What is your favorite combination of man and beast in any setting?
I have always had a soft spot for wereboars, pigmen and all all things porcine.
What is your favorite combination of man and beast in any setting?
Other urls found in this thread:
Wolf and Man, Horse and Man, Bull/Cow and Man.
Especially the last one, because I'm a shameless whore for titty-monsters and studs.
Just watch out, user.
Wereboars are deceptively subtle little fuckers.
*Cluck-cluck-glurk bok brrrooaark!*
Too Subtle For you
My party once met a human who insulted Titania. He was cursed to have the lower body of a giant rabbit. Kinda like pic related but male.
I like gatormen. I had a gatorman character once, a friendly tribal with 13 inteliggence. Tons of fun: a village dressed in green scales, honorary dwarf status, a smile with too many teeth and no actual lips, plans to carve out a kingdom and a stone maul so big it looked like it was part of a house.
I like pig and boar men (basically the same) a lot too. But I prefer them sophisticated rather than savage. Actually I think most beastmen look better when they're sophisticated.
Love reptilians and anfibious humanoids too.
That's gewd eatin'
I don't get it.
Cool? Shit?
Imagine quills the size of a crossbow bolts flying everywhere.
He said the same about kobolds
Birdmen. The only man-beast thing I honestly like.
>inb4 /pol/
You forgot the man part
>inb4 taking this seriously
just because you acknowledge you're retarded and from /stormfront/ doesn't make that okay
I like fox girls, but more in line with Korean kumiho lore.
Boarmen is up there for me. Ive always liked minotaurs as well. Combinations of scorpion men too.
Boarmen are top-tier OP.
That's because it's TOO SUBTLE.
Consider that catgirls typically behave more like dogs than cats, what with their unconditional love. A true catgirl would be a psychopath, just as likely to kill you for food as to casually use you for sex.
Dog girls are the best
Where is its dick? How does it reproduce? That's why I can't take these creatures seriously. Muscly and retarded. Look at that fucking tusk. That'd get in the way of its life, not help it
>scorpion men too.
Hail to the king, baby!
>Not understanding how Crinos form works
Look user, your sexual organs regress into your body when you go into war form
It's a were-beast, the transformation's not really sex focused. I'm sure I could send you plenty of pigmen with dicks in (Mostly japanese) porn illustrations.
The CGI was bad, but I did like the extra claws and such.
>your sexual organs regress into your body when you go into war form
I wish mine did that.
Waah racism scares me
if you like cow women and titty monsters urely you have some images to share?
i have a soft spot for them as well but i always have difficulty finding good art
>if you like cow women and titty monsters urely you have some images to share?
I do, but they're not necessarily cow women or monstrous.
Just girls with big fat tats.
Yes, yes it does.
I will say though after reading some of Sindol's stuff it's honestly made me question eating meat
>am i cool yet?
>White racist
Fucking white people are always sjw, won't let me speak for myself.
it's just a joke, don't be triggered already
were they the only good thing about WoD?
I just fucking want Arakkoa as a playable race.
I would pick paladin and wield the power of the sun I was denied.
SQWAAARK, We will always... soar...
Half man half also man.
the hell is this from?
X-men3 The bad one. The really really bad one.
It's a weird pop-fantasy cop show where police detectives solve crimes where most of the suspects/victims/perps are fantasy creatures who hide among humans and try not to violate the masquerade. Shit like werebears, demons, ghosts, a million fucking spiders that think as one hivemind that lives inside the hollowed-out skin-suit of an old grandma.
my bird brethren
Got you covered, fampai.
>paladin of cock
That's a really poetic way to call a bard
Always liked Wendigos. The combinations of beast and man tend to vary in appearance, usually deer or elk-like, but the ever present cannibalistic hunger for human flesh remains constant and strikes fear into the hearts of those who dwell in the cold north.
The non-sexualized kind because keep your sweaty boners away from my table, you disgusting manchildren.
Morrowind-type lizardmen, as in the cute kind rather than monitor lizards. Although I do like all lizardmen, or all serpentmen really. I find most bulky mammal people pretty dull and uninspired in comparison. Minotaurs, boarmen, wolfmen, bearmen, it's all the same shit.
>being this paranoid
>when the OP wasn't even sexualized and about the most sexualized post was which has only one nonsensical reply besides this
Warhammer Fantasy
"Beastmen" also implies I wasn't talking about OP, since he's hopefully not more than one person.
I know this is the polar opposite of subtle, but it's too good not to share.
I don't meant to be a buzzkill but isn't that just an ork kommando?
The classics are best
were shark
I'm a little surprised Veeky Forums never talks about poxnora.
The most fearsome predator of the seas, now with hands.
>most fearsome predator of the sea
Just because you're actually more dangerous doesn't make you more fearsome.
Being three to four times the size and proficient at group tactics does, at least once the HP starts dropping. Adventurers who don't learn to look beyond appearances don't last long.
Ok, so like what's the title, or are you going to make me just sift through all of his stuff to find it?
Touch the Cow.
Do it now.
Do it now.
Seriously, though. It'll cure the cow's depression.
>What is your favorite combination of man and beast in any setting?
>[ctrl]+[f] your mom
>Phrase not found
Veeky Forums I am disappoint
We were waiting for you. For your mother alone can claim to be the bestial matriarch.
>I will say though after reading some of Sindol's stuff it's honestly made me question eating meat
Is he the guy that made the doujin or hentai or japporn comic thing about the kid who put fake ears on a 'cow' that's basically a young girl? I remember he knocks her up and he has to convince his mom not to take the 'calf' to the butcher. I would reconsider my diet as well.
We accept your deference. You manatee-kin seem always eager to please.
A dairy cow's life
That's one of the dumbest things I've ever seen.
Including the times you look in the mirror?
Shadow-Lord Iskar did nothing wrong
Huge-breasted cow-women are among the few good things to come out of X-girl porn.
Wereman. Some animals are bit by animals with the curse and a day each month they are turned into people
Now, what happens if a wereman gets bitten by a werewolf while in human form?
I know we'll get "magical realm" complaints, but I genuinely like this kind of beastfolk. The big complaint will be that they're waifu material, but that reveals an underlying attribute that makes them so great: they're human enough to be relatable, rather than merely sapient beasts. This puts them in the same category as elves and dwarves rather than kobolds and hobgoblins.
They make a pretty shitty villain race though, unless you go for the "cats are assholes" angle. In fact, they make great villains if you go for that angle!
It hurts? You can't get double-cursed.
The only thing you can do to MIX THINGS UP as a lycanthrope is knock up a normal human woman (or get knocked up by a normal human man) and create a "natural" Lycanthrope that way, which in Pathfinder would be called a "Skinwalker."
I like your gumption, user, but if the setting includes cat-girls and dog-girls I will have to go for the dog-girl every time.
Especially if there are wolf-girls, and they gradually become dog-girls the longer they've "bonded" to a human.
Catgirls are easy because "muh Egypt", but how would you non-magical realm implement dogfolk? And how would you make them loyal to humans without resulting in magical realm? There's nothing wrong with waifus or even waifu material, but a race that almost only exists to be waifu material is questionable.
>tsun doggirl.
Something something earliest domestic dogs bred for intelligence something something wooble wooble primitive magics enhance dogs further something something the effect continues over many generations something something dog-people occur at the dawn of permanent settlements.
Something like that.
I didn't realise it until this past year or so but I really like dem Sneks.
Now I'm not saying I'd definitely, totally 100% replace my legs with a snake tail if I could...
Lizardmen. Especially tribal types. I dunno they're just cool.
I'm pretty sure this might be the ONLY cow-girl picture that properly captures that the udders ARE the breasts. Most of the time furry artists (or most, but furry is particularly relevant here) don't bother to do the research and just add a couple animal features to a normal human, resulting in such atrocities as Lizard tits.
>but how would you non-magical realm implement dogfolk?
Lycanthropes "naturally" domesticated by Humanity gradually became Dog-girls.
Cave canem user, German Shepherd girls are among the most likely breeds to bite you.
not sure, but I am prettty sure the one that has people questioning diets is the one from earlier in the reply chain. It is a hentai doujin that is essentially a documentary on the daily life of a cow but changing it to a cowgirl. Everything else is 100% the same, but seeing those things happen to a girl can make it a lot more nauseating.
They're not actually beast folk though. They're like the faunus from RWBY, normal humans with cosmetic animal limbs practically glued on.
Also, stop trying to satisfy your sexual desires with your cat.
>It is a hentai doujin that is essentially a documentary on the daily life of a cow but changing it to a cowgirl.
Who on earth thought that was a good idea?
The difference is that Kommandos are just race defyingly sneaky, and this catch people off guard.
Oinkbane is sneaky because people assume nobody could be THAT retarded, and get caught off guard when it turns out that he is.