Death is for the living, it has no power over the damned edition
Discuss the lore and viability of Warcraft as a tabletop setting.
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Death is for the living, it has no power over the damned edition
Discuss the lore and viability of Warcraft as a tabletop setting.
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If Acti-Blizzard though it was viable they would have tried to shill it already, go back to WoW fags
>Warcraft 2 / Warcraft Adventures
>Alex is Dragonqueen, all Dragons are her offspring, she's literally oldest living flying lizard, still small enough so an orc could comfortably ride on her back
>Deathwing is just a douchebag prince tryin'a get on the throne
>No mention of dragonflights as far as I'm aware from this source
>5 Dragonaspects are literal (demi)-gods who are basically a part of Azeroth due to maybe or maybe not being elemental spirits that have assumed a corporeal shape and have been granted guardianship over the planet by Titans
>Alex is for some reason crowned Dragonqueen, greatest of all aspects despite Ysera having an actual connection to nature and thus life on azeroth and Neltharion/Deathwing being the steward of the very earth
>Are practically irrelevant because with godlike power came godlike butthurt due to Black Dragons being best
>Dragons are evolved flying lizards and Titans just decided to empower them for some fucking reason
>Mostly a variation/expansion on Knaak
>Corruption! CORRUPTION I SAY!
So which one was the most promising? Would a combination of all three actually bring their most interesting features together or just create an even worse sludge of utterly rapemurdered lore?
pre-Knaak is best, where dragons are just Smaug but not inherently dicks
Knaak had some neat ideas, but retconning them into place and the whole concept of the Bronze Dragoflight fucked up everything
It's Veeky Forums they should go back to.
It's a damn shame, because the refugees who've fled here don't realize that as much as they hate the WoW players in Veeky Forums, they're really just cut from the same cloth, and other people don't bother distinguishing them from each other.
They need to go back.
one thing I hope Legion expands on more is how the Legion actually works
we were always led to believe it was some kind of military dictatorship with Archimonde and Kil'jaeden sharing rulership, but throughout the expansions it's been portrayed to be increasingly decentralized to the point that in Legion there are several demons who seem to have their own independent fiefdoms that act in concert with the Legion but aren't directly under it's control
in addition, the races present in Legion invasions seems to constantly change. Where succubi were once very common demons, they were slowly replaced by the shivarra (who seem to be late to the Legion party but True Believers in its cause like the Nathrezim and pit lords) and then the inquisitors and jailers (who we know nothing at all about)
hopefully later patches expand the story around the Legion's politics
Lich King Bolvar for King of Azeroth.
Whats your opinion on Troll Death Knights? are they worthy of joining the World police?
All are welcome in the Scourge World Police.
Except pandaren, goblins, and gnomes.
there is 1 pandaren DK
its probably a loose coalition at this point.
and locks probably summoned succubi to get demonic waifus.
Whats Veeky Forums's reason to hate goblin warriors and dks? They're awesome compared to the gnomes.
no they are not.
goblins are the lolrandumb boom xD race.
>Actual Chronicles
Proto Dragons are remaining Elementals that got fleshy forms, which Tyr had idea to empower for the sake of additional forces against Old Gods
There's nothing inherently wrong with Warcraft goblins and gnomes
But there is something wrong with how they've been handled, there's potential there, but it's been consistently thrown away for the sake of making sure goblins and gnomes remain the "funny" races
>Warcraft Adventures
>There isn't a blood curse
>Orcs dig war and Thrall reunites the clans for more war
>Necromancy is an Orcish habit
Better Orc?
How would WC3 go with all that? Do they still hang out with Tauren? Would they team up with Stormwind or Theramore to beat an invasion of the Underworld?
>No blood curse
Inherently much more interesting premise, yes. Although I like the Film's approach where Orcs would willingly accept MORE POWER, without backpedalling at the last moment with "We wuz mindcontrolled lol"
>Orcs dig war
Not as easy as that, I'm afraid. They're a tribal culture that sees war as a viable way of supporting their lives, but is capable of living quietly off the land for as long as that is more beneficial. Combat prowess plays a big role in canon lore and adventures, so it's save to assume canon orcs also love to fight. This point is tied.
>Necromancy is Orcish habit
Communing with the dead is a very shamanistic thing indeed. It's a mostly DnD-ish view to brand necromancy as enslaving the dead or desecrating dead bodies into service. I would definitely like to have orcs continue with more occult magics tied into their shamanistic religion, but tone down on the damnation aspect. Just because you woke up Grandfather Urzuk from the afterlife to have a chat or protect your home in your hour of need doesn't sentence him or you to hell.
If Blizzard had done their homework, it would be no issue at all. All the aspects in Adventures are fairly common in historical tribal cultures, who could be warlike but also capable of trade and interaction without resolving to combat. Willingness to take what they wanted by force is not the same as seeing violence as the only possible solution.
I imagine they would get along fairly well with Tauren, because they, too are a tribal society that wouldn't abhor violence or martial prowess and would likely have occult practices of their own. Spirit Walkers are pretty much necromancers in a way, walking between the worlds and pulling the dead back from the afterlife - Just without the whole "damnation"-shtick.
Teaming up with Theramore would also be possible, however only if Thrall has a Taretha Foxton showing him that not all humans are scumbags towards orcs.
>its probably a loose coalition at this point.
that seems to be the case, with Archimonde dying all the time and Kil'jaeden moping over Velen, the Legion probably tends to rally around the strongest of their lieutenants, like Mephistroth and whoever is supposed to be in charge of Niskara
>and locks probably summoned succubi to get demonic waifus.
maybe, but there can't be that many lonely warlocks. I'm still hoping that the inquisitors orchestrated some kind of Halo 2-style coup to oust the succubi as the Legion's preferred spies
>and locks probably summoned succubi to get demonic waifus.
Possible. But according to canon, the succubus will begin to grow inordinately attached and obsessed with their master and go full yandere, sabotaging any relationship with any other female that may come into his life.
>but there can't be that many lonely warlocks.
Brah, if they weren't socially maladjusted weirdos, they never would have drunk the fel Kool-Aid to begin with.
sure, but there can't be enough to depopulate an entire species. Especially when half of them are gonna summon a felguard for medieval school shootings instead
Wasn't that only mentioned in the old RPG books which aren't canon?
In the Affliction Warlock artifact lore, you find out that not all demons sided with Sargeras. All the ones who didn't got trapped inside the scythe he made to imprison them that becomes the Aff Lock artifact. It's name, Ulthalesh, comes from the most powerful demon who resisted Sargy and who continuously devours the souls of anyone killed by the scythe as well as any servant of Sargeras whom he grants it as a weapon.
And as a Warlock, you go into a new plane, murder a Pit Lord, carve out his heart and use it to take command of his army of demons.
The demons do seem to have minds of their own, but still subservient.
From what's been shown, it's more that Archimonde and Kil'Jaeden are the most powerful of all of the demon lords, but the Legion is not quite so vertically integrated that there aren't less-powerful, but independent demon lords with their own armies and fiefdoms within the Twisting Nether.
Basically, all demons out there serve Sargeras, but not all serve the same chain of command.
You may be right.
I thought it had been mentioned by the descriptor in the Exodar or one of the briefings leading up to Legion.
Checked Exodar, just says that they're rather sadistic interrogators.
>And as a Warlock, you go into a new plane, murder a Pit Lord, carve out his heart and use it to take command of his army of demons.
that's what got me thinking of the subject
despite commanding Jagganoth, the Eredar Twins, and the largest demon stronghold in the Broken Isles, Mephistroth seems to be mostly independent from Kil'jaeden and Sargers
Matron gives an insight on how Shivarra think, she defected because she realised in the long run Legion plans are not what Shivarras want because if you end all life there will be no life to torment.
>because if you end all life there will be no life to torment.
I was expecting the Old Gods to join our side against the Legion for the reasoning but it didn't happen
Original Legion Chain of Command:
Archimonde - Mannoroth - Pit Lords
Kil'jeaden -,Dreadlords Triumvirate (Tichondrius, Mephistroth, Anetheron) - Dreadlords
And varying armies under command of the above.
Now there are Eredar Lords, Doom Lord Krosus,
Most demons belongs to general chain of command, but they tend to have varying degree of independence.
With Eredar Lords I would assume such approach to determine command:
Brutally Cunning - Kil'jeaden (corruption, infiltration, seeking new allies/recruits to Legion)
Cunningly Brutal - Archimonde (armies doing destruction)
And then there are those who works directly under Sargeras, depending what gifts they receive (Ulthalesh and Fangs of the Devourer - users of those worked directly under Sargeras).
this makes sense as a loose framework, but once you get past the lieutenants you get pit lords working underneath dreadlords and dreadlords working for Archimonde
So the legion is the
Vol'taaire pls
This. We don't want constant wow/legion generals over at /v/ either
>It is Burning, for Fel Fire is the most repeating theme among Demons (besides those that prefer Shadow, like Nathrezim).
>It is Legion, for its numbers are beyond mortal ability to count.
So Voltaire would have to go for
Unless you use The Burning Legion, in which case
>It is The, for there is only one Burning Legion.
good thing no one's tried to fight the Legion with satire and cutting French wit
The Old Gods oppose the Burning Legion because the Legion wants to destroy them. The torment part is probably part of it, though.
However, the whispers from that Emerald Nightmare boss imply something along those lines. It implies that the Pillars of Life will free the Old Gods, and we've also been told that the Pillars will unlock the key to defeating the Burning Legion.
I'm betting that the latter is true, because the former happens.
>And as a Warlock, you go into a new plane, murder a Pit Lord, carve out his heart and use it to take command of his army of demons.
God fucking damn it Blizzard
Warlocks end up with the most power by fluff. But get shat on by the game mechanics.
They really should have aborted that whole "greatest hero of azeroth" angle. Completely unfitting for a MMO
Yeah, but it's kinda hard to justify everyone being nameless murderhobos when we've saved the world so many times.
I agree it's gone too far because there's so little you can go from here, but a little recognition is nice now and then.
But how else they can make the players feel important? It is not like they'll let players to kill anyone important, not at least permanently.
>World of Warcraft - Masters of the Deep rolls around
>it ends up with player becoming the supreme leader of their faction
>not that it affects the gameplay anyway and even though you're a warchief/high king you still have to go and get 50 zandalari foreskins for the guy x so that he will give you your new flight card
You forget the part where Warriors get the entire Army of Ulduar at their disposal, and this includes a giant orbital Death laser.
And let me guess, you'll only get to use it once in a quest and then it is forgotten completely?
No, it's not even mentioned at all, the Warrior quest is so fucking lackluster but it places so much power in the hands of the Warrior in theory.
>Become Odyn's head honcho
>Thorium and Hodir are your subordinates
>TITANIC WATCHERS are your errand boys
>Odyn says you now command the titanic forces across Azeroth
>Uldum has a death laser
Everyone on the Legion team needs to swing
>Backstory keeps hammering how Odyn is literally worse than Hitler for making Helya into a val'kyr
>Odyn in-game is nothing but helpful and respectful; most bro-tier character other than the Nightfallen, in fact
So... which one is it?
Well, he's been stuck in his floating fortress for over 10 000 years, so he's probably had some time to think about how he acted like an asshole and decided to be nicer from now on.
He'll still vaporize you if you ask him about Loken, though.
Well, the way the question is worded you do come off as an impudent asshole rubbing salt into 10000-year old wound, so you sort of have it coming.
It's a shame there's no option to actually ask him what Loken said though.
>In the Affliction Warlock artifact lore, you find out that not all demons sided with Sargeras. All the ones who didn't got trapped inside the scythe he made to imprison them that becomes the Aff Lock artifact. It's name, Ulthalesh, comes from the most powerful demon who resisted Sargy and who continuously devours the souls of anyone killed by the scythe as well as any servant of Sargeras whom he grants it as a weapon.
Okay, this sounds awesome to adapt to a game.
What does the weapon do? Any more lore on it?
It absorbs the soul and life-force of anybody killed with it, and is also the reason Deadwind Pass is called Deadwind Pass (long ago, some demon used the scythe in a ritual to literally drain the life from the land, leaving the area dead and barren forevermore). The demon inside it is also implied to manipulate things to that the weapon's current wielder ends up dying by their own blade (and he gets their soul), and it's supposed to be on of the few things Sargeras himself fears, as in the right hands it could be used to trap his soul as well.
Lorewise is drinks the soul of any one and anything killed near it. It was also used in the War of the Ancients to drain the life out of Deadwind Pass. It's the reason Deadwind is and has been dead for 10,000 years.
Of course, Ulthalesh inside the scythe can whisper to the wielder and eventually the scythe consumes whoever uses it, adding their power to its own.
It's mentioned that Sargeras fears the weapon because it has virtually unlimited potential for growth and that Ulthalesh is in there, consuming all the souls the scythe consumes, and growing in power until he can break free. And when he does, there's no telling what his power may be.
In the game, you consume up to 12 soul fragments to empower your spells by 10% damage per stack for 10 seconds per stack.
Sadly, Affliction is pathetically weak for damage. I haven't tested the 7.1 buffs, but they're not too much. Still, it's the best spec for questing due to the survivability of drain tanking.
Sounds great. No Warcraft-themed campaigns going on right now, but it should be easy to adapt to D&D just fine. Is Ulthalesh an eredar, a pitlord, a dreadlord...?
Also, any other artifacts that could be adapted to epic-level weapons?
Dreadlord. Here's the WoWHead article on it, including all the lore notes.
There's the Destruction Warlock item, the Scepter of Sargeras, which can is the only item that has literally shattered a world.
It was the tool that Ner'zhul used to open hundreds and thousands of portals across Draenor with that eventually shattered the planet into Outland.
And other than old-lore-heavy artifacts like Ashbringer and Doomhammer, the rest are pretty much "LIterally Who?" tier.
Probably most of them, since they're all basically epic-level weapons. Some are heavily tied to the lore (Like the motherfuckin Ashbringer), while some are pretty dull an uninteresting (like havoc DH artefact, which is literally just the weapons of some guy who got killed by the players 5 expasions ago, now empowered by Kil'jaeden), though. In between those you have some that while not particularly relevant, still have an interesting backstory. Like Vengeance DH artefact being the personal weapons of a warrior-king of a race so badass they resisted the full might of the Legion until Sargeras himself showed up to stomp them, and even then the king was badass enough that when his entire race was destroyed he feigned submission and then cut Sargeras when he let his guard down, just to spite him.
I kinda like how the Unholy Death Knight weapon is essentially the Biblical Four Horseman of the Apocalypse rolled into a sword.
Well, it IS a sword.
New cinematic
I fucking hate the mary sue edgelord illidan has ebcome
Alderachi warblades is a who? Tier weapon but I do like the lore on it.
Isn't it supposed to be revealed in the Mythic version that Khadgar fucks up while trying to return Illidan's soul to his body, and something "much darker" (probably related to Old Gods, considering the hints we've gotten) will end up in his body.
I do find it amusing that Illdan has now consumed two separate Skull Guldans
I thought that was the questline leading up to the raid and this is the end of the raid.
I hope so, because it further fuels the theory that Xe'ra is not all it appears to be.
>ebon blade knigths and dk followers are used to for the same garrison missions
Either titan servants aren't that strong, or other class' followers are that good.
>Illidan is all like: "now follow me into the abyss"
This was hilarious.
>Stares at his pdfs of the Warcraft and World of Warcraft RPG books sitting in his RPG folder.
You only don't know about it because it wasn't successful enough to mention at the time.
I'm disappointed that Gul'dan doesn't use the Skull of Ner'zhul to help open the portals
it was almost a perfect callback to BtDP
What is the source of Blizzard's focus on Dindu Nuffins (Orcs, Forsaken, Illidan, etc.)?
>I do find it amusing
It makes perfect sense for him to destroy the second one, too - it's Unique-Equipped.
We don't know what happened to Ner'zhul's skeleton. He escaped off exploding Draenor, but was captured by Kil'Jaeden and being tortured and then his soul slapped into the Lich King form to form the Scourge.
So either his body is completely eradicated or sitting on Kil'Jaeden's shelf somewhere.
But AU Ner'zhul got knocked into a death dimension and that tended to give a "Time is but a window, death is but a doorway, I'll be back" sort of vibe.
Of course, that is if Blizzard wants to acknowledge WoD any more than it absolutely has to beyond its current favorite smug orc.
Eh, half of it is largely shit-tier writing.
The undead going completely evil in Cata ties in well with what Sylvannas's character development, but the whole Garrosh in MoP shenanigans/WoD stuff was largely a complete derailing.
Iirc there was this dev talk about how a few people missed the memo that Garrosh was not meant to become a villain, went ahead with it, and then it was too late to change things back.
I know Frost Artifact is new, but calling something made out of Frostmourne shards literally who? is a little bit too much
I also like the sword that became powerful because of how many trolls he killed. It was mentioned, but nobody cared about it
Worgen detected
Don't encourage him by responding, he's just a memeing faggot.
>This video is private
Teasing, are we?
MMO Champion poster found.
Don't you have a BLM chimpout to visit?
>MMO Champion
Literally who?
A board filled with SJWs and/or Horde Dindu Nuffin (they overlap) posters
"Filled" is such a dirty word if we're considering their lore forums. There's like 5 unique regular posters in there and all they ever seem to talk about is how Vereesa is a terrorist race traitor and high elves should be gassed.
>Vereesa is a terrorist race traitor and high elves should be gassed.
both objectively correct desu
>high elves should be gassed.
They already seem like cool people
Horde Dindu Nuffin poster found.
Legitimate albeit wrong opinions, but the way those people obsess about it is just unhealthy.
At least here people don't take Warcraft """"lore"""" seriously and have fun while picking it apart.
I just enjoy shitposting about warcraft """lore""".
On a related note, Putress was white and based and did nothing wrong
He did poison Arthas with his plague and the rest are just collateral damage who should've gotten the fuck out of the way.
>tfw death knights go to hell and kill his soul instead of raising him to conduct chemical warfare against the Legion
He'd probably brew up a new plague to get rid of Bolvar
Why do DKs get to do all the cool shit in their class campaign?
I finished my Spriest's one yesterday and all it amounted to was basically "pester paladins for aid".
>Why do DKs get to do all the cool shit in their class campaign?
to make up for nearly useless in group content
So Blizzard still on the warpath even though it has been over half a decade since DKs were op.
Git gud. I'm doing fine.
>deploying the plague
>doing to hundreds of souls what Arthas did to your true people
>strongarming your true people into throwing bodies at Northrend when they barely have any bodies left
See, if Sylvanas had gotten a hug or spent some time in the sun or something maybe none of this would have happened. I mean, living in the Undercity this whole time? Depressing surroundings can do some sick things to a person.
A vacation in Silvermoon might actually do her some good, ya know?
>blood elves and forsaken will never fuck off to make their own faction, with mana wells and human experimentation
Waiting for actual progression in WoW is suffering
>Blood Elves
>Doing anything
C'mon it's time to let go.
The blood elves are just as annoyed with the Forsaken as everyone else in the Horde.
>garithos dindu nuffin
>daelin proudmoore dindu nuffin
>implying you're any better than the people you shit on
the irony is astounding
>Garithos gets turned on by Sylvanas. Kael'thas gets triggered at having to do work and is quick to hop on Illidindu's cock.
>The Horde goes to war with the Alliance. And then Warlords of Draenor comes and shows all the warring Orcs do without Demon Dew.
Stay triggered.
>gul'dan does generic THIS CANNOT BE
>ritual portal stuff blows up
>suddenly illidan
>just randomly oneshots gul'dan who does nothing
>turns to the player and khadgar and demands you pathetic mortal scum follow him into the abyss