How british-esque is the Imperium
Especially civilians and Terran nobility. What english era could you ascribe as similar to their language fashion sense. 17th century, 18th, victorian?
Was there a cultural shift between 30k and 40k?
How british-esque is the Imperium
Especially civilians and Terran nobility. What english era could you ascribe as similar to their language fashion sense. 17th century, 18th, victorian?
Was there a cultural shift between 30k and 40k?
Other urls found in this thread:
Maybe certain planets?
Places like Catachan or Vahlla would be alot more different
Read Dune, but replace the Padishah Emperor with Conan the Barbarian.
That's the Imperial aristocracy 30k.
Have the Catachan civilian life/cities ever been described?
If they haven't what should they be
I think that Emperor may be a little too tall.
Nah I think this is the best scale representation of him I've seen yet. You don't see a lot of pictures of the emps with regular humans.
He's the best of our kind, he should be 9 feet tall in power armor.
Question. Who is the face on the emperors shinguard? Is that his own face or of a famous human figure from the past?
The Catachans always seem weird to me because they're meant to be Rambo-expies of American/Austrailian soliders.
But most Vietnam soldiers were NOT Rambo, and didn't quite like slinging it in a deadly jungle. Which puts the Catachans more on the same footing as the Viet Cong. Bit of a weird flip-around there.
Big Emprah is my favorite, he's the greatest!
I don't think it's supposed to be anybody in particular,
just a human face that has enough distinctly human features that it can't be confused for a xeno.
From very little shit I think they live in tribes scattered throughout the planet
Being that tall is totally impractical though.
I dunno, it just seems too much. He's practically a monstrous creature.
C'mon OP, you're asking a bunch of people who think Hy-Brasil is in the southern hemisphere what the Imperium is like.
You can't expect good answers here.
I think the Emperor is a shapeshifter to so degree. He spent most of his life as a regular-looking, nondescript human. I think the whole "golden giant" thing was his conqueror getup.
According to fluff, Primarchs were to Astrates what Astrates are to humans.
Average human is about 6 feet tall.
Average Astrate is about 7-8 feet tall.
Average Primarch ? 9 feet tall ?
Since the Emperor is basically a Primarch, he would be about 9 feet tall.
Now add the power armor...
>You'll never lounge out with big E and talk about stuff.
Thank fuck.
Imagine all the poor ladies the Emperoer fucked with his 1ft long dick. How many of them died?
Is it me or have Space Marines gotten taller and taller as the fluff has moved on?
I recall a time when they were generally around 6'6".
Heretic go to bed.
Hey HEY! Sleep is good for you.
I think you can view the image being very symbolic in nature rather than an attempt to depict reality. For example, the placement of the two central figures indicate that they are both authority figures, but that the emperor is supposed to be taken as an overwhelmingly larger authority. The custardian. with helmet included, is almost as equal to the emperor. Malcador (?) is just slightly shorter than the woman, but is hunched over and standing at the emperor right hand side and so on.
The real problem is that the emperor has a lobster claw for a right hand. This is clearly trying to imply that he is tainted by chaos and that the artist is a heretic.
What are you talking about, user? The Emprah has always had a powah claw
With his psychic powers, you're as tall as is currently suitable, regardless of whether that means towering over primarchs or getting lost in the ratling crowd.
If his height is ever a practical issue I think he could either will himself smaller or whatever obstacle larger/smaller.
>How british-esque is the Imperium
Not really
An all-powerful religion with appointed governors and nobles with actual power over the peasantry? That hasn't happened since sometime before Cromwell.
Do you know where the right hand is?
In OPs image his right hand is clearly a mutated lobster claw limb. While this might be a mere case of optical trickery, the artist is clearly implying the taint of chaos.
Now THAT is heresy
Does the Emperor and all of the other Primarchs just wear their power armour everywhere? Is there anywhere in the books where they're described as wearing anything else? I know in the Fulgrim book he wears robes and what not but that's just because he's Fulgrim.
Just like any space marine I'd assume they take them off at SOME point. But most of the time you're out, if you CAN go around wearing power armor without issue, why wouldn't you?
For the same reason home clothes are, for the most part, different from outside clothes.
Well they like to maintain the visage of warrior-kings, not to mention their armored are usually air-conditioned and pimped out with fancy shit. The only reason not to wear them would be bathing or sleeping.
Ultramarines and Guilliman are heavily based on Cromwell, Wellington and Peninsula War era British soldiers, once you pierce the Roman aspect of them.
After the heresy was revealed I don't think any of the Primarchs ever took their armor off unless they were forced to simply for security reasons.
In the case of the Emperor, it's entirely possible that his armor and general physical is just psychic force projected into people's minds. It's like jedi mind trick thing where he's always the tallest person in the room and is always wearing the most grand armor. The pointy helmets of the custodians might be a very low tech solution to adding too his perceived height.
I think his armor was psychically-empowered to some extent, as it was able to change sizes along with his body. However it WAS an actual physical suit of armor separate from him, as he had it powdered and incorporated into all those Crux Terminati.
I always thought they are more into Nationalsozialist
no i thought so too, but since SMs are around 8 feet and then with the PA add another half a foot it's about right.
This is actually a great picture to show the true stature of these characters that's not easily captured in the minis or much of the art work.
The closest thing Ive seen the somewhat reps their true height is some parts in SM40k where titus is talking to sexy leftenant, and in the game "eisenhorn" where he sees the chaos space marine.
Theres a quote some where that says"seeing one of these dudes in real life would make you shit your self, something that big is not meant to be so quick fast and powerful"
even the biggest IG say at 6' 8" would be dwarfed by a SM in both height and width.
Makes me wonder if Catachans are just really big 6' 5" + humans
How in the hell do they navigate space hulks, especially in terminator armor, when there are bound to be gangways and corridors designed for average, smaller people.
Yo its a legitimate question. He has faces on his shingaurds in almost all depictions. Is that his face? That's pretty narcissistic if it is
are there more pictures like this? It seems like all pictures of the emperor are either him wearing armor or him on the throne. Are there other pictures of him doing less dramatic things?
The way I see it, most of these can still be made with extra space, in case large components or equipment needs to be be transported through them.
Also there might be multiple routes between different sections of the ship. Some made for human crew and some made with transportation of large items in mind.
From what I've read the catachans live in strongholds that they carve out of the jungle for a few months until the various deadly species destroy it
That's called 1e, or Rogue Trader. Though 2nd Edition was a huge transition period where a lot of what we know and love (or hate) about 40K was established today.
In 1e the Space Marines were still the elite of humanities armies, but they were basically the space marines from Starcraft at the same time. Criminals who were brainwashed and turned into soldiers.
How I miss the 80s. Everything has to be so tacticool these days.
Basketball players can be 7'6"? I didn't think it was possible save for a rare few for humans today to even get above 7'2", and even then that's still really crazy.
the imperial navy is. the rest? not so much.
fanwank that is only just now starting to poison the well
Space marines have been 7' since the tail end of RT, which at this point is more than 25 years ago.
>2nd Edition was a huge transition period where a lot of what we know and love (or hate) about 40K was established today.
no no no, that was all done in Rogue Trader. 2nd edition is where they took all the ideas they developed in RT (and early proto-epic 40k) and put them in one nicely wrapped up package.
The basic fluff's been largely unchanged since.
Really only some of the people and planets are
really British-esque the other aspects of the Imperium
is more a mixture of other, mostly European, countries
Bradley was 7'7" but a stick and there was that Armenian guy that was 7'6" but they were not very dexterous or quick.
hense why in SH most passage ways are only one square wide, terminators are probably just as tall and about a foot or more wider. "Let's walk slowly forward through this cramped hallway" "but captain we can teleport" "heresy Reeeeeeee!" Remember cool not logical.... I never played this, but I suspect the nature of the cramped hulk is the basis for pic related.
>"Let's walk slowly forward through this cramped hallway" "but captain we can teleport"
space hulk missions start with the marines lined up in boarding torpedoes
They don't typically teleport unless the situation is exceptionally dire (or they have some kind of homing beacon set up), because so many things can go wrong and you'll lose terminator suits forever.
I realised there are very few victorian style things in 40k.
Really strange
>The basic fluff's been largely unchanged since.
In Rogue Trader, famous human Imperial Commanders (like Leman Russ) were biologically modified into space marines and given new chapters made out of the surplus stash of geneseed and allowed to name their new chapter (like Space Wolves). Commanders then made their own rituals, like surgically removing their canines and replacing them with fangs upon initiation to make a more ferocious image.
Man have we fallen.
Also, in Rogue Trader, "chaos" did not exist, the Eye of Terror was just a giant Warp Storm that "blinked" every few years, where the Imperium could establish order on those Outlaw Worlds contained within. Psykers were also far more deadly in what they could do then and were the primary concern of the Inquisition - those modern stories about "that psyker who mind controlled an entire planet" and such are throwbacks to this time.
Now, with all that said, Rogue Trader was an extremely amorphous time, and by the end (and start of 2nd E) is what really solidified its ideas. Every new supplement release for Rogue Trader made some changes and formed new ideas. For example, a White Dwarf issue and later the Compendium later established - still in Rogue Trader - how Space Marines are made and confirmed it is male only and must start early into puberty. Chaos was introduced in a supplement during Rogue Trader, and the Horus Heresy was explained then.
I agree with what you said - that 2nd Edition really wrapped and presented their final ideas wholesale - but latter Rogue Trader era and early 2nd E was a huge transitional period. If you weren't caught up supplement by supplement, 2nd Edition's changes would have been a shock to an RT player.
Either way,
>The basic fluff's been largely unchanged since.
I wish. Black Library has been doing its best to shit on everything.
He emperor has no true physical form. He can be as tall as he wants
Gotta say I enjoy all the recent changes besides maybe perpetuals and the certainly the loss of Chaos Undivided.
He was born a human and didn't inherit his powers until puberty. He has a physical form.
>I wish. Black Library has been doing its best to shit on everything.
Well, yeah, but you know what I mean.
Fluff wise, 2nd edition was the last "big" shuffling around of the setting. Even the whole plastic demon magnus thing just makes me think of Epic, rather than "oh no what will happen next"
>I wish. Black Library has been doing its best to shit on everything.
by doing retcons and their fan fictions and demistifying the entire thing.
its awful.
In the image shown, which looks decidedly non-canon, I can see influences of several different eras of clothing fashion (Tudor, Elizabethan, Neo-classical/Empire, Georgian, late Victorian). The armour is neo classical though maybe with some rococco aspects. The chandeliers are Regency style. I've never liked the style of column shown and I've never learnt the name. Altogether I believe this makes the fashion from the era of Hodgepodge.
The only fluff I've ever seen that states in concrete terms how tall a Space Marine is comes from the FFG Deathwatch and Black Crusade core books, which both state that the average Space Marine is 2.1 meters tall in powered armor, which is about 6'10".
There is of course this image which shows the Space Marine as being 8 feet tall, until you realize that the floor is apparently 1 foot tall.
The same books do state that a power armored Space Marine weighs a literal metric ton, though. Space Marines aren't that tall, they're just really bulky.
Imperial Guard are definitely Brits.
Space Marines feel a lot more "American" but "proper American".
At the top of my head,
>Black Templar reduced from several thousands to 1,100.
>World Engine changes, Astral Knights didn't defeat it but instead were pawns to a C'Tan who did all the real work.
>Cypher, the Dark Angels most hated foe whom they have never once successfully captured and seems on a bee-line towards Terra, is now their best ally, works with their Grand Master and part of the Inner Circle, has been captured several times, and goes on a time-traveling adventure with the Dark Angels into the past where they blow up Caliban instead of the warp storm caused by Chaos losing Luther.
>Literally anything to do with the Beast: >>ImpFists leaving the Phalanx completely unprotected, not a single man left aboard their sacred ship.
>>The premise that there was no war at the time period, when multiple sources show chaos rebellions and a rising tide of ork waaaghs. The Beast event is described as "the number of attacks grow until," yet is shown to be sudden and random space planet appearing in a time of long peace, where space marines are considered obsolete.
>>A Harlequin Shadowseer goes full retard and is written like a generic farseer - somehow hating Terra for having no planetlife and "strangleing their planet" yet has no problem with Commorragh, also full of generic eldar prejudice and personality despite being a harlequin. Literally not a single joke/amusement from her criminal offence there.
and of course the usual
>No more Chaos Undivided
But the specifics pale before Black Library's true crime - they are removing all the amorphous, perspective, and ambiguous parts of canon material for their own ideas. While not a problem in itself for most franchises, 40k is a Creative Hobby. Killing off the creative foodstuff, "demystifying the entire thing" as says, shows the greatest ignorance of what the hobby is even supposed to be about. That is their problem.
>Fans: I like thing.
>BL: Thing doesn't exist anymore.
Why does he look Native American?
Seems like the only other non-armor pics I have is for some reason of the Femperor...
Because he was born in Anatolia
actually, (and I'm basing this on the vidya ascension) you choose where to teleport your guys into the starting area. While they may not be able to teleport within the hulk? I was definitely given the impression that they teleport to the hulk. As far as the TTgame goes my 3rd ed book says
>Raphael deployed his warriors using boarding torpedoes rather than putting his trust in vagaries of teleporter technology
so yes you are correct sir!
>While they may not be able to teleport within the hulk? I was definitely given the impression that they teleport to the hulk.
That's backwards. They board using boarding torpedoes. Once inside, they maneuver as best they can on foot, utilizing chainfists to open passages as they can, and if totally blocked or they need to reach a certain location quickly (and/or desperately), they teleport to it.
That is where the missions come from that begin with teleporting - they have teleported from one part of the hulk to another. Like the other user said though, that is extremely risky and done only in great desperation. In the tt/vidya, every mission is a moment of great desperation, as it needs to be to make a game, so it's unknown how fabricated that frequency of threat truly is for a space hulk boarding mission.
Unrelated, but my favorite part of the vidya is how whenever a terminator is killed, his teleporter is activated to bring the suit back on board so that it isn't lost. I thought that was a great way to reduce game clutter (corpses) while also building a nice flavorful response to termy deaths. I don't know how true to canon that is though.
>tfw you unironically prefer modern 40k to this
feels good man
Rogue Trader isn't exactly a preferred setting to anyone, considering how raw and unformed it is. To me, 5th edition was the peak.
The only thing RT has going for it over every single other edition is the scale. Everything in modern 40k is extremely homogenized and monotonous all across the Imperium's million worlds. The same few chapters, and definitely the same few regiments of guardsmen (particularly Cadians, Catachan, and Kreigsmen - but also Tallarn, Vostroyans, Mordians, Valhallans, Praetorians, Necromundans, and Steel Legion - and NO ONE ELSE), do about 99% of the work. They always fight the same enemies, in the same environments, with the same wargear, and the same levels of allegiance.
Rogue Trader Era, by proxy, was remarkably varied on all of the above. New chapters were mentioned in every engagement, doing the work, and not just as supplement name-drops next to Ultramarines or Blood Angels. All sorts of aliens are expected, giving several dozen "examples" and rules for them in the core rulebook itself as well as instructions on how to generate more. Wargear can be bought from other species as trade happens between them, as well as mercenaries hired. Technology is all over the place in the Imperium, as it should be considering its size, and not just the same few vehicle types repeated ad infinitum. Some guardsmen had anti-grav speeders. Some human mercenaries bought eldar jetbikes. Some space marines used 30 man transport airships/bunkers.
Rogue Trader had scale and breadth, with lots of room for creative minds to play around in it. Modern 40k is more cohesive, but also more limiting and frankly unbelievable. You could say the whole thing takes place in a tiny, 1,000x1,000 ly box of the galaxy and never notice a difference - everything is just as homogenized and samey.
>live in strongholds that they carve out of the jungle for a few months
No, the Strongholds are permanent. It's just that, if not constantly maintained and protected by the Catachans, the planet will completely destroy it within a few months.
It's slightly less dangerous.
>hense why in SH most passage ways are only one square wide
Building off of this, 1 square probably means 3 humans can walk abreast (ie normal hallway), but only a single terminator can fit
>Since the Emperor is basically a Primarch
>That's pretty narcissistic if it is
Yeah, it would be so weird for the self-declared Emperor of Humanity to be a narcissist...
They're less the average GI's conscripted into the shit, and more the crazy snake eaters/spec ops/SEALS etc. who loved life in the jungle and being in constant danger.
I always pictured them with thick American accents and a tendency to grunt and belch a lot when in barracks, but be creepily silent when they're in the field. They're basically the crew from the first Predator film.
>Pawns of a C'tan defeated the World Engine
Would you be so kind as to elaborate? I can't be arsed to read the Newcron books, but have they categorically stated that there are rogue/independent C'tan shards again? My impression was that they were all pokemon'd except the Dragon.
I also don't hate a Harlequin being a massive hypocrite when it comes to Eldar vs. Humans. When humans make a planet city, they're nature-killing jackasses, but when Eldar do it, it's a sophisticated survival method.
Should still tell jokes and be weird though.
>Would you be so kind as to elaborate?
I haven't read it myself, but from what I hear.
>Astral Knights ram the World Engine.
>C'Tan whispers tell them where to go.
>C'Tan whispers tell them what doors to shut.
>C'Tan whispers tell them what command nodes to destroy.
>C'Tan whispers tell them what men to sacrifice and leave behind where.
>C'Tan whispers do everything.
>Final battle in the command room, C'Tan whispers say use the last of their melta bombs.
>Melta bombs are totally useless, but it breaks the C'Tan out of its prison that is conveniently placed in the command room.
>The C'Tan breaking out of the shard causes an explosion that deactivates the shields (not the melta bomb, because reasons).
From there, I hear either the C'Tan destroyed the ship or the C'Tan fucked off and let the Imperium blow it up with missiles like the original story, but either way, it's C'Tan. It was always C'Tan. Without the C'Tan, the entire might of a whole Chapter would have been useless. Destroying all the command nodes and then the command array is apparently illogical. Only C'Tan whispers can get them to do that.
It's bollocks is what it is. You can compare the above with pic related, which is the original story. It's from 5th Edition, right when the necrons were updated to "personalities" and so on.
Yes they have. The catachan have to constantly rebuild because the jungle is so voracious, the only way to have a city is to have compounds and burn away the jungle plants that move towards it constantly. Even then none of the compounds are considered permanent because the jungle is brutal and will rip down the walls.
>When humans make a planet city, they're nature-killing jackasses, but when Eldar do it, it's a sophisticated survival method.
And when the deldar do it, they're nature-killing jackasses who torture any living thing from nature, soak the streets in blood, fill the rivers with drugs and poison (I mean they have literal heroin rivers that were slowly dumped full of poison after the Fall), screams are constantly in the air, blood rains from above as the Scourges, Helions, floatillas, and jetfighters battle and murder, and so on. All of that is fine. But industrialized Terra? An abomination. That's the word they use, iirc. See, a Farseer can think that. They do indeed "sophisticated survival method." But this is a harlequin, who frequents Commorragh, the galaxy-spanning city of the Dark Eldar full of torture, death, and sick rave beats. They've seen shit like you wouldn't believe, things noted to make humans mad, from that city, and these harlequins laugh, dance, and make performances powerful enough to sate the Dark Eldar Thirst.
That's the problem. They wrote a generic farseer, not a harlequin.
>erything is just as homogenized and samey.
this happens because GW focuses only on what they sell, and thus making lore for the probable minor million alien races still surviving in the galaxy would be useless.
You forget they used to include guides on how to convert citadel miniatures into those alien creatures. It was about the creative hobby and the game as much as it was about the sales.
The shift to the philosophy in your post is what caused Rick Priestley to leave the company.
That was his original form, not his actual form. Once his powers manifested he was a gestalt of psychic mass. Magnus is the same way.
Fair enough.
didn't forgot that. i still remember those days and it was a whole lot funnier to be a hobbist.
Much less focus on competition and powergaming, and more on simply having fun.
the fanbase went to shit alongside GW.
Hopefully with the new directions things will be slightly better.
HA, kitten is behind the emperor
>How british-esque is the Imperium
>Especially civilians and Terran nobility. What english era could you ascribe as similar to their language fashion sense. 17th century, 18th, victorian?
It's not really that british. It's roman, with gothic and baroque influences.
Why do you ask?
>when your boots are so shiny that you can see the floor behind them
Talking shit about Crusade Era Power Claws?
Listen here you little bitch I'll have you know that the 30k version of the Navy Seal Sniper copypasta goes here, and that you should feel bad about being a dirty heretic.
My god not that fuckawful image.
Pls make it go and stay go.
Anyway for someone about 5'10", like myself, the top of your head would be sitting about level with the top of the gorget i.e. the bottom of the SM's neck.
>Crusade Era Power Claws?
user, he said RIGHT hand.
Are you suggesting a actually read his post with attention to detail before declaring him a heretic?
What do you take me for, some kind of chaos loving heretic?
I can imagine the emperor visiting such parties and sometimes walking around to point out a few of the attractive women guests to be escorted to his personal chambers.
One wonders the survival rate of those receiving his giant golden dong.
Ok ok
Get this
What if the Emperor was a manlet?
Not talking 5'10 manlet
But literal 5'6 or worse
I bet he can heal himself anytime he want's but he's under constant supervision so he doesn't want anyone seeing him in the 5 minutes of manlet humiliation.
Honestly imagine being a guardsmen and fighting beside a squad of those.
>His armor weighs more than you do
>His sword is too heavy for you to lift
>His gun makes your gun look like a toy
>Every swing he makes a xeno falls, every shot he fires kills a heretic
The moral boost fighting beside Space Marines grants to troops must be astronomical,
it will probably be the only time in your entire life you get to see on of the sons of the emperor.
The entire regiment probably doesn't shut up about it for a month.
a lot is two words