It is - literally - only a matter of time

This guy gets it, xrp is a centralized piece of shit just like your fiat is

The point of btc is that it’s uncensorable, not the amount of tps

it will keep going down

Bitcoin is not decentralized, but not secure/anonymous. In this case it's the same as Ripple.

XRP is decentralized - Ripple (the company) and their services, are not.

You can read everything here.

Please, don't be stupid and just read and you'll realise XRP is decentralized. Such noob mistakes..


Bitcoin is decentralized, but not secure/anonymous. In this case it's the same as Ripple.

XRP is decentralized - Ripple (the company) and their services, are not.

You can read everything here.

Please, don't be stupid and just read and you'll realise XRP is decentralized. Such noob mistakes..

I prefer Jed's true vision XLM. it's future is far more brighter.

Ripple is retarded.

Fuck off.

80% premined. No thanks.

Literally all of you will fomo on board when Uber/Alipay gets announced soon. Suit yourself, cucks.

100% sure you'll think back of this thread and realize what an idiot you were.

Solid argument user. Tell me, do you always get this emotional?


Jackson: Some libertarian critics have said Ripple/XRP is centralized (vs. decentralized), that transactions can be reversed, and that identity is known (vs. hidden).

Garlinghouse: When I hear those criticisms, I usually think that those people aren't up to speed on exactly what we're doing. With respect to centralization, if Ripple (the company) went away tomorrow, the XRP ledger would continue to exist and trade. So it is decentralized. Ripple provides validation on the XRP ledger but we're not the only one. Participants in that ledger can choose to rely on us as a validator or others. The choice is in their hands.

On the topic of reversing transactions, today banks can always choose to reverse a transaction if the other bank agrees. The transaction will still have happened, but it will get reversed in another transaction.

On identity, banks require identity verification. I and Ripple don't have visibility on the identity of all transactions happening on the XRP ledger, but we can identify transactions between our banking customers using our technology because they require it. There are some cryptocurrencies out there that provide anonymous transaction between users, but we operate in a sphere of banking, laws and regulation and we abide by those. We think the market opportunity for the non-black or gray market is much greater and in the trillions of dollars. Ripple is going after that opportunity.
