Magic: The Gathering Modern General
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Magic: The Gathering Modern General
Custom cards are considered off-topic and trolls, which violate Global Rule 3. Report and hide these posts.
First for Frontier.
Is there a reason you faggots need two threads?
Sure looks serviceable to me.
>2 minute time different
Alright bud, guess I'll post to both. Let's make one thread discussing decklists and the other can be obnoxious shitposting and banlist discussion
It is a perfect OP (if it used the Karn Liberated card instead of just artwork), but this turned out to be the more active thread. This thread will do.
Metagame question: what happened to Death's Shadow?
So I'm thinking of getting in to modern with dredge and I was wondering if anything it runs is likely to be banned and if it would just be a better idea to wait till January?
Infect and Dredge are dangerous purchases right now, but you can get your money's worth with either if you win with it and sell in case of a ban.
Play Affinity. Too safe to be banned. Also invest in Splinter Twins while you have the chance, they're coming off the list next announcement.
Dredge isn't enough of the meta yet to get a banhammer
We're at the end of October and the deck keeps rising. If you played the deck at all you will know there's a reason to be worried.
>no led
>no ichorid
>no dread return
>no careful study
>no cephallid coliseum
cry more faggots, i enjoy your tears
So what would you guys suggest for a deck around the price range of dredge if dredge isn't a safe purchase right now?
The only legitimate ban target is Bloodghast.
Too easy to cheat into play and it triggers Amalgam way too much in a game and too easily.
You can still buy it, the pricey cards can all be reused in other decks.
Buy dredge if you can buy it right now, the deck is hella fun and that's what matters. but don't buy it if your plan is to do it over time
Dredge is fine
Literally every deck in the format is fine
Twin isn't getting unbanned
Ad Nauseam is only going to get better
Trump is going to win
Besides from the slight buff from the new lands, why would Ad Naus get better? What cards do you see getting printed that will help the deck in any way?
Nothing, it's more about the meta changing to facilitate it
Right now, the top 4 best decks in the format are incredibly aggressive creature based decks that Ad Nauseam has problems with, mainly Infect. It already beats a lot of the midrange decks that are being played, like Jund, and beats decks like Tron. I think we're going to see more cards printed to help the fair decks fight the unfair decks, leading to a rise in midrange decks, making AN a better pick.
It's more that the deck can't possibly get worse. The meta can't get any faster than it is without it needing to be addressed. The deck is already a decent pick now, and so if the meta slows down it will only get better.
Mtgsalvation sultai players have been having Luck with delirium style builds (turns out snapcaster and flip jace enjoy self mill) so do I bite the bullet and get the 3 bitterblossom and played of jace?
The only good information I have for you is that Jace, Vryn's Prodigy is never going to get reprinted. Ever. Not a flip card like that.
So if you want it, buy it now because that price is never dropping.
Whether it is a good card or not I can't say.
>practicing with my infect deck on xmage
>kill on T5 with a 12/11 unblockable dryad arbor
pic related
That's fair enough. It's a hard thing to swallow for a uni student though. It's funny how different the deck plays to other gb/X decks. They've been running ashiok cause it's actually good there (in the Sb). That said I'll need to find something to smooth draws late game, loot effects allow late game draws of bitterblossom, hand disruption or counters to be much better
>>kill on T5
what are you, retarded?
Team Blossoming Defense
or Team Cathartic Reunion?
You forget Team Lava Spike
Personally, I'm team defense and Laboratory Maniac
You have a list?
I personally love sultai colors
// Land (24)
4x Blooming Marsh
4x Misty Rainforest
4x Polluted Delta
3x Creeping Tar Pit
2x Overgrown Tomb
1x Breeding Pool
1x Watery Grave
2x Forest
2x Swamp
1x Island
// Sorcery (8)
4x Inquisition of Kozilek
2x Thoughtseize
2x Maelstrom Pulse
// Creature (13)
4x Tarmogoyf
3x Jace, Vryn's Prodigy
2x Scavenging Ooze
2x Kitchen Finks
2x Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet
// Instant (7)
3x Abrupt Decay
2x Disfigure
1x Doom Blade
1x Go for the Throat
// Enchantment + Tribal (3)
3x Bitterblossom
// Planeswalker (5)
3x Liliana of the Veil
2x Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver
// Sideboard (15)
2x Damnation
2x Hurkyl's Recall
2x Kitchen Finks
2x Nihil Spellbomb
2x Spellskite
1x Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver
1x Darkblast
1x Disfigure
1x Scavenging Ooze
1x Thoughtseize
This is one of the lists floating around on there. The decks are lots of fun and prey well on burn heavy metas really well. I'm down the Lilianas, bb, jace as of yet.taking out av cause Im not a fan and I have +1packrat
One of ad nauseam's worst matchup is Jund and other BGx strategies.
Team Ad nauseam. But both decks are enjoyable decks to play and play against.
Is it? I always knew it was unfavored but it's never been terribly difficult especially with 4 leyline
whats this meme?
People on here always bitch about infect winning on turn 2 or 3
ah yes
the thing that people who never actually play infect say
they also don't complain about dryad arbor killing them but here we are apparently
Will never be worth dropping bolt
what are you talking about? Infect always has a turn 1 glistener elf and a turn 2 double might + mutagenic
that's why it's tier -1
wait, you gotta remember that the opponent NEVER has any paths or bolts either.
of course, because you're a GOOD guy who only plays brews
even though you went 0-5 with you mono-black devotion list it doesnt matter because YOURE fighting the system
I am team GR Tron:
4 Ancient Stirrings
4 Chromatic Sphere
4 Chromatic Star
4 Expedition Map
2 Forest
4 Grove of the Burnwillows
1 Haven of the Spirit Dragon
4 Karn Liberated
4 Lightning Bolt
2 Oblivion Stone
2 Sanctum of Ugin
2 Spellskite
4 Sylvan Scrying
2 Ugin, the Spirit Dragon
2 Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger
4 Urza's Mine
4 Urza's Power Plant
4 Urza's Tower
2 World Breaker
2 Wurmcoil Engine
1 All Is Dust
1 Crucible of Worlds
1 Emrakul, the Aeons Torn
1 Ghost Quarter
2 Nature's Claim
1 Platinum Emperion
4 Relic of Progenitus
1 Thragtusk
3 Warping Wail
Are you Jelly Much?
of your T2 deck?
Nah, I prefer to breath through my nose. I'll hit you up if I ever want to join the Neanderthal ranks
Whats the chances of dredge getting banned?
breddy much 0
Entirely? 0
A small piece to keep it in check? maybe 5%
What is abzan
A miserable pile of souls
Good one smart guy. Does sultai play white? Fuck off with your shit, it's obvious what he meant
Are you retarded?
I post gbx Deck
>not worth dropping bolt
Point out abzan doesn't remember run bolt and is gbx
>this guy
How does it feel being diagnosed with autism over the Internet?
Woah sick burns dudes. I can only imagine what you jokers must be like irl
nice backpeddling retard
lick my fuckin nuts
Good one smart guy. Fuck off with your shit
Backpedal? Maybe you should learn the term. I'm still here saying your deck is shit and you're a retard for thinking mtgs users are anything more than scrubs
Not even that guy
stay mad
You're a fucking idiot man
Oh, well if you say so, I must be. Lol neck yourself you pathetic virgin
Not even him but you're mad as fuck
Please don't say that, it's hard to hide my boner at uni
Anything in Sultai colors (that isn't Jund/Abzan midrange + blue cause I don't wanna buy Liliana/Goyf) or any deck that abuses etb/blink effects? I just want something other than Tron to bust out and play
how about bant or even esper spirit tribal? I don't need the deck to be 4-0'ing FNM, just be good enough to win some and be a fun pet deck
>Anything in Sultai colors (that isn't Jund/Abzan midrange + blue cause I don't wanna buy Liliana/Goyf)
I mean, how dank do you want to go?
You could build Sultai as a hard control deck.
Just seems like it would always be better to have goyfs in it. What other reason are you even playing green at this point? Scooze? A couple decays and a maelstrom? Ok
You won't want Goyf if you're running 3-4 Damnation
Green gives you Decays, lots of sideboard/utility cards, and pic related.
That card is lame
It's slow, but what it does let you do is fire off Thoughtseize/Inquisition on your opponents draw step to nab their topdecks, keeping those spells live later in the game than they would otherwise be. Flashing in Damnation, 'walkers, or Kalitas is nice, too.
>You won't want Goyf if you're running 3-4 Damnation
Yeah you do. It isn'tma big deal if goyf dies because it's a 2, mana investment. Sultai also lacks solid removal, unlike abzan that gets path and Jund that's terminate.
If you want hard control with ways of making people discard at instant speed just play esper
I'm building a blue Tron deck, what are your thoughts about Mana Leak and additional counters on main deck? Current running 4 Condescend, 4 Remand and 3 Repeal.
You have 11 counters already. Can you imagine topdecking more counters when you have Tron up? Your topdecks will be worth way more when they're worth 2x your opponents card value. Why trade 1 for 1 with more counters, mana leaks no less, when you can just slam threats and win?
I'm not a Tron player but I feel like topdecking mana leak would fucking suck
I've been looking to build dredge for awhile and I'm finally going to make a move on getting cards for it. But there seems to be quite a few versions of dredge and I don't know which to play.
Is the shocks/fetches mana base better? Or the rainbowlands/fast lands mana base better?
Is the version that runs simian spirit guides worth taking a look at?
Not that user but holy fuck I got a kek outta this
>lost a ranked match because xmage didn't give me priority, even though i had my angel's grace in hand and 4 mana up
thanks xmage
I need 4x kitchen finks and 3x gavony township , are these likely reprints for mm17??
No, but you can count on that all star card, Stensia Bloodhall! And don't forget the mill win condition, Nephalia Drownyard! Pre-order your boxes of Modern Master 2017™ at Star City Games™ today!
think its gona be that bad? no hope for cheap lillys
Don't forget about Fiendslayer Paladin, a mainstay in Knight tribal which we will be seeing as a draft archetype!
Don't expect to see Knight of the Reliquary though.
Modern Masters has never made cards cheaper in the first place so there was no point getting your hopes up. The only thing that's made Modern slightly cheaper recently is the format is so shit that people are stopping playing it, increasing the supply of cards.
You betcha. Kitchen finks fill be up rareshifted to a rare and mm17 will be the flagship set to introduce super mega ghost rares for non standard sets! Township will be one of the cards.
Ad Nauseam only has problems with Infect out of the creature decks, Phyrexian Unlife and multiples Graces basically read you can't lose to regular damage and it goldfishes on turn 4 pretty consistently.
>The only thing that's made Modern slightly cheaper recently is the format is so shit that people are stopping playing it, increasing the supply of cards
Literally not happening
Well Modern at my LGS has died a slow death recently, and in the general area the same has happened.
My current:
2 Forest
4 Grove of the Burnwillows
1 Sanctum of Ugin
1 Urza's Factory
4 Urza's Mine
4 Urza's Power Plant
4 Urza's Tower
2 Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger
4 Wurmcoil Engine
4 Ancient Stirrings
4 Pyroclasm
4 Sylvan Scrying
4 Chromatic Sphere
4 Chromatic Star
4 Expedition Map
4 Karn Liberated
4 Oblivion Stone
2 Ugin, the Spirit Dragon
SB: 1 Crumble to Dust
SB: 3 Nature's Claim
SB: 2 Warping Wail
SB: 1 Life from the Loam
SB: 1 World Breaker
SB: 1 Pithing Needle
SB: 4 Relic of Progenitus
SB: 2 Sudden Shock
Haven seems like a winmore card whereas Factory allows you to stabilize with draws that have nothing but land. 2 Skites mainboard seems pretty overkill since Infect just laughs at it, it doesn't gain that much life vs Burn without blue mana and Suicide Zoo can't recover from Karn/Ugin and will kill you on turn 2-3 with Thoughtseize backup regardless g1. Swapping pyroclasm to bolt weakens the Affinity matchup a whole lot and only two Oblivion Stones gives BGx a chance to beat you with a decent draw. Also I'm pretty unimpressed with World Breaker vs everything but control and Valakut decks, color requirement sucks.
But I may be 100% wrong and would like to hear your thoughts.
And don't forget. In addition to the foil card in every pack. We also got a foil token in every pack! All at the "premium" price of 14.99 per booster pack! Which are made with recycled cardboard since we know how much of a hit that was for mm15!
i saw people talking about that scg ad naus vs infect match
anywhere i can watch that?
Are you talking about the game where the infect player was a grill and was misplaying like it was a professional sport?
"Misplay", an apologists word to excuse people who refuse to GIT GUD
It's nothing compared to Kent "You missed your RIP trigger even though I exiled my yard" Ketter not casting Collective Brutality against Jadin (Ad Nauseam) who's at 1 and would go to negatives and die to combat even with Angel's Grace active in g2.
6:39:30 mark or so scglive v 96724500
I mean. Can you really blame her? After all, infect is an incredibly skill intensive deck that requires a PhD to play! I mean, shit, I can't wrap my head around the thought process between elf or noble turn 1.
my man
Misplaying isn't a euphemism for fucking up, it's a direct term for fucking up. If you say you misplayed, you're admitting to having fucked up, that you had a better option and you chose wrong.
>she plays Gitaxian probe
>forgets to draw
How many braincells are needed to play infect?
>Kent "You missed your RIP trigger even though I exiled my yard" Ketter
That was such a scum move. How do people not get any punishment for that kind of garbage?
>What is Noble Heirarch?
Also didn't Goyf drop in price after MM15? Not immediately but later as people aren't buying them any more. It's at 130 rather than 150 currently.
>It's at 130 rather than 150 currently.
That's because of the recent drop in people wanting to build Modern decks. People are realising how shit the format is.
>people aren't buying them any more
This might have something to do with it
LOL no it isn't.
Cmon man don't be so harsh on her. It's a super easy mistake to make after thinking so hard to cast the spell (especially considering you could pay two life to cast it. I mean jesus thats super out of the norm!) and taking in MASSIVE amounts of new information from your opponents hand! It's just so overwhelming for most people cept the people who spent years studying to get their diploma in piloting the deck.
Wow you guys sure are so intelligent and superior
Because people arnt really rushing to build jund/abzan anymore, and/or every who needs them already has them.