Infinity General: Glowsticks Edition

Infinity is a 28mm scale futuristic skirmish game by Corvus Belli where Ariadna is the best faction because beards.

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Just bought another faction, USA this time. Any advice. I have one of everything released.

I love to deploy a grunt core and 2 to 3 infiltrator grunts as base list. You can add marauder haris with specialist and some foxtrot.

Paint it, play it

What you folks do to disbehaving dice?

Roll them more. Law of averages.
If they're THAT bad, I just use different ones.

I dunno, but if you find an effective method, I want to try it. ALL my dice misbehave!

>ALL my dice misbehave!
Play Malifaux.

Anyone going to the Baltimore Brawl?

my local gaming bar has a jar full of (what I assume is) water and dice, bad dice get drowned.
if it wasn't for the fact it's open topped and sitting on the counter of an operational bar, I'd replace the water with something acidic and try and make a dice slurry

You can actually test if your dice are shitty by putting them in water and spinning them.

Though some dice are dense enough that you would need to add salt to the water.

on the plus side if you've got shitty dice you'll have plenty of salt

Are Lunokhods out of print? They're out of stock just about everywhere, and I can't even find any listings for them on Amazon.

What sectorials are you guys looking forward to the most? What do you think we'll see and when?

For me it's Vedic Aleph. I'm really not a fan of the Greek stuff and the idea of post humans and link teams in the same list is pretty cool.

Paradiso/varuna to see if theyll actually fix toots though that wont fix their linkability in mo...

I'm a SP player, but I'm definitely interested in starting OSS...once they get new models. Also really looking forward to Ramah Taskforce.

Definitely agree with them needing new models. The OSS stuff doesn't look bad on its own, but compared to the new stuff they're really starting to show their age. Same with the Caledonians and Japanese YuJing.

Svalarheima, if the rumours are to be true. I'd like my Space Knights to have a couple of fur coated space viking friends. Also I want a reason to use the Jotum other then playing vanilla PanO.

They don't seem to be OOP on the CB website.

Tunguska and Varuna....

Svalarheima and Invincible Army.
The former because Nisse and Jotum are awesome, though I wonder if a Nisse link would be all that viable.
The latter because Yu Jing HI looks lovely and I want to field an army with nothing but them.

>Neoterra Bolts

No. Bad user. Stop trying to shit up such a new thread.

Fluffy question from a newbie: Cubes have backups, that seems to be made clear at several points. How can somebody then die permanently by having their cube destroyed, e.g. Toni Macarena? I mean, yeah, it'd erase the knowledge between the ladt backup and the destruction, but that'd be, what, a couple of days at the most? How does this work?
Please don't tell me the backups are always connected to the cube. That'd be stupid.

Same ones for me. Interested to see how Shang Ji's evolve and Yan Huos ate lovely.

Cubes and backups are two different things. Backup is literally a copy, Cube records personality and can be put in a new body. Few people have both. Remember that most people are on a very long waiting list for new lhosts.

I've got the image only the elite get backups, as we've seen them mentioned in fluff in pnly a few cases, with units operating withput cube and one CEO, who gets assasinated. Figure those things are expensive/labour intensive. Then we have Sepsitors and the risk of doppelgangers.

Most people don't get backups. Only the elite of society can afford them, so unless you're incredibly rich or have an incredibly rich benefactor then you're shit out of luck if your cube is fried.

Tunguska and Varuna

the former is because space russian cartel with technobable fetish was cool, and i want to see their version of weird TAGs.

And the later because of Nationalistic reasons...

You're from Waterworld?

My LGS has ordered a few of them in the past 2 months, try looking on other websites.

>And the later because of Nationalistic reasons..
fellow Aussie?
I hope we get some pacific islander,aussie and SEA based unit's in the Varuna sectorial.

Vedic ALEPH and Invincible Army. I'm very fond of ALEPH's theme and aesthetics but can't stand all the homoerids, and IA because YJ HI are just awesome and I'm curious to see what new units are going to end up in the sectorial (hoping for a new grunt-esque line trooper and wu-ming duo)

Tunguska and URRSAriadna

I second both these motions

Wu Ming are probably not going to be in IA. Shang Ji and Zuyong will fill the same role, and penal troops don't really fit the theme.

CB could spring any sort of new units on us, but my guesses for the current ones are:
>Zuyong with AVA total and core linkability
>Shang Ji with AVA 5/6 along with core, haris and duo links
>Yan Huo with some insane AVA you'll never reach
>Zhanshi with 4/5 AVA, unless they release some other line troop to replace them
>The standard doctor and engineer
>Tiger Soldiers, probably with low AVA
>Either Hac Tao or Daofei with AVA 1
>Sun Tzu

Yes wu ming is a bit far-fetched, I remember reading in the fluff they had some connections with the IA but maybe I'm trusting too much the lore. They have some fancy loadouts that set them apart from the other units you mentioned though (grenade launchers, E/Mitter, mines).

I agree with the list but I really hope we don't end up with the zhanshi as basic troops; maybe a new slightly more elite unit along the 15-18 pts cost with relative doc and engie, but this is just wishful thinking.

Skirmishers, right now there's no IA-affiliated choice. Maybe we could see a ninja like ISS or something more exotic.

Something that I'd like to see is mixed fireteams à la ISS or domaru-haramaki for shang ji and zuyong and whatever other high-end HQ HI they hopefully end up adding (it would be strange for the official state army not to include high-ranking officers, and I doubt the Hsien will be in the sectorial) and a more liberal use of fireteam: duo across the board.

Also I wonder if we'll see ALEPH auxiliars like other hi-tech factions (ISS, NCA).

Aren't Tigers, Hac Tao and Daofei all in White Banner? I mean sure, crossover units, but still.

Duo on the Yan-Huo seems not unreasonable, considering other fatties also got that and/or Haris with some form of minder (Hsien?).

So i'm going to playing against PanO in a league at my LGS. The mission is to To have more Army Points worth of Doctors and Paramedics then the adversary(3 Objective Points). Furthermore, there is a danger zone.

"At the end of each Active Player Turn, all troopers belonging to the Active Player that are inside a Danger Zone must make a BTS Roll against Damage 14"

I was thinking about running lots of mines layers and playing defensive with Thortaki. Its 200 points. I guess what i really want to know is PanO's weakness.

Thanks for the help !

The reasons are
>Tiger is confirmed IA since the last dossier
>Daofei is esplicitly affiliated to IA in the fluf, being described as the "tactical section of the Invincible Army"
>Hac Tao is thematically in line being the most advanced YJ HI (barring Su Jian I guess), plus people was bundling him in the White Banner only because of the white faceplate
Personally I think we'll see them in both sectorials with different AVA.

Tigers are confirmed, Hac Tao or Daofei would provide some very much needed camo/infiltration while still keeping with the theme of HI.

I doubt they'll get a Ninja. The secret police have a reason to take sneaky assassins, conventional forces don't. I'll be interested to see what kind of infiltrator IA get though. Maybe the potential new line troop could be like Order Sergeants and have a couple of limited infiltrating profiles.

If image related isn't too out of date (it's from late 2014), then the Daofei would be White Banner along with the Guilang.

The WB is pretty much the outdated version of the State Army, while the IA is what the updated version is supposed to look like, so it stands to reason the elite units would also feature in the 'new' formations in some form as well.

Also, damn shame about the extreme unlikelihood of ever getting the AD HI.

>most of the continent being rather dry wastelands

As for skirmishers I wouldn't rule out something like Nagas or Dasyus, courtesy of our friendly neighbourhood A.I.


>plus people was bundling him in the White Banner only because of the white faceplate

Get your fucking facts straight, the Hac Tao has been stamped with white banner logos since the moment there was a white banner logo. It even has a white banner logo on the N3 cover artwork.

Things like this change all the time but don't talk shit on the internet.

He doesn't really have a white faceplate but white faceplate with an orange stripe. Therefore, Bakunin.

I wouldn't really like either of them. Nagas are possible but they're already ASA's thing, and Dasyus are right out since they're personal agents of Aleph that the Human Sphere barely knows about.

Yeah I was just throwing ideas out there. I wonder how CB's going to sort this out, as it is now IA is critically starved of light infiltrating specialists.

Duo I can see it, maybe only on the multiHMG profile to avoid the HRMC-twin ML combo.
No way in hell they'll allow a haris with a filler like xeodrons-samaritan though. Active turn B6 HRMC, reactive turn B3 ML AROs? That is stuff of nightmares.

Naw, its too close datewise to Brooklyn Bash.


Thoughts? I'm not used to this little hitting power. An HMG is not going to kill a TAG in supressive or a Noctifier.


Let me get this straight. Fireteam: Core lets Wu Ming form a 5 Wu Ming team regardless of what that Special Fireteam: Core in their entry says right?

Yes, sir. 2-5 Wu Ming or up to 4 Wu Ming with a Zhanying.

Correct, the special fireteam: core is in addition to the basic fireteam: core

Correct, you can form a full 5-man link. The special fireteams are in addition to the fireteam skill listed in the profile.

The hivemind is strong in this thread

Yup. The way they wrote it is a bit confusing, but its 2 options (ie Core with WM only, and Core with 1 ZhanYing).

The same goes for other funky teams like the CG (CG only, CG with Crane, CG with 4 KS) as another example.

Odd question, if a model has the Fireteam rule, you can not use it if you're running a vanilla list right? Only in the relevant sectorial?
Because some Yu Jing models still have Fireteam rules listed in the vanilla list on Infinity Army.

Correct, the only exception is the use of Teampro supportware and fireteam: duo. You can disregard all other form of fireteams in vanilla armies (that are not tohaa).

It's unfortunate that the Fireteam: Duo link points to an empty page though.

How does one kill PanO troops?

With guns
Maybe melee

You wait. Eventually their doctors will murder them all.

Putting up posters advocating communism and saying 'fuck Christ'.

That's because the wiki is borked right now, you can read the rules in the HSN3 book.
Also when I wrote
> the only exception is the use of Teampro supportware and fireteam: duo
I meant that you have to use the supportware to "unlock" the duo option, just to be clear

Ah, that's indeed an important qualifier.
I'll see if I can wrangle that, it would be fun to have.

As for the rules being in the book, the Fireteam rules are in the N3 Human Sphere book, not the primary book.

>As for the rules being in the book, the Fireteam rules are in the N3 Human Sphere book, not the primary book.
Hence I wrote "in the HSN3 book".

Sorry, not as awake as I'd like

With Fidays and grenades out of LoF.

You just gotta fuck them around. PanO is good at shooting, but they suck at other things. So going and just shooting them in a fair fight won't always work. Different factions have different ways to fuck them around, but hacking is always a fun one. Spec fire is good too.

Yelling "Bolts suck!" very loudly at them, followed by your mate yelling "Bolts rule!" from infiltrated camo.

How many dudes are in a normal 300pt list?

I have 10 dudes in my nomad list, is that too few?

3 of them are light TAGs

10 is fine as long as you don't go below that.

I'm sure your list is shitty though, post it.

Jurisdictional Command of Corregidor

9 / 1
IGUANA HMG, Heavy Flamethrower / . (2 | 71)
IGUANA OPERATOR HMG / Pistol, Knife. (0)
GECKO Mk12, Chain-colt, Blitzen / . (0.5 | 54)
GECKO PILOT Assault Pistol, Knife. (0)
GECKO Mk12, Chain-colt, Blitzen / . (0.5 | 54)
GECKO PILOT Assault Pistol, Knife. (0)
ALGUACIL Lieutenant Combi Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (1 | 10)
ALGUACIL (Forward Observer, Deployable Repeater) Combi Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 12)
ALGUACIL (Forward Observer, Deployable Repeater) Combi Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 12)
ALGUACIL Hacker (Hacking Device) Combi Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (0.5 | 18)
LUPE BALBOA Combi Rifle, Nanopulser, Panzerfaust, Smoke Grenades / Pistol, CCW. (0 | 23)
BANDIT Hacker (Killer Hacking Device) Light Shotgun, Adhesive Launcher / Pistol, DA CCW. (0 | 25)
CLOCKMAKER Combi Rifle, D-Charges / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 18)
ZONDBOT Electric Pulse. (0 | 3)

4.5 SWC | 300 Points

[ MCGnJswKQAErQA===]Open in Infinity Army

Seems serviceable, but you're very reliant on those Geckos for your AROs. Are you planning to set them both up in suppressive fire once they've advanced up the board?

Your Lt is very obvious as well (though lieutenants have always been a weakness of Corregidor), and you don't have any good ways to deal with camo.

i honestly don't know. I'm very new.

>You're from Waterworld

No, but close

I'm Indonesian

>can only reply after 30+ post
I hate my job

You put a pretty decent list together for someone brand new. Honestly I'd hold off on the triple TAG until you've got more experience though. They're hard to build around and can be hard to play too.

Generally if you have a weak lieutenant like an Alguacil then you want to have a couple of dudes who who can act as decoys, because if there's only one possible lieutenant in the list then most opponents will be gunning for them.

You don't have many really threatening long range ARO weapons. Something like a reaction remote or a missile launcher in that Alguacil link could force your opponent to waste orders getting in a good position to deal with them, or maybe even kill off one of his big active turn units.

It pays to have a way to effectively deal with camo. It's very common and can be very annoying to face if you're unprepared. Multispectral visors are the most common and direct approach and have the added bonus of dealing with smoke, but you only have one option there and while Intruders are fantastic, they're also quite expensive. Units with sensor such as Stempler bots are a cheaper alternative, as are large numbers of flamethrowers.

How are things up north, mate? Still shit?


Pretty much.

If you are new I would limit it to one TAG for right now. Try out a balanced list with lots of different types of troops.

Is there an up to date list of upcoming releases?

Tunguska. I'm hoping especially for a resculpt of that Szalamandra, it's so goofy looking. And Vedic Aleph, Steel Phalanx can go suck a dick.

I got interested in this literally yesterday and began reading around. So, is USAriadna literally the "I must apologize for the americans, they are idiots. We have purposely trained them wrong as a joke" faction? It feels like you're building an entire army out of the base units from other armies.

What do you mean? The whole of Ariadna is supposed to be technologically backwards, not just the USARF. The entire faction is built around gorilla warfare and superior numbers, so you're going to get a whole ton of cheap, expendable units no matter which sect you pick.

You get 10 point medium infantry, with shock immunity, and availability total. What are you talking about?

Ariadna in general tends to have cheaper troops due to being the low-tech faction. Not only they lack some of fancier gizmos (like thermo-optic camouflage), their base weaponry is also worse and thus cheaper (combi rifle>rifle). That doesn't mean they're weak, just that you have really limited options to play elite lists. Their forte is more of a two group lists (10-20 dudes). As you play sectorial, you want some links. Pick a core fireteam of your choice, maybe a Marauder Haris team and some foxtrots. Then fill the rest of the points with whatever you fancy. You have plent of cheap and not-so-cheap harasser option. Hardcases, Devil Dogs and bikers are pretty cheap troops that yout opponent can't ignore and Van Zant can wreck the unwary opponent.

Really new to the game with a quick question:
Regular troops can't use irregular orders, can irregular troops use regular orders?

BOLTS are unique and the best linear soldiers. Without alternative. Want to win - you MUST buy them

Yes. Regular orders add to the order pool, and anyone can use it assuming they are in the same combat group.

>tfw I'm the user who asked "NCA vs. SAA" the other day
What's the deal with Bolts, anyways? Out of all the troops in the game, what do they do differently that makes them such a touchy subject?

They bolt at the first sign of trouble.

Bolts are like ORCs in vanilla: decent, but for what they do overpriced and not as good as other options. Also other factions' equivalents make them look bad.

They have a very specific special rules that are situational at least.
Bolts get Bioimmunity and Vet L1 while Bagh Maris for the same price get MSV1 and mimetism, both of which are very useful.

The problem with bolts is not that they are bad, it's that they are good agains very limited set of enemies (Tohaa and Haqq).

>still shit?
>Nearest cities gets hit by flash floods
>OPM kill another 3 guys without reason
>Random islamic fronts rampaging around Jakarta because of our current provincial governor is a ching chong
>New batch of illegal ching chong flooding the house again
>tfw USD's still clocking at 13.700
>Electricity are still shit but the price are jacked up, again
>AoS becomes a big hit

Well you gues it, mate