No Specific Subject Edition

I'm not feeling creative.

>Active Legacy Forums

>Current Legacy Metagame

>Find/Browse basic lands by their art (Updated through Duel Decks: Jace vs Chandra)

>Top 5 Breakdown (May 26, 2016)

>Miracles: The Match-Up Everyone Should Know

>Utilizing Cabal Therapy (Old but still good)


Common Legacy - Decks You Should Prepare to Face
>Delver variants (Grixis, Izzet, BUG, RUG)
>ANT (Ad Nauseam Tendrils)
>Death and Taxes
>Eldrazi Stompy
>Shardless BUG

Uncommon Legacy - Decks You Should Know About
>LED Dredge
>TES (The Epic Storm)
>4-Color Loam
>Nic Fit
>Sneak n Show

Rare Legacy - Decks You May See On Occasion
>High Tide
>Food Chain
>12 Post
>Pox Control
>Dragon Stompy
>Sneak n Breach
>Stax (White or Black)
>Deadguy Ale
>Manaless Dredge

Mythic Legacy - Decks You'll See Once a Year
>Doomsday Fetchland Tendrils (DDFT)
>Nourshing Lich
>Non-Eldrazi Moonless Stompy variants
>Spanish Inquisition
>Ux Omnitell
>The Cure (Kavu Predator + False Cure)

Other urls found in this thread:

So im building nic fit because i want to wreck face with rhinos and baneslayer angels in legacy

an user in the last thread said something about finishing the grove cycle of lands. anyone have confirmation on this? do they all get played in the cure?

>I'm not feeling creative
Well, I guess I can join the funposting in the Modern thread for a few minutes.

go to the modern treadd and bring back the most cancerous thing you can find.


Ive heard nothing about it other than that one guy i severely doubt it

Page 11, most of it is talk about banlist unbans. The best post I saw was , specifically,

>It's a shame because competitive Standard feels a bit underwhelming since Theros rotated out and Kaladesh draft is one of the most boring we had in quite a long time imho.

It's a shame, I really do like Modern but it's sad to see all the shit going down.

Most likely not true at all, but if it was Lantern would be exceptionally happy.

i remember getting bodied by baneslayer angel out of a miracles sideboard once.

I don't understand how people can tell the difference between one shit sandwich and another

How about this?
>What's one time you won where you thought "this isn't how my deck usually works, but I'll take it"?

>Legacy is so dead in my area that I've become a Modernfag
Can a man ever rise from such hells?

Sup y'all.

Headed to my local legacy weekly right now, playing UW/r miracles.

Do you all think entreat is even worth running anymore? My threat package is currently 2 mentor, 3 Jace, 1 entreat (and then 3 snaps and a clique).

Get modern players to proxy legacy decks and play with them between rounds, if they are worthy they will realize their folly.

Any chance we might get some more broken stuff from commander 2016 like we did when true-name became a thing?

I remember I let a friend who exclusively plays modern to try out my storm deck (with guidance) against another player. He really wants to build storm now.

Retreat is really good in all the situations mentor is bad. I say it's worth it to have, even if you relegate it to the sideboard. 3 Jace seems like a lot, especially for a 4 drop. If you want to go the tempo miracles route you could, it usually doesn't run EtA main board and it plays quite differently

They usually throw eternal players a bone during these. I'm looking forward to seeing the decklists. My first impression is that I'll pick up the WUBR one, you all feeling inclined any particular way?

How many Jaces are you running? A lot of miracles players at my shop day I should run 1 Jace and 4 mentor, but Jace wins me so many games I don't really wanna cut him.

Post your deck's theme song and others guess which one is it.

Well I have attacked with a Lab Maniac to deal lethal damage with DDFT.

Many memedern players have not a damn clue how legacy works, unless like you said they are worthy, but many aren't, unfortunately

I'm going to pick up the not white one unless an obviously broken card is in a different one

then I'll just buy both. I don't even like edh

Personally I just thought it was fun to see the return of Flanking.



I'm running 2 but more often then not he's FoW fodder. 2 is the usual and that's what I'd suggest you go with. with 2 copies it's easy to find him between Brainstorm, ponder and top

>an user in the last thread said something about finishing the grove cycle of lands. anyone have confirmation on this?

No way that actually happens. The R/G is the only one that works because it's in aggro colors and thus has an actual downside

A U/B or W/U grove land would be ridiculously broken



kek. This is my deck's theme. I'm a namefag so no point in guessing.

It never fails in a small store meta (10-30 people) there is always one:
LED Dredge
Nic Fit

Lands is not that common because it has a $1000+ land that makes or breaks the deck.

Aluren is sneaking into Tier 1.5 Territory the last three months.

You underestimate legacy players' willingness to drop ungodly amounts of money on cardboard. Aluren will probably get bumped up a level soon. Maybe next thread.

>behold... the arctopus
patrician taste, my dude.

do you like Rings of Saturn?

I fucked with embryonic anomaly in high school. I'm more of a protest/btbam kinda guy though.

I really liked Rings of Saturn's most recent album, Lugal Ki En. Lots of melodic parts. I really like Protest the Hero, but not really a fan of BTBAM.

The version of the cure i was testing ran 4 bayou, 1 forest and 7 fetches i think, so probably not. Might be worth trying though

>playtesting Deadguy before buying it
>Dark Ritual into Sinkhole a Dark Depths off the field
>Grove, Exploration, Grove, Manabond
>End step, Vesuva, Punishing Fire, and Loam goes to the grave
I am so bad at this game, I got rused so hard.

What else could you have done?

I had a Hymn in hand, I could have cast that but I was more afraid of them pitching Loam or something.

Can you post your DDFT list again? I'm going to sleeve it up and jam some games. Any tips? How aggressive should I be in comparison to ANT?

Picked up my third Force of Will yesterday. Getting rid of Standard "staples" feels good, man.

Not sure I can pick a clear theme song for my deck, but I think this one's not bad:

I feel like that wouldn't have mattered unless you'd hit the Exploration, which—though possible—isn't a sure thing. Good news is he didn't have a quick Marit Lage.

So I'm trying to cut myself off from mtg, shouldn't even be posting here.

But I saw the op pic, had to post this.
It's not like the name gives it away or anything

Is the black red reanimator deck that is putting up results at tournaments and online actually good or just a meme? I have been thinking about putting a reanimator deck together and was just going to go with the standard UB build but the BR just keeps getting more popular. Could it be better than the classic build?

Reanimator in any of its forms is extremely powerful. The B/R versions and Tin fins versions bump the power level slightly but give up huge amounts of protection and selection(force/daze and brainstorm respectively).

Is giving up blue cantrips and countermagic a good idea?

No, if you have access to Underground seas play blue, if not you can win games with B/R, but its not a better deck.

I'm doing the same thing. I'm basically unloading most of my extra cards I've picked up over the years from playing limited to Card Kingdom and seeing if I can get a playset of Force of Wills.

I was actually shocked to see how high some of the prices had climbed on cards like Glimpse of the Unthinkable.

So I've been playing my MUD list locally and in a world with so much Eldrazi, I'm having a tough time. Are there some recent developments in the deck to combat it, or are we a dying breed (more so than before)

Ok, but there must be some reason that BR had such an increase in popularity. It seems faster, so does that make it better against certain decks/a different meta?

With regards to the blue build, is hapless researcher worth running? I feel like I would rather just have ponder in that slot. And is collective brutality good enough to replace mainboard thoughtseizes?

>tfw the oldest cards in the your collection are revised

i could have sworn i had older cards at some point, how was i so wrong

Sometimes, if I see my opponent runs no exile removal, slamming Tezzeret and animating Darksteel Citadel to an indestructible 5/5 just does the job.
It goes more on my opponents, such as when they use Swords to Plowshares on their own creatures when I'm playing burn, to protect their life total.
>Love is a burning thing
>And it makes a fiery ring
>And I fell to desire
>I fell into the ring of fire
Let's dance, baby!
>tfw can't reach #F1

I think you meant this:
>If magic is all we've ever know
>Then it's easy to miss what really goes on
>But I've seen miracles in every way
>And I see miracles everyday

Coercive portal for early card drawing, since the deck relies a lot on top decking. That's about it for what I know, the main deck is pretty tight for current plan and eldrazi just made it kinda obsolete by being more efficient for mana.

Is there any miracles players here with any idea on how moat is in the board? I'm thinking of acquiring one when I go to GP Vancouver if there is one for trade there

That list is my basic list. The main deck collective brutality could just be another duress depending on your meta. That sideboard is pretty specific to a meta of strictly combo, miracles and dnt, so you can tweak it. As for how aggressive you should be, depends a bit on the matchup. DDFT may be slightly slower than ANT, but you can push a turn 2 kill pretty easily, and against a deck like burn that's your best bet. Other matchups you look to wait as long as possible. However, you need to be more conservative with can trips than when playing ANT. Your can trips are effectively potential combo pieces, so think very carefully before you fire one off.

>whiteless commander involves cascade


This could be any number of deck themes. What do you guys think?

DragonForce is bae

Death and Taxes
>Far across the distant plains of ice we're searching for the sword
>I have traveled far and wide across this wasteland

Soldier stompy

Grixis Delver

>tfw trying to reconcile cognitive dissonance after being demoted from DTB

I'll just leave this here before the namefags and tripfags get filtered by everyone

I know this is bait, but we've been namefagging for a solid month at least and you're just trying to troll now?

at least he bumped the thread

>caring about what the source thinks

Generic deadguy brew #3646473

Did I do anything full retard?

I don't see a ton of advantage to be gained by going 3 colors except abrupt decay and a marginally improved reanimator/dredge g1 matchup. I also think you should play lingering souls and more cabal therapies.

Cutting down to BW is spooky, but, hell, I'll take it. Bump up to 4x of each and go from there?

Worth testing. I've never really played dead guy but cabal therapy is a great card and your aren't getting good value out of it in this list since you want your creatures to stick around. Souls has good synergy with therapy and lili. I'd consider adding a 3rd lili. Cold even fuck with something like sinkhole if you want to try something new.

I'd probably bump up to four wastelands if I was going to go for land destruction. Has synergy with deathrite, allows me to wasteland t3 and still let me play a Lilli.

I'm losing Grim Flayer (obviously) with cutting down to BW, but part of me feels like that isn't too bad. I might wanna experiment with another creature in that slot, maybe new Thalia. Losing abrupt decay is scary, Vindicate just seems much, much, worse. Overall, BW seems like less of a drastic change than I expected.

Actually vindicate isn't much worse. It can destroy lands and shit. Fuck sinkhole. 3 mana should be fine with all your other cheap disruption

Allow me.

First off, this deck is really hard to get right because it's so... Toolboxy? There's no right way to build it, but like most decks it has a couple key cards you want to automatically include.

Max out on Hymns and cut Cabal Therapy entirely; Deadguy doesn't have the synergy to maximize that discard spell. We care less about creatures than spells so you can comfortably replace Therapy with Duress. This gives you free reign to look at their whole hand AND pick anything you want, rather than trying to figure out what MIGHT stop you and hoping to snag it. Cabal Therapy is much, much stronger in decks where key cards straight-up stop their combos or in decks like Delver where they can be abused with Young Pyromancer.

I use pseudodiscard in the form of Hypnotic Specter because he sticks around and flies. Your opponent is going to feel bad wasting a Bolt or a Swords on a 2/2 Flyer but the point is they HAVE to or you will easily run away with the game on the back of card advantage.

You need to add 1 Karakas and 1 BG land. Karakas is going to save your ass ten times before Sunday, whether it's against Iona or Emrakul or Griselbrand. A BG land (Bayou or Overgrown Tomb) will give your Deathrites access to green against creature decks, giving you inevitability or at least lastability. If you can, replace Windswepts with Bloodstained Mires.

I use Dark Rituals to power out those turn 1 Hymns and Sinkholes. I only run 1 Liliana, but I can't call you out for running 3 Lilis and no Rituals. I would cut back on Stoneforges though, maybe run 3 or 2 instead of the playset. She's better in a Stoneblade deck where they have counters, etc.

tl;dr it needs work, but this is such a flexible and brew-worthy deck that you can get away with almost anything. Haven't tested Lingering Souls before.

+4 Sinkholes
+2 Hymns
+4 Duress
-4 Cabal Therapy
-2 Stoneforge
-4 Thoughtseize

Good choice in decks bro

>look up Dragon Stompy lists on mtgtop8
>none of them have Dragons in them
>all of them are just Goblin Stompy decks even though they have the name Dragon Stompy

I feel like I was lied to


this is it:

>descent of the dragons
Dragon Stompy?

>humpty dumpty

What would RUG Delver's theme be?

>doesn't play yavimaya enchantress

>keeps cutting miracle effects

>isn't dirty and/or wet at all

>keeps cutting miracles effects
I don't know why you'd want anything either than terminus and EtA, and the option to cut EtA is dependent on how that player likes to play

>Isn't dirty and/or wet at all

sorry breh. good guess, but it's more about the message than the aesthetic.

>stop what you're doin'
>cuz imma 'bout to ruin
>the image and the style that you're used to
>i look funny
>but yo i'm makin' money, see
>so yo world i hope you're ready for me
>now gather 'round
>i'm the new fool in town

what deck appeared a few years back and quickly became a top meta pick?

>hypnotic specter
Woah. Is... Is legacy slow enough to allow for Hypnotic Specter? I used to play The Gate a lot, your version of the deck is sounding a lot like it.

I'm not certain about cutting thoughtseize, but I'm used to playing modern decks where t1 thoughtseize was pretty much THE play. Is Duress really that good over Thoughtseize? Is Thoughtseize worth a sideboard slot?

I'll have empty slots for Dark Rituals, it could be nice to pop three in instead of the Vindicates I'm currently running.

Overall, I'm seeing a lot of different flavors of Deadguy, which makes sense considering what you said. The ones on the Source mostly seem like Rock-With-A-Lower-Curve, effectively. Yours seems more like Suicide Black/Pox/The Gate/MBA/You get the idea.

I'll tool around with the manabase, run your version, and then come back after some test games.

Keep Vindicate; I run a playset in my list but that's probably too many. I have 2 Thoughtseize in the side. I feel like my build is more based on denying the opponent card advantage and mana whereas yours is more a midrange mix with Stoneforges and Lilianas. I mean, I've got full playsets of Hymn, Sinkhole, Dark Ritual and Vindicate in the main. It's a pretty pox-ish list I suppose.

>but I'm used to playing modern decks where t1 thoughtseize was pretty much THE play.

That's because Modern needs to hit either Creatures or Planeswalkers, wereas Legacy you need to hit instants/artifacts.

At least, that's been my experience.

Thoughtseize hits everything, though, and in a two-color deck the life loss shouldn't matter too much.

I feel like the only decks that need to be playing duress over thougtseize are combo decks that care about their life total, like ant. thoughtseize should be fine in any midrange deck.

I've heard from people who play Pox say Thoughtseize is borderline unplayable in the deck due to the life loss.

Thoughtseize sees plenty of play in pox events.

*pox decks.

I just looked at mtgtop8 and the first 5 or so lists have 1-4 in the main

pox isn't exactly what I was thinking of when I said "midrange deck," although I will concede that my two categories of that and "combo decks like ant" was not a good representation of the format. I was thinking t1 thoughtseize t2 sfm/goyf.

Thoughtseize is good in most cases, Pox is one of the few decks that considers running Inquisition however. Duress is for sideboards or maindecks in combo decks.

The lack of large tournaments has led to an atypical DTB section this quarter.

Also this. The Source is a source of shit ideas.

>That's because Modern needs to hit either Creatures or Planeswalkers, wereas Legacy you need to hit instants/artifacts.
>At least, that's been my experience.

You're right on the money. Although, these days with the more creature-heavy decks running around make Thoughtseize an even better option.

Personally I still prefer Cabal Therapy for most decks but for more traditional Midrange straight discard is the stronger option.

Yep, looks like wizards will finish two cycles of the future sight lands. The question is which ones ?

Nimbus maze, cares about domain and actually fixes.

Depends on who's posting. Lots of stuff from there's really good, but it's worth it to test things before just jamming them because Someone on the Internets said it'd be a good idea.

I've seen (and proposed) some great and terrible plans.

Pox has two major problems.

The first is that if your opponent sticks more than one creature for a turn or two, you're SOL.

The second is that you genuinely need to worry about keeping up with your opponent regarding life-total, especially if they manage to stick a threat. There are ways to get around this, and the deck's got some arbitrarily great matchups against decks that want to have cards in hand or don't necessarily try to put more than one creature on the board at a time (Storm, Infect, Delvers), but generally I don't think Pox is all that strong, at least at this point.

I was scared of it back when I ran double-Petition in my storm list, but since I switched to double-Past in Flames, I've not had problems with it (at least, not in my small local meta).

Fair point. People do suggest dumb shit, but there certainly are a couple decent posters

I think a lot of it depends on the thread; I feel like people are more willing to help and/or more interested in talking about what works and what doesn't in certain places than in others.

Doesn't help that some people with genuinely good info are really difficult to engage. I post there a lot, but I won't claim to be an expert by any stretch of the imagination.

Old lists of The Cure tried playing with Grove but ultimately it just wasn't worth it.

Why is Death and Taxes so fun.

I just can't help but admire non-blue non-black control.