Fresh fucking credit card dump


You’re all idiots if you don’t take pure advantage of rich people for profit

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this motherfucker is ruthless and the main reason I never stay at hotels kek


how do i take advantage of this? cant buy anything on exchanges because they ask for verification

someone please help and ill reward you with some monero eventually

Someone redpill me on this guy.

>lets all commit credit card fraud guise

>let's all pay .004 BTC = $65 to commit credit card fraud and spend our lives in prison

wait all marriott hotels what? should I never stay there anymore? that's pretty balsy someone can hack their servers just like that.

Is this legit?

Well, time to get a new credit card. I was forced to stay at a Marriott for work recently. Sad!

Can someone give me a quick rundown. Guy hacking hotels?

Buy it and find out :^)

How do you know it's "legit" and not a honeypot?
I'm sure the police are just waiting for some idiot to bite.

CIA niggers are coming to get you OP

credit card fraud is soooo 2015
but ransomware? now youre talking my language >=]

>the guide literally tells you not to use a vpn until after you've bought the file

You are a god among men

>if you don’t take pure advantage of rich people for profit
I am a rich person though.

lol $64 for 1,000 freshly hacked CVV. Yeah, that's a scam. Nobody buy. 1,000 fresh cvv would normally go for 3-5k maybe lower if you know someone

if someone leaks it and posts their address i'll pay them 0.002 btc, you'll get half your money back

HAHA I told on you all

why can't you report that post?

And I just saw they come with SSN too which will increase the value. This guy is full of shit. And lol at him saying you can get gift cards. Those are some of the hardest things to card next to crypto and apple products

You buy itunes/amazon gift card codes and trade those for monero. Now, go do it wrong and go to jail.

Kek what a madman



What are easy things?

>credit cards are prone to fraud
>ban bitcoin

Your mom

jeez this looks like a pain in the ass

It's gone kek

Bitcointalk banned the user and post


You’re welcome faggots

Trips has fucking spoken

he posted on Veeky Forums sometime yesterday and it was deleted pretty quickly

I think he keeps using alt accounts

dude was fucking notorious on silkroad back in the day

Is that guy getting fucked in the ass? I mean the one in your pic

Thanks nigger

how do you even use stolen CCs without immediately getting busted. Just curious but I think the only value would be reselling them to dumb criminals. Can't imagine actually trying to order shit and have it delivered to my house. Oh yeah what I'll get fucking prepaid credit cards delivered to a neighbors house yeah sure that'll work

could you get a bunch of shit delivered to a PO box? im guessing the police would bust you the second you try to pick up your shit

>openly talking about carding on Veeky Forums
lol this crazy bull run has been good to this board thats for sure

You don't deliver to your home or to a PO box. Find empty homes for rent or for sale and have them delivered there. No, the mailmen do not give a shit. They deliver it every time lol

You order shit to fake emails, like gift cards

you trade gift cards for BTC or ETH

Police are not wasting their valuable resources on carding as it's a matter between the merchant and the bank.

Fucking kek

I spent $60 on this.

Just used 4 cards to get $2000 in Steam Wallet cards.

What a fucking legend.

you are like a little baby

you should be buying whole bitcoins by trading dozens of different steam cards.


if you spend under $250 on each card, tracking the individual would be pointless.

Especially with a VPN. True waste of resources for law enforcement.

Good idea nigger

can you post an image of the document (with everything blacked out of course) so i know its real?

All of you are pure madmen.

Who wants to throw some card info my way?

It’s all images of card authorization forms. Pretty legit user

It’s a Microsoft word file with images everywhere kek. There’s a ton of shit here

where can i buy monero with CC?

trade it on bitcointalk forums

leak it and post your btc address. I'll pay you $30

Nigga I’m a nocoiner

Give me dat info

It looks like there are at least 600 cards here that haven’t been touched

Thank you anons

In for a leak.

this is hilarious

i was thinking about buying it yesterday when the thread was first posted (and deleted) here, but now its going to be pajeet'd by Veeky Forums :(

>buy dump for almost nothing
>use vpn or mobile data with location off
>buy steam wallet codes
>sell to Autists for 25% Off

Pure profit

FUCK why did i have to bump this thread? you pajeets are gonna ruin everything

I doubt even half of these cards were even used yet

pajeets know how to use bitcoin?

i am laughing so hard right now

you guys are morons if you are openly carding and admitting to it on fucking Veeky Forums

Nigger is this legal

what do you think buddy?

lets use some critical thinking

implying we’re not behind 1000 skeletons

cash advance

idk is credit card fraud legal in your country?

It is when you’re a nigger

So I just bought this and everything looks delicious. I think I’m just going to resell the whole lot on another forum

A true capitalist.

This reminds me of the time someone dumped a heap of credit cards on /b/ and I was stupid enough to try use them

What happened?

>idk is credit card fraud legal in your country?
Maybe Somalia, because they don't have a functioning government to make it illegal.

Everything is legal if you use Tails, Tor, and a burner phone and double proxy paid for with BTC at a public library.

Nothing. Im pretty sure it was bait but I didnt get in trouble so whatevs

No, that would still be illegal.

I should clarify. You can do whatever the fuck you want online if you take the steps above, making the law irrelevant.

Add in a wifi cracker, signal booster, and a burner laptop with encrypted OS, and you're laughing.

Fucking leak already i aint paying for shit

Idgaf bout the law so leak and ill use and send you btc once i buy

This is why identity fraud is growing rampant

the only way to get in trouble is to put the info on a blank CC which you need equipment for...and going into a store a buying $500 shoes.

this is pure income when bought and traded for monero or bch, steam wallet cards are fucking simple to obtain.

There are gamers everywhere.

>and you're laughing.
I better be jacking off to some hurtcore if I went through all that effort.


I AINT PAYING 0.004 btc

times like these make me wish i were a better criminal. i own crypto as a fuck you to the establishment but when it comes down to actually fucking individuals over i know i will end up in a sodomizing prison cell.the kind with the biggest most painful black cocks

Step 1: work on your confidence you fucking numale