After a certain point in the campaign, do you allow your players to get servants?

After a certain point in the campaign, do you allow your players to get servants?

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Principally yeah.
But when party consists of noblewoman, her maid, her valet/minstrel, her tutor/confessor and her bodyguard/equerry there isn't much room for further improvement.

I don't let them "hire", if they want servants they gotta capture them first

Yeah, I expand the hireling rules in 2e to include maids, butlers, cooks and other servants. Especially for less serious campaigns, I like to use systems for things they aren't designed for, and TSR D&D is easy to adapt.

Way to take a concept that has slightly-above-average magical realm potential and turn it int one that's strongly magical realm.

That isn't a servant, that's a slave.

Servants sure, but slavery straight up exists and is rather common, taken from many worlds for many buyers for all sorts of purposes.

Nothing magical realmy about it


Only if it's involuntary. ;)

It's also only "capture" if it's involuntary, isn't it?

They can get servants any time they want, as long as they realize that they aren't mindless automatons and can die rather easily (ie. don't take them adventuring).

>OP's pic
That's just cruel.

What landlubber employment would you give a mermaid? I think I'd get her a nice, tall water pot to sit in and get her a desk job. Maybe have her do some abacus work so she doesn't have to worry about damaging papers with water.

Yeah but you dont hire a paramputee to be your marsthon runner right?

That'd work.
So would an aquarium job. Shit, half the staff of Sea World could be replaced with Mermaids.
Rescue diver, Fish and Game officer might be viable when dealing with invasive fish species.
But if you're hell bent on Mermaid Meido, you better have her cleaning a pool or pond or something, and not the shit sitting on the high shelves.
You leave that to the Arachne.

Any job really.

Remember, she doesnt have to be good at her jobb. Just cheaper.

Of course? If they can afford them, or force them to stay as slaves, then I don't see why not.

Combat may become very easy and/or very tedious and long as more people are added to the initiative, but it was their choice so....Why not?

So a setting where monstergirls are the equivalent of mexican immigrants?

>But if you're hell bent on Mermaid Meido, you better have her cleaning a pool or pond or something,
ehh not going to work good. You clean the pool when it's drained, otherwise you just slosh the grime around in the water. The water which you're in to boot.

She could have that wheelchair with a water barrel attached (or if she has water conjuring magic) and ride around the sidewalks watering your garden, but that again has limits - the wheels would fuck up your lawn if she has to go there.

Giving a job to someone is cruel now?

the difference is the mermaid can effectively clean

can she?


>So a setting where monstergirls are the equivalent of mexican immigrants?

They even have strange accents and unusually strong urges to get bred.

I have a third-generation Hispanic girlfriend, and the Monster Musume character she most identifies with is Miia, so there's that.

Yes? That's been part of D&D since like 1e, and part of the problem with 3.x was attaching all character advancement to personal power.

I have a second-generation korean girlfriend, and she thinks Monster Musume is dumb, so there's that

She identifies most with the Darling-obsessed dork?

My players have adopted an entourage of children throughout their adventures that basically act as servants.

They also had a native american at one point before he sued them.

We wouldn't need the wall if that was the case



They're only allowed to have monstergirl rapeslaves

At any point that they just wouldn't use them as a conga line of trap detectors or make them do all the actual adventuring stuff. Also only above a certain power threshold .

Yes, I do. 7th level.

Isn't that the whole purpose and point of leadership?

You can get hirelings before you get the leadership feat
im pretty certain followers and cohorts are people who CHOOSE to follow you and generally have some unique supernatural ability like having class levels or being particularly good at a certain thing like alchemy

forgot to add
Leadership allows you to get cohorts and followers which are different that hirelings

Important question;

How much extra is it for the lewd meido compared to the normal one?

Not that I care, I got gold for days, but I might want to hire two.

Double the usual rate is it's standard lewd, triple the usual rate she's gonna be lewd and live-in

>Getting Room and Board
>Triple rate

Bitch can go suck someone elses dick then. You can find plenty of hot chicks whole do lewd stuff for free if you give them a job and a place to stay.

24/7 lewd, bro

Any time and any place of the house you want it. Want to get your dick sucked at 3am? She has to comply

What kind of weird wants a blowjob at three in the morning?

What kind of loser doesn't?

>Not waking up in the middle of the night again, or can't get to sleep after vigorous shenanigans
>Not ringing service bell
>Not being quickly attended by a qt maid who brings you chamomile and blows you to sleep


>Not making your meido sleep with your dick in her mouth

Do you even discipline?

Huh. Funny that the torso armor apparently goes on last.

>implying there is any torso armor at all

That's not very hygienic, bro

You're not very hygienic, bro.

How much do maids cost these days?

I don't see why not. After a while, at least in D&D, the party becomes a veritable force of nature. Not having them end up becoming the equivalent of at least lower nobility would be stupid.

This too. Don't see them as disposable soldiers, because they'll end up not liking you so much (unless they're actually trained soldiers of course, but then the game would be less D&D and more a wargame).

Nobody dislikes maids.

If you're Murican, you can probably get a borderhopper for under 10 dollars an hour as long as it's off the books.

So do they need an Ultra Ball?
What's the test to escape capture anyway?

We need more meidos in this thread.

>before he sued them.


Maybe he works late and needs a reminder to get some rest. Maybe he has to get up early as fuck and wants a nice wake up call. Might have PTSD from all the shit he's seen from adventuring and it usually kicks in while he's trying to sleep.

Point is, he wants a blowie at 3AM on the dot and he's damn well going to get one, because his maid is a professional.

>under 10 dollars an hour
Does it cost more if she's young and qt?
Or if you make her wear the uniform?

Probably not if you go get them yourself and smuggle them into the country.

But a monstergirl would be better because they'll do it for free.

I'll admit to not being an expert on dicks, but I can't imagine leaving it stuffed in a damp enclosed space overnight is pleasant for anyone involved.

>I'll admit to not being an expert on dicks

No one believes you.

>Do you even discipline?
>not using spanking for discipline
Confirmed for pleb master.

Why not both?

S'good way to get some teeth marks on your dick.

Because a spanking shows that you're in charge. It's a show of brute muscle that's also, for lack of a better term, intimate. It requires an attitude of "I own you, I have the right to do this."

Saying "keep my dick in your mouth overnight" not only deprives your maid of a good night's sleep, but unlike spanking it's an order, not an action. Also, if the maid has to wake up before the master--say, to make breakfast--then there's a good chance it's unenforceable.

Also, as anyone who's had to get used to a retainer or retainers would tell you, people tend to bite down in their sleep involuntarily. Even ignoring (I'm guessing this would be a problem) the problem of bathtub-fingers on your penis, that's gonna be a problem.

Spanking is simply the best punishment for disobedient maids. Writing lines, time-outs, and loss of orgasm privileges are also acceptable, but not as good--maybe just for when your spanking hand is sore.

Point of contention:

If your slave is a masochist, this methodology does not work in the slightest.

Then she gets teasingly fondled in the spanking position. No more of master's tough love until she shapes up.

Perhaps when you realize she's getting turned on, you turn it into a public spectacle, inviting her peers to look at how perverted she is, getting aroused by a spanking.

Better yet, combine that with chastity. Get your maid all revved up, then ensure she can't get any satisfaction.

Personally I prefer to bath in the blood of the disobedient maids. It helps to keep them on their toes.

I'll have to explain some things surrounding it first.

They had been travelling through the northern lands, and come across a small tribe of the in-game equivalent of native americans. At the moment, said tribe was basically dying out, as they were unable to go to more bountiful areas because of a group of bandits, and a dangerous beast lurking in the other end of the forest.

Naturally, the party took care of both. Actually they just tricked the dangerous beast into taking on the bandits, with the bandits killing the beast, and the party clearing up the wounded remains of the bandits themselves. They did so with the assistance of a Chief from the tribe. Most capable men had already died at the hands of one of the two dangers, and so they had pushed the women in the tribe to make him "volunteer" to help.

Because of some things that had happened prior in the campaign, they came upon a ghost who was roaming around this area after the fight. The ghost offered the Chief a chance to give up his soul and travel to the afterlife in order to redeem it. You see, the Chief as it turns out, had been the cause for his tribe migrating so far, apparently encouraging them all to sell many of their things to buy pickaxes and travelling equipment to go mine at a nearby cave which they had heard of.

The Chief was too cowardly, and said that he did not wish to die no matter what. As the ghost could no longer spend time in this realm, it had to accept his final decision. The party however, used this to their advantage to make it seem like they were "envoys" sort of for said ghost. As he didn't give up his life, they told him that the only other way of redemption was to eternally serve them, or something much worse would happen. Out of respect for their strength, and fear for his life, he accepted.

Mermeido is a weird concept, even though they are called merMAIDS

Fast-forward into the campaign; The party finds themselves on the border between two nations, in a harbor sort-of that operates based on its own flimsy set of laws. They had been kept captive for a while by soldiers of a Queendom, to which they were headed towards on a boat. The hospitality and general attitude that had been shown towards them all during their trip had not been very good, and they were still only halfway there.

In order to register the vessel stopping at the harbor temporarily, some of the party were allowed temporarily to go on land with the captain and her guards. To keep the story short; One thing led to another, and it had resulted in a dead dwarf and the ship getting burned down in the captains absence.

The chief had vanished during this time, and the party were put on temporary suspicion for the incineration of the boat, and instigating anti-dwarf violence. As expected, the opposing party consisted the captain of the ship, and the wife of said dead dwarf. During the days approaching the trial, they did alot of things, and one was look for the Chief. Again, as expected, they did not come up with any result.

When the court date arrived, there were the expected faces, but also a hooded individual on the opposing side. After being slammed with heavy accusations (which were true), and being blamed for the current state of the city due to the recent violence against dwarves (which was partially true), the hooded man was to take his stand.

Jesus, man. How many maids do you have?

You can get about a liter of blood before you start to seriously ruin someone's day, and then you should wait at least a month or so (ideally longer) before you do it again. That bathtub probably has at least 80 liters in it. If you're taking a bath every week, that's 320 liters per month.

As it turns out, it was the Chief, and he was cooperating without any complaints with the captain. After having been persuaded by them, he had figured out that he had been fed lies, and spoke of the many less-than-just deeds that they had done to the court. It caused a heavy stir, as they had been travelling through many towns with him. Things such as killing an innocent clown, and lying over their great feat of killing the dangerous beast of the woods were all listed, this being after they had sung about their deeds at the nearby tavern.

It was all for naught however, as they managed to lie their way through a large portion of it, and change the focus of the court onto one of the corrupt judges who they had uncovered dirt on. Due to a lack of evidence, they were found not guilty concerning the burning of the boat, or the murder of the dwarf.

However, they did end up having to pay a fine of 20 silver coins to the Chief. While he had no real evidence that the acts he claimed had been performed against him were true, it was clear that they had caused him some sort of damage.

At the end of it all, they were given praises by an underground resistance group who hated the large presence of dwarves within the city, and became symbols because of their accidental murder. They did not find this out until way later, as they ditched the town pretty fast in order to avoid any possible follow-up to said trial, as the burned down ship had been salvaged, meaning potential evidence for the havoc they had caused before burning it.

Because of their urgency, the Chief wasn't recapture by them, and instead got picked up by the Captain and those which remained of the crew.

Gags are for discipline, user. Sucking my dick is a privilege.

It wouldn't stop them anyway.

Gags are also acceptable. Especially since she's a maid, so she'll have to clean up her own drool when it drips onto, say, the table she's dusting. (Assuming most gags make people drool as much as mine does.)

Depends on whether there's anything over the top, like a muzzle or half face mask. Anything that leaves the lips uncovered while suppressing the tongue will generally cause drooling, which may or may not be desired.

Pic related.


>Four-legged stockings

And everyone knows white males are the most privileged

>Assuming most gags make people drool as much as mine does


So which would be better for discipline, in your opinion?


Muzzled, with a rubber cock gag inside. She's only allowed to eat when you enable her, and has to practice her blowjobs constantly.

Open mouth gags, or conventional ballgags are for sex and rewards.

>Not posting text

Is it locked in place in any way, or is she just on the honor system?

Also, are you imagining that all your maids are just constantly gagged?

Tips for dealing with mexican maids:

Never hire a young one specially if she's a hottie, they're lazy, they'll resent you, they'll constantly ask for a raise, they'll steal shit(groceries, clothes, spare change, garden decorations, even gas from your car, you name it) and they'll llet other people in the house when you're away, usually their boyfriends and bang in the living room.

What you want is an older, chubby(not fat), motherly one. The kind that has lived in the US for several years, the kind that appreciates the opportunity for work, the kind that will call you "SeƱor [firstname]", the kind that will treat you less like a boss and more like a son. Ask how much she wants and offer a little more, also cover her bus fare and make sure to give her the weekends off. She'll go above and beyond the call off duty for you, excellent maids. And eventually she'll ask you if she can bring over her teenage daughter/granddaughter to help her out with the house during the summer, that's the one you'll be putting your dick into.


Locked. All the restraints are: incluuding the posture collar, high-heels, chastity belt and bra, hobble ankle cuffs, thigh cuffs and wrist cuffs, which connect to the belt to limit arm movement.

Maids should always be gagged unless their role requires them to speak. Seen, not heard.

>Maids should always be gagged
God, that sounds painful. My jaw was cramping after 20 minutes with a pretty small gag.

It's also a good way to mess up her teeth, especially with a cock-shaped gag.

Also, are the thigh cuffs attached to the belt, or just the wrist cuffs? Because I have trouble imagining how that would work with a skirt. 'Cause if the belt is on top of the uniform, then the straps connecting the thigh cuffs to the belt are gonna run over the skirt in a weird way, while if it's underneath the uniform, the wrist cuffs can't really attach to it (unless there are holes).

>doesn't want master to use existing items
>can form body into thick metal plates

>MFW this thread

Where the fuck did this thread veer into

It actually surprises me when players don't seek out torchbearers, hirelings, mercs, etc. but I usually play with pretty shrewd/practical players.

Thread about servants, leaning towards maids -> thread about maids -> thread about maid fetishes -> thread about fetishes related to maids.



>God, that sounds painful. My jaw was cramping after 20 minutes with a pretty small gag.

You get used to it after a while. Myrecord is just under two hours. If I'm feeling nice I might replace a cock gag with a standard sized ballgag.

>Also, are the thigh cuffs attached to the belt, or just the wrist cuffs? Because I have trouble imagining how that would work with a skirt. 'Cause if the belt is on top of the uniform, then the straps connecting the thigh cuffs to the belt are gonna run over the skirt in a weird way, while if it's underneath the uniform, the wrist cuffs can't really attach to it (unless there are holes).

Thigh cuffs are attached to each other via a hobble chain, same with the ankle cuffs. Belt and bra are worn under the uniform for modesty, but an additional metal band can be worn around to the waist to connect each cuff to. The result limits arm movement while still allowing them to perform their duties. The arms can also be cuffed together via a very, very long chain.

The alternative is to mitten them and restrain their arms with an armbinder, before attaching a muzzle duster to their mouth and/or literally showing a broom up their ass. But that's only for the really bad maids.

Cleaning seems to be a distant secondary goal to you.

>Hiring maids for cleaning

That's what skeletons/automatons etc are for.