ETH quietly moons

All this talk about Litecoin, but ETH just shot up. ETH for the long hold. Always steady through rocky times.

ETH is a lot better than BTC, but both are bad long-term holds. They're semi-safe holds for now, but they aren't going to be the ultimate crypto winners.

Both have,
>weak tech that's rapidly being surpassed
>bad leadership and development culture
>a high percentage of low-information "investors"
>a low transaction throughput

The future of general crypto are projects like Monero, EOS and Nuls.

sadly, normies won't ever buy those coins, they will just buy whatever has rushed 1100% the month

ok buddy have fun being poor

I went into eth at 0.036. I was paranoid that BTC would drop five points.

Normies buy BTC because it's "Bitcoin", and they buy ETH because it's "that other one".

That's not to say they're wrong to do so, those are pretty safe bets for now, as most projects in crypto are either outright scams, or are complete garbage (looking at you, IOTA). It's primarily a lack of knowledge that makes BTC and ETH viable. though, and that will gradually change over time.

>and that will gradually change over time.
yeah, btc and ltc will die wheh normies will realise "that other one" is legit revolutionary, even your vaporware shitcoins might pump.

i see no moon here

>not locking in gains
who cashes out to btc? I want to take my 300%+ gains in USD and throw them into a nice safe index fund.

>Implying ETH will get gains anywhere near LTC's

>who cashes out to btc?

Everyone with a brain?

Cashing out with another internet money

normies will buy monero. not yet because it's hard to get for USD, but more than any other coin they are immediately interested in and understand the benefits behind lack of public transaction history, at least the ones who know anything about money

I just dumped all my eth last week because I got sick of getting NO GAINS for months
only makes sense it would start mooning to like 3x now

Ethereum isn't actually revolutionary though, only uninformed "investors" think so. The tech is nothing special compared to what's currently being worked on in other projects (and that's actually working in the case of EOS).

The future of crypto will be,
>hashgraphs instead of blockchains
>modular core components
>public/private side chains

Any crypto that can't do 100k transactions/sec without constant state pruning or using a hashgraph should be considered temporary at best.

Another internet money that's had more consistent growth than every other crypto there is

Ill give you that point.
But you miss the fact that 99% cash out directly on coinbase thus with real money. Thank the normies.

You have to play the normies game. Not the wall street gentleman.

This guy perfectly gets it.

You're trying too hard. Hashgraphs were looked at back in 2011, Vitalik wrote about them in his bitcoin magazine. The rest - lol.

Monero scales even worse than bitcoin if you didn't know. Transactions are 13 kilobytes ffs, do you know how much data that is.

it's all vaporware
>currently being worked on in other projects
no telling which ones will succeed

I agree. It’s the first and 2nd most recognized coin.
I’m keeping my ears open for early adaption of these alts...if a major company implements X coin into their company or Y coin is now being used, ect...sad to say but normie money is defeinitely helping my gains. Only time will truly tell.
But looking at the big picture? 90% of people still have only herd of “bitcoins” 2018 will be the year of crypto for sure.

Me too, bought at 360 and held through the moon to 520 and sold back at 460 because it seemed it would just keep on bleeding.
I did consider rebuying at 420 but yeah, of course I didn't

bubbles aren't constant

Interested in this. What we're seeing right now would appear to be a low information bubble. Ask someone why they bought BTC and they will tell you that the FOMO'd, when the underlying blockchain technology was supposed to be what made it great. BTC is shit compared to some of the stuff that is coming down the pipeline, which is where people should be dumping their money if they want to see those x100 gains

I personally had a convo with Joe Lubin ( Co-founder of ETH) last week. They have some promising things coming this year, specifically in the identity realm... I believe in what they’re doing. Maybe not monster gains in 5/6 months. But steady long haul? Absolutely.

>ETH is bad
>The future is an ERC20 token

EOS fanboys are the worst.

>eth tech isn't perfect at the moment
>unrealized future promised solutions are

>no gains for months
>mooned right before thanksgiving, bigly
are you fucking retarded?

bought @ 0.0362

i will survive

This. I hope it doesnt burst up like bitcoin.
Just steady good ol increases. Hope it keeps cool after this pump.

Its just a fucking comfy holder lad.

EOS is NOT an ERC20 token, inform yourself before speaking, fucking brainlet.

LTC b4 moon 100
ETH b4 moon 450(more or less)
4 LTC for 400 current value 1467
1 ETH = 630
due the math

normie detected
enjoy your gains for the month of December, my gains will last me a lifetime lol

Lol yes it is you fucking dumb shit

no it is not. ERC20 oken distribution is taking place to secure you coins on the coming EOS blockchain, why I'm even explaining it to a fucking felcher like you? go die poor faggot.

>ERC20 token
In both cases (EOS and Nuls), this is only temporary.

If you want to predict the future of a crypto, look at the value proposition, the state and speed of development, and the team behind it. Both EOS and Nuls excel in this regard, while BTC, ETH and most others fail in one or more.

It's not just that the tech behind ETH is unimpressive, that can be remidied, but what's more difficult to fix is a development culture -- which in the case of ETH, is poisonous. I mean, the head guy is a frail quasi-communist space-alien-looking autistic brony who tweets about supporting child pornography, carries around a pokemon man-purse, and openly supports censorship.

I bought ETH when it was under $5, and I still hold much of it, but it's not something I'd be putting fiat into. I'm gradually taking profits and buying alts that meet the aforementioned criteria for investment.

Not that long ago ETH was 0.14 BTC, now it's 0.036 BTC. That should be your comparison, not USD.

you're probably arguing with a pajeet.