What are the deal with these guys? How could someone armed with only anti-psyker weaponry end up killing Tau or other non-psykers?
What are the deal with these guys...
I don't know, just looking at that gloriously insane motherfucker I don't have a hard time believing he can kill pretty much anything he puts his mind to.
>What are the deal
Culexus assassins are trained/modified to focus their nullification effect to the point where it can destroy people's souls. They can literally kill with a touch and that weird ocular tube on their helmet is basically a gun that shoots that green flash spell from Harry Potter.
Anything that has some level of warp signature can be taken out by the massive null-amplification of the Animus Gun. Even Tau. Maybe other blanks, I don't know. But mostly psykers.
It's worth remembering, however, that this dude is still an assassin. If you somehow manage to resist his head gun motherfucker can still just shank you eight ways to sunday.
Cant they pretty much turn invisible? Like they can make people not notice them, I think he got in the back of a devilfish with a bunch of tau and just stood in the corner avoiding physical touch
So, do they shoot laser out of their eyes or actual shots? I keep on thinking that the recoil would blast their head off.
Does it have a soul?
If yes, then a Culexus can fuck its shit up in ways that make Evesors seem mercyful.
>How could someone armed with only anti-psyker weaponry end up killing Tau or other non-psykers?
the etherium renders them invisible to all life forms and electronic sensors
They're the imperial assassin best suited to actual assassinations of alien powers. Problem is they're exponentially harder to make and maintain than all the other assassin temples combined.
It's a non-physical weapon that focuses their null field into a blast that deletes people's souls. It doesn't function according to Newtonian physics, it's literally a nothing-cannon.
has it right. When a Culexus activates their Animus Speculum it is essentially like casting Avada Kedavra. It's a flash of light that just ends its target's life in a manner that appears to have no physical cause. There is no recoil, no measurable energy emission, just a flash, a feeling of nausea and horror, and the immediate death of the target.
I see what you did there, punny!
Assassinorum, my favorite -norum.
snap there neck?
Has anyone ever survived an attack by one of them, or killed one in a fight? They seem pretty unstoppable. Worth noting that of all the assassins sent to wipe out tau leadership, the culexus was the only one successful
They're far stronger, tougher and faster than Humans can naturally be, though not quite on the level of true Astartes they'd still beat world records left, right and centre in the modern day for most physical abilities.
That and the Etherium is straight-up Phase tech, you know, that usually Necron stuff that allows them to selectively go out-of-phase and not interact with physical reality, up to and including hiding themselves from active scanners and walking through non-warded walls?
One of the Necron named characters managed to capture a Culexus. That being said pretty much everything the Culexi do that's more esoteric than just being a complete baddass, either comes from or has an equivalent in Necron science.
That and Necron named characters are top-tier by virtue of getting away with completely ridiculous shit all the time.
>Anything that has some level of warp signature can be taken out by the massive null-amplification of the Animus Gun. Even Tau. Maybe other blanks, I don't know. But mostly psykers.
Pretty sure that it shouldn't work on true, soulless, pariah-level blanks like the culexus themselves. If I was writing the rules it would be a witchfire power so that they couldn't target other models with the 'psychic abomination' rule.
tau are not soulless, just literally tau level of warp presence/perception according to the imperial scale of measurement for psykers.
Hypothetically it wouldn't work on true robots either, that being said the TT doesn't exactly follow the lore particularly closely when it comes to this sort of thing, such as Daemons and Necrons suffering from standard poisons gamewise.
I can imagine this being a nice piece of fluff and vaguely remember it, can anybody point out where it originates from?
Warzone Damocles: Mont'ka, latter half of the fluff section.
Yup. On tabletop, it means anyone attacking them counts as WS/BS 1.
They definitely have the highest success rate out of the Assassin Temples.
That said, there are a lot of things that would stomp them into the dirt without too much trouble. They're not even the best soulless abominations - that honour goes to pic related.
Piss off, you heretical elf-fucker.
We haven't actually seen any real comparisons that would tell us how a Solitaire vs. Culexus would turn out. The general trend seems to be that the Culexus has a way stronger anti-psychic field and Phase-tech, but the Solitaire is, in general, a better combatant.
All that aside I think Culexi are one of the few mortals Harlequins would have to take completely seriously in order to not risk getting ripped in half.
I've always gotten the impression that Culexus assassins are the most loyal. Is that accurate? If so, what keeps them loyal?
>hitting a spooky ghost at WS1
you got out-spooked, faker
Eh, the Harlequin wank is for real.
Two clowns can cut through legions of Custodes apparently.
Agreed though, I think it'd be far cooler for them to have a bitching fight rather than a one-sided curbstomp.
the culexus temple is the only place that doesn't fucking loathe them simply for existing
If I recall that entire chapter was written as almost self-contradictory, one of the two Harlequins (each being one of the better kinds, Shadowseer and I think it was a Death Jester?) noted that the Custodes would have been worthy combatants one-on-one, right before they kill a few casually, right before a Custodes hits the Shadowseer almost too fast for it to see.
That and they completely forgot the whole psychic fuckery about two paragraphs after they wrote it.
How did the Emperor feel about blanks? Did he love them like all humans, or was their lack of a human soul too much?
>10 attacks when charging from up to 36"
>6's automatically wound at AP2
>one of those 6's causes instant death
Nigga please. This is one of a the few instances where Solitaires are actually worth their points, as they do not remotely care about being WS1 in combat with a single target.
Culexi aren't people, user, almost none of the Assassins are. The reason why they're so good at what they do is they're rebuilt, mind and body, almost from the ground up to be perfect killers. They're not just living weapons metaphorically, their bodies have been augmented to hell and back, their minds have been straight-up pseduoprogrammed for combat and efficient thought, they instinctively move exactly as they need to for maximum effect (whether that's taking a step forward, dodging a blade or picking up a rock), and their minds are almost completely detatched from some concepts of Humanity. All of this is doubly true for Culexi.
Space Marines are more Human than Assassins by this point, maybe Skitarii, too.
When they die they're just gone, right? Other humans go the the Emperor, or get taken by a Chaos god, or just drift around in the void, or whatever?
I believe one of the older necron codexes explained that as being because people would logically switch their poisons to acids and such when fighting necrons. It was in the same paragraph as the part that explained why the soulless fearless robots could fail leadership tests.
Basically it was "just work this shit out, necrons being immune to posion and fear and shit would be OP".
Yeah but there are still assassins that turn traitor.
>Did he love them like all humans
He had a personal harem of sexy blanks.
He probably valued their skills more highly than anyone else in the setting has. Which makes their complete devotion to the Emperor's cause despite how the Imperium treats them kinda touching.
>Nigga please.
can't change the fact that you got s p o o k e d by the skeleton, elf
>3-4 hits
>1/5 chance of a Rend, which does nothing
>1/30 chance of ID
>2-3 wounds for those 10 attacks
>1-2 saved
>1 wound taken
He kept a personal entourage nearby at almost all times despite the physical pain they caused him.
Fuck the Horus Heresy, I love the emperor.
>My math
>This bad
I apologise in advance, remembered some of the rules wrong. Still, not killing the Culexus on the charge by missing 4/6 attacks, against T4, and vs. a 4+ Invulnerable save.
Probably wins in the end, though.
The Culexus' response is pretty unlikely to deal a single wound in return however. Remember, the Etherium doesn't bring the attacker's WS down for the purposes of hitting them, and he's got to get through a 3++ to do anything.
dont they have like sweet fukkan lightning blades as well? or is that old fluff
He's still doing about a wound in return, and the solitaire's odds go down dramatically after using his 10-attack maneuver.
It'd be a pretty close punch up.
Mathematically a Culexus and a Solitaire are likely to simply remain locked in combat for the entire game, with the Solitaire dealing 1-2 wounds when it charges and then neither of them hurting one another.
Listen just because someone in specializes in killing one thing doesn't mean they can't kill other things that are weaker than the one thing they're specialized in killing.
Just like how Marines are specialized in killing enemy soldiers doesn't mean they can't murder your presumably fat ass.
>Two soulless abominations, considered well beyond most others in sheer combat capability, fighting to a standstill as the war rages on around them
I'm okay with this.
This is the kind of stuff that makes it to legends
Imagine this happening in some kind of feudal world.
Black guy in death mask fighiting against a bizzare clown.
Or not, cause they can't actually see their moves, it;s just a blur for common people.
Fighting for days and nights, until the both pass away from exhaustion
It's kinda a shame that the Culexus' martial ability is almost never played up. They get important kills, but boring ones.
Tau Space Pope for example.
The same could be said for vindicares. They rarely do anything beyond shoot someone really well.
I'm pretty sure that was an Eversor, the other guys who wear skull masks.
I vaguely remember the fluff about it battling its way to the bottom floor of the command centre, gutting the Ethereal, and then blowing up from being shot by his bodyguard, taking out most of the command centre in the process.
that was a regular ethereal, in the Taros campaign
A culexus killed the supreme space pope commander mao stalin hitler in GW's big two-book tau thing. Knocked him off of his stupid chair after making all of his bodyguards scream blood out of their eyeballs.
Ahh... good, the Tau needed to be taken down a peg or two.
Better than the Vanus and Venenum assassins get.
Their kills are likely just as important, but nobody cares because they have little to no battlefield utility, which means no models.
You niggas did the Tau a favor Shadowsun or Farsight leading the Tau would wreck your shit
Except Shadowsun and Farsight are under the misconceptions of the rest of the Tau race, implanted unto them by the Ethereals, Farsight far less so of course.
They wouldn't be particularly skilled at managing the tremendous socio-political and informational networks of cloak and dagger the Ethereal Caste has set up, and if you try to 're-establish' a new order and temporarily destabilise the Tau Empire in the process they'll get eaten by the incoming Tyranids long before they have a chance to attain similar levels of efficiency and effectiveness.
Ethereals aren't just manipulative, moustache-twirling villains. They're incredibly competent manipulators and know how to get the most out of their people, whether or not it's good for their subjects themselves.
>Knocked him off of his stupid chair
Really? That's more hilarious to me than Tau getting their faction leader offed, weirdly enough.
I love that Humanity randomly just pops out unspeakable abominations that defy all logic sometimes.
>I love that Humanity randomly just pops out unspeakable abominations that defy all logic sometimes.
Like the Emprah?
It toyed with him too. It could have easily outran him and killed him, but instead it let him run through the abandoned imperial hive while shutting his pants and being plagued with nightmares. When it finally caught up to him it took its time killing him in ways too horrible to speak about. Talk about bad end
Culexus Assassins fuck psykers up super hard but anything with a soul is valid game for their powers because they are basically just compressing and extending the void where their soul should be and smothering other people with it.
> The Emperor, who is himself.
> The other fucking Perpetuals, who literally will not die and have no explanation for this fact.
> Literally ever Assassin, some of whom have fucking wrecked Space Marines in combat.
>culexus assassins hate the tau as much as I do
I want to protect that smile.
To be fair, the Assassins are also hyper-augmented and extremely conditioned, even if they are almost exclusively made from the natural superhumans.
The Emperor got much of his power from a bargain with Chaos.
Perpetuals are mostly made that way by alien tech.
Assassins are genetically and cybernetically enhanced.
>The Emperor got much of his power from a bargain with Chaos.
>The Emperor got much of his power from a bargain with Chaos.
Even in the new (bad/worse) half-truth heresy canon he didn't, he just tricked the chaos gods and ripped them off to make primarchs. It wasn't him.
Tzeentch or the lost Primachs will steer the tau to victory as always
Friends 4ever
I like how the Eversor just looks so sad that he's not out killing things.
Are Eversors always a one-use thing, or do they "shut down" if they don't get damaged enough to explode? Also are they ALWAYS insane? I imagine they'd have to go through some amount of special training, since just anyone could be pumped full of drugs.
They can be retrieved and put back into stasis if they survive.
They don't stop until the target is dead or they are.
They aren't insane. That's a meme. They're closer to the Terminator.
I believe most of the training is straight up implanted in them. They're filled with even more drugs and mods than the rest, and holy shit are they cray cray.
During "The Beheading" three different chapters of Astartes were sent after the Grand Master of the Assassins. They encountered a room filled with Eversor Assassins. One Astartes survived.
Since when are Solitaires Soulless? Humans get Blanks and Pariahs because the Necrons fiddled with their genome but Eldar were created by the Old Ones.
Necron engineering at its finest.
>Also are they ALWAYS insane?
No, I imagine they have some sort of inhibitor drug in their system that controls their Frenzon levels, maybe getting higher and more violent as they approach the target, but they are just as able to sneak somewhere as to be a whirlwind of gore.
big E was so powerful he bred a special regiment of blank women, and despite being psychic himself they couldn't hurt him in any significant way
Would they even want to though? I mean he was a pretty cool guy to them, purposefully breeding them to not have souls aside.
they pretty much have a switch from assassin to Red Butcher Crazy
activated remotely of course
Blanks can't really control their blankness. It's only through technology the culexis can mask his aura of "everyone is bleeding"
Emps just loves all righteous humans. Even the ones without souls.
supersized noone's posted this yet.
> A dick so blank, it fuckin' hurts to look at.
Oh deary me, I forgot to censor it.
Tau have some psychic presence just not very much. That's all it takes.
Mr Culexus can emit a spooky aura that renders people paralyzed with fear, reverse it to literally remove his presence from your mind, become ethereal so your bullets shoot past him and other space magic including a headmounted death laser.
On top of that shit he is an Assassin which means he is past peak human form and probably knows space kung fu and is so heavily augmented that he can punch tanks.
Nigga there was an incident where a Culexus fought another Culexus and the loser got turned into Ash.
That Tau's gonna give a surprise blowjob
What is the name of these books please.
I also remembered them being Eldar Blanks, but now looking it up to try and quote, it seems the fluff changed with the new Harlequin dex.
Old Solitaires as I remember
>Soulless, and basically treated how the Imperium treats their Blanks, shunned and feared
>However the Eldar also have an intense respect as they're the only ones that can play Slaanesh in the Dance
>They are the best murderclowns
New fluff
>Solitaires are the best murderclowns
>They've double-damned their soul to Slaanesh in order to play the part in the Dance
>Even talking to them outside of the dance is dangerous, hence being pariahs in the traditional sense
>Bred them
I bet the Sistahs loved the Emperor's golden dickings.
If an Alpha+ level psyker and an Omega- level blank managed to bone without one or both of them dying would they produce the universe's most powerfully average human being?
They're 40k's christmas cake. Emps just has impeccable taste.
Think about it, their psychic potentials would probably counter each other and the result would be another blank Sistah.
Obviously you need to dilute his sperm a little so the Emperor probably needed a lot of Oral/Anal/Armpit/Thigh sex before he gave them a proper creampie for actual breeding purposes.
I bet the sisters of silence are actually quiet because they lost their voice during the day because of the all night non stop Emperor fucking buffet and the endless "~Ahhhns" they make.
Hilariously this is actually my joke-headcanon.
Wow, I just felt my sense of humor just commit suicide after reading that. Please, consider killing yourselves
ask a Necron for help.
>though not quite on the level of true Astartes
Marine fags actually believe this.
Short of a primarch or a Custode, Assassins are the pinnacle of the Imperium's genecraft.
Hm, questionable.
Assassins have dramatically higher tech and obviously superior training, but the genecrafting seems to be on a lower level. The most obvious example would be the Eversor's artificial heart, where marines have a second natural one.
Assassins seem to rely more on technology for their esoteric abilities and defenses (culexus null aura aside), where Space Marines have the geneseed.
>Space Marines have the geneseed.
mass-produced press-molded plastic versus hand crafted killing machine.
You are confusing quality for quantity. The Geneseed only exists to expedite the super soldier process but it isn't the most precise, efficient or even as effective as other means, even in the Imperium.