MTG: Nordic Plane Confirmed?

Is "Valla" coming out after Egypt?

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>Not a warrior. what the FUCK WotC? Won't touch this card with a 10 foot pole for that reason.

She looks a lot more Celtic than Nordic.

I hadn't even noticed that before. Fuck you Wizards. How dare you.

I really hope they have the sense to change the name from "Valla", as I know for a fact that it sounds incredibly silly to Scandinavians and I suspect that it sounds just as silly to everyone else.

It sounds fine to me. What does it mean in most Scandi languages?

>She looks a lot more Celtic than Nordic.
Not very surprising. WotC has stated that there's likely not enough material to make an entire block around just Norse mythology and vikings. So when they get to it it will most likely be Northern Europe-block with Norse, Celts, Slavs, and Finns or something like that.

In Swedish it either means to drive cattle or to grease skis. It also sounds very similar to the name Valle.

That seems reasonable. So long as they don't try to make Boudicca-expy here a good guy.

>Boudicca-expy here a good guy.

Since most of the new legends are female and you can't have evil ladies...

I thought she was Balduvian?


Not to mention that it's clearly derived from Valhalla. It would have been like calling Theros "Olly".

Its a girl?


Isn't Skyrim getting a rerelease soon? I wouldn't be surprised if they decided to work on the Nord plane now to cash in on big vidya money, just like they did with Bloodborne.

I always thought Zendikar was "inspired" by the planet from James Cameron's Avatar.

That seems like a silly excuse. It's supposed to be a Norse mythology/viking inspired fantasy plane set in the Multiverse of MTG, not a 1:1 adaptation of real life. It's okay to take liberties to fill in the blanks.

Not that I really care either way though. What you said about a Northern Europe block would be fine too.

Snow-covered lands you say?

Shes a Balduvian from dominaria


Who will be the red tribe?

The set and movie came out around the same timeframe and there were coincidental similarities visually a a glance. But then you got to the swamps, mountainous regions, and everything besides jungles with big critters and things diverged.

This really highlights how badly they fucked up in making her a soldier.

Isn't Skyrim kind of ripping off a lot of stuff from Ice Age? And is Rockstar kinda looking at the resurgence of cowboy(McCree, Magnificent Seven) stuff to bring out another Red Dead?

It would probably be steppe peoples, but they already did Tarkir.

Maybe if you made the Norse red and then Romans would be white? Then you've got the five main European language families. Celtic, Germanic, Slavic, Romance, and throw in Finno-Ugric.

Or was a lot of this shit just lying around and someone just thought it'd be cool to make it without a corporate thought process to trends?

Not everyone is South Park and makes stuff in a month.

>RWU Romans oppressing the shit out of savages
10/10 would fight and die for the glory of the Republic

>Wedges while the corpse of tarkir hasn't gone cold yet

>getting to oppress subhumans for the glory of Rome
with how PoC Wizards have gotten lately, Rome will probably be antagonist faction.



>All these fucking Romecucks


The subhumans that Rome loved oppressing were other Europeans. Inferior Europeans like the Celts, Slavs, and Greeks. But not the Germanic (superior) peoples.

Wizards don't care about white on "white" (Celt, Slav, Greek) oppression, so buckle up for a subhuman oppressing Roman plane

I need this as a gif

You welcome

>It's okay to take liberties to fill in the blanks.
I mean, yes, you could do that, but at some point it stops being a block about Norse mythology and starts being a block in which Norse mythology plays a part, and if that's the case you might as well fill the rest of the block with other historically related cultures.

As someone who loves Norse mythology, I definetly agree with the verdict that there's not enough to work with to fill an entire block with just things from it unless you want to get really repetitive really quickly. It doesn't have nearly as many, or as flashy, monsters as Greek mythology, nor not nearly as many heroes, and the gods are not nearly as defined in their roles.


honestly i dont know why they even seperate them
but as long as they are seperated i will always say you should choose which of the 2 based on flavor
if you want a certain type rewrite the flavor

do we have her lore yet

except wizards never caved on that
we had a transexual villain in tarkier i think theres nothing to worry about

Except "she" wasn't a villain at all?

>color of order, honor and civilization

u wot m8

Should be like


she was one of the more villainous leaders of the set.

at the very least she had no honor

Are we talking about Alesha?
Because i'm confused, she was shown in pretty positive light for what i recall.

a lot of her cards showed her using some rather questionable tactics the main one being having fake diplomatic meetings to kill people at

>here's likely not enough material to make an entire block around just Norse mythology and vikings
It's kinda surprising, there is a lot of material between giant,kraken, troll etc... but maybe it's because north mythology is the mythology that most inspired modern fantasy so you would end up with an average fantasy world .

Just like the rest of her clan, then.
They were ruthless trash, fighting because they don't know how to do anything else. Honor was never the point.

Maybe they will do enemy duocolors?
RU (warriors/traders/pirates)
GB (the mystery of druids)
UG (snow mystics)
BW (underhanded and weak trash)
WR (glorious warriors)

no point in differentiating nords from finns.

It could create an interesting dichotomy between stereotypical vikings and weird spirit bullshit finns have.

>you should choose which of the 2 based on flavor
That is what they do right now. The default is that white and blue get soldiers, red and green gets warriors, and black is somewhere in between. Much the same as how white and blue gets wizards while red and green gets shamans. However, sometimes, depending on the flavour of the world white can end up with warriors, for example, or red can get soldiers.

That said, I really don't know why they decided to make Saskia a Soldier, and I'm almost inclined to think that it's last minute because of a mistake.

But /int/ told me that finns aren't nords but snow mongols.

Well, if we're talking dual colors, I'm fairly sure that with the continuous portrayal of civilization = fascism it's Franks that would end up BW (evil oppressors) and Norse being RW (noble warriors).

That does leave Celts with GB. UR would then go to Finns / Balts and UG to Slavs?

2 completely different (0 relation) language groups. The only cultural and genetic similarity present today is from centuries of occupation of Finland by nordics.
It'd make more sense to just exclude finns than to put them with nords. Nords are closer to fucking persians than to finns.

It is Kaldheim. Which also needs to be renamed because that is a stupid name.

I like Kaldheim more than Valla at least.

Eh. Too armored to be a 'warrior'. Pretty much everyone in the picture is armored up, and the flavor of her ability implies some sort of tactical shit is going on, even if it's just 'see that guy over there? Fuck him up too'.

I'll be completely honest, the distinction between 'warrior' and 'soldier' is so slight I can't quite understand why they opted to split the two in Lorwyn Block, I wouldn't be surprised if they just flipped a coin for her tribe.

It's not like Green, Black, and Red don't get soldiers, after all.

No one cares that ancient Finns were some kinda snow mongoloids. Now they are all autistic blondes like the rest of Nords.

You want snow mongoloids, then use Chukchi (Far northern-east Siberians) or Russians.

desu they weren't always autistic, that's just the aftermath of the Finno-Korean hyper war

what annoys me is seeker of the way
the main art i would have called a monk but i can accept warrior
but then they aparently dont care about type consistency because the clash pack promo is in every way a fucking monk

>the distinction between 'warrior' and 'soldier' is so slight I can't quite understand why they opted to split the two in Lorwyn Block
Just for flavor.

Finn in this case is mostly shorthand for the tribal people living in Scandinavia and Russia who aren't Norse or Slavs and would likely include Samis as well.

>itt everyone who doesn't know the magic lore

I'm not discounting a Norse plane, because I think that'd be rad as fuck (snow is my favorite aesthetic for fantasy). However, musclefu is from dominaria and is most likely Kjeldon due to being a soldier.

But even an English speaker can tell it just means cold home.

Chukchi were in Temur in Tarkir.

Then there is even more of a reason not to differentiate Finns as we already had snow mongols.

I want a Eastern Europe set with Infect. Baltics, Poles, Southern Slavs all get infected by filthy tracksuits and kompot.

Hey, fuck off, kompot on a cold day is amazing and is basically hot cider.


There's your issue. MTG is based on historical cultures, not modern, and
snow mongoloids

Magic is about what people

No one outside of Finland thinks or cares about how their real history was. For 99% of people
Generic Vikings with horned helms.

This, WotC only cares about appeasing the lowest common denominator after their release of Kamigawa had many heads scratched on what the heck was going on.

Plus, they need more women and PoC.

I definitely insist on a Nordic plane having 30% blacks, 50% women and the remaining 20% to be evil white male vampires or dullard men getting killed by monsters. And no asians because you don't get progressive brownie points for them.

check the chest bindings, there's a good chance it's female

>no point in differentiating nords from finns.
muh heritage

I can almost *see* the cards celebrating shield maidens and Valkyrie while presenting "Swarthy traders" who decided to settle in their lands. Those rich, bountiful lands of Scandinavia.

Makes me wonder what kind of spin they'll put on legends like Sigurd the Dragonslayer or the Hulder, probably the latter's man-eating qualities will be played up because tee hee silly boys and their fantasies.

Every country could say the same thing.

>Muh Latvians are super isolated farmers with dash of German
>Muh Lithuanians are super isolated farmers who lose Jesus
>Muh Estonians are super isolated farmers who really want to be Nords
>Muh Russians are super isolated slavs who follow post-USSR propangande
>Muh Ukrainians are slavs who don't want USSR back and love Jesus a bit
>Muh Poles are slaves who love Jesus a lot, like really a lot

Doesn't matter Americans, who are Hasbro's primary cash cow know these fantasy settings:
>Ancient Greece
>Ancient Rome
>Ancient Japan (mixed together with other Asian countries, because who cares ching chong bing bong)

If your culture can't fit in into these, you're shit out of luck

Forgot Ancient Egypt

You also forgot Mayincatec, the Meso-whatever land of human-sacrificing mystics, and Indian-Land, where everyone wears loinclothes and does the sun dance.

Oh my god.

>ancient rome
>raised by wolves
>krakens, fucking krakens
>aphrodite, one of the most important greek idols they worshipped, nowhere to be seen
>no Thebes referenced
>no Corinth
>no Cumae
>no Delphi
>no other notable polis except for Sparta and Athens
>but they are going to reference a made-up polis that's prominent in the fucking Marvel comics

Well said.

The reason I have found they do this is Soldiers always fight as more than one in most cases on cards, and some are also C.O.s like this one, whereas Warriors are often depicted alone and are the great fighter kind of being.

I am pretty sure that's how they draw the line. Sorry for late reply

Ancient Greece, not Rome, my bad

>Muh Charybdis, muh Scylla
>Everyone knows the Romulus and Remus story... Kind of, I mean it's pretty novel nowadays so whatever
>Aphrodite is problematic because she's a sexy goddess of sexy love and cuckolding her husband
>Thebes? Corinth? Cumae? Delphi? Haha, those are made-up lame-i-nations you tried to put on their Original the Setting (DO NOT STEAL!) Sparta were MIGHTY WARRIOR MEN (and women!) And Athens was the bestest most progressive and philosophical place in the Greek world
>Hey hey, that polis is super important because that's what people know! Marvel is an arbiter of Greco-Roman mythology, after all

Oh man I'd ravage this kid's boypussy

I bet my entire lifesavings a Viking/Nord plane will have Black and colored people.

That doesn't matter when it's not important that people understand which real world people the tribes are based on. How many people understood what the different Clans were based on apart from Mongols, do you think?

They got the hellenic ideal of male beauty to a T.

The fuck? How is there not enough material with the wealth of myths, landscapes, mythological creatures and famous persons?

>she was one of the more villainous leaders of the set
If you ignore Tasigur and Yasova "literally working for Bolas" Dragonclaw, I guess.

>How is there not enough material with the wealth of myths, landscapes, mythological creatures and famous persons?

Wizards of the Coast does not know about trolls, dragons, Hulder, Elves, Dwarves, mythical figures like Askeladd or Sigurdr or Ragnar Lodbrok or Skadi.

Man, I remember when Khans block was dominated by black people...

Oh! And Zendikar too!

Too many women on Tarkir too. Not like there's an exact 1:1 ratio of Khans in Male to female. Or that there's more male coded protagonists in the block than females. Or that Jace is a main character in every block he's in and is as straight and white as we can get.

Gideon fucking speaks for himself(his colors in the game for fuck sake).

Sometimes I think you idiots will bitch about anything, for fucking cereal. It's a card game, get over yourselves.

To be fair I don't see how mongolians are blue. On Tarkir they were pretty damn red/black.

>But not the Germanic (superior) peoples.
>forest niggers
>not the worst of the bunch

Right, because pandering to SJW means profit.

R&D didn't even know about Cthulhu when designing the Eldrazi back in like 2007-8. They're in a little bubble separate from the world

>tfw we will never get a Gix commander.

The problem isn't necessarily that WitC doesn't know about those things, but that they in themselves wouldn't make the world unique enough to stand out as a Norse mythology world. And, if you wanna do Vikings they have to have someone to raid.

His name is literally translated as RAPE. That isn't happening in modern magic

i bet the gays will ruin it too.


Don't worry user. We'll eventually get a Gix card when it's revealed that He's the Raven Man