Has rape ever been featured in a session/campaign of yours?
Has rape ever been featured in a session/campaign of yours?
There's a lot of rape in the fields of my setting.
Nah, my campaigns are fairly lighthearted.
I shoot for Discworld levels of seriousness - while an important, dramatic plot can exist, there's still room for humor, and I'm not gonna throw around themes like rape beyond maybe a throwaway double entendre about concubines.
Well, I'm sure plenty of rape exists in my setting, but no, I've never shown it "on screen".
No, because I play with functional human beings with basic social skills who aren't coming to the games to get something to masturbate to.
mostly with demonic or orcish hordes raping and pillaging
also god rape for manipulable demigod children
Pratchett alluded to rape in more than a few cases; while never explicitly saying anything, the implications were clear. Monstrous Regiment comes to mind, though I'm sure there are others.
One of my friends almost got raped in jail in a Hunter: The Reckoning campaign I was running and he stopped being my friend because he thought I was bullying him through tabletop. Nothing led up to it and he never told me about his concerns.9
He started his own session that a few friends of mine joined (They came to both of our sessions on different days). In his campaign, a promethian literally ripped a skyscraper out of the ground with a werewolf on top and threw it because he had a merit/ability that made it easier to lift things (Difficulty 4 instead of 6). There was probably 30+ demon characters, all teenagers with plot armour and he gave 20+ xp a session.
His campaign was supposed to be realistic and serious.
I still can't believe that a near-miss rape started a horrible campaign and helped end a friendship.
Why do you instantly associate rape with fapping?
Rape is p disgusting to watch, it's not supposed to be hot. If it's used in a game it'll be for dramatic weight.
Define rape.
One of my characters was date raped by an Erinyes once, since she was under the influence of Infernal liquor.
Judging by the campaign you were better off without him
Billy Graham detected
it's the central mechanic of an entire army according to GW so yes
Nah, just sex where one person is physically overpowering and possibly beating the shit out of the other who is screaming and spitting and desperately trying to escape while in extreme pain.
Did you pop a boner in the comedian scene in watchmen?
>Implying that even happens anymore.
Consent can now be revoked after sex has occurred thanks to feminists. Happy fucking :^)
This remminds me of "shit 40k is so sexist/racist/homophobe, etc" yeah, that's the fucking point
I pop a boner for everything starring Jeffrey Dean Morgan, m8
Y-you didn't?
But in seriousness, I've only used it once and it was only implied after the PC's failed to save an NPC within an obvious time limit.
Solidified the bad guy as Bad Guy and gave one of the PC's motivation since the NPC was his neice.
you know as shit as the watchmen film was they did a very good job on that scene
That's how my paladin did it. She felt super guilty about fucking that cute devil.
It's a cheap drama device used by hack writers to shock and disgust you because they're incapable of more nuanced drama.
What is the Galaxy of Terror of tabletop games?
My campaigns tend to be fairly lighthearted. But this time two of my players have insisted on playing Evil characters, so who knows? I have amended my style, and I will not make the world bow to their favour because of plot armour.
And the setting is based on Rome. And the Romans loved rape. I never consciously use it as an element, but it really depends on where the players go. I fear a lot of lolrandumb bullshit, I'm afraid. It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if one of them took advantage of some NPC, just coz. And then I will have rape in my campaign.
I'll make sure to keep in mind the rigid gender divide of Roman society.
>Bad things can never happen to characters
Rape was the least of the things Cook-Cook did. Even other Fiends thought he was a sick fuck.
The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo remake had one that was even worse.
I mean seriously, with all the rape they through onto the table top, how can any one still play Craftworld Eldar?
More like.
>if i have them rape i dont have to come up with a better excuse for the players to go after the bad guys.
wait are you implying the watchmen film did a bad job of it
No? But the suggested film pulls no punches if you're looking for evidence of rape being horrifying.
>if i have them rape i dont have to come up with a better excuse for the players to go after the bad guys.
Isn't the bad guys killing people done like 100x more often?
ah i see i misunderstood you
>watchman film
yeah no, you have bad taste
Were they in a hospital at the time?
>laughable false allegations of rape exist, so actual rape doesn't exist!
That isn't how it works m8.
Once, in a pretty cringy fashion. GM had the current BBEG rape a girl while we fought his minions.
We didn't really need more reason to kill him and it made most of the table generally uncomfortable and told him to not do that next time.
It has been implied, against a PC, once. Some backstory:
Rogue Trader's random name generator has a small chance of giving you a misgendered name, man called Jane sort of thing. He rolled name, got a female name, and decided to just go female with the character.
She was the rogue trader's hired void-master, and immediately made him regret the decision. She was a real "Mustang Sally" type. If histrionic personality disorder had a face, it was this PC. She abused her power and took whatever she wanted, and he let it slide because she was an incredible asset to the team. She got more and more reckless, and eventually she made a move against a rival Rogue Trader.
This rival was built up from the go to be the worst possible human. No chaos taint, but as bad as you get without damnation. His power was absolute; the kind of guy whose security detail wear power armor and carry bolt guns.
She was gonna seduce him, and kill him in bed. She failed to kill him, fade to black, she came back with some insanity points. I had made it clear that his character was making bad decisions and there would be consequences, and he tried to call my bluff. It was not glamorous and it was not fun.
i suggest you educate yourself about the world
He was fun to be around and hilarious, but he's at the deep end of anime cringe
Right back at you.
No, because im pretty sure because one of my male friends got molested by the hippie friends of his parents while he was a child.
Because we are on Veeky Forums of course. Everything is fapped to here.
Yes, actually. When our group's party was wiped, nearly all of us died except for one guy. His love interest was given an ultimatum by the villain: Put on a collar that would let him control her, or watch the PC die in front of her.
She picked the former, and he let the PC live. In the rematch, our entire party died.
The sequel campaign picked up twenty years later, where one of the lead antagonists was a young, arrogant Blackguard who greatly resembled an SS officer. He was the son of the villain and the PC's former love interest.
It turned out that he'd been raping her every day, while she was under his control. When the PCs finally found her, she was wheelchair-bound and catatonic.
>not corrupting
Long story-short: I had a game where me and my bros played as the not!Inquisition agents of an Imperium/Nazi-esque empire. Said empire hated the shit out of non-consensual sex and we were sent out to neuter and kill a shitload of rapists, ayy lmaos and tentacle monsters.
It was really fun.
That's low, man.
Cheap shock value. That GM is uninspired and a shit
I rolled a female character once for a game and the dm insisted on doing a randomly generated backstory for me. One of the things that I rolled for on a table ended up being something like "traumatic childhood accident" or something but left it open for one to decide what the actual thing was. Naturally the first suggestion out of the dm's mouth was rape and even offered to run a 1v1 session with me to rp out my character's backstory. I of course refused and he acted so offended you'd think I'd shot his dog.
They shouldn't have lost the final battle, then.
I raped a troll during a 1shot once, playing a hairy black gay dwarf barbarian totemist in 5e that focused on grappling.
He was a Black Bear, you see
I warned that troll that I was going to stick my dick in its ass when it tried to rob us and by god I kept my word.
That has nothing to do with the comment of it being cheap shock value. The GM is uninspired whether they won or lost.
In one game I ran, a vampire was prowling the Hive in Sigil at antipeak for some blood after he used a bunch of his during a fight.
He came upon an alley and he sees a halfling woman and man, clearly someone about to be raped. The player thought the man was raping the halfling and I had fun calling him out on his prejudice when he realized the halfling had a knife to the man's crotch and was threatening him.
The Vampire killed them both though for blood and then threw their bloody bodies to his Vampire Razorvine patch just the same.
>He came upon an alley and he sees a halfling woman and man, clearly someone about to be raped. The player thought the man was raping the halfling and I had fun calling him out on his prejudice when he realized the halfling had a knife to the man's crotch and was threatening him.
Something's gotta be done about these god damn loli rapists.
I played a play by post homebrew game of their own forum. I had no idea what I was getting myself into at that time...
Everyone had a rape subplot (as either a rapist or a victim.) I tried to ignore it until they stopped going to fade to black. I quietly dropped the group but once in a while I check it out to see how things are going. the rape is now replaved with birth scenes which is as horrifying to read.
I don't think rape is inheritly bad in plot, rather how sloppy and common its execution is.
>planting rape instead of sunflowers
Dusgusting fucking subhuman Dane
They could always cut someone up. Like that chick in 13 assassins. That was pretty horrifying, especially when she tries to write with the brush in her tongueless toothless mouth because the bad guy cut off all her limbs.
Of course, she had been raped as well but that really wasn't the worst thing to have happened to her.
>Not disgusting
Psycopath detected
Like violence in general, it depends on how it's portrayed. We (collectively) enjoy seeing action movies heroes mow down armies of mooks and inflict violence on others, because there's a theatrical component that's obvious by context. At the same time, violence in something like Game of Thrones or something even more dramatic isn't meant to appeal to that same feeling of base enjoyment. Mostly the difference is in how realistically it's portrayed.
If you thought the scene in Watchmen, or something like Irreversible was hot, that's deeply concerning. If you read a more "cinematic" smutty rape scene that was meant to appeal to prurient interests, or play that out in a roleplaying context, it's different. It goes back to rational adults being able to separate reality from fantasy, and understand that fantasizing about things in a safe manner doesn't condone them in real life.
So in terms of RPGs to address the OP question, it depends on the tone. But by default, it's not something I'd ever bring up without knowing the players well, and never in an explicit sense outside of some pre-agreed on ERP scenario. For the vast majority of normal games, it shouldn't come up. In a darker tone, mentioning it makes sense to establish tone, but that should be done carefully. It should never arbitrarily be a consequence for PCs.
in one of my games when there was a contested thrown, one of the choristers of interest was the kings bastard sun and whether or not it was consensual was part of the trial. i didn't intend it to be but the PCs pushed for it so we went there.
unfortunately in the end the paladin decided that all of them were guilty of something and killed any possible successor.
Just stop, you're embarassing yourself.
Fucking Paladins.
>Why do you instantly associate rape with fapping?
Nailed it.
well i had an implied serial rapist running around murdering children, turns out it was a massive curropted mermaid that was impaling children, and the stuff they thought was semen was its poison/saliva
Never seen a more brightly flashing warning sign than that.
It's not that, it's
>Rape is the default bad thing to have happen to characters, or at least female characters the players like
It's uncreative. How many hack writers include rape in their female characters' backstories?
You did drop that game like it was hot, right?
> rape
> a feature
He watches too much hentai, where apparently rape is the hottest thing ever, because women wanting and enjoying sex makes them disgusting and unattractive and impure.
Does an ogress forcing a party member to marry her count as rape?
It was either this or part wipe.
>Losing the final battle means the sequel campaign has to have bad writing
>They shouldn't have lost the final battle, then.
She was going to be pregnant with the BBEG's rape baby even if they won the final battle, he had a good 1-2 months of raping her after all.
Sexuality, any and all kinds, does not belong on rpg board games, it makes shit awkward and goes places it should never go on a board game.
once or twice, nothing major, nothing graphik, once it was implyed and once it was used as a campaing kickstarter, my players could not figure out what to do in my campaing at one point so i had them walk into a rape scean and catch the rapist to move the plot allong (rapist was plot important, a guy they had to find anyways)
Of course it's rape - well, it's only rape when she fucks him, otherwise it's just some vague sort of kidnapping.
Consent under duress doesn't qualify as consent, so yes.
But they were married by the party cleric before having sex.
It's a Monster Manual ogress, not pretty. Pic is how she looks like.
>mfw the DM had us come across a caravan being pillaged by a gnoll raiding party
Gnolls are basically Orcs without the decency of being humanoid enough to think that some things are off-limits even for shameless rapists and pillagers.
Let's just say there was a woman who *was* pregnant in the caravan, but wasn't when the party came across her.
After that encounter I have never met a Gnoll I did not feel intense disgust towards, the DM did a damn good job of portraying those things are freaks without hitting the "this is cheap shock schlock" button.
>It's a Monster Manual ogress, not pretty. Pic is how she looks like.
Which is why I am saying it's heresy
>That spoiler
Yup, this is okay shock value.
I'm playing a Serb, so yes.
>But they were married by the party cleric before having sex.
That doesn't change a thing, a wife can easily rape a husband and vice versa.
It's all about consent, implicit or explicit (most SJW fuckwits try to claim only explicit is okay, but that's not true at all.)
>That doesn't change a thing, a wife can easily rape a husband and vice versa.
I know I was just memeing.
If it had been me, I'd have bitten off my tongue.
>Unironically asking why it's wrong to consort with non-humans or members not of your species.
There's a point where poe's law comes into effect, and your post is it.
It's D&D, everyone's fucking everyone.
Gnolls are unabashed cannibalistic monsters with a severe tilt towards extreme cruelty towards anyone and anything that isn't their own kind (and even then it's rough.)
I'd agree it was grindhouse horror smut if the DM didn't do a damn fine job building up the tension and horror of the encounter before presenting us with the absolute deep end of what those things are willing to do.
>Unironically asking why it's wrong to consort with non-humans or members not of your species.
>He limits himself to only one species when the Halfling has her generous cleavage at *just* the right height and the Elf girl across the bar has been eying you for the entire night
And don't get me started on the non-human lovers a woman can find, oh boy.
So? It's still disgusting.
And that's exactly why all my characters hate gnolls with a passion and they are KOS all day everyday.
That dm was well known for starting campaigns but not sticking with them. He would typically start something and run 2-3 sessions before passing it off to somebody else to run, so I endured for a short while before he got bored and then I got with the new dm and rewrote pretty much the entire character.
>So? It's still disgusting.
Not really? Half-Elves have the grace and beauty of an Elf with the "heftiness" of a Human, Halflings are half-sized humans with significantly more pep in their step, and don't even get me started on stuff like Aasimar or Tieflings.
I won't fall for your tricks Gwirithiel. I told you thousands of times already, I don't care for any of that.
Gee, I wonder who could be behind this post?
It'll have to be a thousand and one before I decide to find another man to satisfy the ole "Sylvan Rut."
Good end