Can't be stopped
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I exceeded my coinbase sell limit, if I buy in now, I won't be able to sell for a while, worth the risk?
Screencap this
Guys, I invested heavily in btc back in 2017, so much that I used my LTC bucks to hire Charlie Lee to engineer my LTC time machine in 2020
It’ll be $320 EOD, $850 EOY, $7500 EOY 2019
Cant you just keep the gains in you euro wallet?
just went all in
yeah I know
>never go all in on all high
but i lost almost 150$ in profit by not FOMOing when I should have
fuck this shit
It won't let me exchange litecoins for euros
I think it will keep going until its #3. Normie coins will rule for the next year.
What risk? Not like LTC is some shitcoin that's gonna disappear over night.
300 today for sure
Thread theme
We will overtake Monero
supply is not meeting demand here guys the exchange rate is shit i sense good things for the next 24 hours, even better than the last 24 hours
Send them to bitfinex and sell them for dollars on the bitfinex exchange wallet to keep it stable if you want. I do that and im a brit. Move back whenever you want
People FOMO'd at BTC at 1000, 2000, 3000.. etc you get the picture. Just wait if it dips slightly below your entry.
you should always FOMO a good coin, thats what I learned now
mfw sold at 220 yesterday
just fomod and went back in
why didn't I just hodl
Litecoin was literally the most stable coin below $50 Veeky Forums used to make fun of me for being invested in it because they thought it would go nowhere and it was kinda stable around 90-100 aswell I don't know what caused this massive jump.
Back then the volume would also exceed bitcoins on coinmarketcap but it's like 5th for total volume recently so it's fishy might be a quick artificial pump. Beware.
1500 EOY. Unbelievable things happen in crypto. If you're reading this and invested in crypto you're in for a change of a lifetime. We are all going to make it. Just don't sell too early. What a time to be alive
I almost doubled by investment in just over 24 hours, wow, finally, i almost sold at 250 but i was too sick with the flu to care to get up, my flu saved my ass and earned me money.
Should I buy in again, if so when?
Why do you sound like a shill this isn't even a shitpost faggot
I almost sold today but decided against it. I'm holding 200 coins that I bought for $15 in April. When the fuck do I sell? I don't need the money.
Buy now before it takes off completely
North Americans are just waking up.
Inc begs
Sell when you can buy a house directly with LTC
That's the only thing I can think of to use my crypto gains for. I don't want a lambo or any other expensive car except maybe a Tesla 3.
Have enough for a big purchase. If you withdraw for disposable income it's kinda pointless what are you gonna spend it on? A holiday? Extra food? Games? None of it is really worth it except for things like a house, not even a car is worth it
Haha, help pay my tuition user!
litecoin never retreats. litecoin never surrenders. now go spread the word, let every bagholder know the truth of this. let each among them search his soul. and while your at it user, search your own.
no more stupid questions. tonight, we dine on the moon
Literally have 1000 XRP. EVEN THAT HAS GONE UP TODAY.
We are? Ah fuck it's 4am why haven't I slept...
it's 284 right now.. it's gonna be at 300 in 20 minutes. To think it was only 50 dollars when I originally got into crypto but I decided to all in on ETH. REEEEEEEE
why cant califags comprehend that they arent the only timezone in america
next stop 300
see you on alpha centauri
Newcoiner here
Started with 400 bux yesterday
Invested 200 on LTC and the rest on XLM and XRP, Should i sell all my altcoin and go all in LTC?
I switched from ETH to LTC today at 200. I was slow but still happy. I dont think ETH will truly moon until next year.
Does anyone have the guts to swing trade the volatility? There is a lot to be made by timing the market right now but risky as fuck.
What exchange/chart? Ive got 265
GDAX. They are leading the pump.
Anybody have a serious estimate for when this leg ends. There is bound to be a dip at some point.
What platform are you trading on? I have my ETH on binance and it doesn't look like I can convert my ETH to LTC on there.. :/
i just hold and watch
I've got another 2 BTC worth in random alts. I thought about moving them all to LTC but I'm happy with what I have in it atm.
forgot pic
Hello fellow ausfag.
Bittrex. Just buy BTC then LTC.
I have a feeling were gonna see 0.02 BTC again...
It's glorious. THEY ARE ALL GOING UP
No coiners and (((MERCHANT BANKERS))) on suicide watch
It's taking off past $300, I'm buying more now before I can't afford a few more whole LTC
finally got my money in !Should i buy in now?
dude this shit is crazy it's tunneling right to 300.
I called a 20-30b market cap for LTC by EOY last week... Not sounding too crazy now...
How high will it go doe.
Yep. People have taken profit now. the people that held since 40 have long gone. SHIT IT BOUNCED TO 300 on bittrex, above GDAX!
wtf is habbening
Sell at $100,000.
I'm still here from $15 AUD but I'm probably an outlier.
Fucking hell its skyrocketing.
they do that, then prevent you from selling because they are a shoddy exchange.
ditch them man
I have no choice, I can't use GDAX atm because they autofilled my profile with the wrong country.
I downloaded coinbase and invested in 50 shares of litecoin back when it was $60 per share
Now we see nearly 500% return and it’s not even the end of Q4
Litecoins best option for its investor is to split double, increasing stocksx2 and halving the price, this is the only way LTC will continue to explode, generate better stock options, and become less intidating than the buy in as we have surpassed the share prices of the majority of NASDAQ and S&P 500 stock prices.
Ladies and gentleman, we are the wolves of Wall Street
Been saying it for a while. THIS IS OPERATION DRAGON SLAYER! It never was bitcoin cash. That was just to fool people while they bought LTC. This is literally like bitcoin in the beginning of the year. Now is your fucking chance to strap on. God speed.
Holy fuck moon mission commenced.
We're actually going to 1000 by the end of the week
> $170
D-don't buy, it will drop, I'm sure of it
> $180
Still don't buy, it cant go up much more. Veeky Forums is wrong
> $190
> $200
FOMO'd in, I already said goodbye to my money
It's heading for fukken $300 now, WTF is going on!?
Thanks to LTC I broke another barrier. Officially up 150% now.
320!!!! ITS GOING
We're in vegas rolling the dice you dipshit, if you want to invest go buy some equities and bonds
Sell to BTC right now or you will lose your gains
im sure gdax is what causes the crashes because all the other exchanges the price remains stable and for some stupid reason moons to $50 over the price compared to other exchanges and when it comes down on GDAX it dents all the others for no fucking reason
Its 280 on bitfinex while its 320 on GDAX
Fuck my stop loss triggered at 305 had to rebuy at 315
Thank you dark powers for granting me thid moon mission.
> (You)
>Sell to BTC right now or you will lose your gains
I'm in this for the long long run. I'm diversified enough. LTC could go to zero and it would sting for a day but I would be fine.
Well, if you hate money, then sure, HODL. It's going back to sub $100 before the weekend
Normies like me buying 10k worth over the last few days.
God there is a retard like you in every thread
A place to live is the only thing you ever truly need to grab if you're able. Everything else passed that can be sustained on a minimum wage job. You want a (nice) place to live with a bonus of owning many other nice places to live as other people are going to want the same thing so you will always have a buyer.
Yeah, I missed the really easy .16->.17 though, should have realized it was going to bounce hard there before it did. At least I got out at the top.
Tfw just got Justed and bought LTC at $280USD when it was only worth $230 because BTCMarkets is a fucking rip off.
Bittrex was lower to start with as well though, it's all proportionally balanced. If you make gains at Bittrex then exit through one of those inflated exchanges you'll be fine.
Thx, How long to transfer a Litecoin?
lets go baby
lets push this 350$
400 by the end of the day?
I want to make fun of you but I genuinely feel sorry for you. How new are you to btcmarkets? It's not a "rip off". Yes if you convert the aud to usd the price is above what Americans are paying, but it's always slightly above, which means... you pay more but you get to sell for more...
This is going to pass ETH soon
>but it's always slightly above, which means... you pay more but you get to sell for more...
Yeah if its inflated rate holds until I pull out... In 5 years they could be trading at Bittrex prices.
we did it
Bought in as it was going up, still turned a couple hundred from 1.5k
Wew. It's the modern day gold rush, boys.
300 now nigger
We're still here friendo.