/bbg/ Blood Bowl General - Juicy Fouls Edition

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That's what you get for not fouling.

This is what you get for stalling instead of scoring fast and overwhelming them during the next six turns when they don't have rerolls

This is what you get for making a new thread.

He was thirsting for those sweet sweet CAS SPP.

Look at all those delicious wood elf thighs laying prone on the floor! Too bad you can only foul 1, so which one will you foul?

With gantherogue's rolls and piles of AV7 I was hoping he'd beat himself up a bit for the second half.

red head in the middle, she's already on the floor for fouling, I can see her panties, and since she's out of position I can easily get two friends for +2 to the armour roll

Unfortunately the skeletons found some opportunities to dig their heels in.

They just lost 3-0 to dark elves

GGF vs Apes of McGrath earlier!





>Skudrinka is still highest ranked team
It isn't fair

After I fucked up basically the whole game, Apes take the deserved win with a 2-1.

Except that 1TTD I did everything wrong and want to sudoku.

Also, Sanic Leveled and got dubs

>cuts to 1300 tv exactly so he can bully rookie teams because he can't win on an equal playing field

>Simyin with 2 levels

Granted Ashenvale were his season 1 team.

Two heads, one head is classic sonic and the other is post-Adventure

we did it

I actually thought about that idea, kek. Glad I'm not alone there


post more memes of christer being a shit

christer is NICE

do you get the agility 5 line elf on your delf team? or do you take a boring normal skill

It'd let them try for a stronger passing game without relegating the Runner to the role. I'd probably take it.

Depends on how serious I take the team. If I was playing for money or the team was super developed I wouldn't. Otherwise fuck yeah, ag5 is great.

I'd like it better if he already had another skill. Ideally you one or 2 blitzers or the witch to roll the +ag. ag5 is hard to pass up because leap. Ultimately it is a developmental skill pick. Someone who has ag5 needs wrestle (or block), dodge, leap, strip ball, sure hands, tackle, and side step. Which would be 8 skill ups, which is impossible.

Either way ag5 makes great sackers and ball retrievers. Ask a skaven coach how good ag5 gutter runners are.

What teams are good vs lizards? Just wood elves, chaos, chaos dwarves, nurgle, and chaos pact?

according to NAF statistics the races that lizardmen struggle against are:

Wood Elves,

Next is Lizardmen, which means they have a winning record against every race that isn't listed.
Which is a really REALLY strong team

If you look at TV1200 tournies however there's a different tale:

Skaven, Wood Elves, Necromantic, Pro Elves, chaos Dwarves and Norse are all problems for lizards.

At 1100 TV

Wood Elves, Undead, Dark Elves

and at 1000 Tv

Wood Elves, Undead, Norse, Skaven

Necro are good vs Lizards? At such a low TV? Don't the wolves have issues not getting frenzy trapped? Can't you only get 1 wolf and not much guard at that tv?

Chaos is actually the worst non-stunty team to play against lizards.

The lizardmen team is effectively a better chaos roster.

Lizards best matchups (in order) are:

Halflings, Ogres, Nurgle, Chaos, Goblins, Vampires

(yes that's right, even joke teams are better at fighting lizardmen than chaos)

Obviously at TV2000 it's a different story blah blah blah the game isn't meant to be played in a perpetual online league

Theoretically though while chaos builds up a couple clawpomp killers, the lizardmen team is getting Guard, Block, MB/Break tackle on all the Saurii so it's still in the lizard's favor

You are allowed to have star players in your tourney roster, so they could possibly be taking the ST4 werewolf star player.

The theory behind necro versus lizardmen is that you have some S4 to battle the big lizards when you need to and meanwhile you have two movement 8 strength 3 pieces to beat up all the skinks

you don't play to bash down the lizards, you play to control the big ones while killing the little ones

never pass up +ag on any team, especially elves, khemri, and ogre. ag5 means leaps on 2+, which means the ball is never safe.

I wouldn't say that on humans I'd only take +ag on the thrower, blitzers, or catcher. Orcs only on the thrower, blitzer, and maybe gobbo. Undead and necro only on the wights, ghouls, and wolves.

Should the rolls to avoid things like Wizard Fireballs or Bombs be based on AG?

higher agi already is good against bombs because they intercept them half the time, and making it agi to dodge wizard means that one elf or gutter runner that is running for the score is probably not gonna get bolted cause he's agi 4

>should the elf teams be safe from wizards even though they can quickly out score and out level teams in a league


Never said anything about making them safe from lightning bolts. That would remain as is.

I was admittedly mostly thinking about higher av lower ag teams more vulnerable to those, since they already barely give a shit about fireballs and bombs, their armor usually just tanks it if they happen to fail the check.

thing is higher av teams tank the fireball but generally care more about getting hit. 5 dwarf linemen laying down from a fireball is a TON more impactful than 5 elf linemen laying down

Right, so if they care more about getting knocked down than they do about getting the armor roll, then being more easily hit makes the wizard more dangerous to them than it was before.

Meanwhile the elves have an easier time escaping but when they do get hit, it's more hazardous due to their low armor.

I wasn't thinking dodge roll equivalent, probably just a straight AG check, so elves would pass on a 3+ instead of a 4+ like it is now.

Sorry, occurred to me my explanation was a little weird since the fireball rolls are knockdown on the higher result. Basically was trying to say the elves would go from a 1/2 dodge chance to a 2/3 chance.

>passing game
>blood bowl

when will this fucking meme end
this is not the nfl

I don't know if you know this or not, but in LRB4 it was. You rolled a d6 and just had to beat the target's ag score to hit them.

So, I've got my converted Norse team and I'm trying to come up with a good paint scheme. I want to use a bright yellow, but beyond that I'm not sure what else to do.

So what do your minis look like then?
If you used pauldrons and helmets you can paint those yellow, and dress the rest of your guys in dark brown leathery tones.
Or offset the yellow with a royal blue. With white fur accents, if you got that on your minis.

Talking of which, this month the plastic barbarians for Frostgrave are coming out. Prime conversion fodder for stuff like this.

That really depends on the team in question. Some teams have a passing game. Some teams will never pass. Some teams wont pay much attention to the ball at all.

What do you mean you "don't have a secret league team"? Go make one right NOW you lazy piece of shit.

I do and they rolled doubles on skills and dying rolls.

Bertha is a Big Beautiful Woman

Are you me?

No but SICK GAINS is always something to strive for.


Werter will lose another match in just under an hour
Remember to tune in!


it's okay werter baby please don't cry ;_;


Updates please, how badly is werter losing?

Nothing that scary happened yet, 2 injured norse to 1 elf.

I'd foul that dank goblin ref. Mmmm

how do we fix the minotaur?

av 9

I don't even think that would fix it

Put it on teams that don't already have Guard Spam or st4 players.

Av9 would mean Pact would take it more.

>werter this season

If Werter doesn't hire David he should be kicked from the league.
1-1 tie thanks to Loner

werter is better than Smurf if I'm being frank

starts with juggernaut? maybe give it prehensile tail like the rat ogre


forgot pic

smurf after that crushing 1-1 defeat

Friendly reminder ties are not loses

Yes they are. If you tie ogres or a team heavily crippled you basically lost.

That may be true, but my 2 ties bumped me from last to second to last.

if you tie against someone you're heavily favored to beat AND you played terribly, a tie is a loss

Stop being so mean, I tried my hardest

Should I bother getting the starter set, or should I wait for them to make proper resin remakes of the human and orc teams (like they said they would eventually do)? Might pick of Skaven (resin) team regardless cause they are my favorite team, but im curious what Veeky Forums thinks.

Grab that hammer and chisel and make them yourself.

maybe if I can find a set of red hammer and chisels I could get it done faster...

Got you senpai

It'll probably be pretty expensive and you'll have to buy additional players to not have a shit team. Buy it if you don't mind dropping a pretty penny and you like the minis, otherwise you can get your teams from elsewhere.


GW are doing plastic main lines with a few positionals and star players are resin

I think that's what I'll do then, just get the Skaven and wait and see how much GW puts into this relaunch

>you HAVE to buy additional players

No the dwarf box is just a perfect team

I read somewhere that certain teams like Skaven, Nurgle, Dwarf, and Elf Union will be fully resin releases

that was rumors from last year, but due to popularity they're doing plastic teams

Oh, good to know. Now I wont be too worried about it. Thanks for letting me know :)

Only autists play dwarves.

you don't have to be autistic to play dwarves, but it does help

New player here, going to be playing skaven (because, rats!) regardless of anything. I'll just have to figure out what works with them and adapt.
What does this stereotype me as? I'd like to know what I'm letting myself in for.

As a new player? Probably an okay guy.

>What does this stereotype me as?
a faggot

Will this change once I've got a decent amount of matches under my belt, if I stick with them?

Fair enough.

An experienced player picks up skaven because they're super easy to score with. They're a prime team for minmaxing and bullying new players with.

Skaven coaches aka, reckless madmen with complete disregard for their own personal safety and well being, seeking only the next big thrill that will bring them a rush of exhilaration, this includes doing lots of drugs and getting into fights with people bigger than they are and getting smashed. Skaven coaches often die at the age of 27 because of their excesses.

I'm not sure how much fun that sounds. Is the balance decent against experienced players, though?
Don't mind if I'll lose a lot against experienced players, very much in the mindset of playing for the enjoyment and character backstory, rather than winning is everything.

Are skaven coaches typically left handed?

nah, skaven are a favourite to win in most matchups if both sides are evenly experienced,

if you're playing in leagues then it's less of an issue since the commissioner will probably put bounties on your guys and stuff

I can't say or understand

good meme, the pact one was funnier though

what are norse coaches like

Well, nuts.
I guess I should prepare to be disliked, then. Unless I'm really, really bad and still manage to lose a lot. Which is a distinct possibility.

Wish me luck guys, im taking on reddit with ribbits in an attempt that they don't know what leaping on a +2 means with open gaps.

Scritter Squeel.

All south paws?