Asians and whites begrudgingly accept each other as the only two species of human with the ability to at least act civil on average. the other species of human are retarded and we all know it. no better than apes. Asians are probably superior to even whites which is why in the future humanity looks like as they are the Asians from the future. The Japanese are the eternal tourists and they come back to sightsee. The reason they look like that is because they evolved alone for thousands of years after the rest of humanity interbred itself back to the stone age and accidentally nuked itself. Think idiocracy except it didn't affect Japan.
t. White boy.
Why dont asian girls lurk and post on biz? Do you know how we can get more of them to come here?
We can work with them, but they are ant people and you should never forget that.
Also they have slightly higher IQs, but they kind of suck at innovation in comparison so I dunno, it kind of balances out.
perhaps because every time a grill posts people treat the girl and everyanon who is nice to the girl like shit
There's been an influx of girls on Veeky Forums in the last few days. The ark redhead is the most notable example.
Doesn't japan have legalized crypto to some extent, like you can pay taxes with it and so forth? It must be like living in a futurist wonderland
Because they're dumb sluts.
Agreed. Being angry and pissed off is no way to go through life at women. I've done it before and it just made me more miserable.
How long before one of the crypto millionaires makes cyberpunk real?
How high? I thought it would be reasonable in nippon.
t. curious