What should you do in a job interview if they ask your political leaning/who you vote for?
What should you do in a job interview if they ask your political leaning/who you vote for?
Tell them you dont follow politics
They aren't allowed to ask questions like that according to federal law
don't listen to this guy
I thought they arent allowed to ask these things?
Tell them this:
>I'm a low key white nationalist. Like, I don't believe in genocide or anything like that, but I do think the country should be kept racially pure via means such as sterilization of troublesome minorities
Trust me
>Because something is illegal it doesn't happen
Typical Amerilards
>asking about political views in an interview
Scold them for it and leave. What the fuck?
You're such a detached NEET that you actually think this is actually a thing
employers can get in alot of trouble for asking questions regarding age, gender, political beliefs etc.
Most employers know better than to ask such negligent questions and risk litigation.
Tell them you believe strongly in worker's rights, collective bargaining, and unions.
You're the NEET if you think this doesn't happen.
I'm a low key pol guy, if you understand ;)
Tell them thanks for the free money because I'm suing their asses for asking that.
Tell them you’re muslim, guaranteed ceo
you can't be serious bro? No worth while employer is gonna ask you this,,,
>"don't call us we'll call you :^)"
I got asked it when applying for a job.
Was during the security clearance part
Tell them you vote for the Veeky Forums delegate
Tell them about the dirty, rotten jews that are about to destroy the west with their many conspiracies against us.
Just say you're a hillary votin liberal. Grats on the new job.
That said, I doubt this ever happens. Definitely illegal.
yeah how can you even prove that they asked you that question?
Call them a CIA nigger
>he doesn't have his phone recording at all times during interviews
sue them and use the sjw mindset against them.
Tell them you stand with her
tell them /pol/ is always right
Obama is my role model, I hate Drumpf.
Congrats you got the job.
Id tell them I support the tea party and ron paul. Id begin autistically explaining the non-aggression principle and how a stateless society can function. Then, id attack statism by strawmanning it as its most hyperbolic form and assert that any and all statism inexorably trends towards this based on an appeal to marxist doctrine.
Walk out. If they're going to hire you based on political views then they will fire you in an instant for going even slightly against the grain.
Just tell them the truth. Also, if you don't get hired, sue that it was because of your political orientation. Profit from them being dumb.
Underrated post