Are hardware wallets worth it? If not, what's a good software wallet for a newfag?
Are hardware wallets worth it? If not, what's a good software wallet for a newfag?
your exchange
hardware wallets are for beta cucks, chads keep their net worth on bittrex
Yes, I sleep comfy now my coins are off an exchange
Sofware wallets are not a smart decision. One keylogger and you are toast. Exchanges can get hacked.
Hardware wallets all the way.
is it good to have multiple wallets, or multiple wallet types, or a wallet and a coinbase account?
Newfag go with the softwallet so some poor hacker can take those gains
how robust are the designs of a hardware wallet? If they're small electronic designs, could they fail spontaneously?
What i don't understand is, aren't your coins still stored on a software wallet even if you have a hardware wallet? From what i understand, you don't actually store your coins on your hardware wallet, it's just a device that grants you access to them. So doesn't that mean my coins are stored somewhere else on a software wallet? Or am i missing something?
Key is stored on the hardwallet and when making a transaction to the blockchain the hardwallet signs it with the key never going online
You can resort a nano s as long as you keep your word phase bullshit
I only make paper wallets thru offline printer
If you have more than ~$3k just get a ledger. Otherwise it's not really worth it, unless you're from some third world country. I hope they support Monero soon though.
Keep your coins on your PC encrypted on an encrypted drive and keep a paper copy backup locked in your safe. If its Monero, keep the paper copy locked in a safety deposit box with a false identity.
Ok. Before you continue you have to research how the Blockchain technology works in the first place because you obviously don't get it yet. Don't buy things you don't understand.
I would suggest some Andreas Antonopolous videos. Maybe the Joe Rogan podcast where he explains it noob friendly. Please do this. You will hurt yourself otherwise.
The point is if your keys have ever been in a potentially unsecured device.
Unless it was a hardware wallet, the answer is yes.
If you have more than $500, get a hardware wallet now (if btc keeps going up, those $500 are still much more in the future)
Yes. It's worth it because of the convience. The only other truly safe way is to use a permantly offline Linux computer but that is very inconvient.
Trezor or Ledger?
>Trezor or Ledger?
Your choice. Have a look at their wallet UIs on YouTube to decide which one you like better.