RIP Jack Chick, for better or worse, a major contributor to the traditional gaming community.
RIP Jack Chick, for better or worse, a major contributor to the traditional gaming community.
One of the people I'm happy to see gone, I had friends through school who weren't allowed to play because their parents still believed this shit.
What was the cause of death? Did he accidentally touch a marijuana?
Trolls aren't contributors.
Died peacefully in his sleep and floated up to Heaven to chill with Giant Faceless God for eternity.
Really? Why didn't his grandmother pray for him to go to hell? Doesn't she love him?
As one of those friends, his shenanigans only made me want it moar. We played James Bond and pretended it was D&D to fuck with parents and youth pastors.
RIP, if only for his lulzy Bible thumping comics. He's castigating Satanists and pagans with Jesus now.
If that's true, than Veeky Forums has never accomplished anything.
considering how much of his campaigning was done on fearmongering and baseless lies, I can't imagine Jesus would accept him too happily, especially since I have no doubt that he felt justified and completely regretless towards everything he did all the way to his dying breath.
Say again
Anyone know otherwise?
>Assuming religions are anymore real than the RPGs we play
My, aren't you cynical.
Other user got to assume there was a divine jesus waiting to accept him, why am I suddenly being judged for making the same assumption when talking of rejection?
Its your turn.
Because this is the internet hate machine
>RIP Jack Chick
>all's right with the world
and that's how we know he's nuts
Tell me I've actually been unknowingly summoning demons every time I played D&D? Heck, all that overcomplicated math has to be in there for some reason. It's certainly not to facilitate better roleplaying, faster plot progression, or to keep players focused.
But tell me the world is doing fine? That's just boldfaced malarkey.
Context being trying to make sense of religious stories that used to have whole pantheon of gods that hebrews decided they don't like anymore?
>Heck, all that overcomplicated math has to be in there for some reason
If D&D's overcomplicated math summons demons, what does GURPS' math summon?
Larval aliens.
No one wants to tell you, but that's where real truth lies
leading to my theory that Satan secretly ensured the bible was edited to twist the faithful of god into committing evil in the name of a benevolent deity, and later making intellectuals think it fiction or that the true god doesn't deserve praise, for what greater deception is their then one that makes someone think they have seen the truth
>a major contributor to the traditional gaming community.
you're a fucking retard
Nothing. You're already playing GURPS.
So what you're saying is, that I am the demons?
Yes, John.
Those stories still include all those old gods in the pantheon, you know. Asherah, Baal. Molech. They're there. Just labled as idols. False gods worshiped by those who started following the native canaanite religions, in addition to or instead of their original one.
That's an awfully weak and useless god that can't even keep his commands protected well enough for people to follow them correctly if they're actually trying.
You fell for it.
*tips fedora*
He's saying that in response to 's theory that Satan corrupted the Bible. It's only fedora if you gratuitously deride the Bible or Christianity in general (and possibly, by extension, spirituality in general). Making fun of specific interpretations of the Bible is fair game, especially when it's a theory about the Bible put forth by an anonymous poster on a Uyghur wall tapestry chatroom.
If you wanna take it that route, sure. The other possible implication is that your theory on Satan sewing lies into the bible are self-inherently bunkum, and thus the issue lies in your and quite a few other peoples drastic misinterpretation of the information provided.
It's either lies and always been lies, with no powerful god capable of accomplishing anything behind it, if there is one at all.
Or it's truth, always been truth, and has been kept that way by a being that can, with its immense power, ensure that it will always do so until it has served its purpose to Him.
There is no possible middle ground. Either He can protect His commands, has reason to (the typical reason for commands being: because He wants them followed), and did. Or He gave no commands, or is incapable or simply unwilling of keeping them intact, possibly because He doesn't exist, though not necessarily, and thus could not in any way hold humanity accountable for its actions, as it would have no way of knowing His commandments due to faults strictly His own.
If he did feel regret in the end, and repented, then yes he's chilling with Jesus. If not, weeeeellllll there's always Purgatory
Didn't you hear, user? The Catholics lied, Purgatory is just Hell.
If his tracts are correct, no there's not. He was protestant.
>falling for passive-ironic reverse b8
I miss old Veeky Forums
This is true. The New International Version of the Bible was translated by Satan, true born again Christians like Chick know that the King James Bible is the correct version as it was divinely inspired.
Well, this thread certainly got weird.
The dude was 92, there doesn't have to be a cause of death.
I read a great quasi-defense of Chick today. He really was one of the great outsider artists of the late 20th century
Why should we be sad?
I mean this guy effectively managed to turn TTRPG into a niche hobby from all-sprawning industry and reducing the player-base to stereotyped fa/tg/uys.
>Why should we be sad?
Because he's dead, Jim. You only do that once in your life and it's the last thing you do.
1. it's recovering quite well all things considered. it only took some time to spread. and in that time, the medium had a chance to develop before becoming public. Consider us an unscheduled early access beta.
2. He provided us with memes. Is there really anything more you can ask from a man? If a gorilla can be revered for its meme-giving, and that for only dying, why cannot this man, having devoted a large chunk of his entire life to accidentally giving us memes, not be.. well, honored isn't exactly the right word, perhaps appreciated? by us nonetheless in his final hour?
He produced more creative work than most fa/tg/uys ever have, at least.
>early access beta
I'm still waiting for people to introduce elements of actual game design into tabletop games btw.
Would help get normies into it a lot, because half the rules are just about making things easier to grock.
Fucking Cathars. This is why the Medieval Inquisition happened.
4e tried that, and look what that got us.
Seriously though, OSR games often times actually have some pretty nice designs going on... except of course they are really limited in scope, being more refinement than original stuff.
A bunch of angry grognards who didn't leave the hobby they just moved to the next closest thing, and a bunch of new normies the grognards don't like for some reason because people can't like what I don't like?
What's your point?
>early access
>ever a good idea
>wanting this to happen in tabletop
Please god, no.
too late, that's what we're experiencing now. can't you tell? This is the early access of tabletops as an entertainment medium.
>A bunch of angry grognards who didn't leave the hobby they just moved to the next closest thing, and a bunch of new normies the grognards don't like for some reason because people can't like what I don't like?
This is my point. A large % of the hobby is actively against design that doesn't obfuscate.
That's fine if you're aiming for new blood, user.
"the hobby" can buy old products, or find things more suited to their tastes.
Meanwhile, you've replaced them and gateway drugged more people into the hobby as a whole.
Nobody wants to be just the gateway drug though. See how WotC reverted from 4e with 5e? Everybody wants to retain the grogs, so they keep buying stuff.
to retain grogs you have to have grogs in the first place. DnD has Grogs, sure. And you're right, after their scare with 4e, trying to have their cke and eat it too, they're going to do every thing they can to keep them.
But what of some new company just starting out, with no grogs to loose, and a, frankly, vast expanse of unclaimed niches to capitalize on? Maybe even stuff people have tinkered and toyed with online, but never copyrighted or had a major publication?
Alternately, there's nothing to say Wizards couldn't run two roleplaying games at once, They had two card games for a while, MtG and Pokemon. One casual, one more hardcore. If they hadn't tried so hard to throw it under the bus the same as L5R they could have had two thriving markets on their hands. Its not like the two share a huge amount of the same fanbase or even draws. They wouldn't have leeched off each other.
Or even as some anons had suggested, they could have released 4e as a differently named product (thus avoiding chick's D&D stigma) while simultaneously attracting new blood and not scaring off the old.
The point is, you're thinking much too narrowly. Having product tailored for grogs in the hobby and having product tailored especially for new blood in the hobby aren't mutually exclusive.
So... what do normies/potential newblood want in a tabletop game anyways? Besides easy to understand?
>I mean this guy effectively managed to turn TTRPG into a niche hobby from all-sprawning industry and reducing the player-base to stereotyped fa/tg/uys.
my hero
There's a difference between easy to grasp with room for complexity and easy to understand with no depth.
Anyway, why do people play RPGs?
1. Because it's what nerds do and they want to try it.
2. Because they like fantasy and want to consume more fantasy media.
3. They want to play games in settings they like and enjoy or ones that allow them to play in scenarios and circumstances like the settings they enjoy.
It's true.
This is some SMT level fuckery right here.
They just need exposure and groups of newbies with a good DM.
Lots of well made advertising, something like game nights that are better designed like FMN (albeit having points and leagues is kinda silly), and maybe trying youth programs with easier rules but fleshed out everything (as opposed to current Basic D&D, which just trims out classes and Races for whatever reason).
People are people user, that jock over there is obsessed with football, and might not have time to read extensively and watch the latest series. He obviously will like any trope-filled story that comes along. Maybe the cheerleader reads lots of Fantasy, and you'll have to make a really good campaign. But guess what? Both of them are nervous around new people, exactly like every other human being. They won't just seek out a group to play a game they've never heard about. Exposure us necessary, and good writing is as well.
Speaking of writing: How mechanics are written isn't everything, but speaking from experience 3.5 had too much prep math. 5e has significantly scaled back on that, and its explanations are really easy to explain as a DM. Asking "Which of these skills would you like to be good at?" Is much easier than "You have X skill points, and can put up to X us any of these, but up to X in these."
That reminds me, can you run a SMT game in Testament ? There's a copy in my local half-price and I need to know before I buy.
Testament is meant for games set in the Biblical Middle East, right? You'd probably have better luck using a system that's actually designed to handle the modern world.
>modern world
Mainline SMT games tend to go full post apocalypse after the intro.
Ah, right. I've only really played Persona 2.
See ya Jack. I hope the Lord is more merciful than you believed.
And this is a bad thing because? Becoming niche for a time is the best thing that can happen to a hobby. Inaccessibility creates a texture, it insulates a hobby from the larger culture for a while and so strongly divergent memes develop within the hobby that "normies" cannot get. That texture is part of what makes gaming culture so fun to get into, it is what makes it a refuge for social outcasts for whom the presence of greater society is dehumanizing and painful.
Now gaming has more or less returned to the mainstream, but it carries this legacy of being underground and niche, the older players remember those days, and it brings with it a sort of resilience to mainstream norms and culture, which prevents things from being rendered down into the grayish slop that inevitably occurs when a medium of entertainment becomes too mainstream. At least, for a while.
I think we owe 'ol Jack a debt of gratitude. Sure he was a crazy protestant snake-handler, but he added a little bit of controversy to the tapestry of Veeky Forums. I, for one, would not erase it.
All the souls he saved entitling him to stack crown after crown on his head like all the bowls of Brand X cereal you'd need to get as much fibre as one bowl of Total.
I fail to see how it is even remotely likely that Jack Chick was responsible for that.
RPGs declined not due to the Satanic Panic but due to 'overfishing' (2e onwards) and the fact that the vast majority of RPG vidyas are based off D&D, scratching the itch quite nicely.
Video killed the radio star.
4e fucked up partially due to WotC aggressively alienating 3e fans and ditching Paizo and partially due to the tragic murder suicide that killed its online tool aspect. 4e had many many flaws but I don't think they were really what the problem was.
>I'm still waiting for people to introduce elements of actual game design into tabletop games btw.
I don't like saying that but...
Have you tried not playing DnD/Pathfinder/Shadowrun/Vampire?
>And this is a bad thing because?
Stagnation is dull, and I can tolerate socially awkward neckbeards only so much.
At least 4e tried something different. Between AD&D editions were just rehash after rehash of the same rules, albeit with balancing tweaks and the occasional new character class.
>editions were just rehash after rehash of the same rules, albeit with balancing tweaks and the occasional new character class.
This is what editions are in normal systems.
Good riddance.
So, can I ask a drawfag for "Jack Chick meeting God" in Chick tract style or is it already done?
2e had 101 new things.
Does anyone have the edit of "What's stopping me from becoming a God?" where the kid is standing atop some sort of mountain with his arms stretched out?
As long as he was faithful that's all God asks.
>Besides easy to understand?
That's basically it
So the Vatican finally got him... are your characters pious enough to save his wise words against the evil of Rome, Satan and their child?
They may have to face the New World Order agents like:
> witches, including voodoo
> gaaays and their tiny gay demon
> black Muslims or Arab Moon cultists
> evolutionist shapeshifters
> Harold Penisman the new age druid-inquisitor
> Public school teachers
> Papist assassins and papist clerics and their transmutation magic
And of course, Satan, and many more!
Not everyone is perfect, that's the point of it
A fucking criminal being crucified next to Jesus asked him to remember him when he died, and then went to heaven
Is that what made mobile games capture the normie market that less casual games did not?
Criminal was repentant. Major point.
Nowhere does the bible teach forgiveness without repentance.
That actually sounds like a radical game of Hunter. This is 100% my next campaign.
reminder of Jack Chick's plagiarism
That's not plagiarism at all, if Jack Chick believes D&D creatures are demons, then it makes sense they would show up.
Look at the plagiarism in this picture! It's a total rip of FFT dragoons!
Remember to save at least one sinner by telling him he's wrong about things! Surely he will listen and accept it for no apparent reason.
I still can't find what to do with evil public school teachers though...
My favorite part is evolutionist shapeshifters, I think I saw a silly one panel comic about that.
the Chickverse is very wild, I love the spacious subterranean occult bunkers D&D players have for their Satanic orgies, and the druid inquisitors and the NWO guys that give free drugs for reporting bigots