Not to step on map user's shoes but I personally think that mapping the entire setting is too ambitious for its own good. I am definitely in favour of mapping out many sub settings though, if that makes sense.
The races I think should generally be broken down into the following overall categories, names need DIY obviously but these are the cliches we are working with:
Flappy Bugs: Moths and Butterflies. Both were decently developed and I think fill a similar niche, with butterflies being the more regal and thespian of the two and moths more down to earth. Definitely priestly, magey, or finesse fightery in the case of butterflies.
Buzzing Bugs: Bees and flies both fulfill a similar niche of being bulky, stout, and numerous to the point of expendability.
Beetles: classical "big guys." If we use a system or make a system with size mods, these guys are definitely in my opinion larger than the average character size and that's part of their whole design.
War Bugs: Mantis, locusts, and wasps. All are angry killing machines that fulfill the same general niche, with some bad apples / colonies spooling the reputation of all of them.
The question is if we want more playable bugs or want to focus on what we've got and see how it goes moving forward.
We should also immediately start work on the system IMO. Our best bet is probably poaching another system, but in my opinion is rather stay the hell away from D20.
Atomic Highway's V6 system could work well, and I've liked it ever since I first read it, or we could play it safe and do a d100 adaptation, using something like Dark Heresy as a starting point. Seht's UESRPG has done nothing but prove to me the versatility and adaptability of FF's dank heresy as a system.
I guess the big question is if we want to go pulpy or go gritty?