Strike Witches Character Generator Revised

In the spirit of Veeky Forums occasionally getting stuff done, last week I shared a homebrew creation with the community. The Strike Witches character generator is a supplement for the "Dive Into the Sky" RPG, and exists mainly because generating random pantsless magical girls carrying gigantic firearms is sometimes fun.

There was a fair amount of commentary, and a number of typos were identified and suggestions made, and on the whole the 1st edition should be a reminder to everyone not to be the editor/layout person on your own work. Nonetheless, I promised a Revised Edition of the character generator by early this week, and here it is. Something like 90% of the suggestions made were acted upon, so thank you everyone for the commentary last thread.

I consider this to be the final version, unless something massive and critical is uncovered which we didn't find in the last thread. Have fun with it, or don't. I'm not your boss.

Link to previous thread/edition:

>I don't have time to do a record sheet and get this out when I promised it would be out. I'm really picky about RS's, and doing one up right is likely going to take 3-5 days of off-and-on work by itself. Unlike some other game companies I've worked for, I take deadlines seriously.

>I may use this manuscript as the basis for a Tank Witches generator in the future, but if anyone feels like preempting me and doing it yourself, go for it.

Other urls found in this thread:

Thanks man. I always love seeing original content on Veeky Forums.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but the Suomus striker table is missing its 1d10 dice roll column. the shit?

It's still in my manuscript, but it somehow didn't make the jump over to PDF. I'll have it fixed in 30 minutes; I have to run an errand first.

Okay, using off site rolling to not eat up the entire thread:
>Republic of Suomus
>Morane - Saulnier MS.406 (Bugbear) Probably the Finnish Mörkö-Morane variant.
>Norwegian Forest Cat (Choose any cat or dog)
>Rocket Launcher and Pistol: Fliegerhammer, Lahti L-35
>Flat B-Cup, Normal butt, Thick hips
>Magic Strength: willpower+5
>Ballistic Stabilization
Name: Seija Virtanen

Seija is, as her name would suggest, a quiet and calm person. Her platinum blonde hair is matched by icy gray eyes, which often are hooded in a look of disinterest. While she would rather be using a marksman or antimateriel rifle, she is one of the few who can properly use a rocketlauncher. Her skill in the air remains decent, but her ability to make crack shots with her rockets and great magic strength are what make her a valuable teammate.

Oops, forgot the rolls.

PDFs are weird as shit and their ways are cryptic. Their secrets should not be known by mortal man. No one may ever know why it didn't port over.

In the spirit of apparently magical problems, that was one of them. The column appears in the manuscript, and disappears when saved as a PDF. I had to generate a new table completely from scratch, delete the old table, insert the new one, and it worked the first time.

Utterly maddening, that.

Here's the corrected version.

28 minutes and 18 seconds. OK, maybe you do take deadlines seriously.

Everything seems to be in order, captain!