incredibly.
>>Who is your favorite mono-color commander?
Luis Stewart
>tfw resolving an Aether Flash at a table with TWO token decks Man I sure got some dirty looks that night
Levi Bailey
I like azamI best, Wizards are just so much fun
Chase Rodriguez
What are some "oh shit!" creatures you love to play? Preferably white (non-angel??)
Jordan Perry
What does that even mean?
Lucas Reed
Elesh Norn, Karmic Guide. Not white but Kikki-Jikki
Luis Jones
I'm building an inexpensive Alesha deck, what's some spicy tech and what should I keep in mind while building it?
Jordan Collins
Creatures that you say 'Oh shit!' when you see them hit the board opposite you?
Easton Garcia
Ebonblade Reaper Behind the Scenes Break Through the Line
I too am building a somewhat cheapo Alesha deck that is based around ETB triggers and combat damage effects, it's been fun in testing if a little inconsistent
Jaxon Gonzalez
I'm not going to be needing my magic cards or edh decks very shortly, should I just burn them all or sell them dirt cheap somewhere? I don't really care about money at this point.
Michael Adams
>spicy tech
You all niggers are listening to that bearded republican?
Owen Johnson
I don't know why he wants non angel ones, but usually an "oh shit" creature is one that makes the board take notice. If you cast mulldrifter nobody gives a fuck, if you cast avenger of zendikar people get worried, if you cast avatar of slaughter people will literally start chimping out if they don't have the removal, because the board state has just radically changed.
Lucas Reyes
mail them to me
Jack Brooks
Nope. I'm not paying money to give someone like 2k worth of cards, particularly someone who lacks finesse when punctuating.
Brayden Green
If you're interested in selling I might be in the market for some more cards.
Ryder Diaz
Gavin Roberts
I'm willing to come pick them up.
Camden Butler
Sure. I have some staples, a bunch of fancy fatties, a few fancy things and a metric fuckton of commons. I just need them all gone, I need to get on with my life. I would rather the decks stay together, but Fuck if I know what happens when you get them. It's like 60lbs of cardboard.
Andrew Edwards
Jeremiah Edwards
>Oh no I didn't punctuate right on Veeky Forums >all the anons are going to be upset >Why didn't I just type correctly because it is the only way that someone would ever be able to criticize me.
Shut the fuck up you dumbass cunt. Burn your fucking cards, or go to your LGS and rip them up in front of everyone. Since it will fit your dick ass way of life. Record it, upload it to youtube. I wanna see it faggot.
Chase James
Oh shit. I just realised you wouldn't live in the same country so it most likely wouldn't be easy shipping, sorry.
I hope you can find someone else though and a FLGS might buy them all off you quickly if you need them gone.
Nathaniel Kelly
Jesus that last thread went fast.
I don't know if you're still here, but what are your thoughts on combining Enduring Ideal with Hive Mind?
Chase Miller
How are you that butthurt about punctuation?
Benjamin Torres
>Punctuation user is quitting magic.
Thank God, one less shitspewing troll in these threads.
What kind of curve is everyone running? I recently cut deadeye navigator from a list just because you have to put in 8 mana before it does anything, and some people think the card is good enough to be ban worthy. I think the only 8 drop in my deck is Insurrection, which pretty much wins the game if it resolves. What cost cards do you run if they don't win the game for you on the spot? 9? 8? 7? Lower?
Jaxson Adams
I want to hurt my opponents. Who's a more fun commander for doing that, Anya or Hidetsugu?
I'm worried Hidetsugu will result in combo kills too often
Jason Richardson
what is a good blue white green commander?
Liam Miller
Rafiq, room, Derevi, and angus Mckenzie are all pretty strong
Rubinia and jenara seem playable
Daniel Turner
Literally everything, I think Bant is the only colors where every legend is playable in some form.
Michael Roberts
Are you? You sure seem to be, since it comes up all the time whenever you see a sentence that doesn't end with a punctuation mark.
Colton Cox
So, to bother Veeky Forums you just have to talk about punctuation? Neat.
Angel Butler
Play Derevi with Winter Orb.
Liam Turner
is Legendary Creature a good commander?
Lucas Clark
Only in certain deck.
Kevin Mitchell
Cooper Young
Can't you just do the same thing with voltaic key?
Let winter orb ice everybody's lands but tap it just before you untap?
Luke Lewis
Arcades and Treva are pretty ass tier.
Carson Watson
Depends if you run magical christmasland or not.
Juan Allen
But Derevi is a Commander who does it. So she's cool.
Gabriel Diaz
Very cool
I was just curious
Levi Walker
Plus she has some other combos that fuck everyone over. Basically anything that stops things untapping is a combo with her.
Bentley Powell
Temur and Abzan, special mention to Sultai
Christopher Baker
>tfw copied the wrong thing
is Dragonlord Dromoka a good commander?
Ayden Wright
Daghatar being playable is a bit of a reach
Justin Hernandez
Not really. Might be okay, but in general Trostani is better, and Kametra can do neat things too. Use what you've got, but be mindful of the future.
Brandon Young
Sure, but there's always better ones in colours. Depends on what do you want to do, really. Sometimes I'd rather run Grand Abolisher.
Carter Richardson
Against my better judgement (and now that I know more about deckbuilding), I'm reassembling Shu Yun. Pray for me.
Anthony Lee
What if I want to run Legendary Creature in other deck?
Thomas Butler
Terrible even if you have fun and because reason.
Bentley Cruz
Should I try to convince my casual group to let me play Richard Garfield, PHD?
Sebastian Kelly
How are Mina and Denn? I pulled them in a draft and they look... OK, if a little lackluster.
Isaiah Thomas
I like using them in the 99 for ANGRY OMNATH
Aiden Garcia
post fun
Cameron Evans
Baru, Fist of Krosa. Nothing apeals to my inner Timmy quite like giving all my creatures +15/+15 and trample.
Connor Rivera
Shit can get stupid real quick.
Oliver Kelly
I cannot stop building with red. Someone please help me.
Aiden Williams
I already know the fancy shit you can do with her.
So what are some win-cons with this brown cow?
I'm currently running Palinchron/Deadeye Navigator and the Time Walk infinite loop because none of my other decks have room for them and I have no idea what else you do to win in Simic.
Chase Sullivan
Roon if you don't plan on attacking with creatures but want to use them.
Derevi if you hate your meta as much as it hates you.
Angus if you have cash money and planeswalkers
Rubinia if you want to play a specific archetype for the colors.
Jacob Perez
Just found this card. Better Story Circle? I'll take it.
Noah Thomas
Only good if you have something that produces any color of mana
Bentley Lee
>Not just running Forcefield
Justin Clark
I've always really loved this card and apocalypse hydra and I'm curious if anyone has any spicy tech to having him be an enjoyable commander experience. Should I just make it a five color cheat big shit out deck or do something else with it I've never attempted a five color before.
Wyatt Wright
You'd have better luck putting him in the 99.
Joseph James
Aiden Young
Can anyone post the screen capture of "leaked" 4color commanders
Blake Hughes
If you want to keep your decks together instead of selling card by card then I'm happy to buy a full deck or two, depending on the commander.
Michael Murphy
So I want to build an Abzan enchantress deck.
Which commander should I use for the deck?
Ian Moore
Howdy Folks, I have a question.
I really love the colors in mardu and want to build a new comander deck from scratch using mardu but idk what comander to play. I own Kaalia, Zurgo, Oros, and Tariel. I wouldn't mind picking up Alesha or the new Marchesa.
I kinda want to play Kaalia( bought her last december with my christmas money for $35 bucks) but I'm not a good/cut throat enough player to really get to play her more than once and I don't want to drop a bunch of money on the deck for a rare game. I also play super casual either with my friends borrowing my decks (no one will build their own) or random games with other casuals I meet randomly.
Queen Marchesa seem right up my alley with pillowfort/stax but I think I want something radically different from my current decks.
Zurgo.dec seems super linear but really fun for a few games and would definitely shake things up at my tables. i guess i could give him assault suit and do weird politics.
Alesha is odd. I've never done hardcore reanimator but idk about the 2 power clause. Seems to have many of the same pitfalls as boros weenies.
Oros/Tariel don't seem build around enough to be anything other than utility creatures for other decks.
I don't now what i want to do but i do know i want to play mardu.
My budget is about $30/month on magic so I'd like to keep it on the cheaper end so I don't sit on a quarter/half a deck like I've done with Kaalia.
Most of my collection is RTR/Theros Block
My other decks include: DURDLY TURTLES Derevi Tap Shenanigans Oloro life durdle Nekusar.dec
Thank you for the help.
Jonathan Long
# I hate it when people don't know how to pilot their own decks or know how their own combos work.
>guy gets a shit eating grin on his face as he slams down Mike & Trike. >"does everyone concede?" >everybody groans >i ask him to walk me through the combo, as that only seems fair >he stares at his cards for five minutes >"hmmm, I guess I need a sac outlet" >the game continues as we quietly chuckle
Jace Hernandez
Have they been leaked yet?
Bentley Edwards
I doubt they're real.
Nicholas Stewart
Holy shit I never knew about that combo I knew what it was after reading. How stupid is this guy normally?
Luke Morgan
Has anyone put any vehicles on their decks?
I've been considering the mythic one or the one that loots.
Elijah Foster
I have an ethical dilemma Veeky Forums.
Last weekend at my local commander group, a player took what he called "optimal" a little too far IMO, and I would like some opinions on the issue.
We have a table with titania, uyo, Anafenza the foremost, skullbriar, and sharuum. Titania gets a slow start and plays his commander on curve, but it gets taken by uyo using desertion. We do another round of turns around the table before titania says "if nobody kills my commander, I'm giving uyo the game. " We do another round of turns on the table before uyo plays a flip jace and backs it up with a walk the aeons. The anafenza player then uses a path to exile on the jace to top uyo from going off.
Here is where things get ridiculous. Titania generates a bunch of mana, then copies acidic slime five times, then loops strip mine twice, utterly destroying anafenza's mana and effectively removing him from the game. When he was questioned about this sudden turn of spiteful aggression, the titania player simply said "he had path and didn't use it to hit titania earlier." The titania player then starts giving uyo a shitload of free elemental tokens and uyo crushes the game by taking extra turns.
We then had a strange and sour philosophical discussion that went in the circle of "you can't force me to play removal on the targets you want" into "You can't force me to choose not to destroy your lands."
Is spiteful politics going too far? What should a player do when they have a nuclear threat and a reason to use it?
Samuel James
I think the two you mentioned and the mana rock one are the most likely edh playable ones but the problem is I don't currently have a deck that can really crew a vehicle reliably, I would need something with more random bears and aggro creatures
Michael Robinson
They are all awful. I cant see them being played for anything other than a joke.
Connor Anderson
Oh yeah. I don't have any decklist for my other decks but mardu cards i think are something i might want to use and I have are.
Assemble the Legion Mardu Ascendency Cackling Doom Nahiri the Harbinger (foil) Aurelia Tajiic Elspeth, Suns champion Master of cruelties Sun Titan Rakdos/Boros Charm Karmic Guide Reveillark Mother of runes
That's probably not too helpful.
Anthony Thomas
Ghave to chump things until you get your board working? Doran to slow down aggro? Anafenza if reanimator is a problem in your meta? I really don't know about Abzan since nothing lends itself directly to enchantress, but BW Daxos is solid.
Michael Ross
Is Titania that dude's fucking waifu for laifu or what
Adam Scott
My theory is, if GW enchantress is so good (which I made a SIgarda and Jenara deck before), why not add Black and get all the amazing enchants it has to offer? Heck I could even reanimate some of the enchantresses a lot easier with Black bring backs after people think they've gotten rid of them.
Adrian Thomas
What about the ones mentioned? They don't seem so bad.
Joshua Brooks
Nope. The dude just forgot to get a homeward path for his deck and apparently didn't draw any way to interact with the uyo player as long as he held titania.
Anthony Rogers
>Heck I could even reanimate some of the enchantresses a lot easier with Black bring backs after people think they've gotten rid of them. In that case you could go Teneb or Karador to cut down on recursion slots, and use black mainly for tutors.
Joseph Green
So i moved away from both of my playgroups and started playing online, and i want to keep my decks casual and fair because my rl decks are kind of bs. But i just end up getting destroyed, is there a fair causal commander that can hold its own? Currently have hazezon and karametra.
Julian Taylor
That's just petty politics, the Titania player should be embarrassed. He didn't play the game to win, or stay alive, just wanted to mess with everyone else. Complete dick.
Elijah Sanchez
It can be very annoying playing a team game that no one else is in on (which is essentially what happened, I still don't know why he targeted someone other than the guy who took his general, he does realize if he kills the player she will go back to the command zone right?). I would say nobody did anything wrong, but if you guys want a change of pace to stop the salt from flowing try out some team based formats (2HG, star, emperor, for 4, 5, and 6 players).
I don't put too much stock into politics because people can lie to you, or you have people holding grudges from game to game. I don't know what kind of table talk you were involved in to let it go that far. That being said posting about this was pointless if the titania player won, then this was just the optimal play
Tyler Harris
Enchantress isn't worth playing without green and white so I think you're on the right track
A lot of great enchantments deal with tokens so I could see a sweet ghave enchantress deck working well, if your meta called for it you could even slot in some combo pieces that are enchantments like Earthcraft and doubling season
Good enchantments that deal with tokens
Awakening zone/4 mana bfz version Bitterblossom Cathar's crusade Saproling burst Doubling season Parallel lives Honden life's web (could run the other two as well, the white is pretty weak but the black one is decent) Intangible virtue
Joseph Stewart
I used to play Selvelva ramp just to drop fatties or a huge genesis wave and it was pretty cheap online maybe $30-50 and pretty powerful, but also just fun and you can easily play to the power you want.
Isaac Ward
You are running amulet of vigor in Karametra, right?
Nicholas Edwards
Ghave works well with a lot of enchantments (oath of the ancient wood, doubling season, cathars' crusade, harden scales... the list goes on) but personally I like the idea of Anafenza at the helm instead. Bonus points if you run evershrike and rancor.
Austin Morgan
Reread what I said. They are all awful. Compare those two to inferno Titan or flip jace. They are worse already, and that's not even factoring in the fact that the other two don't need to be crewed.
They are seriously all bad, in an eternal format like this there are too many good cards to even consider them.
Jose Cox
King Macar would like a word with you.
Adrian Morales
Awww dang I do want him to be the helm sometime. Should Child of Alara be more at the helm or another 5 color?
Xavier Taylor
This was passed all the way to the end at my conspiracy draft. Its a legitimate threat seeing how deck out is a real danger in those games
Jaxson Russell
Smugglers copter has a niche in decks that desperately need good-rate looting, but also have tokens. Mono-white and mono-red for example. Cultivator's caravan is a mana rock of an average rate that has a place in a deck that needs a 5/5 on demand for some reason. Those two have plausible niches in non-CEDH. Most of the decks posted here aren't viable in CEDH, so it's a notable exception.
Owen Morales
I've just retired my 15th deck. I just don't know where I'm going now.
The current remaining lineup: Borborygmos Enraged Combo / Land Shenanigans 5 Color Zada Tasigur Reanimator (building) Norin ETB abuse (building) (mostly chaos-free)
What have I missed? I'm considering Rith Tokens (I've built it before, and I did enjoy it quite a bit), but I'm trying to see what other fun I may have missed out on. What's your go-to fun deck?
Pic related, it's everything I've ever built.
Henry Barnes
The problem with Progenitus as the commander is that hard cast and Command Beacon are your only ways to get him into play. Child is probably the best 5 color commander because it's a control engine by itself. It will buy you time to churn lands out of your library and set up your cheat into play effects for Blightsteel/Progenitus/etc. If you want to go rogue then Reaper King is better than people realize and gets a ton of style points.
Joshua Gomez
>deck out is a real danger in those games
>draft CN2 twice >first game nobody votes, nobody becomes monarch, nothing interesting happens >second game picked off first while everyone ignored the guy with Weight Advantage and all the 0/4s >nobody wanted to play a second game still mad
Gavin Collins
Have you seen the other art? This one looks like it copied the foil wrong, check it out if you haven't seen it though
Cooper Gutierrez
Hokori dust drinker, winter/static orb, opposition, glare of subdual, dismiss into dreams, lux cannon. Derevi is tons o fun. Dropping a fat Mikeaus wall is not bad as well since he's there to draw aggro away from other threats while able to go off on derevi at any time. Freed from the Real is an alt activator for your tap effects but umbral mantle can jump around.