are british news really that retarded?
You could've just blindly bought the top 3 crypto with ZERO research and made over 10x since june
There is still 2018 to make it.
Seeing how all the coinbase currencies reached their 10x at pretty much the same time (+-1 month) this could actually happen. And I bet those 2nd rank coins like XRP XLM or monero are the next in line
lol newfag detected. How does it feel to know you already missed the biggest boom after bitcoin. You missed the spring 2017 alt boom? Oh TOO BAD. You won't ever see moon missions like those again my friend. Take your x2 LTC gains. Take your x1.5 ETH gains. Enjoy.
news is just for banter
>Unwed Mike, 34, raged
lol :) yea
Spring 2018 could be interesting
Thats me in the picture. Luckily I got enlightened last week and bought ltc
there are moon missions every day you just have to find them, chump. Crypto is just getting started
In this market value is subjective, so being "smarter" than other investors puts you at a disadvantage. Following the herd pays. Normies have the advantage. John Doe has the upper hand.