Could LTC ever reach $10k or higher?

Could LTC ever reach $10k or higher?

>buy LTC
>literally a single LTC at $100
>Dad who's a day trader warns me to be careful because I don't know what I'm doing
>almost does it in a threatening manner as if he'll kick me out of the house if I start getting into crypto

The fuck?

tell your dad hes a faggot

dude jealous you already made more than him in his entire lifetime.

silently just reached .013 btc ratio

next stop, .02

your dad is a faggot op, he's tryna accumulate

tell your dad that he is an old man and a fool

just remember, odds are he dies before you

zero sum game

not even once

I've noticed a lot of boomers being extremely hostile towards cryptos. I don't get why.

Tel him to start digging his grave. New era oldfag

they are afraid

Of what?

once people get old they have trouble letting go of their beliefs. the inability for one to adapt means they are already dead on the inside

They have their life savings in Fiat and will have to buy their sons bags

The jew conditioning that "success means hard work" makes them lash out at anything that contradicts this. Though my dad has been pretty cool with my gains, maybe because he knows I'm a hard worker with or without crypto

So should I ignore his advice and start buying a little bit with every paycheck I get from my wageslave job? I have 10k just sitting in my bank, but I do have bills.

Never invest more then you can afford to lose.

Put in 3 - 4k to start. Put in more as you acquire more money. As long as you have sufficient petro, you'll be fine.

Boomers are generally very fearful people. They were the first generation to be raised in suburbia, sheltered from real life, living their entire lives in an artificial bubble. When they see something new that they don't understand, they don't even have the mental capacity to try to understand it, and they're immensely afraid of change of any kind.

Then you are prepared to lose I mean.

Thanks. I'll probably start dumping in $100 a paycheck to play it safe.

Invest in what you are comfortable in. I'll never mention what to buy but always do your research.


he will never know what you have purchased in crypto...thats the point

because its the end of the gravy train, eg thier banking, retirement funds etc

If this thing reaches its logical conclusion, fiat dies. As a result, your savings accounts, negotiated working contracts, health insurance, 401ks, etc. based in USD are all going to become worthless unless they are somehow also backed in crypto. It's very understandable to be scared of it if you aren't in it and are aware of the future it can bring if big boy companies like Amazon start accepting it as payment (which btw, any company could use to both get a foothold on the future, and justify giving employees ridiculous raises that aren't relatively expensive given where we should go with the trends -- think paying someone a 25k USD raise knowing that you're directing the switch to Crypto -- you get increased employee loyalty for next to nothing, purely devilish).

But more likely for most boomers, they think it's another instance where China is trying to pull one over, and Boomers fucking hate China.

my dad told me about dash and ethereum when they were below 10$ he was excited to tell me about these new coins and I just shrugged him off. Feelsbadman

I wish. My Dad's 59 and he knows nothing about it.

I think you mean Protestant conditioning

# # >being this hateful towards the generation who built this great nation
Now this is some extreme jealousy.

my dad is close to sixty, owns over 21 bitcoins and loves bitcoin just as much as me and my brother. One must be aware of the banking jew to really appreciate crypto

not a boomer here, but, this is maybe the first time ive heard anyone call anyone from a PRIOR generation sheltered or fearful. millenials are the biggest reassurance junkies humanity has reckoned with to date.

Boomers are garbage, but unlike you snotty pricks, they've actually lived through ridiculous booms, and the horrific busts that follow.

40fag GenX here, and so have I. Comic book speculation, beanie babies, dot com, I was close-and-personal on all of it.

You shitbabies do not know the pain that is coming. You have no memories of it, because you have never experienced it. RIght now you are in a phase of raw, unfettered delusion and youthful arrogance.

Oh man gimme this crash...

boomers didnt build it. the generation before them did. our parents are just the weak link of western civilization

so when are you cashing out?

>implying that our adolescence and college years weren't defined by the great recession
>implying that anything is okay now

Lol u must have felt some real pain.

Spotted the boomer. Your parents built this nation and you fucked both them and your children.

salty no-coiner spotted.

Did you ever serve your country faggot. Did you lose friends to war? I have. Fuck you pussy. Kys

Last Wednesday actually.

Crypto Kitties breaking the Ethereum network and tanking the price was the last straw.

I got out, then watched the LTC I just sold go up 70% 48 hours later, for absolutely no reason, and I wasn't even mad. This is just hysterical hyper-retardation.

None of this shit has any business being priced at what it is, and nobody has any clue what the prices are supposed to be.

I already knew that, but this retarded shit with Crypto Kitties, along with THE FLIPPENING last month, along with BTC going up 100% in a month while already sky high, along with every normie on the corner looking at Coinbase on their phone, that was enough.

This sector is going to burn like a Chinese fireworks factory within a few months max, and it's going to be spectacular.

My 75y/o grandfather texts me every time he sees crypto in the news, and he got really excited for me after last weeks huge media campaign. The only person in my family who showed interest about it and didn't call me a dumbass when I would talk about crypto. He was a programmer back in the 70's/80's, a bit scenile now but not as dumb as the rest of my family thinks he is. Pic related. Gotta make it before he kicks the bucket.

unlikely because massive supply

of seeing their children speculate like they probably did in the tech bubble.

i sucked your grandpa's dick in a dark park last night

It's going up fast because shorts keep getting liquidated


Good for you bro. Happy for you faggot.

you do sound like an old guy though for sure. you shouldnt have sold your ltc. thats all i can tell you

He's just a jealous old dog.

Yeah nah, we lived through the housing crysis of 2007 and 2008. Crypto is not even close to the level of market cap and delusion. I'm gonna ride this one for a couple more years.

.1 get with it


yup when BTC is $ 1 MIL

84 million =/= large supply

Yeah I realized it was too late for me to get in anything substantial based on the people I know who were buying in at the time.

>not even mad
You sound pretty mad gramps lmao

dumb, this coming from someone that sold 700 litecoin and 500 eth at fraction of what they are now. i thoight the same thing as you. biggest fucking regret

Hey boomer, I would be mad too lol

The issue is these were designed to be digital FIAT, what you are seeing isn't a bubble, it isn't mindless pumping.

Its hyper deflation as the supply becomes less and the demand stays steady or grows.

So selling out entirely was actually one of the most dumb ideas you had.

Effectively BTC was designed to create a positive feedback loop in this manner, and all the concurrent things after it are also designed to do so too barring they generate more coins since they are tied to the design of BTC.

Wherein you actually proved you didn't do you research into the matter, and thus fit the same mold as the rest of the old men who are rotting away.

without a doubt. seems like old people just cant shift their mind out of the speculation paradigm.

cryptos are not in speculation anymore, this is a new world order and a transfer of wealth going on. if i were a boomer id be pretty upset too. all of those 401k and roth IRAs and pensions and credit card debt, basically the entire western consumerist economy is about to go belly up and who will be the beneficiaries? well primarily the whale insiders but after them, just your average internet geek who played runescape and took part in the crypto mining fad in 2010 when electricity costs were still manageable.

the old people deserve it too. they completely rekt the life for their children and grandchildren who were not intelligent enough to get in bitcoin

>Earlier this year
>Read about Bitcoin's upcoming hard fork
>Have fears of a crash and trade it all for Ethereum and Litecoin
>Near suicidal because of the lost gains when Bitcoin defies logic and increases in value
>Ethereum and Litecoin both way up now.

I'm not as rich as I would have been had I still held my Buttcoins, but I'm feeling really good right now. I'm not lambo rich, but I'm starting to look at houses. It also feels good to rub it in my boomer parents faces. They cried tulips and ponzi scheme like all the other haters.

>Boomers building anything

You're dim fucker aren't you, you're thinking of the generation prior to boomers.

I call me grandfather Pepa too, you're going to make it.

Say what you will but the protestant work ethic I think is a main reason why I'm more successful than literally all of my friends and most coworkers.

>muh "new paradigm"

"New paradigm" sometime in the future perhaps, through a course of gradual adoption and transition.

But first, absolute ass-wrecking.

There is absolutely no reason for this to be happening as fast as it is, not while the old economy is still chugging along. The REAL crypto revolution, if/when it comes, is going to come in response to crisis, or if no crisis, it will come gradually.

But for now, this is seriously just retards playing musical chairs and throwing money around.

Law of the jungle, mah boy. You beat his gains, you get to fuck his wife.

two forty fucking six lamo


My dad who's like 60 was also talking about 'bubble popping' and stufff like that. Boomers.

what the fuck is happening, it just jumped 20

better hope shit doesnt crash before you cash out. Or else they'll have the last laugh and it'll be boomier than ever

Literally 10 responses to this and no one called you out for being an obvious larper?

The fuck?

>There is absolutely no reason for this to be happening as fast as it is
this is not stocks or the way u knew things were. these cryptos follow no logic, only trends. there is no reasong behind dash, a money laundering tool, to be valued at 750 but it is. crypto is a hype machine and for some coins the hype ends but for a few of them it never will. as the USD becomes weaker everything else strnger in comparison and by disagreeing with me u are basically saying u still have faith in western civ. at this point in which i can only say good luck with that. i have none. only have money in enough fiat to keep me living and not a cent more

people only hold crypto because they can get wicked gains overnight. When the currencies stabilize and you no longer get the big gains the opportunity cost of holding 100k of crypto versus 100k of dividend paying stock or a bond will discourage the holding of crypto, thereby killing demand. If someone can create a crypto that provides some kind of income, this will not occur. BTC and LTC and all these other shit coins are destined to fail. Just enjoy the ride while you can and keep this in mind.

Things "not following logic, only trends" is the very essence of standard bubble behavior.

This is exactly the nature of NASDAQ in 1999, though admittedly, the insanity in crypto is at a higher pitch.

But this being more insane doesn't mean that it's fundamentally different.

Bottom line: this market is not being driven by the tech, it's being driven by psychology, and it's the same underlying psychology that drives every market of its kind off a cliff.

If it's a bet between this bull run being more about "an exciting revolution in the face of new and world-changing tech!" or "greedy retards FOMOing the same way they always do", I'm gonna bet on the latter.

They destroyed this nation you mong

yes, if bitcoin trades between $500k and 1 mil


Yeah I cant wait for the curremt jew run banking system to evolve into the chinese jew soviet mafia capitalist hodgepodge banking system

My dads an immigrant to USA and when he sees me making gains in crypto he gets really happy and always tells me when Bitcoins are on the news
Which is good for me, I can gauge how people feel about bitcoins when he tells me about them, and generally its some eldrich force to them that makes free money

thats human nature. but theres two sides to that coin now. the greedy retards whove established the status quo and the future generations who want to dismantle it. im gonna have to bet on the free market on this one. those wanting bitcoin to fail are trying to toss water out a sinking ship here.
bitcoin is a commodity, just like gold and silver. gold and silver have been contained and manipulated to the point where they arent an issue to the status quo. thus the emmergence of blockchain, which has no master. there is still opportunity in this venture. but the ones in this since 2010 are the new elites going forward. the status quo can no longer hold itself together in the face of this overwhelming expression of anarchy

>if bitcoin trades between $50k and 100k


My mom's got a binance account. Hahahaha haha ahahahaha aaaaahahahahahaha
Haha, Hahahaha hahaha, aha, hahahahahahahaaaaaa


Lmao this.
So many boomers lost their savings and think this is the exact same thing as the tech bubble. And they will be saying the same thing when we hit
$5-10k ltc

that's it for me guys, I'm cashing out

thanks everyone and good luck, I'm done with cryptos for a while, checking the price every five minutes was starting to drive me crazy

pussy, cash in and start thinking about what color lambo you want

>GenX here
Nice try boomer

Buy him hookers and blow

But wouldn't they be hostile to stock traders?

lmao. you should have put 10k in ltc last week

There's a LOT of people like your Dad. They avoid cryptos like the plauge. This shows the growth potential for these alt coins.


this is so true though I wouldn't necessarily say 'jew conditioning'.

Was talking to my dad about bitcoin and litecoin because now he's kind of interested. He told me back in February he read an article in the Wall Street Journal about how young people on wall street were quitting their jobs solely to invest in crypto and live off gains.

He said he thought about telling me but said that he didn't want to encourage me not to work because "working is good for you". Meanwhile I could have made tens of thousands by now had I invested then

>Doesn't just buy BTC, LTC, and some good alts for a long term hold portfolio
>Still quadruples initial investment within six months
Enjoy baby penny stocks, you faggot.

I've been in since June. Put 50k in and watched everything tank. Luckily I have experience with panicking and selling at a loss, so I knew to just HODL.

Portfolio now at $185k despite me making some awful decisions. It could've been $500k+ if I had just bought BTC and held.

I'm going to proportionally sell off $15k worth of my portfolio every week until I reach $75k... so I'll hopefully end up with my initial investment of $50k + $25k + about $100k worth of free coins that I'll let ride.

It may be a bubble... but it also may be adoption. Think of the early stock market investors. Everyone thought they were crazy buying "paper and air." It was far too risky for most until it wasn't. Now the stock market is considered the tried and true, slow and steady way to invest and make money. That was only about 100 years ago...

of course I'm a retard and was aware of all this when it was happening, just had no idea bitcoin would go so high. I probably would have invested years ago had Mt Gox hack not happened

how much do u make per paycheck, if its just a drop and it means that u eat out less or buy shittier clothes then its a good idea

but if it compromises on life needs then dont do more than u can lose