Life is good bros...

Life is good bros. Is there anything better than waking up in the most expensive room in Manhattan and overlooking the city wake up?

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Waking up on a big piece of lakeside property with the nearest neighbor over 5 miles away is better

I lost my camera

Both should demonstrate by adding a pic. Both read interesting

kill yourself

I love larping too! Just bought Venezuela with bitcoin haha

Yes. Waking up in your small comfy room full with pillowy cloudy pillows.
Stand up and enter the living room full with christmas decoration, where your mother and father are sharing a nice cup of warm tea.
Have that kind of lazy-comfy feel where you just want to lay down and watch some tv and stretch your body.
The living room also being warm and outside having heavy snow helps with the comfy mood.




Use your phone

uhhhh I lost my phone

>Tfw having a white christian family bond together

Sketch what you see and upload it

How are you taking pictures of yourself sweating then? Why are you sweating in first place?

sorry guys, have to make it to work at Goldman, later

no cities are for fags anyone who disagrees with me is a soyboy cuck

Thats exactly how I feel it lad


Lying is against the rules. Do you have anything to prove your existence in such a place?