No standard general Veeky Forums?
What are you running and how do you beat archetypes that exist, azorius aggro rw vehicles gruul energy and jeskai control?
Any homebrews that win in unconventional ways? I'm quite partial to Sam Black's bushwhacker aggro because it puts a lot of pressure on the board for very cheap
Mtg Standard General
Here's the Sam Black list from SCG Classic Milwaukee. I'm a big fan of Sam's deckbuilding since his zombardment legacy deck, and he always seems to brew outside the box of existing deck archetypes. He really likes graveyard resourcing in every format and I do too
Op bump. I'm currently running gruul energy and I really want a better matchup post board against azorius. Thinking of splashing blue, but dispel/negate don't do anything to spell quellers unfortunately. Is there a good answer to spell queller in standard? (Better than say, void shatter? There's no 2 mana essence scatter atm)
I want to do art for WoTC one day. I know it's a pipe dream right now but I Want it to happen. Anybody got experience with this? this is my current art level, where should I step it up?
It looks abit cartoony for my taste.
Making a 5c gearhulk combo lads.
Wish me luck.
Upon reflection, harnessed lightning or a second galv bombardment is pretty good even to save a pump spell (let the queller resolve, let it's ability resolve, then burn it)
This is pretty good, I would work on using more color and fine detail on the sky and on the scales. Think about lighting and shadows, and instead of using stylized details (like a cartoon style), go for a more photorealistic style with gritty details. But it's really good, far better than I could do
Why is Gideon Ally of Zendikar all over the place in standard? Is it for is +0, make a bunch of tokens or is it for his +1?
Thanks, guys! I'll take it into account
It's 4 mana for a 5/5 indestructible/token generator/permanent creature buff. He works in pretty much any white deck atm
This art reminds me of older magic expansions when the art was more cartoony. Not sure WOTC is looking for this kind of style anymore, but maybe it would fit in if they returned to Lorwyn.
He's solid. Very comparable to Elspeth KE. Also BFZ block's duration in standard got extended, so people aren't trying to dump them pre-rotation either. I just sold mine for some copters to throw in Spirit Tempo, and I haven't regretted it.
if there were more detail in the coloring, it would be a contender for magic art.
The composition of the dragons head seems wrong , i cant pin point what its lacking , depth mayby?
Shit format detected.
name at least one non-shit format.
>Memeing this hard
Photorealism is the cancer that's ruining Magic art. Terese Nielsen and Rebecca Guay are easily two of the best card artists and their shit isn't photorealistic at all.
The sticky has some good tips
Horribly Awry
OH! yeah this is perfect
thanks user
>It's another W/U control deck with Spell Shrivelers and Reflector Mages
>it's another R/G energy deck built around Electrostatic Pummemeler
>It's another Smuggler's Copter artifact rush deck with fucking Panharmonicon
The current meta is such garbage
Thermo Visions is the cure you are looking for.
For what it's worth, I like it. The other posters in the thread are right, it's a little more cartoony than most MTG art these days, but I could definitely see the style work for a block like Kaladesh or Lorwyn. Do you have any other samples?
I'm running Orzhov lifegain
havent played anyone because playing the same decks multiple times is boring
runs good against my friends control though, ok with aggro, don't know about vehicles and rekt by his mill deck
>The current meta is such garbage
Yeah I much preferred 2 hour long Company mirrors where the board is a huge clusterfucked stalemate.
Kaladesh has ended the standard is a shit format meme imo.
This coming from someone who used to only play modern, pauper and edh and actively hated standard for over a decade.
You're forgetting about bg delirium, jeskai and grixis control being things too. The format is pretty decent right now.
Only problem is smugglers meme
Currently running jund aggro (basic r/b aggro splashing green for Gearhulk and sb)
Right now it looks like a sketch awaiting approval and no a finished piece. If it indeed is a sketch then that's fine, but if you consider it done then you have a long way to go as an artist.
Magic art doesn't require much detail because the art is so small, but it does require more polish than this.
Hey guys. When rotation hits and all my cards become useless, what do I do with them?
>lifegain winning against control but not aggro
What fucking negaverse do you play cards in?
Why is everyone who plays standard on xmage such a fucking retard? I chose the "serious" tag because I'm trying to test my deck against real decks, not the same faggot with his budget RDW shitbrew.
Call it Type 2 instead of Standard to avoid as many children as possible.
Winter is coming.
Burn them for heat.
Are emerge decks basically dead now? Cannibalized into zombies and the like?
Hold onto them for nostalgia value/when Wizards inevitably makes Frontier a supported format. Or you could try to he savvy about it and trade them away before rotation and their value plummets.
Yeah other than everyone needing a Looter Scooter, Kaladesh has been great. And even so, Smug Cop doesn't feel like the kind of big mistake card that tends to come from making a new variety of card, so I feel it's not the end of the world that it's so popular.
Though, usually this proves to be the calm before the storm. I dunno if Aether Revolt will do something to blow the format up in everyone's faces.
>show up to standard event just to see how the local meta is
>half is some aggro featuring copter
>other half is UW flash
Will they actually have to ban copter? It's showing up as a 4 of in basically every deck
>playing with strangers
Only one person is currently playing UW Flash at my LGS, I expect that to change thought sadly. I really don't think I can beat that deck with my angel nonsense.
Reminder that Dynavolt Tower is good against UW midrange. Reflector Mage and Queller are X/3, and you get another cast trigger off Queller.
>mfw it's here to stay a whole year
The egyptian whatever its name is plane better have some good shit to compensate.
desu, if your deck loses to some random RDW homebrew then it's better for you to not run it against any real deck.
I'm not losing against them, but I already know the deck I am playing can beat shitbrews, I'm trying to see how it plays against shit I'd see at an FNM.
you are literally the guy that brings a brew into a competitive lobby.
How am I? Because I am testing nu-Thalia and Natural State in Bant Midrange? The deck that has put up several tournament and standard competitive league results?
RW Vehicles question:
Is the current state of Standard a Skywhaler's Shot kind of meta or more of a Stasis Snare one?
And has anyone tried Collective Effort at all? Chunky 3cmc sorcery is chunky but the Escalate cost strikes me as a match made in heaven with Depala.
>you are literally the guy that brings a brew into a competitive lobby.
What's the problem with that ?
It's a but of a toss up, honestly. Snare stops the zombie graveyard shenanigans that shot just enables, but so many decks run fragmentize in the board nowadays that relying on a 3cmc enchantment can be risky against some decks.
Skywhaler is pretty nice, but be sure that all decks that pack the juicy targets (gearhulks, avacyns and pummelers) will have a lot of removal protection to keep them from dying. It still can force them to keep mana for them and it's only 1cmc so by all means keep them sideboarded.
About collective effort, it's a nice card but with vehicles being so aggro focused I don't think you should use 3 mana on casting that when you could be dropping more creatures in early turns, same with stasis snare I'd say. They strike me as more midrange cards.
Every deck started as a brew. Let people make decks you asstwat. If they lose, they can learn lessons from it. It's like you don't want people to grow as players.
I'm the user he was responding to. I tagged my xmage rooms as "Serious" because I am attempting to test some alterations to an already competitively viable deck and the only matches I am getting are budget shitbrews that don't actually help me test.
i'm just calling him out on doing the thing he's complaining about. you wanna test your brew? so do those people. nut up and 2-0 them, then re-queue.
Nigger, where did I say I didn't want people to grow as players? They should grow, but not to the detriment of others by inhibiting their deck tuning. I'm trying to test Nu Thalia and Natural State in Bant Midrange, playing my deck against some $40 gremlin tribal RDW does not help me.
If you're still here, set up a forge lobby, I'll play you with whatever top tier net deck you want.
why did you not call it competitive or only tier? it's much more clear
>over 65% of decks play 4 copters
I honestly don't know what Wizards expected
>it's 2 mana so it can go in aggressive or control builds
>it's colorless so you just slap it in everything
>every deck loves looting effect so you slap it in everything
It's colorless baby jace with a 3/3 flying body that only asks that you have any one creature in play. Honestly I'm hoping for a banning because standard is so abysmal right now
i love how everytime a card goes well people talk like it was obvious all along and make horrible comparisons to other good cards
Near launch most people had it pegged as the best vehicle by a large margin
I'm not claiming to be a pro just because I saw that it was pretty good early. Plenty of people even wrote articles way back praising it's power.
it was obviopusly a good card but it's because of meta too that it became so prevalent, also the comparison with jace is one of the worst i ever read.
>but you have to play creatures~
>and looting isn't even card advantage~
But for real always expect the first wave of a new kind of card to do something dumb.
4-0 with Equiped Allies yet again.
Holy shiet the salt on the Jeskai Control player was palpable.
>What are you running and how do you beat archetypes that exist, azorius aggro rw vehicles gruul energy and jeskai control?
>UR Emerge
it beats everything by actually being a dredge list in standard.
you will lose because you drew the wrong half of your deck.
This week I'm playing UR Dynavolt because I am a living meme.
I made a budget equipped allies deck last rotation and I liked how it could amass damage out of nowhere.
Do you want to post your deck list?
it would not be so bad if there was some fucking variety
i like the current art but it needs a few other styles scattered in to shake it up
the pose is nice and i dont really know enough to comment on the quality of the art but modern magic art has a very specific style needs to be sharper
Emerge looks like a fun mechanic
but is it actually good
3/3 for 2 with flying is already stupid good. Don't forget it can just completely avoid creature removal until it's activated for the turn. Hope you aren't running sorcery speed anything.
is it just me or are all the vehicles either total crap or really good
Post list if you would.
Grixis Emerge has kind of just been upgraded to BR zombies at this point. They still tend to run Distended Mindbender and Kozi's Return in the SB though
the ship and the car are both middling cards
Grixis Emerge split into UR Dredge-Fiend and BR Zombies. Taking the middling game of the original deck and splits them into focusing on one or the other mechanic with a cleaner manabase.
here's my Dredge-Fiend list.
I'm sure it has the following:
Thraben inspector
new artifact kird ape
ally that gives +1 +0 if you control an artifact
artifact claws that put an ally attacking
red ally that gives menace to your creatures when etb
Today will be my first FNM. What should I do/not do to avoid become that guy?
Inb4 basic hygiene and properly fitting clothing.
HEy I'm looking to build a stand version of "The Rock" from back in my heydays of playing magic. I never got to build it when it was type 1. Can anyone help me out? I have most the good g/b stuff out right now.
delirium is a totally different beast though from the looks of it.
not really. you play efficient beaters, removal, hand disruption, value walkers and a couple payoffs.
it's pretty good but i'd rather play literally dredge
Are you very new to Magic in general as well?
Just be in good spirits and expect to get stomped because if you're really new to the game your deck is probably weak compared to what other people are bringing.
I've played countless matches against an AI (Forge) but have never played in person before.
>expect to get stomped
If by 'stompted' you mean Thopter'ed, Gideon'ed or W/U Flashed, then yes I am prepared to get stomped.
Well yeah, but I want to see any techs and such as well as sideboard.
So we had a Glimmer of hope of a balanced standard environment with an actual aggro /control/ combo metagame and now we're back to g/b/x midrange grind hell .
I'm so glad I didn't buy into this degenerate shit especially as it wont even rotate out now.
Gonna try this out tonight
Format's fine though, there's always a Rock deck but when's the last time a Boros pile with an aggressive slant could also get some semblance of card advantage around the midgame?
>rhetorical question: about 7 years ago when Boros Bushwhacker came and went back in SOA-ZEN Standard, and even back then you obviously played Jund or didn't play at all, derp
But seriously as long as Depala exists I'm forcing RW Dorf-Vehicles to live the dream of recruiting a fistful of cards every subsequent turn. She's one of the best things to happen to RW in ages, even if tribewise the amount of support she's going to get isn't likely to be much.
She's like Boros Charm levels of "we want to push the RW agenda pretty hard right now."
No Thraben Inspector, Toolcraft Exemplar or Kirdifact.
Only one mana drops were Expedition Envoy and Stoneforge Acolyte. Toolcraft can replace Envoy, tho.
Firemantle Mage is in the Sideboard along with Lantern Scout.
Only non-Ally creature is Thalia Heretic Cathar.
>tfw guys on channel fireball still shill G/B delirium as the strongest deck in standard
So what is?
>new artifact kird ape
Please, her name is Nerd Ape.
As much as I love the name that sounds so bad taken out of context.
Guess, for sure it isn't a delirium deck.
whats your list for spirit tempo?
i've been playing tamiyo spirits and 4-0ing fnm
>I tagged my xmage rooms as "Serious" because I am attempting to test some alterations to an already competitively viable deck
Tagging it "Serious" is only referring to skill level. Has nothing to do with what type of decks one brings into a game in Xmage. If you want to play against established only decks then put it in your game description.
There is a balance. Only reason why you see G/B Delirium in large percentages is because the deck survived intact rotation with almost all of its cards still in the format. It's a solid deck and that's why you see lot of people playing it because they can't be arsed to spend money on another deck.
But right now you have Jeskai, Grixis, U/W and even slivers of Sultai Control for the control decks. Aetherworks and Dynavolt decks are around for your combo decks and there's usually very rarely any combo decks in Standard these days.
The format continues to be garbage tier. Well, I'll ignore for another year then.