I just realized, Veeky Forums, the two most common household pets are opposite alignments.
Dogs are Lawful, and Cats are Chaotic.
I just realized, Veeky Forums, the two most common household pets are opposite alignments.
Dogs are Lawful, and Cats are Chaotic.
Other urls found in this thread:
Goldfish are true-Neutral.
Can't argue with that.
Birds are all Neutral Good or Neutral Evil.
Ferrets are chaotic good
More specifically, dogs are lawful good and cats are chaotic evil.
Kitties are adorable
Doggos are cute, but they can't compare.
Only problem is that many kitten are chaotic asshole in alignment..
>birds not chaotic
Have you ever actually interacted with a bird?
angel catbird was weird
That's not what Redwall taught me.
>calling this anything but Chaotic Malkavian
I'd argue they're more unaligned than true neutral.
I get your point. I'll list birds as being any alignments but lawful or neutral. They're either adorable little poofs or fucking assholes.
Godammit I want an owlcat.
Animals are neutral
You say that now, but I get the distinct feeling that, for having all the combined cuteness of owls and cats, an owlcat would be a fucking vicious whirlwind of chaos and pain.
Adult cats are the definition of true neutral
They are physiologically incapable of giving a fuck
Ferrets are chaotic neutral retards. We have four and they spend all day jumping off the highest point they can reach, usually into a vase or something that they can't escape from.
I have literally no idea how these goddamn animals survived in the wild.
>very demanding
>no respect given towards its master
>coughs up pellets everywhere
>violently hisses and screeches at everyone
>The Ultimate Asshole companion
... I still don't see the problem.
Well, there aren't usually vases in the wild.
South Africa.
They're chaotic awesome.
WAIT A SECOND. I just remembered animals have babies.
Owlet kittens. Owlettens... kitlets? Kitlets!
Vases are long skinny tubes. Burrows are long skinny tubes. Ferrets make burrows and raid the burrows of other animals for prey. Seems like it works itself out. I heard tunnel toys are good for ferrets, anyway.
It's worth mentioning that despite owls being adorable, they are also among the most least smart birds there are.
You don't have to be smart when you're extremely well-evolved for ambush hunting.
Wisdom 12(+1)
Intelligence 2(-4)
Well dogs are also good aligned, while cats are shit aligned.
Being smart is important for domestication, though.
You want pets that are smart enough to reconize people beyond food-provider. It's why ferrets and skunks make for shitty pets.
Even some lizards are smarter than owls.
Dogs will happily shit everywhere and on themselves while cats instinctivly take their shits in areas designated for such.
That's stupid.
Dogs are almost flawless, almost. They'd be utterly and indisputably flawless if they didn't drool all over the place.
Cats are pretty intelligent. An owlcat would probably have a more even balance of predatory features and intelligence. More versatile than a cat, but smarter than an owl. They'd have a reputation amongst people as being pretty, mobile, and as excellent hunters, but also as being sporadic, aggressive, and a bit ditzy.
having to pick up their poop is another flaw
cats have nicer fur tho
>I have literally no idea how these goddamn animals survived in the wild.
By being chaotic retards
please ignore cringy dialogue
Get a better dog. My dogs will only shit in a specific zone of the yard, which also happens to be on the edge of the yard. Then the wind just dries out and blows the turds away.
Nah, look at that skull. It's an owl skull the eyes are still too big for the brain.
You underestimate how stupid owls are.
Assuming it's more of a fusion of attributes than combination, the owl's lack of intelligence would render it to below dog-levels at best.
An adorable owlgryf you could train, but never tame.
It would however imprint very hard upon birth.
Making my chaotic neutral dancing assassin now
Doesn't sound like too much of an issue. You don't use owls for falconing or cats for retrieving. Odds are they'd be useful as pest-control. They can clear out mice like normal, but also go after flying pests, and can ambush from the air as well as the land.
>please ignore cringy dialogue
The more I see this kind of shit, the more I realize that /int/ copypasta about British vs American nature documentaries is true.
Doggos are shit-tier pets.
Guinea Pigs are the true Redpill.
That's livestock, you silly twink. It's only good for eating, and cannot preceive you as anything but a food source.
Pretty sure Donald Trump loves to cuddle and likes chin scratches. Guinea Pigs are at least as smart as rats senpai. Plus they have adorable little feetsies.
Pic related, intelligent Donald getting chin scratched.
>Guinea pigs are truly delicious*
Seriously guinea pigs are fucking delicious. They breed like rabbits and are docile as fuck. The fucking incans had their shit together despite not having a written language.
asians think dogs are delicious.
>will figure out how to open their cages
>will go open other bird cages
>all while shedding that white powder everywhere they go
Cockatoos are that CN lolrandom jackass
*chinese think dogs are delicious
>Guinea pigs
>As smart as rats
Rats are some of the smartest motherfuckers out there user. No way those little Brazilian snacks are as smart as rats.
>Named a pet after a meme political candidate
Wew lad
Lucky for you they don't live long.
You ever see a Guinea Pig drag his house across the cage to reach carrots that are strung up out of reach? They do that.
How do you get the meat?
Can you buy it in stores?
What the fuck, are rabbits retarded?
They live 8 years if you give them enough space. He actually had that name before Donald Trump announced his candidacy because he's got an Orange face and white hair. Plus their mouths look like little buttholes.
Gentlemen, I give you the Elves of the Animal Kingdom
Animals enjoying receiving physical affection doesn't make them smart. Owls, snakes, crocs, and goats all like physical affection but it doesn't reflect on them being smart.
To say guinea pigs are as intelligent as rats is a mockery to rats' intelligences. They were bred to be calm, stupid, and easy to slaughter.
>Naming pets after C-list celebrities
Nominal improvement, I am sorry for your luck on that front.
I'll admit, Chewie's fucking retarded. But I've had rats and I currently have Guinea Pigs. They are just as smart. They only difference is pigs never get over being skittish. They are decent problem solvers though.
Pic related is the dumbass of the family.
What's with the Resident Evil tier dialogue?
They probably are.
>he would not eat dog
There was a phase where NatGeo wanted to be "hip" and "EXTREEME", but they sadly didn't realize that the 90s ended years ago.
Basically, they tried to ape the fame and popularity of Animal Planet's The Most Extreme, and failed at it miserably
Actually I think cats are definitely not chaotic. They are either neutral or display what could be considered an alien sense of lawful.
Observe how you may pet the cat 3 times, ONLY three times, more then that and it bites.
We see the cat as chaotic simply because we do not understand why it does the things it does, but on closer observance we can see very strong patterns arise in behaviors. Cats LOATH change, you ever try moving a litter box to a new part of the house? it will start pissing everywhere. You must first acclimate the cat to change by slowly moving the box a couple inches a week.
Now if you got to move it between floors, u are screwed unless its a basement, then you can just lock the damned thing down there with food and water.
Woah now friend, don't set that bar too high now.
Try markets that sell meats other than cow and pig, typically farmers market. If they have a vender for goat and rabbit, likely someone will at least know someone who breeds Gpiggu for livestock.
Rabbits are pretty stupid animals.
>Mouse Guard game
>Replace mice with rats
Would this work, or would they be better as their own thing in the setting?
>replace all with Guinea Pigs
>Observe how you may pet the cat 3 times, ONLY three times, more then that and it bites.
Noobs, my cat lets me rub her belly as much as I want, pet as much as I want and generally loves me.
Git Gud
I only have 4, I can't post any more piggos without a repeat.
Stat me
well in that case, have one more
the first two are sisters, believe it or not
Best choice
Cats have the widest range of complex personalities among any domesticated animal.
But the real question is: Does she let you freely touch her toe beans? :3 (pretty much the highest level of trust a cat can give, also so cute and soft to squish)
Wacka Wacka motherfucker
What? You're on crazy pills. Dogs are chaotic good, cats are lawful evil.
Toe beans?
I was being overly generalistic using a well known joke/example of cats weirdness.
I have a cat that embodies the 'pet a very specific period of time then i bite' and I have had cats that would seek out laps to cuddle and purr in while also having no issues with you approaching them.
Point is whatever variety of personality a particular cat has, they usually are not what I could consider chaotic. Very predictable once you know them. If anything a cat has an almost autistic level of obsessiveness over things being a certain way
Pads, I assume.
thats not a bird thats a pokemon
Is there a flight fight type already?
Cats are lawful too, just in different ways. The difference is that dogs think that the provider of food and shelter must be god, while cats think that since they're provided with food and shelter, they are god.
Yes, and it's glorious.
Crows are fucking cool.
It's true.
I moved my cat's water bowl like 3 meters across the kitchen and she turned into a shrieking retard, yowling at anybody who went into the room and batting water out of the bowl until we moved it back. It was kinda scary because she's normally super docile.
Why are vultures so cool?
i thought that was a shoop
holy shit
>pretty much the highest level of trust a cat can give
No, the highest level of trust a cat can give is willingly letting you rub their belly, without turning into a ball of sharp.
Mine used to do that, often for prolonged periods. So warm and soft and fluffy.
Post it?
Rats are very smart, user.
Even if your G pig is smart, it's nowhere near a rat.
I regularly use my cat's stomach as a pillow.
cat stomachs are absolute bliss
Dogs are Chaotic Good. Cats are Lawful Evil.
My cat lets me blow raspberries into her belly. Then stays in my arms and purrs and kneeds while I rub it afterwards.
>Wings look like fists on BUFF arms
holy fuck. Watching this video muted makes me feel dizzy. Tried it with some techno background. Suddenly looks alright, What the fuck did the cutter smoke?
It sounds like a fucking robot.
I still hate the mouth, though.
another fun one is cats that raely drink out of water bowls and instead go for the condensation in a bath tub, especially if there is a slight drip to the faucet. And then you try to get them one of those special water fountain cat bowls, you realize several weeks later you wasted a lot of money.
No one really knows why this happens so often. One theory I liked was that it is survivor instinct that comes from very likely originally being arid/desert in their ancestory. They found this source of fresh water, now they must always return to it.