>After for a time in combat, the beholder surrenders and pleas to join the party because it's legitimately lonely and for the first time in its long life, it had fun interacting with all of you
After for a time in combat...
I'm not sure how to feel about this. My heart aches...what is this emotion!
Invite to an amusement park. Casually take it into a funhouse. Then grab it, tie it up in front of the crazy mirrors, and lock it inside. Put a "this attraction closed" sign out front so no one goes in and undoes your work.
Let it stew in front of the comically warped mockeries of its image until it snaps.
Beholders care for nothing but themselves. They don't even like other beholders, they think those are blasphemies to the perfect form that is themselves.
This beholder is either insane, in which case it should be killed ASAP, or deceiving me, in which case it should be killed ASAP.
"You can join, but you have to suck our cocks"
...my character wouldn't even stop fighting. At this point he's basically Goblin Slayer except with Aberrations and most of the edge replaced with actual character development.
Also, if the first time it ever "had fun" was when it was trying to murder you and you were trying to murder it, it's probably best not to find out what else it enjoys.
It's probably not knitting.
[Lore roll needed]
Alright, a new friend, Bitchin. Wait til the BBEG gets a load of this.
>Foolish Mercenaries, you should have taken my offer when you had the chance, now you shall- OH SWEET BABY PELOR! WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT THING!?!
>Oh, that's just David, he's new. Say Hi David.
>Ha, look this guy, he's riot I tell ya.
>Beholders are hateful and aggressive in their relations with all other creatures. Ironically, it is toward other beholders (and especially beholderkin) that this hatred is the strongest. A beholder typically views nonbeholders as a necessary evil—stock to gather and command in its never-ending quest to eradicate other beholders and their ilk. Although a beholder is completely logical and organized in its efforts, its goals remain insane.
>Beholders almost never become clerics. They lack the interest to devote their lives to higher powers, and in truth, their minds simply cannot conceive of doing so. The fact that their antimagic eye disrupts their own magic is another reason they avoid the clerical path. Yet beholders are not atheists; they live every moment in constant devotion to an ageless entity known as the Great Mother.
>From birth, beholders know that they came not from their parent, who disavows them and turns on them as an enemy, but from an ancient being known as the Great Mother. To beholders, the Great Mother epitomizes the truth. All else is imperfection, and as a result, each beholder strives to become as perfect in mind and body as the Great Mother. Each beholder vividly recalls its birth not as the event occurred, but as if it had been spawned personally by the Great Mother herself. Each beholder also believes to the core of its being that it personifies the closest approximation the flesh can hope for in replicating the true majesty of the Great Mother. All others are pretenders that must be destroyed, for each moment that another beholder lives is an insult to the Great Mother. To a beholder, there is no greater way to demonstrate its faith than to slaughter and kill.
The insane "Sane" beholders that don't have that defect are the most dangerous ones, since they can act reasonably and not be distracted by the desire to kill all beholders.
In my setting Beholders are just passive aggresive racism instead of outright racism.
They cross the street when a Halfling walks past and they make comments under their breath.
Sure, but if you turn on us, we'll kill you like we were going to in the first place.
>Giant ass float head monster with eye tentacles for hair
>nervous around half-lings
The image this conjures in my head is funnier to me than it should be.
My answer is sure, with an if.
If my party did not rely of magic in critical situations and we were neutral, LE, or NE (no CE), then fine.
Although a loner a beholder is very intelligent. It also flies, so if there's a way to get through to home on a social level we could reach a pact that mutually benefits both of us. Maybe promising him a time of knowledge somewhere, or even a *gulp* female (or male depending if he or she) mate.
Lawful Evil characters should be able to be negotiated with and can create alliances that work out for both parties without any bloodshed.
If our party was good, or used magic on the reg then probably not.
... so not goblin slayer at all?
A beholder was the father to one of my character's gunslingers. Sounds perfectly legit.
Easy solution then: The Beholder knows we're going to face another Beholder and wants to come along to kill them, using 'loneliness' and 'fun' as lie-excuses.
I would do a drinking contest with him.
Well, relentlessly dedicated to exterminating the Aberration threat after gazing at the plane of Xoriat for a few minutes, then going nearly insane.
...the general response after meeting him is that no one should be that sane. Even normal people aren't this Sane.
How would you convince that alcohol isn't harmful to itself?
Can I fuck it
No, but it gives great head.
>It winds up being found by a worker taken in as one of their own
>When you return to the amusement park to check on it, it thanks you for giving it a place where it feels like it belongs and can interact with other people freely.
You won't trick me this time, bud. I won't get dunked on by your inescapable eyestalk hug attack!
Someone post how Beholder's bear their young. It never ceases to make me giggle.
I would but I cant BEAR the thought of looking at it again
Oh user, you cad.
Not trustworthy
Fuck no.