How low is this going? I want to buy the bottom
How low is this going? I want to buy the bottom
ask the fucking Delphoi oracle faggot
Buy now, it's not even listen on cmc. Once people know, the real FOMO will kick in.
I’m not buying your bags pajeet this is definitely going to dump
Wasn't ico 25 cemts
how do i buy this??
>4x after 1 hour
fuck off, pajeet
Im buying anything under 80 cents
why is it taking so long to transfer tokens to binance
depends when you bought, pajeet
Ill buy some from you if you give me a loan
My paycheck is just a lil late, I'll pay back. I promise
Check your dm
It’s 5x ico already retard
cant wait till the normies find out about this
nice math, m80
man this shit is getting JUSTed hard
>From $0.25 to $1
>x4 / 300%
Why is this not $10 yet? I feel like I'm being justed and scammed
How the fuck do the arrive on adding it at $1+
because they listed this on binance where all alts come to get dumped.
It would have mooned on ED but nope they listed on binance 30 minutes later.
Probably just below $1 would be the best price.
Inb4 they list on Bittrex in a few weeks.
Glad nobody selled for me on ED, time to buy it on binance.
Fuck me.. sold*
That was the scariest $200 i ever made fuck that
around $0.6 will be lowest