I'm getting tired of this board lads, it's a neverending cycle of the same things over and over. Open the archive and browse a bit, you'll be fascinated if you're a newfag. You can just take pic related and replace with the current fads. I'm pretty sure I've seen the same argument made about LINK many times
I'm getting tired of this board lads, it's a neverending cycle of the same things over and over...
Other urls found in this thread:
is this from warosu? Out of curiosity I wanted to read some posts about the early stages of Ethereum but on warosu I only got back to August 2017.
It means that this is just getting started.
The normies are onto BTC, yes, but the neets are still holding the future ETHs. I wonder how many potential whales are roaming this board, carrying heavy bags that will turn into moon missions.
Yeah, here's a link to that thread
and pic shows an example of how to do the advanced search
You sound like the newfag it's the same on every fucking board you browse for longer than like 3-4 months
the thing i dont get about the shills which are numerous and the actual crypto community which is the minority is, how do these fucking pajeet bot shills get past the captcha? its annoying just for me to make 1 post a day and these autistic fucks make 8 of the same threads every day accomplishing nothing and not moving the price of their coin at all. who can be fucked with that shit!? fuckin pajeets, man
You're right but you have to admit that Veeky Forums is especially retarded in this sense because it's fueled by human greed. Not many people here want to simply discuss, they want to profit most of all. The other boards repeat themselves but it's fueled by autism and simple stupidity which imo is less volatile than what we see here
mfw they have Veeky Forums passes
it's always the same...
>A already mooned beyond the wildest dreams of early investors, B is a new, under the radar gem that has yet to moon
>"HAHA, fucking pajeets are actually STILL holding B, do you hate money??? You're missing out on A's HUGE gains (like 10% once in a while)"
>"just buy A, you idiots! B is going nowhere"
>B starts mooning, already up x10
>"oh shit, get in on B, shit is MOONING!"
>fuck yeah, 20% gains!! why the fuck are you holding C? B is where the money is at, idiots!
Nothing has changed...
imagine being that guy
hey thanks!
It's fucking annoying, isn't it.
go away dumb linkies. For every person shilling eth there were a million others shillng coins that went nowhere.
I see you fomo posting but it's not gonna work. Link will never see 50c again. Analcado guy will see to that
Link confirmed $400 in 2 years
>HAHA, fucking pajeets are actually STILL holding B, do you hate money???
Interestingly that's the prevailing opinion about eth today
>the decentralised oracle network that will be the only trustless way to move information on and off chains, which will work on Bitcoin, Ethereum, Hyperledger, NEO, and emerging smart contract platforms, as well as on in-house blockchains developed by business, and which will operate uncontested at the first and premier decentralised Oracle service, will never be valued at more than $500 million
Best of luck with your investing, user.
kek, Veeky Forums archive is a fucking goldmine...
fuck off
let me guess you probably get pissy when black people say white people need to recognize the inequality that lingers from slavery and jim crow. old biz was just operating from the best information they had at the time. Fuck off with your patronizing bullshit.
The cognitive dissonance on this board must be one reason why you are all such grumpy poorfaggots . Jesus fucking christ biz 2013 was true biz
what in the fuck did you mean by this?
This post makes no sense.
it actually does make sense, but t. brainlets why don't you go watch link charts until mommy brings you your tendies for lunch
It makes perfect sense! I was here in 2013-2014 was the best time!
Yeah but have you bought LINK yet OP?
I did get a position in it but I regret mentioning it in the OP because now I see how my thread looks like an outright link shilling, and is right to suggest that