Live in venezuela

>live in venezuela
>people on survival mode, starving
>sell car i bought from when salaries were not pure shit
>buy bitcoin
>start day trading
>buy low, sell high, watch patterns, be patient as fuck
>up $15k
>cash out a little, become king
>don't have to lose anything to taxes, noone pays them because everyone know they go to our nigger politians pockets anyways.

How does it feel to be beaten by a third world country poor fag?

I wish you all the best

I'm Brazilian and I wish you all the best. Thank God we got rid of Dilma Rousseff and didn't become a socialist country.

What's the cannibalism situation over there?

Happy for you. Venezuela a great example of how crypto can save your ass when your currency becomes a shit.

Hey Venezuela bro

What are your thoughts on that coin Venezuela was gonna make backed by Oil

My initial thought is anything venezuelan is shit, but am I wrong?


And what you will buy with those coin? venezuela has a shortage crisis from everywhere
Toma lo que tienes y largate del pais; las cosas no van a mejorar con la deuda interna de venezuela y el precio del crudo en picada. Buena suerte, OP

>living such a good life you have to brag about it on Veeky Forums to neckbeard virgins

Stay classy nigger

So how much will you need to be able to escape that shithole?

Yes user, everyone's absolutely jealous of not paying taxes and living in Venezuela

Get more money and gtfo of this shithole.

the delusion is real. enjoy getting rekt by old rich right wingers


Every few months comes a story on it most from jails.

Indeed. Safest method to save money, for those of us that have spare money anyway, a lot are using it.

It is going to shit and they are going to ruin it, great short term gains for the hype most likely though.

Already planning on doing that with my family.

Unless the first thing you buy is a plane ticket out of that socialist shithole, you've already messed up.


wish you the best, OP. good luck out there...

hey good for you venfag.

Colombian here. Same shit, bro. We're literally grabbing money from impatient first world speculators

Keep gaining and good luck bro.

enjoy being stabbed for a fucking toilet paper


Peru about $300 per person

Chile about $600 per person

Thats plan, ill leave and never again come back. I lost my best friend because he didnt hand his fucking phone to a thug.

Come here, bro. You'll adapt far easier here than in Peru or Chili and the monthly expenses per person should be somewhere in between those 2 countries ($400-500)

how do I import Venezuelan whores to USA?

Get bent Bernie cuck

he got killed?


Seriously though, what would happen if Venezuelan authorities found out about citizen's bitcoin holdings?

no, he got lost in a fairy forest.

dumb cunt

Public execution

secret police gonna rek you soon m8

> implying our 3rd world countries care about rypto holdings.
At least in my country banks can freeze you account easily if they suspect your getting shady income, but then you have locabitcoins and word of mouth sales. Literally nothing can happen unless you want to realize your gains by transferring them to your bank account in which case you can provide them with your trading history so they believe you it is clean money and then you pay your taxes. Here in Colombia it is between 20% and 35% depending on how long you hold your assets, dunno how it works in Venezuela tho but I guess it is quite similar

>try to cash out in localbitcoins
>meet the buyer
>he's a cartel enforcer and forces you to send him all your money or he'll murder your entire family

Such is life in a third world shithole.

there's a reputation system built into the website. You must be a madman if you buy from a new seller. Also, you can always sell to a friend of a friend or to your normie clueless friendos/acquaintances on social media

Nice larp bro i wish it was true but no hasnt been justed these past months of alt hell

Venezuelans will be rich once their entire economy switches to Pedro

uhh i made 15k by 9am this morning

venezuela sucks

>How does it feel to be beaten by a third world country poor fag?

Not bad. Enjoy watching your countrymen starving and eating garbage.