There's only one way this will go, either it crashes to 10k or pumps all the way up to 20k
You know we have id's right?
But I agree though. And with volume drying up I'm leaning towards crash. Unless they kick tether.exe into high gear
Guess what just got printed
So there’s two ways it will go
HAHAHA fucking pajeet replied to his own post
>I can go up or down
Didn't know there were some solid TA gurus on Veeky Forums, I had you guys wrong some of you actually know your shit.
>one way
>it will either go down or up
futures are open and the are 18,5-19k for Jan '18
His ID is literally Cuck
He got himself good with that one
Just bumping my thread that's all my friend
0-4 down
5-9 up
It won't go nowhere because it is a fucking currency and currencies are supposed to be stabie.
if i hold it will crash if i sell it will rise
What are Tethers for $100 Alex
>dat damage control
protip: you can't bump your own thread
nice, just bought 100k
I literally did tho, it was on page 6 now it's a hot front page thread
That was because user replied calling you out as a shill and samefagging. Your next reply is going to be I was just pretending to be retarded.
Nah I specifically refreshed the page to see if the page number went to 1, it did
The other user wouldn't have noticed the thread if I didn't bump it first