Beastmen are cool and deserve better - edition
>General's Handbook pdf is up
>OP image album
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Beastmen are cool and deserve better - edition
>General's Handbook pdf is up
>OP image album
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What do you play?
>Path to Glory?
>Narrative games?
Usually Pitched? Pick a points value, play til one person is dead. I'd be curious to try some more objective based stuff though, I think my dwarfs would do better at that.
I play mostly pitched battles, but also narrative and campaign games.
Make your own warscrolls here!
Anyone going to the Warhammer live event? Someone needs to pick up this exclusive and scan it.
I would do it If I lived in the UK. Fucking Brits always doing these events and screwing everyone with exclusive bullshit.
Some forms of matched play, using one of the objectives
free people/ælves/duradin start collection when
pitched always with objectives
hopefully starting a PtG soon
Can someone explain the 50/50 meme that was at the Warlords GT at Warhammer World?
Yup. Although I don't really need the Duardin one unless it's got the newer sculpts in it. I've got literally hundreds of Dwarfs already lol. Could use some of the new Longbeards and the new Runelord.
10 hand gunners, 10 state troops, 3 Demi gryphs, general
Im planning on getting into AoS, and I have my eyes on a destruction army. Mainly Troggoths with some spidergrot support. Is it doable? Can they support one another?
My shopping list so far is:
>Fellwater Troggoths
>Grot big boss on spider
>Grot spider riders
>And a coupel of sourbreath and/or rockgut Troggoths
I've got a question: I'd really like to turn my Legion of Azgorh warhost and model the grouping and tactics into pseudo Roman legion. What do?
Use square shields and helmet plumes?
This is the link to an excel file with a prototype balance system for the game Age of Sigmar.
The problem is that their are hundreds of units that need to have their data entered and I am asking you to please lend a hand.
If you are willing to participate please download the excel spreadsheet and locate a faction you are willing to enter the data for. Enter the data in the same way using the units I have already entered as an example. Then post back in this thread with your updated file indicating what you have added.
If all goes well I can consolidate all our efforts and then post back the final complete spreadsheet for anyone and everyone to enjoy.
Free Peoples List:
State Detachment thing:
30 X Handgunners
30 X Handgunners
30 X Handgunners
5 X Outriders
3 X Cannon
1 X Master Engineer
3 X Demigryph Knights
My cannons hit on 4+ with RR doing an average of 14 wounds a turn against defense 4+ units.
My Handgunnders hit on 1+ when not moving along with bravery buffs. Also wound on 2+. Outriders and demyphryph things as chaff.
Thoughts? Could it be improved? I have not played yet but by the looks of the games I see people playing they don't have well made armies so maybe this will be more than enough to win every game for a while.
How are you going to capture objectives? The list is pure "not gonna play against" for some, and easy to mash for anyone with teleportation abilities. Stormcast teleport bombs and wood-porting kurnoth will rip you a new one.
I can stand and shoot with this list which should mitigate teleportation assaulter units. 1+ to hit 2+ to wound with -1 to their save and a lot of shots should do decent harm.
Havent played before so don't know any objectives. Can the demygryph things along with outriders not do it pretty easily with the decent speed?
If people dont want to play against it then they have lost which is also fine by me.
This is either very subtle, bordering on gentle, trolling, or the one moron from a couple of threads back has returned. I honestly cannot tell anymore.
? I am genuinely asking for help.
How would one make this list more fearsome?
This is at 2000 points.
Put a gun on the table before the game, I suppose.
Funny joke, but jokes wont get me wins unfortunately.
You need an arachnarok for the shaman and/or the troll hag from forge world for magic/big monster support
You need some Battleline units if you want to play matched play(points). You could grab some regular grots to take care of that.
How cute. But alright, I'll bite.
People in these threads are generally not fond of some WAAC faggots trying to powergame AoS. If you come here with a bullshit broken gimmick list, ask for opinion on how to break it further and admit to winning being the only thing that matters to you.
None of that is appreciated at all.
Neither will that list, since both things will only cause people to refuse to play against you. So that works out well.
Where do I go to find good players then?
I didnt think this was broken as im not abusing anything. It's all in the same pdf and so obvious. No allies or multiple detachments etc.
Again I am new and have not played, if you can help by knowing where good players are or by letting me know how to improve that would be good.
Nothing to do with being a good or bad player. Everybody and their dog has written lists that break this game five ways to friday; there is no skill involved in this if you have a even half-working brain. People just choose not to.
Because, and this might blow your mind here, the game is more fun and challenging if things are balanced to some degree.
What if my enemies also have "broken" (is it broken if it is the rules? No loop holes or anything here.) Would that then be enough to get advise from you guys?
Should read:
"broken" Lists
Your list is illegal. It is 80 points over 2000, and the master engineer costs exactly 80 points, so if you want to play at 2000 points, he will have to do.
Also, despite it being a broken meme list, it isn't actually that good. Your special rules depend on your handgunners not taking any wounds, and being able to keep still (bear in mind the Generals command ability isn't "if they keep still", it is "they HAVE to keep still", so if you use it you can't move even if you want to).
This means, as soon as something can shoot your handgunners, but your handgunners can't shoot back, every turn of enemy shooting that goes by, you lose a large chunk of your damage potential, and every turn you move, you lose out on two different buffs.
Also, you lack any ability to capture objectives what so ever, since your command ability means your handgunners have to be bunched up on one part of the board, meaning unless the objectives are in their weapon range and LoS, half of your armies points is sitting there doing nothing.
If the enemy brings artillery, you basically lost the game. They don't even have to shoot at your cannons, they just need to have a few pops at the handgunners and let battleshock do the rest. If they place their artillery out of range of yours, there is basically nothing you can do, and a single enemy cannon will break your plan of attack the second it is placed on the board.
Also, it is vulnerable to teleporting units, like Sylvaneth, but it isn't THAT bad, since handgunners get to stand and shoot anyway.
I would advise less handgunners so you can take units that will actually win you the game, and maybe one less cannon. If you really want a Master Engineer, 2 is fine anyway.
It doesn't matter how strong theoryhammer says a list will be, if it is only strong in one specific circumstance that is easy to avoid, then it isn't strong at all.
My list is below 2000 points by 40? I got it checked by my opponents tonight but maybe they missed something. I will recheck before game.
I have 30 men per unit, I have to suffer 11 wounds to lose my bonus. I also ignore battle shock on a 1 or a 2 which should help I assume.
My enemy would also be under attack from my artillery which should even it out.
So really, with my list I need to be covering objectives or I have lost. Even with the demygryphs and outriders?
Maybe, 2 units of 40 handgunners and then the saved points I can swap out demigryphs and outriders for a big greatsword unit or something?
Thank you.
Beastclaw Raiders list (i've never played AoS)
Frostlord on Stonehorn 460
Thundertusk Beastriders 320
Mournfang Pack (4) 400
Braggoth's Beast Hammer 160
Frostlord on Stonehorn 460
Thundertusk Beastriders 320
Mournfang pack (2) 200
Mournfang pack (2) 200
Gore Gruntas (3) 180
Gore Gruntas (3) 180
300 pts left? Sabertusks?
Got no clue how to do 1000pts without just having 2 models
Why persist in this pointless endeavor? Obviously nobody gives a shit about that attitude. There are other games that handle that better. Warmachine for example is very much about optimal lists and there are people that, for some god-forsaken reason, play 40k competetivly and also are all about the perfect lists. AoS just doesn't lend itself to this too well.
Obviously needing a smaller unit to keep my detachment bonus.
Also if it helps you all I will also be making a crusader themed army based purely on models and covering most bases so it isn't all "abuse".
Assumptions are bad. It's just what is needed for me to have a good list soon.
So I'm a fucking turboslut for Skryre, I'd like to play them but don't wanna be a fucking total shitter on the table and recommendations?
Here's my 1k list. It's 980 pts and not terribly original:
- Frostlord on Stonehorn (General, Talisman of Protection, Ravager) - 460
- Thundertusk Beastriders (Blood Vulture) - 320
- Mournfang Pack (2; Gargant Hackers) - 200
Here's a helpful guide to Skyre:
>Pick any Skyre unit. Go ahead, pick one.
>That unit? That unit is excellent. Sweet.
>Pick another one. Doesn't matter which one.
>Oh, that one is nasty. Good choice. Undercosted, too.
Repeat as many times as needed.
You need to pay for the battalion. He battalion costs 120 points.
Also, q gain, if your artillery isn't in range of theirs, it can't help you. Hand gunners have poor armour and poor moral, every shooting phase will see them losi a fair few models, seeing as you will only be autopassing battle shock a third of the time.
I wouldn't say get rid of the demigryphs, just have less shooting. Be it smaller units of handgunners, or one less cannon. CANNONS aren't cheap and you already have more shooting than practical.
Ok, I did not realize battalions cost, it is my error.
I will remove 1 cannon and go from there.
Many thanks.
He can get rerolls from grand alliance Order while it ain't a 50/50 to ignore it isn't 1/3 either.
you do fully understand that you are running a gunline list? it isn't OP broken but it leads to lopsided unfun games, like unshiftable saurus guard bricks marching you off the table, Slannesh and beastclaws charging you first turn; or opponents that do not have an answer to 90 2+ 2+ -1 shots and reaction fire on anything that survives that. A lot of armies can counter shooting spam, and if you were seriously trying to play the most disgusting gun list it would be savage orcs skew.
I have played a tone downed version of your list (freeguild detachment same bennies cheaper detachment but the requirments take 1450 points to fill so 60 handgunners) and what happens is you get stuck at your end of the board whilst your opponent plays around the 16" range band and goes and hides behind objectives, my version had 1 cannon so I had trouble picking off support heroes after the chameleon skinks infiltrated.
To sum it up concisely: you lose and/or make the game shitty when all your demigryphs die. If you want a cheesy answer for that I guess Teclis.
Unfortunately I dont know much about the game beyond the free peoples list. I just like humans. So I don't know about any other armies period. I know I am facing Orcs, Wood Elves and Ogres bu they all appear to be based off warhammer armies.
I never even played original warhammer so im very fresh.
Perhaps after a game or 2 my list will change, I see a lot more comboing available using other units so regardless there are some places to go.
Oh, yeah that's my point. Skryre is really fucking solid, I want to kinda balance it so I'm not a total fucking tool to play against but still keep those techrats groovin on the warpstone dust
A properly broken list will absolutely shit on a handgunner spam list
The handgunner spam list is insulting because half of its mechanics have zero interaction with their controlling player, it literally plays itself.
Any way that list will get shot off the board by a real shooting list and it will only do well against non armor skew non spam melee lists.
Ok well I should be fine then.
Thank you.
Orcs and Wood Elves likely wont be so bad, although pretty much all Wood Elf ranged units will have a longer range than your handgunners, the cannons will likely mulch them up good, but if he has warhawks you may as well say goodbye to those cannons, since they WILL get into charge range with them.
Waywatchers can also be troublesome if they have cover, but if you hit them they are still going to die horribly.
If he knows you have a gunline, and he takes a Waywatcher Lord as his general, he has a command ability that gives all Wood Elf units within 18 inches of him his Invisible hunter rule, which has been updated in the compendium to give -1 to enemy shooting all the time, and not just when they are in cover, making it a pain for your artillery to hit them.
He just told me his army will be deploying just outside of 9"s of me and while they cant move they can charge. He said scenario will be kill as it's my first game. So I will create a maximized circle to abuse stand and shoot as well as grape shot cannons depending on the size of his units.
All in all, should be easy money.
Do your men, by chance, have a pre-set kill limit before they shut down?
If so, I think I see where he is going with this.
I do not know what this means sorry.
Also to make my list legal I just swapped out a cannon for Marius Leitdorf since it gives me a chance to ignore battle shock (noted weakness) or even for a unit to fire twice which could be handy indeed.
Question, this rule seems to be badly worded:
Tactical Brilliance: Select a State
Regiment unit within 15". That unit
can move twice, shoot twice or attack
twice in the combat phase during
Does this mean in the shooting phase I shoot, then in the combat phase I can shoot twice again? This is how the rule has been written.
Just don't spam stormfiends and you'll be fine.
You shoot twice in the shooting phase
There in adds another problem.
You can not use his command ability, as he will not be the general.
If he IS your general, then you can't use the Freeguild Generals command ability. Only ONE of your heroes can use their command ability. Not one per turn, one at all. You pick which hero is your general, and they are the one who can use command abilities.
It says combat phase though. I will assume rules as written until FAQ.
The rules are clear shooting phase is different to combat phase.
Ah ok thank you. Well going back to the drawing board.
You guys are great help.
handgunner spam list is shit
gets eaten by a line of saurus guard
It means the relevant phases. All of the compendium rules are written badly.
That rule isn't going to be FAQed if it hasn't already, since it is a compendium rule, and he is a cut character. The warscroll is just there for people who still want to use the model.
The intent is you move twice (in the movement phase), shoot twice (in the shooting phase), or pile in to attack twice (in the combat phase)
Why does saurus guard beat it? Is 1+ hit and 2+ wound with -1 armour save not enough to kill them?
I wont take him now but I assume so.
Saurus guard have a 2+ rerollable save
*And they ignore Rend -1
It's something like 97% avoidance
Oh.... in theory weight of wounds should kill them but I know little. Thankfully there are no Lizardmen except my Mordheim ones in my area.
If Stormcast eternals are the fantasy analogue for space marines, what would AOS versions of the Tau, Mechanicus, tyranids and necrons look like?
>If Stormcast eternals are the fantasy analogue for space marines
But they're not
Don't forget their stupid high Bravery
It's pretty clear that they are. Saying that stormcasts arent the fantasy analogue of space marines is like saying the Orks aren't inspired by the Orcs, or that Necrons are nothing like tomb kings.
Yes those things are similar but the stormcast are not the fantasy analogue for space marines
You might get someone but meh
Space marines are just good guy warriors of chaos
40 handgunners will do approximately .77 wounds, 90 will kill maybe 2 of them
Im being serious despite all the bait accusations.
I also read that the game applies modifiers AFTER rolling which leads to lots of shenanigans regarding heavy armour and re rolls etc.
Can someone confirm?
I would recommend you just don't play AoS
Why? I want to play the same rules everyone else does.
ever run that Bullgore formation? it feels glorious charging in with those
Look man, you seem autistic as fuck when you get an answer, then keep arguing against someone because that's not the answer you wanted.
You *either* move twice, shoot twice, or hit twice. That's it. The rules are made to be easy to understand, and it is stated that you and your opponent can agree on some variation, or homebrew some shit, do it. If you can't figure it out, just don't play this game.
I am not autistic I think.
If the rules are meant to be easy to understand then they should be rules as written then, so I am correct.
>You *either* move twice, shoot twice, or hit twice. That's it.
Thats not what the very simple rule says was my original point...
You are making it complex by adding your own ideas and opinions into it.
How am I the autistic one here?
>Tactical Brilliance: Select a State
Regiment unit within 15". That unit
can move twice, shoot twice or attack
twice in the combat phase during
You have three options
>move twice
>shoot twice
>attack twice in the combat phase
During your turn.
Now, having analyzed this for you, I will point out the replies stating this point, including mine.
The fact that you are arguing still is why I called you autistic.
No, you are assuming the intent of the author. Without FAQ you are less correct than I am.
You can open a new tab, close your browser or open a fresh window on your computer.
This means you can do all 3 options on your computer. Not you can do the first two then only the last one of the computer.
Learn to read or shut up, at least the others had the decency to say they are assuming intent.
its obviously just poorly worded, stop being such a pedantic faggot
if you agree with him then just shut the fuck up already
Bruv, all of us are assuming the intent in this case. You have 4 people who assume that the rules state the same thing. You are alone, assuming that the rules say something else. Stop being retarded. Just because you don't get your Marie-sue, poorly worded command ability that crushes your mechanics doesnt mean you can't play the game, or God forbid, talk to your opponent and come to terms in term of what it does.
You can argue with strangers all night, and find a way to poke holes in every argument, but we're not in debate class, we're here to play and and help each other.
If four people tell you a rule is meant to give you a certain result, and you're the only one still arguing about it, it's time to stop posting.
Is there any word about Tomb Kings coming back?
The prices for this stuff on ebay are ridiculous
GW came out with this made to order thing like, last week, but seems like they're going to rotate through their legacy models. They started with Imperial guard. No news on if they're making the old fantasy stuff yet, or if it'll be part of one of the rotations.
I want to get some ranged support units for my beastmen, and I was thinking of maybe picking some clan Skyre units. Is it a good choice? Are there better alternatives?
Hey guys help me on this one please.
A guy brought to a tournament three Tomb Herald. They kept passing wounds between them, trying to save them with the death alligiance ability, so that they could never be hurt. They were truly invincible. Is there a way to beat this? Am I missing something?
Sworn Bodyguard: Each time a Death
Hero from your army suffers a wound or a mortal wound whilst within 3 "of this model, the Tomb Herald can leap in front of the attack. If he does so, your Hero ignores that wound or mortal wound but the Tomb Herald suffers a mortal wound in its place.
Shit man, that's clever, and you only need two of them really. The only work around I can see is to try to leaver them more than 3" apart with your models?
The "totally not space marines guys!" Crowd is just as annoying and autistic as the "they're literally just space marines" crowd
I'd just bury them in a pile of slaves and call it a day. So what if they're invincible? If they are stuck in some shitty tarpit for the rest of the game their mediocre damage potential won't do jack.
RAW there is little that can be done about that otherwise.
As someone who plays skyre let me break them down for you.
Jezzails: they don't move, when they hit they hurt. Everything on the board respects the jezzail. But, when the dice hate you, it's the most ill spent 180 points in the game.
Ratlinggun team: cheap, effective, a veritable storm of bullets. Fucking amazing for its cost, but it's gotta be pretty close.
Wind mortar: hits hard, eats blobs, but it's inaccurate. Just take jezzails, unless your hurting for points or the guy runs 20+ blobs of no save units
Storm fiends: god mode on an 800 lb stick. The guns hurt, but only one isn't gonna do much. The warpfire thrower makes heroes it's bitch, but it's got crap range and you probably want two. Windlauncher...meh same as the team above but now it costs more
Warp lightning cannon: hero deletion. Monster eraser. Fuck you and your 2+ save. Short range, unpredictable, not good vs blobs and crap against anyone death. But fuck does it molest khorne and sometimes nurgle. Forces battleshock pretty well.
Warpfire team: just take the stormfiends
Doomwheel: it's fun, when it works it works. Use it if you want.
Acolytes: I love these little fuckers. But they cost dosh, 12$ per model. And they're metal, so if that sticks in your craw. But they hurt people.
Arch warlock: once per game flamethrower, pretty good spell. I fucking love his model
Warlock engineer: he's alright, spell if good if you can buff him to not fail.
My "broken" Silvaneth list that I reserve for tournaments or asshole opponents will literally win against this list turn 1. My Kurnoths will eradicate the crews of the cannons and then good luck against 2+ rerollable save ignoring rend treelords.
I want to start AoS, but stuck at choosing an army. So far I've played only "bad guys" in miniature wargames, so I was considering something form Order grand alliance.
Generic good guys stormcast eternals looks quite cool and have plenty of possibilites to paint them "not blue and gold", then Seraphon have some amazing looking models, same goes with Sylvaneth, I even considered naked dwarfs. And also new orruks guys catched my eye.
Can someone give me some tips about them? I can't really say which one I'd like more basing on their looks.
Hmm, maybe ratling guns could work then? If they advance along with my gors and bestigors.
The way I play my skyre is to give my opponent choices. All of them wrong, but choices.
Attack my rating guns? Those stormvermin get an easy charge
Stormfiends pissing you off? They're flanked by ratling squads.
Move somewhere? Those six jezzails want a word
Ratling guns are brutally effective the longer they can shoot. That sounds obvious but it's true, the more bullets that thing vomits the more it irks your opponent. It's threatening to roll 12 dice from one model, he'll begin to want it dead. Its an 80 point distraction carnifex, and it's fucking great at it.
So I should get one then?
I'd recommend two. What's your list?