What does your custom Chapter/Warband Look like?
What does your custom Chapter/Warband Look like?
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Nice Thumbnail.
How is it that in a thread where your competitors are ache Hanged, yours is still the gayest looking Marine here? I mean seriously, it looks like someone vomited skittles all over him.
>he's never seen 80's noise marines
Let's see yours then.
Saving from page 10.
That fucker is absolutely faboulous.
I could easily see this colour scheme on a slanneshi warband actualy.
useing some sorta slightly magical/high tech paint to produce a constant strobe light effect on their armour to disorient their foe.
Kind of boring and plain
Egypt Marines?
Oh shit senpai I should totally add some Egyptian flair to them
Come back and post when you do. We wanna see it.
A little too proud and with an unhealthy fetish for a glorious death.
like this
These are really cool. I like ones with different coloured pauldrons than the main color.
Does anyone else give a slightly different colourscheme to each of their Companies?
I'm a fan of different colored pauldron trims, just because it adds some variety to a force and every marine has pauldrons, while they might not always have helmets or knee-pads.
I try to keep them related to the overall theme though, so for my chapter I have colors like green, blue, metallics, white, and red. I also still put numbers for company markings as well, and sometimes have details on the helmets.
What the bloody hell is this hodge-podge?
That's my Armoured Cavalry Company. They are really bright and have hazard stripes to draw even more attention to them and their tanks.
Here's what the base for their coloration looks like.
Really making me want a cream soda.
This is my drop pod assault company.
Me too.
Guess I'll post it again with a slight update to the appearance.
>rubric helmet
>khorne rune on shoulders
>w-eater knees
did angron and 63 magnus fug?
Recent chapter that I started working on after rolling the name on the chapter generator.
Fuck yeah dude
That's cool, do you just find a picture and color swap in paint.net or is this some feature of bolterandchainsword.com/smp I haven't seen?
That's a fuckin' solid color scheme. Do you have a frontal view of the heraldry?
Does anyone have a template so I can color mine? I can't seem to find my old one.
I used to have a bunch for different Tarot cards.
The Hanged Man, The Fool, and The Tower
They were all 22 allies succession chapters for The Iron Hands, their allied motto was "The Hand that Deals" and would not have allegiances between the chapters in groupings larger than 9 unless it was all 22.
How cringy is this?
Shit-tier m8
It's in the Wargear Beta. Bottom right corner and drop-down menu let you choose whether you want halfsies or Corners or just full colors.
Pic related for you.
I think it's subjective, can you tell me what's bad about it, or did you just want to put down my original character (do not steal) so you could feel better about your original character (do not steal)
Thanks, I've seen them before and always wondered where people were getting the blanks.
OP, you started this thread with "Gay Pride Marines" armor. You're taste is disqualified.
He's not OP, I am. But it's like you aren't even aware of how Slaanesh Marines used to look.
Just a nasty way of redirecting attention to my own color scheme
Pretty rude of you TBQH FAMALAM
Well tbqh your colors are all over the place not only on the basic paint scheme but on top of that each company has different colors as well
Do you really want to paint 1000 marines the same color?
Each Company kind of works like it's own little mini chapter, with their own traditions and what-not. Obviously they are not Codex Compliant and are seen as heretics by some members of the inquisition.
forgot my picture.
>Battlecry: "TAKE THE KNOT!"
I'll never forget these glorious bastards.
Yes I do, I base each miniature's personality on small details, variations and markings.
Much like in the Imperial Armour books.
>>rubric helmet
>Hallowe'en company
I like this one, honestly.
Yeah we all call them the Halloween Marines in my meta. Everyone else is either chaos or guard so it feels good to pound the battlefields with +3 armor.
>swords of passion
I like "Angels of Purity" for a Slaanesh warband
Have you never seen a picture of Tzeentch and his various rainbow creatures?
How are you guys making these?
Chapter generator
Click on the russian flag on the bottom left when you open it to change it to english
I've always preferred the B&C painter. Less flashy, but higher def and less random elements. I like having more control.
I'm personaly tired of the lack of detail and weapon options
The chapter generator allows you to test designs and patterns for custom miniatures.
Yeah but everything in the chapter generator works off of those nondescript sliders where every pixel is a completely random graphic.
>Swords of Passion
>Angels of Purity
I dig these, but I still like my "The Quivering Host"
Compared to all these flashy gits, my bone and brass khornates seem kind of bland, but I want to paint them with a lot of gore. Members of this warband consider coming back with conflicts with being drenched in blood a disgrace. I have no idea what to name them either...
>coming back from conflicts without being drenched
Fucking autocorrect
>The Untouched
>The Surge
>The Alabaster Host
>Bone Lords
>Marrow Drinkers
>Doom Carvers
>Artisians of Khorne
>Ash Hawks
>Templars Sanguine
>Splatter Ghosts
>Shades of Andûril
>White Walkers
>The Decorated
Or any combination therein
The thing doesn't have anything for that though, does it?
>>The Alabaster Host
I read that as 'The Assblaster host'.
There's now a second program in the .zip that allows you to make precisely the space marine you want selecting between all armor options
It only works for Space Marines though
Knights of Temperance
The Granite Eagles, a distant ruling space marine group from a apocalyptic hive world,
Mine's not much fancier. user, I feel your pain.
Scions of Malay. An offshoot of sons of Malice, using deals with malal to harness daemons of other gods and use them against the others. Still mostly loyal, but
Considered excommunicated alongside the Sons.
Using daemons to fight daemons is extremely stupid, but most are too proud to admit it.
Malal* damn phone typing Autocorrecting bullshit.
WIP Salamanders off-shoot
Favorite pastimes include but are not limited to: burning heretics, melting heretics, burning xenos, and melting xenos.
The Abyssal Horde - a bunch of sorcerers and mystics who live inside a city built in the corpse of a dead void whale located a warp storm that's in the middle of bumfuck nowhere, Galatically speaking. As a result of this isolation, they've developed a unique version of Chaos Worship which is similar to Hinduism/Buddhism. ascension to daemonhood is the obvious Nirvana/Moksha analogue, and they worship a huge number of aspects of the Chaos Gods and Daemon Princes as much as they worship the Gods themselves.
Due to the diversity of beliefs within the Abyssal Horde, they're very loosely organized, as each Warband is in fact a separate sect each led by a different Guru or Sorcerer. If alliances occur, they tend to be focused on one specific goal, and quickly dissipate once said goal is achieved.
Tactics wise, they're into attacking the enemy fast, and from multiple angles. lots of bikes, aircraft, raptors etc. Akin to the Thousand Sons, they're also into sorcery based trickery.
They don't have a unified war cry, but instead scream, chant and throat sing various mantras at the enemy. Their 'icon' also varies from marine to marine, as each composes a mantra as part of their initiation ritual, which is then painted onto their pauldron. As the warrior's glory grows, the mantra increases in length.
chaos monks/10
Why must you autists always have to mix and match dull and shitty colors in fucked up places
Do you really think painting the wrists, knees and backpack with one color and then the legs and waist and neck and face nother dull color will look good?
It looks like shit in real miniatures
You're trying to be different, you're not trying to make a good chapter
I can dig it. I imagine the Khornates are a "Heaven through violence" sort, detachment from mortal wants through pure destruction.
Its good maine
The Wicked Acolytes - Members of the Alpha and Black Legions banded together at some point to form their own Warband. Partly because they don't think Abaddon is fit to be Warmaster. Though they are ultimately a minor threat to the galaxy at large, their biggest accomplishments include converting the entire Malachite Expanse of the Retrion Sector to Chaos, as well as one of their leaders ascending to Daemon Princehood through multiple blood sacrifices.
The White Whales. A bunch of renegade Space Sharks fucking about the galaxy, plundering booty. They have an Imperial cruiser dedicated to hunting them. The captain of that cruiser is named Ahab.
I know what it's meant to be but the battle cry in that picture is "Knotted Penis!" not "Take the Knot!".
If the fa/tg/uy who added that Latin is around, why did you use that instead of something like "Nodum Accipe!" or even "Accipe Nodum!"?
(For those of you whose Latin is worse than mine which I know isn't all of you
Nodum: knot in a rope. That matches the English sense.
Accipe: imperative to take/accept/receive/endure)
There's another version where it's rendered as "Tolle Nodum"
I was the one who made that version. I used google translate for it as my Latin is nonexistent. The literal translation (according to google) is knotted erect penis. I figured most people would be like me and not know what it meant. I was hoping to get the fa/tg/uy who inevitably paints some of these poor sods up to say knotted cocks at his LGS.
>the pale slayers
Any wound or breech in their armour gushes an unnatural amount of scalding, burning blood
That's ichor blood user
either way. It's pleasing to imagine these pristine beserkers being more or less blood balloons as some sort of side effect of staying clean externally
Honestly, I think has it right. Considering the chapter is founded on ignorance and prone to shouting inappropriate statements in their ignorance, I think Low Gothic "Take the knot!" and High Gothic "Knotted Cock!" is 110% appropriate. It's like the perfect mantra of obliviousness and makes it clear a higher power is at work here.
Also, due to the inexactness between languages, the latin version won't have the same connotation that the English version does (only the boring denotation), so it needs that extra kick.
>Brothers, I return from the Ecclesiarch proper with good tidings. Although it was a struggle, they have finally shared with us the High Gothic translation of our battle cry!
>With me brothers! The Hanged go to war in the Emperor's name! Nodantur Verpa!
>Take the knot!
>Nodantur Verpa!
>Take the knot!
>Nodantur Verpa!
Thanks user. That makes a lot of sense. That's the first post I've laughed out loud at in a few weeks. Hope I haven't ruined your plan. I don't know when mirrors copy 4can posts but I'm going to delete my post so maybe it doesn't make it into an offsite archive.
Also thanks to you user.
Turns out I can't delete it because it's too old. Oh well.
Goes a little something like this.
Renegade Iron Hands successors.
Experimenting with Slaanish/Emperors Children marine scheme. I've always wanted to start an army but I can never decide what I want or how I want to run them.
A splinter of the emperor's children, lots of basic infantry and sorcery. Each marine patterns his armor differently, this is just one example. I've actually made it a point that each model had different distribution of pink and black around the armor.