Normie money is creating massive demand. LTC is about to start its biggest run yet. Come gobble up some of that normie cash with me
Normies will drive LTC to $500 in 24hrs
>this time it's different
om nom nom
>tfw lightcoin doesn’t just sail to the moon....
>it BECOMES the moon
Can someone explain why this is happening? There isn't any new Litecoin news is there? Is it just normies on Coinbase buying it up?
There's literally no real reason for it to be mooning is there? Or am I wrong?
>There's literally no real reason for it to be mooning is there? Or am I wrong?
Normie money is the reason we have all been waiting for for the last few years. This is the run like no other. Oh also LTC was super undervalued
Theory 1:
People are buying Litecoins in order to get their money off of bitfinex
Theory 2:
Litecoin is being artificially pumped in order to kill bitcoin cash
Charlie lee was on NBC yesterday.
It was a chain reaction of pump.
1. non-normies bought, thinking that him being on the news would provide a pump
2. Him being on the news did provide a small pump
3. Korea woke up and saw that LTC pumped and continued pumping
4. Now normies who missed out on the pump from the day before are FOMO'ing in
Theory 3:
Normies are buying the cheapest coin on coinbase
Theory 4:
All of the above
A lot of people think its mostly psychological reasons + recent hype. Buying a _____-coin on coinbase (instead of "Ethereum") for 250 bucks instead of a sliver of a bitcoin is just appealing for a lot of the new friends joining the crypto space. Couple that with the fact that this cheaper coin mooned yesterday: normies are waking up, looking at their newly downloaded coinbase apps, and seeing that the cheap cousin of bitcoin has been gaining like crazy. FOMO!!
This is your brain on gains
I'm gonna wait for it to crash, have buy orders in for $150
I aint falling for the normie money Jew this time
Normie here.
Just bought 20k worth of litecoin earlier because of Veeky Forums.
I sell at 300 riught? user what do I do?
Do what you must but I think the new floor will be considerably higher than that
I would guess at least 350. I think 4-500 is not impossible tho
There's like over 5 threads about it on Veeky Forums. Usually it means that pump is in progress, but will be over soon (most likely. but i'm not surprised by anything in crypto anymore).
Sell before 2019
This mania won't last into a new year
there's no way
I could be wrong
good luck
>Oh also LTC was super undervalued
Everything is undervalued if you compare it to Bitcoin. Pretty much every cryptocurrency is overvalued if anything, Litecoin included.
Interesting. What's the problem with bitfinex? Looks to me like the demand is coming from GDAX since it's trading about $15 higher there. And surely it's too big to be open to market manipulation?
I see. I'd like to think the price comes crashing down but knowing this bullshit market it'll plateau instead.
>Normies are buying the cheapest coin on coinbase
I've heard people say this before, but I don't believe they're THAT stupid are they?
>but will be over soon (most likely. but i'm not surprised by anything in crypto anymore)
This is what pisses me off. A garbage coin gets pumped, you expect it to dump but the normies just hold onto their bags instead of selling causing the price to plateau.
>they're not THAT stupid are they?
yes they are, i saw it first hand
long into coinbase
see "coin" at 100 dollars
press buy.
i bought in at 265...i think I will sell at 300 this is impossible rise, but I just woke up's going to 350 isnt it
Thinking of dropping $600 right now thoughts?
and 300 coming up in less than 5 minutes
>Interesting. What's the problem with bitfinex?
They had problems with btc and eth (+ tokens) withdrawals, fixed now though.
what happens after 300? heavy dip or rise to 350?
At least 350 imo. I could see 470s ATH correcting to 420s, maybe 450.
america has woken up. litecoin will be 3x the price it was 24 hours ago. you do the math
LTC usually loses value pretty fast once the shit hits the fan. It dropped to ~30$ from the 100$ after one of the pumps this year.
What really makes me think is why is it going for such a massive pump out of nowhere. Do whales want to drop all of their bags or something?
you guys can't possibly be holding constantly...where are yiour sells orders placed?
It's normiebase's "affordable bitcoin". There are so many new players in the crypto game in the last few days. They will all want to get in on the action the witnessed with LTC yesterday.
It might be a whale game, but I'm gunna barnacle to the whales' bellies!
shit's dipping HARD
Because it was oversold on BITTREX for the first time. Follow GDAX. You can get cheaper LTC on bittrex.
fake news
A stagnant moment, hardly a dip. Give it 15-25 minutes. The market just needs to make sure north americans are going to wake up to play.
Retard question probably
Is this a pump and dump? I imagine if the price grew because people were buying it it would grow stably not gain > float > gain
Watch for a floor around 350. If not there, we might hit 500 ATH. I could see a new floor in the 470s, or really tested 450. Depends on the zeal.
its like you guys haven't been paying attention at all to what happened with bitcoin over the past week. the normies have arrived and this is only the beginning. crypto is literally everywhere in the media at the moment. and if you think its going to crash, just look at btc price.
>Sell before 2019
you meant 2018
Do I buy atm? floor hasn't been reached yet
if we can break 300$ we are going to 500$ easily
the problem is, everyone will sell at 300$ and we will go back to 230 or something
The growth is the biggest indicator that it’s a pump and dump. People who bought a year ago buy some more recently, people see the 10% gain and hop aboard then the whales sell for massive profit after it hits +100% or whenever they’re happy.
If you watch where the pump is coming from you will see that it is GDAX, the coinbase exchange. Its average joes that has finally gotten their money and they are fomoing into LTC. It just reached 0.018 on GDAX for gods sake, this will reach 0.02 atleast! Steady hands
11.695 LTC
I can only get so erect watching green candles shoot up
Look at GDAX you its almost 0.019.
Should i go to bed now?
Are you 15 years old?
holy shit
To that guy who told me to put money in ltc instead of iota, THANK YOU
gains are gains faggot don't be rude
Fuck my life I fomo so hard that i sold my btc contemplating going all in and shave the top of the pump.
>going to sleep so you can wake up to LTCity in ruins
yeah go ahead
welp, time to FOMO in
depending what price he bought in (most likely way lower than the prices we seen this past week) thats hard wiener material
>but knowing this bullshit market it'll plateau instead.
I think this is what'll happen. It did to a degree with bitcoin. It's back up at 17k after falling to 13k at it's lowest, but people thought it as going to 20k and FOMO'd which softened the blow. When it hit 13k people rushed to buy low, shooting it back up to almost 17.
Ltc might dip but I don't think we'll be seeing anything less that 200 at this point with the influx of normie money. They want their own turn at a get rich quick coin. Btc has already mooned and they see it as a lost cause. Ltc is cheap and safe.
No, your lunch money investment returns isn't the same as actual gains, pajeet.
Yeah dont be rude. You should be thankful for the fish, its we that are driving the prie up
There's still time! We have over 100$ usd to go (I bet!)
>320 on GDAX
>still 285 on Bittrex
I'm not that guy you stupid faggot. So what if he's 15? Gains are gains. Eat shit.
Traded in at 250. 15mins later it reached 290.
I feel even if there is a correction it will be only a few days before there is a new high.
Fuck me... the last 4 days I have made nothing but bad desicions I could have doubles my money instead of chasing the next pump like I am now.
Where can I short LiteCoin?
Cunt, hope you buy LINK.
>gains are gains
>if I keep repeating it, it will be true
Please vacate my board and be mad somewhere else. There's probably a designated street quite close to you.
to be fair i think a lot of people on this forum have been making bad decisions. because the FUD is strong against this coin here. dont feel bad just do better next time
Should I get 1 more ltc or sell RN? Fomo is real. I don't want to miss out on 500$ ltc but don't want to wake up with a 150$ loss
>stating something objectively true is somehow false in your retarded fucking monkey brain
Not a pajeet faggot. Whiter than you.
I don't think he needs to repeat it. By definition it's true.
Where do you sell your Cryptos anons?
Coinbase is pretty jew about the price when I want to sell, can somebody give me some ideas? Thanks anons!
Its volatile as fuck now. went from 0.02 to 0.018, and back to 0.02 again. The buywalls are huge, this train aint stopping soon.
I leave you alone for five minutes and hooooooooooooooly fuckkjfjkjkjbkaljfklj
I'm scared anons ):
West coast still sleeping....
Fuck wish I was on GDAX now, bittrex is probably reflecting the more conservative true growth. Or someboy is keeping the price down.
>weak wrist
$324.02 on Normiebase
Bitmex, Binance
I'd appreciate a little tip bro: LRfUTc31dsBxePTK72BksWBeYktbXFweau
I'm selling 5,000 ltc in 3 min
Hope you save some
clearly so rich you can afford to be a dickhead
or so you think.
It's going to keep dropping sell and buy the dip I told you what's up 5,000 ltc sell in 30 sec
I just bought in guys so expect it to tank to $150
You are the same user that were worried about getting 1 more ltc. Stop larping. Its already going up at GDAX again, trading at 420 in korea.
click his ID to read his posts, also lurk moar.
you're crying about 150 bucks earlier this thread stop cosplaying retard
Stop over thinking everything thing you fucks.
That's why you stay poor.
LTC 1000 USD by end of week.
So is the new floor 0.0160
FTC going strong too