Discuss and compare lists, the link to the official PDF (rules only) is in the OP picture.
Heralds of Ruin rules here:
Discuss and compare lists, the link to the official PDF (rules only) is in the OP picture.
Heralds of Ruin rules here:
Other urls found in this thread:
First for you really fucking need to start including "40k" or "warhammer" somewhere in the OP because these threads slip through my highlighting filters.
Anyways, are HoR eversors as ridiculous as they look? Can take two pistols (plasma and grav, for example), each of which fire 4 times at an extremely broad array of targets. 4 plasma shots + 4 grav shots within a 6" area sounds positively murderizing.
At 250pts, you can run two of these sexbots.
In other news, 120 pts for a Mancus Poison Venenum Assassin sounds exceptional for any complementary assassin.
Woops, my mistake. Only one item from the ranged armoury list. So you can take a plasma pistol and an Executioner pistol for +25 pts. Still, 4 plasma shots alone just seems like pure, liquid fun_.
I've just made this one and I wonder how would it perform.
HoR lists went crazy since the fans took over. They used to be simple, characters and depowered HQs in the Leader slot with some upgrade options, Troopers in the Core slots and everything else in the Special with some HQs moving stuff from Special to Core and the only army lists allowed are based on Codexes (including some discontinued ones from older editions).
Now it's a race because each army list has it's own "developer" group that one-ups the other with how many toys and new gadgets they can add, 3 Wound Leaders, Fast Attack options that are plain better than Troops in core and so on.
I dunno, man. The situation doesn't seem that dire. I think the only real fault here is allowing assassins to buy those weapons outside of their real unit sheets. I doubt the dev behind it realized the significance of Fast Shot + Gunslinger + plasma pistol when he tacked the usual "may take from Assassin's armory" blurb, as it doesn't mean anything for the other 4.
Personally, I found the way they incorporated assassins to be quite clever, all things considered - giving you the choice of which of their wargear you "buy back" to meet point limits. And the fluffy stuff doesn't seem particularly try hard - the Grand Master upgrade is 100 pts to improve your 4++ to 3++, and the hidden temple assassins are super expensive (~half your team's pts, or one whole assassin) for essentially one rule effect and no model supporting it.
But what do I know. I usually play HoR Deldar.
I've had good experiences so far with the Legion of the Damned. Biggest weakness in Slow and Purposeful but the entire list having Fearless, Ignores Cover, and a 3++ by default is really good.
That was one of the first lists I thought of with GW's release. However, I was soon to discover that it was extremely weak to horde armies, particular IG. A near 50 model horde pumping out lasbolts starts to hurt fast, and we can't afford those kinds of casualties while they can shrug off losing a dozen guys without blinking.
Aside from that, I loved them to death.
Same, my first loss with them was against a tyranid gaunt horde on an urban table with lots of cover. Each member got swarmed and brought down pretty quickly. A Damned list is one that lives and dies based on the matchup.
Some question /ktg/
How does close combat and pile in works on the new official kill team?
Are models that in range of 2 inches whithin engaged models are automatically piled in towards them?
I was first play it yesterday. One of my ranger was being enganged by Death squad, and my friend said that other rangers that within 2 inch of them are automaticaly piling in, joining the combat.
Is that how it works with separate units in normal 40k? No? Then is that how it's said to work in the Kill Team rulebook? No? Then you were duped by your friend.
The game is played model by model, not unit. There is no reason for someone to have to pile in if his unit (read: himself) is not a part of that combat. Keep in mind, in the 40k rulebook itself, it says only models whose unit is engaged in combat make pile-in moves at their initiative. Having individual model units means that so long as you aren't in B2B contact, you aren't ever engaged in combat.
And lastly, keep in mind the rule that makes these models separate is even called "Every Man For Himself" not "Every Man Better Run To His Death For Someone Else."
what is the best army for kill team competitively speaking?
GW or HoR?
In either case, the answer is a resounding "IT DEPENDS," far moreso than regular 40k. Mostly on your match up. Speaking in general terms, it has a rock-paper-scissors structure. Small, elite teams foil the average teams. Horde teams foil small, elite teams. The average teams foil horde teams. Sometimes that same pattern works backwards.
The terrain also plays a much more significant role in how a team performs against another. Density, LoS-blocking, cover-granting, fire lanes - almost every aspect of terrain starts to play a much greater role in performance.
Wow, it almost sounds well balanced and like gameplay matters.
I'm imperial guard, I have been having my ass handed to me 2 times by demons, this thursday we're gonna play again and I want to try a different list but I have no idea what to field. He plays a different thing each time but only tzeentch and khorne, I have been playing infantry platoon with a sentinel.
I'm interested in building a D-Eldar Kill team.. any decent options?
Splinter cannons are a special kind of wicked once you add relentless/reaping volley.
Blasters are a simple delete button for pesky MEQs/T4 multiwounds.
Raiders and venoms are spectacular overkill with their weapons, but grab a lot of attention and die as usual.
So I was thinking of taking a 6 man Deathwatch kill team. 5 vets all with shotguns and then a combi melta, stalker, infernus and a frag cannon plus a vanguard with two lightning claws.
Are formations allowed in the official 40k kill team as this means I can assemble an Aquilla kill team for delicious re-rolls to make sure every shot counts
How does this list look? Too static?
Bumpan - them Tau ain't gonna field themselves!
eldar with warp spiders and an exarch still win from my experience but I tend to play a 5 man true born squad with a venom support.
Tinkering with dropping the Dracon for a standard true born so I can take a grisly trophy on the venom for break tests but it works pretty well thus far
I'm running:
Venom w/ SplinterCannon
Dracon w/ Power sword + Haywire
Trueborn w/ Blaster [Eagle Eye]
Trueborn w/ Darklance [Relentless]
Trueborn w/ SplinterCannon [Preferred Enemy]
It's working pretty well but it would get swarmed by a horde list I imagine, not played vs one yet but if I could tailor I'd swap the SplinterCannon Trueborn's perk to split fire and take a preferred enemy Shredder Trueborn instead of the dark lance. That'd free up some points for a grisly trophy on the venom for break tests assuming it's still alive.
Ordering some Death Korps this month, going to build a kill team first. Hows this look? I'm worried its a bit fragile.
Grenadier Squad - 10 models
Watchmaster w/ hotshot laspistol & ccw [Team Leader]
Grenadier w/ Meltagun [Eagle Eye]
Grenadier w/ Hotshot Lasgun [Executioner]
7 Grens w/ Hotshots
Combat Engineers - 5 models
Watchmaster w/ Shotgun & Meltabombs
Engineer w/ Plasmagun [Preferred Enemy]
3 Engineers w/ Shotguns
Frag, krak, and carapace armor are standard for both unit selections. With what I'm buying I'll also have some flamers and grenade launchers I could swap in along with a heavy stubber but I'm not entirely sure if I want to pack more anti infantry or have a bit of AT.
Stupid question - do dedicated transports count as a unit?
It does in regular 40k, so I assume it does in Kill Team. It still doesn't take up a slot on the force org chart, of course.
Why do you ask?
How do i into tau the kill team?
Take numbers
Model count is what matters in KT
Thanks - that's easy enough for the Greater Good!
Remember to still take special weapons/models to tackle vehicles/high T/high Sv/hordes
Its a delicate balance t b h
Dark Eldar Kill Team
10 Scourges, 4 w/ Heat Lances
200pts even.
Medium model count, high mobility, and able to kill pretty much anything an opponent could take in a kill team game. Biggest weaknesses are shit range and zero assault ability. If a round of shooting goes poorly, I'd almost be guaranteed to get shot and charged the next turn. Then dead.
Sternguard would probably massacre me.
People love to bitch about platoons but I've found they lack dependability when it comes to firepower.
Consider running two squads of vets if you'd like numbers.
Here's a list I'm trying out, given what I've seen over about 20 kill team games as guard
Vet squad: Grenadiers, plasma, autocannon
Vet squad: Grenadiers, Plasma, autocannon
Plasma: Ignore cover
Plasma: Preferred enemy
Autocannon: Feel No Pain/Relentless depending on meta/table
Lots of bodies, good saves, reliable firepower. It hits hard.
Alternatively, a squad of vets with a chimera just does a stupid amount of work as well. This has been my main standby so far but I've found the chimera is an incredibly tough thing for new players to deal with, so I'm trying to leave it out a bit. The chimera is an MVP every match, no matter the enemy team. It can be a party bus, completely ignore your guys and go fight on its own, or lock down an area for defense and even clear buildings with the flamer. Plus the Multilaser gives you yet another heavy weapon to pick off enemy specialists. It even has lasgun arrays that can fire separately so almost an entire squad can fire out of it, and even has a searchlight for all the night fighting scenarios.
Vet squad: Grenadiers, Camo Gear, x2 plasma, Heavy flamer, autocannon
Chimera: Multilaser/heavy flamer
Plasma:Ignores cover
Plasma: Preferred enemy
Autocannon: Relentless/Feel No Pain
I'm sure you're noticing a thing with the specialists. You've not seen fear in a marine player's eyes till you tell him the plasma gun hiding in the chimera has ignores cover.
And never forget at least one Crisis Suit.
So is it even possible to play an ork killteam without being pathetically weak?
christ, i feel like i'm taking crazy pills.
i just got into an arguement in the genecult dev group on fb. they're saying that if you have the cult ambush you get to deploy with cult ambush turn one. and i'm saying that's incredibly wrong and you have to be an infiltrator to deploy cult ambush turn one.
Since you are probably familiar with how DE work, could you tell me is shrouded + stealth supposed to give 4+ in the open and 2+ whenever you 25% of you is obscured by anything? If I chuck a grenade in a shrouder+stealth blob, will they get benefit from cover?
On a sidenote, is there any other tool for orks to fight versus cover stacking except for burnas and melee?
So what's the best option for a Dark Eldar killteam?
I was thinking 10 Kabalites in a Raider with a Splinter Cannon and splinter racks+night shields.
HoR player here.
I feel like there are some problems with melee at the moment. Note that I'm not suggesting to implement all of the changes below, I'm asking your opinions on what would be balanced and what would be broken.
First of all, 2d6 is assault does not make that much sense for killteam. Run random element has been removed with d6 beeing replaced by guaranteed 6` run. Why not have the same for charge? Charge now is 6`+ d3, so random nature of it is a lot easier to predict.
Secondly, tying up multiple units in assault is hard and sometimes impossible. Each unit has to charge in a straight line, which ends up in you sending multple melee models against same enemy model, simply because you can't draw a straight line to for charge to other models. Now, to declare an assault you still have to have LoS on target, but now you can assault in a curved line, allowing you to tie up more enemy models when they are blobbed up. Also, if you make it so 1 of your models can touch multiple bases of enemy models after moving into assault, they all count as beeing tied up in a combat.
Thridly, overwatch does punish assaults, but does not get punished back by melee units. I propose that when a friendly models is getting assaulted other friendly models within 3` have to pass leadership test(Even if they are fearless) or be forced to make a pile-in move to help their comrades. (Counter-attack units benefit from that move as if they charged).
Last suggestion is that consolidate now is 3`+d3 move that after passing leadership check allows you to tie up another enemy unit. You can do it only once per model, once per assault phase.
I'm thinking of running a list like this
Chaos marines - iron warriors
Cultist champion: carapace, bolt pistol
2 cultist squads : flamers
5 chaos marines: 2 autocannons
1 chosen: autocannon
1 terminator: reaper autocannon
About 240 points. Is this many autocannons cheesy? I could mix it up with a missile launcher or a heavy bolter if so
Spam boys?
Not a previous user, but squads do have it hard in KT HoR. Also rout tests.
My friend has done work with his orks in HoR. 'Eavy Armour is key. Sure, you bring less boyz, but the ones you do bring are so much more survivable. A Doc is essential too. He's also had some real success with a Mega Armour Boss Nob. Can't remember his exact list, but it was that nob, melee boyz with armour, shooty boyz with a rokkit and 4 nobz with an assortment of gear (all eavy armour, most melee focused) and a Doc for that sweet FNP.
9 man scion squad with 2 plasma guns and a taurox or a 10 man squad with 2 plasma guns and a sentinel?
Well, those are questions anyone in this thread (or, more precisely, the Rulebbok itself) could have answered, but yeah, I'll give it a go.
Pic related should cover your first and second questions. Notice the "Shrouded and Stealth are cumulative" part.
>Grenades against cover
Grenades are Blast weapons and thus do not ignore cover. You can confirm this by reading the Blast special rule, which does not specify it ignores cover (like the Template special rule does).
Sorry man, no idea.
Depends on how you usually play terrain. Generally, a transport is the better choice, but my friends and I play with terrain so tight and tall that you'd never actually get anywhere if you tried taking a transport - that, I feel, is the spirit of Kill Team, but to each their own.
If you tend to have enough space to maneuver a taurox, then take it.
>Units with this special rule that Infiltrate
Seems pretty intuitive to me.
>countering cover save as orks
Just found out that barrage weapons kinda ignore cover since hit is comming from the center, not from the gun. Still, since intervening models grant 5+ cover save, if you'd fire barrage weapon into a mob of shroud+stealth units, units on the outskirts of the blast would still tank at 2+.
Tried playing with shooty orks vs DE who had shroud+stealth 3` bubble on leader as of late. Results were not amusing. Mandrakes turning into terminators whenever they partially slip behind a tree , other model or random junk is infuriating.
Sorry to hear that, user. I just jobbed hard today with an all-incubi list (with a beastmaster & khymera as my core) against sword and board lychguard/immortals/cryptek necrons and plasma squad/ass termy/knight dark angels. 1v1v1 game.
I realized too late that Punishers were only AP3 after committing 4 incubi with them to the ass termy in a tight corridor. Needless to say, the result was not pretty, and I lost nearly half my team in two turns.
We all had a laugh about it, and that same ass termy (with a teleporter) went on to mow down another 8 models after (for a total of fucking 12 kills), so I didn't feel too bad about it. It was a fun game.
Anyways, to your problem, don't forget that Melee always ignores cover saves. Orks have plenty of melee - and despite never having opened its codex, I assume ways of getting into melee. Better than base 40k at least, I hope.
What do you think of this GW KT list Veeky Forums?
Inquisition Henchmen Warband
Chimera - 2x Hbolter, psybolt, dozer blade. 65pts
1x Crusader (leader) 15 pts
8x Acolyte w/ storm bolter/chainsword, 7pts each.
2x Acolyte w/ plasma gun/chainsword and carapace. Specialists, Master-crafted and Preferred enemy. 18pts each.
1x Acolyte w/ melta gun, combi-flamer and carapace. Specialist, Executioner. 28pts.
Special weapon acolytes hide in Chimera and shoot anything remotely dangerous, Melta guy flames any big groups of chaff from the hatch.
Crusader hides in the chimera unless there is some ranged specialist I want dead, where he hops out and hopes to live till next turn.
Rest of the Acolytes go wherever.
Haha, this reminds me of that time my Mega Boss Nob soloed entire CSM squad in HoR.
I lost my entire ork army in 3 turns (don't ask me how, I did really dumb shit), while my opponent lost only a single chaos marine. There was only 1 Warboss left versus 5-6 raptors and 2 lascannons chosen ones positioned on 2nd and 3d floor of a nearby ruin. We didn't know about rout tests and we were playing elemination.
Warboss had powerclaw, 2+ save from megaarmour, T5 because of metal scull and FnP 5+ from `ard case. I think it sums up at 75 points for 1 model.
My opponent decided to charge with all of his raptors in melee. What happened after was a streak of Warboss reflecting attacks, mauling raptors one by one only to get charged by the next one, including Khornate champion. Sometimes my Warboss couldn't fight back because of fear, so he had to suck it up and tank some more hits with his metal `ead. This went on for like 7 turns.
When all raptors were dead, opponent started shooting up my warboss with his lascannons. One missed, second hits... Its not an instant death though, because T5. And then my Warboss just ignores it through feel no pain and keeps slowly moving towards entrenched lascannons. In the following shooting phase he headshots lascannon on a 3d floor with twinlinked shoota, then tries to climb up and assault the other one on the second floor. And rolls 1 on initiative test, so he climbed up, tanked some more hits from chosen one with chainsword, then chopped his head off with 1 straight powerclaw hit..
Throughout the entire slaughter he didn't take a single wound. I know people on Veeky Forums like to overexaggerate the details to make story look more appealing, but I swear this was exactly how it went.
In HoR how well do Tau work with no Crisis suits at all? I am thinking a fire warrior squad with a few stealth suits and pathfinders.
Where did you find the pdf version of killteam rules? I looked everywhere in the 40k general thread but all I found was epub.
And epub is shit.
man, look at the OP
Yeah I'm talking about where OP got it.
Is this a meme?
Click the OP image, user. It's a pdf of the rulebook.
Not him, but he's asking where the PDF in the OP came from, since the only version of it off of Veeky Forums is epub.
warp spiders are probably OP in this but guardians, vypers and hawks would be fair right?
Right, bluh. No idea. Maybe some converted it into a pdf? Not that I'd know how, since every time I've tried to do that it ends in disaster.
Newfag here, what's a dece Blood Angels list?
For GW Kill Team or HoR? Either way, you should be bringing some gorgeous jump pack boys with fancy power weapons. Otherwise you might as well be playing Ultramarines.
I'm trying to build a harlequin kill team for gw. options seem super limited, but has anyone had good success with them?
What would you include in the 'command squad' of an Iron Warriors Warsmith? I am going to build them mainly as models but also as an assassination objective for HoR.
The remaining points will just be filled out with cultists to represent the IW slave soldiers who are nearby. I am thinking 5-6 guys is probably ideal for such a thing.
So are there any other real "viable" IG builds for kill team that are not just Vets and a chimera? Also how do Commissars and other "squad upgrades" that dont have force org spots work?
HoR. Figured they'd be cheap and prettier than Grey Knights.
Multiple squads of vets works well. Armored Sentinels are pretty good too.
Honestly it's kind of hard to not take vets due to the way the platoon works, which is our only other troops choice. And if your club has a douchey little house rule because they can't figure out how to deal with more than 20 T3 LD 7 models with T shirts the vets are literally your only choice.
Stormtroopers can do work as well, but you'll have to play it smart. And again, stormtroopers may as well be vets with shinier toys. Move through cover and AP 3 main weapons is awful handy though, although they are hellishly expensive. If you are going to take vets, make sure you take a volley gun with split fire, that's the biggest bonus you get with stormtroopers.
Your other option is something like ogryn, or doing vet squad with camo gear/autocannon and 3 armored sentinels for a sentinel recon detachment.
Also, another new player in my group is trying ratlings. They had a poor initial showing as he was fighting my Guard, but I feel like they'd contribute more against tougher enemies like Necrons or nids. Plus they make a good "filler" unit since you can buy 3 for 30pts. On top of that, they have infiltrate and a few other nice little rules like stealth.
so is genestealer cult just fucked out of using their return to the shadows and special infiltration rules to redeploy constantly?
Which of these Kill Team lists looks superior?
The core of the list will be 5 Scourges, 4 of which are armed with heat lances.
Option 1: adds 6 Mandrakes
Option 2: adds 10 Warriors
Option 3: goes half-and-half with 3 Mandrakes and 5 Warriors
Used the wrong picture. Here's what I cut out the first time.
Need a decent Iron Hands list for HoR. I suck at making lists.
I've got to ask because I'm retarded but what program is this?
It's pretty useful:
It can take a little while to get used to the formatting (you have to drag and drop units from the roster to the build area, for example), but so far I love using it.
Some new thing /40kg/ is masturbating over
It's still got some flaws so I wouldn't trust any lists from it just yet. The IG one at least had several flaws and or really fucking annoying things in it but it'll probably get fixed over time. At least it's free I guess.
Sick thank you
Yeah, it's not entirely accurate. Dark Eldar jetbikes, for example, can only take 1 heat lance/blaster per 3 models, but this list maker lets you take one on every model.
I'd suggest making the list on paper, using the codex, and then just using this program to make it look neater.
Can I make a viable Killteam with 14 tactical marines? I basically have 10 tactical marines and 4 tac-marines with special weapons.
TL;DR: How viable is two tactical squads of roughly 6 men each in a killteam?
sup guys, do you have any advice for a skitarii kill team ?
i have tried a sydonian dragoon with lance, with vanguard and rangers with 2 arc rifle, or 10vanguard with 5 rangers.
the sydonian dragoon kept getting killed due to have to charge people with krak grenade/melta/other
the two haywire gun are really marvellous though.
but i kept getting rekt. Some help please ?
In the same boat dude.
Skitarii are
glass cannon - good in kill team but fragile
add a razorback or rino
OR use them as vanguard/sternguard
special bolter ammo is da bomb
they are pretty squishy, instant kill with strenght 6 on alpha is hard
that's why i though the dragoon was a good idea to tank wound
any advice though ?
someone suggested me a plasma caliver with preferred ennemy
but that would mean less dudes
A new army type added to Warhammer 40,000, the Skitarii have some very interesting tricks that many players are not familiar with yet. We actually tested these units out in Kill Team the very day the White Dwarf magazine came out.
Doctrina Imperatives - A strange rule that allows you to adjust your stats through the course of a game, this is a force multiplier. It turns out you usually use your Ballistic Skill-enhancing doctrines at the start and your Weapon Skill-related ones near the end, but this can completely surprise your opponent.
Skitarii Vanguard - Now often regarded as one of the best value-for-points units, their affordability makes them ideal for Kill Team. Their low-cost combined with their competitiveness actually made us remove units from the above army entries, such as Ork Boyz and Imperial Guard Veterans, because they're at about the same points cost and are both more deadly yet just as durable. They have exotic rules like Rad-Saturation that lowers the Toughness of their opponent, which when combined with the aforementioned Doctrina Imperatives, not only let them stand toe-to-toe with Space Marines, but can possibly exceed them in close combat! You may need to take some Anti-Vehicle weapons, and in 1 squad you can fit as many as 3 such Special Weapons (which are also excellent and unique to this army type), but they do get a bit pricey. Even when factoring those costs, we believe they're still a very cost-effective choice in Kill Team where cost is a major factor.
Sydonian Dragoon - This Walker unit is at EXACTLY the maximum armour value allowed in Kill Team, making it a very tough melee unit that can quite possibly get the jump on the one or two anti-vehicle weapon-carrying unit(s) your opponent might be fielding. If needed, take that extra turn to maneuver a Dragoon around his flank and "cross the T". Of course, it is still vulnerable to Krak Grenade spam, thus there are instances when you would want to replace its lance with the Radium Jezzail, a sniping weapon that's also quite suited for Kill Team. Again, an exotic unit for Kill Team that may catch your opponents off-guard. Please note, their Broad Spectrum Data-Tether's buff to nearby units' Leadership DOES have an effect on the Break Test mechanic...just another fancy piece of wargear that gives the Skitarii a slight advantage.
Remember that you can't use the Skitarii Maniple Command Benefits in Kill Team - Even within 200 points, you can fulfill the requirements for the Skitarii Maniple detachment, which gives Crusader and Scout. Unfortunately, that doesn't apply to Kill Team games Rules As Written because they have to use their own Force Organisation Chart called a Kill Team Detachment. We only mention this because this is the one army where units can be so cheap that it actually fulfills the prerequisites for a formation. We're sorry about this; Crusader and Scout would have been excellent additions under Kill Team conditions.
Dragoon is okay but not fantastic. For me, it's between:
>15 Skitarii Vanguard, and either 3 Arc Rifles or 1 Arc Rifle 1 Plasma Caliver
>10 Secutarii Peltasts, 5 Skitarii Vanguard, Arc Rifle
>10 Skitarii Vanguard, Sydonian Dragoon, Serpenta, and either 5 more Vanguard or a Plamsa Caliver and Arc Rifle
And of course the obligatory
>5 Sicarian Infiltrators w/ whatever seems fun
Ultimately Rangers aren't ideal, but that's not to say they're terrible, Move Through Cover is nice and the rifles are hilarious on anything short of MEQs.
Nice enough, literally anything you can take is good. Maybe not ideal (Ruststalkers, though against vehicles it's funny) but still decent. Play to your advantages and stick to cover and it's a pretty good time. But above all play smart
Doctrina Imperatives are not used in Kill Team games.
thx, not much of a skitt player
thanks mate for the back up !
but you can't use doctrina imperative in kill team.
i love the ranger because their range is amazing, which means i can park them somewhere to snipe everyone, and they are only 2 points above vanguard
i might give a second chance to the dragoon, with a serpenta and avoiding contact to tank/harass the ennemy (i also completely forget that it also has a data-tether command buff)
i think i will try
sydonian dragoon with lance and serpenta
5 rangers
5 vanguards, alpha with arc-pistol, arc-rifle
I hate how you can't use Guardian Drones (+5 invulnerable to every Breacher in the unit) for Tau Breachers in KillTeam. Come on!
6 of those invisible troops kicked my azz in kill team last week
hey uh, its that guard player from a few threads ago, i finalized my list and i'm wondering whats a good way to take on MEQs while preserving my men if i can?
Here's my list
1st squad. Veterans (worth 136 points)
Chimera (65)
armed with turret mounted Autocannon
and hull mounted heavy flamer.
Veteran Sergeant(Warlord) (his name is Archibald Duckweave) Armed with a Bolter and CCW
one melta vet (specialist, guerrilla rules. infiltrate.)
and eight standard vets with lasguns.
2nd squad. Veterans.
Veteran Sergeant (speciallist. combat.. rules Killer instinct.) with CCW & Las pistol.
Two sniper Vets. (one is a Weapons specialist with the rule Expert shot)
and seven standard vets with lasguns.
In HoR Killteam doctrinas work just fine.
I don't mean Doctrina Imperatives, but Vanguard give a debug of -1T to enemies in close combat, and Infiltrators have their fancy aura thing.
Additionally, if you're bringing a Dragoon, I'd advise you go ahead and slap stealth on it. The 4+ cover save is nice, and if you have good cover then enjoy dancing around with a 2+ save. It's a fun time
Hey, getting started in Killteam/40k in general. I am building a Raptors SM chapter army, what are best units to take? How do I adapt to fighting the strongest factions in the meta?
I've been away from 40k for abit is kill team a good way of getting back in without the bullshit?
For Raptors, you want lots of Bolters on stationary platforms. As such, either Tactical or Scout Spam will fit- scouts are likely your bet with cloaks + stealth.
However, Sternguard are a solid option too, and you'll get the Specialty Ammo on top of it.
There's still bullshit, but it's much more easily countered and isn't quite instant win as full size. From what I've heard the worst offender is Eldar Warp Spiders.
That said my local group has been playing a ton of it, whereas before Kill Team came out we'd pretty much sworn ourselves off of it for good. It's a lot of fun and since you only need a couple of boxes people can actually afford to start it. I think we've had our 4 man group increase to about 15 thanks to all the new blood buying into it. Most will probably never go up past kill team but it's nice to have new opponents and kill team is pretty fun as a game in its own right.
I'm new to 40k in general, but a buddy and split the death masque set and I got the harlequins...
I'm putting a kill team together with them for a newbie tourney at the flgs but I feel like I'm getting ripped off as far as points go.
my team, currently
1 troupe leader with crescendo and embrace.
4 players with pistols and embrace
a starweaver.
think this will work? alternatives are slim. I could technically go jester and jet bikes or swap the starweaver for a seer? or should I just get some Eldar and say fuck it?
Honestly? Fuck it. Eldar are better in every way, even the least cheesy routes will overpower Harlequins almost everywhere.
Go with what you want, though. KT shouldn't cost more than a hundred dollars for a full team, so I'd recommend you think about what to go with. Harries aren't bad, just be wary of low model count and low toughness, the 5++ isn't all that helpful.
yeah, that's my fear. I'm gonna get blasted off the table by bigger armies. I already spent so much on harlequins but I also want to actually enjoy me games.
you think I have any chance at winning with the death masque stuff?
Does an Omnispec given to a squad effect the whole squad, or just the model who's holding it?
Shouldn't, given the way other upgrades like medics work.
Just was going over my list and wanted to confirm that.