>>Citadel Painting Guides:
>>Paint range compatibility chart across manufacturers
>>Painting guides, Uniforms & Heraldry books, Painting Videos, Visions, ebooks and White Dwarves:
>>Painting Videos only
>>DIY Lightbox
>>How to Moldlines
>>Fuckin Magnets how do they work?
>>List of mini manufacturers for converting and proxy
>>Stripping Paint
>>On the consequences of insufficient ventilation
>>I am the hammer! I am the point of His spear! I am the mail about His fist! I am the bane of His foes!
Other urls found in this thread:
>When you try to draw the Emperor in a majestic pose next to a normal human but then remember you can't into art, scale or perspective for shit so he ends up looking like a creepy pedophile with a club foot sprawled out on a park bench
Debating between Tron tau with appropriate highlights on black, or Stegadon Scale Green tau with Moot Green highlights. I did a test model for the latter and it looks okay, but I kinda prefer the former.
I used that OP because I hallucinate meetings with the Emperor on lsd.
bloodreavers wip
are tamiya paints any good? i have a lot of it lying around
they look pretty watery to begin with, do i still need to thin them?
post tau because the way im visualizing it, the second one sounds better
Right is my test model, though it's unfinished; I'd be outlining the armor's seams entirely, but not the edges. Left are some of the Crisis suits from the army that inspired me; I'd hopefully be a bit neater once I do it (I don't have a ton of practice under my belt), but it gives a general idea.
I need to start priming soon. Best overall primer? I also have some Chaos Black spray, but I hear that it is not a primer. Spray a white primer down then use the Chaos Black as a basecoat?
I use Rustoleum 2x Ultra Cover in Matte Black. Black basecoat (good for black armor like mine), nice and flat, and very close to Abaddon Black in shade. And it's $3 at Walmart for a 20 ounce can.
Chaos Black is a primer.
Is an Age of Strife miniatures range too much to ask?
Reposting my valhallans! better quality pic this time
Grombrindal greenstuff work continues.
You see, I hear it isn't.
Good place to get colorful metallic paints? Like metallic blue/red?
use tamiya clear over regular metallics.
chaos black is a primer. the non primers are the Colour sprays that GW has.
This is mustasheo, the melta man.
you are doing god's work user. make moulds.
Mustasheo, the melta man has seen some shit.
Black squadron b-wing. More red on the middle of the canopy or no? I just wanted to tint the middle window slightly red.
Backhalf with a better view of the canopy
Thank you! I'm hoping that in the next few days I'll finish all the conversion and can finally start painting.
Please point out a single reference on the website or on the can to the word "primer". Spoiler, there is none, because it isn't one and they don't want to get sued for false advertising.
Every spay except corax white and chaos black say that they are base paints on their page. If these two were citadel base paints they would be called ceramite white and abaddon black.
On the website every single one of their sprays is called "[color] Spray", and on the can they're all called "Citadel [color] Model Paint". The descriptions are all virtually identical, describing them as "designed for basecoating".
Also, with similar logic, if Chaos Black actually was a primer then it would be called Imperial Primer like their brush-on primer.
I think its all fucked up
the US version has no mention of it being primer
the canadian version, which has a different label, says it acts as a primer and a basecoat
Yeah I am Canadian too and I swear I have an old can which said primer on it.
I needz an engine to go on the back of my mega deff dread,
Also needz a kill saw arm, but i'ma make dat wun.
anyone got any suggestions, and/or criticizem?
I think I have proof that corax white and chaos black are primers. There is this old video where Duncan uses chaos black to prime:
And then the corax white page has a video of Duncan priming with it:
That's not proof, it just shows that they can be used to similar effect as an actual primer, just like how you could paint on a thick layer of paint onto a bare model and it will technically make other paints adhere better to the model.
The difference between a base spray and a primer is not in their application, it's in their quality (how thin they are, how well paint adheres, how well it handles wear'n'tear etc.).
The one on the right looks 100% better imo
Neat. I'll probably end up going ahead with it. Unfortunately I won't be able to paint before I have my next game (first with these).
so what about the fact that the CA version of the website calls it primer?
im not a fan of the valhallen models, but those look very pretty user
It says that it "acts as a primer", not that it is one. Considering that all the other languages have the non-primer description, my guess is that the Canadian product page is different to show that the can is bilingual and someone didn't get the memo to avoid the P-word when creating the page.
looks good and you'll only get better with repetition.
tron aesthetic on Tau is pretty sexy.
only an ork would think of this shit. you madman. I want to see it finished. The tire reminds me of borderlands.
So a lot of people use it as a primer, is there anything wrong with this? Just wanted to know cause I recently got back into 40k and have been using it as one.
On top of GW sprays being more expensive than actual primer alternatives, there are issues in quality as mentioned here That said, the difference is not big enough to worry about models you've already sprayed but it is big enough to consider better alternatives, just like with most other generic hobby products that GW sells.
cool thanks, is there any well known better generics for these things?
sorry about the spoonfeeding
I use Army Painter, they have a good selection of colored primers on top of black/white/gray and my FLGS happens to stock them.
Other brands I've seen recommended here are Krylon, Rust-oleum and Testors, although the latter maybe only for their Dullcote varnish.
I put an arm on him.
>me incharge of remembering images.
Anyway, next one once I get more glue is going to have 2 super skortchers and 3 skortchas. Backpack fuel tanks.
and a top hat and monicle
Not sure if you're talking about the right or left for "looks good". Left's not mine. Right side, would it look fine with more of the lines detailed out in the same green?
Did you hit the right with any shade? I feel like the blue should be a bit darker to really make the green pop.
Doing something like yellow lenses with a strong glow effect will really give the model a strong presence.
Fuck this makes me want to paint tau in a scheme like that
space marine bacpacks are by far my least favorite thing to clean moldlines off. Why are the sprues always connected to the round spheres and never the flat areas?
get the older kits.
the older kits did that too
Hey, /wip/, anyone of you know where this terrain comes from?
There's some dude selling them on a local Craigslist equivalent, but I figured I might want more from the set.
Many thanks to you. May the blessing of Duncan bring you thinned paints and neat brush strokes.
guess to me old and new is a relative term now, but here's a picture
yep more plastic card blindage
maybe a chain with trophy on it
toothpick for spike on the top of the dread
q-tip for pipe at the rear back
>first time painting camo
>my autistic mind can't accept the fact that it'll be good enough so I just say fuck it and cover it all up with a layer of dark oil
use the GW one. because it is a bloody primer.
Alright /t/g, I neew your advice.
I got pic related and I have no idea how to paint these mounts. Except for the scales on the back, they have relatively smooth skin, so I can't do much with my usual base coat/wash/highlight method, how do I give the armes and bellies some depth and detail? I'm relatively new to painting, so I have no idea how to tackle this, I usually have very bumpy minis where I can use the sculpted details to good effect.
Fucking pic related.
basecoat, wash, reapply basecoat to scales, layer lighter colour, highlight
I fail at reading comprehension but it still stands. Just layer up lighter colours.
duncan did a tip of the day on them.
okay so I need some help with a light box i built.
its pretty big, 13 inches wide, 2 feet tall, give or take. and i found a cheap lamp for it
but, the current secondary lamp i have is a 40watt led bulb which i use on my Desk
can i use two 40w equal led bulbs? do i have time go buy 2 100 watt CFLs to get proper lighting?
Now with a dedicated area to work, things may progress in terms of aaaaall the projects that are underway....
Tooo many projects
do the stompa first.
Anyone have any experience with this amt model?
>painting listening to Horus Heresy audiobooks
is there a comfier activity?
>Painting while listening electronic metal
Why do I do this
Hey guys,
I am trying to come up with a colour scheme for my Skitarii.
I want green, but i am unsure which. At the moment i am thinking Castellan Green for the vehicles and Deathworld Forest for the robes.. Any experience? Would that work?
Also, what would be a good secondary colour, Rakarth Flesh?
ooh, lost in space (the movie, not the show). Had a toy of that growing up. That movie led to my minor fear of spiders.
I use Castellan, Rakarth, Leadbelcher, and Warplock Bronze for my Skitarii. They look nice.
Is there any drawbacks to just basecoating with regular paints and not spray painting my models first?
Paint will peel off in time. Note a smooth coat.
Thats pretty much what i had in mind. Got a pic? How do You differenciate the vehicles and the robes?
Without a primer coat the paint won't bond to the plastic properly, as such, you paint can start to detach from your miniature much more easily than it would from a primer coat.
It'll be very easy to damage the paint as a result, even normal handling may cause trouble.
Few technical questions:
>Where to get good metallic paints in non-metallic colors. Red, blue, purple, etc.
>If I put a little paint thinner in my water will it prevent my paint from drying out too fast?
direct copy-paste from "Fantastic Plastic":
>Although AMT/Ertl had been routinely criticized for the inaccuracy and fit problems of their "Star Trek" model line, the company came through like gangbusters with this "Lost in Space" kit. Its accuracy was never challenged, it went together very well and the final display piece was nothing if not impressive.
I have no knowledge of the kit beyond what I just googled, other than that it was very much over-produced making it quite easy to get hold of, even today.
Vallejo has a fair number of coloured metallic paints.
In their Model Air line there's Arctic Blue and Turn Signal Red, with especially the Arctic Blue being a very rich, deep blue metal colour.
In their Premium RC line they have a whole bunch of metallic colours:
Yellow, Orange, Red, Violet, Blue and Green.
On top of that you could use a "candy" coat over a silver or gold metallic to create a coloured metal.
Scale75 also has a good number in their "Alchemy" coloured metallic line, Scale75.com sells most of them separately, so I assume that stores stocking their range can do so as well.
On the thinner in water question...
Not sure, usually if you want to slow down drying on your paints you'd use a "retarder medium" which does exactly that, and a little goes a long way.
Also, large quantities of glaze medium will slow down drying quite dramatically, but will make your paint very translucent as well.
I hear it isn't.
That's what I meant, the retarder medium. If I put a bit of that in my thinning water would it slow the paint drying?
yes, I assume it would work, but not as much as when you add a little drop to the paint you're thinning directly.
But it should slow drying down a little bit at least.
I don't field vehicles yet, sorry. I've been working on my Tau more.
Hey guys, I've really wanted to make Skaven Tau like this but I have no idea where to start with regards to the models I need. Help?
they look really retarded
you look really retarded
that looks a kitbash between fire warriors and clanrats
buy a box of each and experiment with the parts until you get the look you want
What's a good model to start with to make a female inquisitor?
I'd try using some of the new Dark Eldar/Elf kits as they're the best female models GW has ever produced. It would help to have a bit more info on the type of inquisitor you're going for though - is she a radical/monodominant/rogue etc.
This is a really simple and stupid question, so forgive me, but how does one thin your paints?
Is it 'dip brush in paint, then water' or 'dip in water, then paint'? Or just put some tap water in the pots?
put some paint on a palette, then put some water on the palette, then mix until it flows nicely but doesn't run
I made mine with a farseer and a part from a sister's of averlorn kit, and a grey knight sword for the spear head
use a pallet and mix paint with water on the pallet (use the brush to transfer paint and water to the pallet)
a sheet of wax paper is an easy pallet for beginners, and very cheap.
As you get more experience, you can try building a wet pallet out of parchment paper, paper towel, and a tupperware container
Its disappointing how many boards at AoP were just Realms of Battle sections. The board is part of the display too, jesus.