Does anyone remember that crazy radical feminist RPG that was floating around a couple months ago? What happened to it? Does anyone have it?
Does anyone remember that crazy radical feminist RPG that was floating around a couple months ago? What happened to it...
No, but I have the Wraeththu RPG. That's close, right?
There is nothing inherently wrong with Radical Feminism.
Also I would also like to see this rad patriarchy smashing simulator bump.
Do you mean something mildly painful like Blue Rose, or a deliberate parody/strawman?
>There is nothing inherently wrong with an ideology that condemns 50% of humanity
inb4 "i was just pretending to be retarded"
this reminds me my huge bait reaction folder I lost during my motherboard corruption and now I'm sad.
>not knowing what radical feminism is
>being wrong on the internet
>I lost during my motherboard corruption
>motherboard corruption
You dumb motherfucker, dig out the hard drive and rescue your shit. I doubt the motherboard fried your fucking hard drive.
>"real communism has never been tried"-tier intellectual sophistry
>not knowing what radical feminism is
>Inb4 No True Scotsman
Not what I was looking for, but I'll still see it.
This was written by radical feminists, and was about Gaia calling strong women to develop nature powers to fight the Patriarchy.
What was the patriarchy like in the setting?
That should work. Have fun.
I think feminism is overrated (but not necessarily bad). Do you have any more recent quotes by radical feminists? Because most of those raisins are probably either dying or dead.
This is the bait
Found a picture of it.
>roleplaying the feminist resistance
I know shit about computers, I'm just spouting whatever words I caught during the exchange.
Bottom line, that PC is 2ded4work, three different techies couldn't save it, rip in peppers.
Donald Trump with pajama pants pulled up to his neck. It screeches and vomits money and STEM degrees at men for having penises.
Looks like a standard Urban Fantasy witch setting with extra politics.
I'd play it, though I doubt the mechanics are any better than if they simply made a playbook for any other generic system.
I dunno, depending on the context the one by Catherine MacKinnon could be reasonable. A lot of people do think that rape is purely 'Held down and physically forced to do it' and it could be addressing the fact there is more to it than just that.
It could also be stupid in-context.
So, this isn't a PDF or anything but someone seems to have reviewed OP's book. All I can say is jesus christ how horrifying...
Forgot the link....
Why don't you scoot over to Knowyourmeme and search for "bait" there?
According to the archives, a link has probably never been posted here.
I like how one of them's the expected fatass, but then the other one's just the typical skinny titwhore the author would probably lose her shit over on a WoD cover, except with an edgelord shirt.
>going to knowyourmeme
Come on, user, he may want bait pictures but he must have some dignity left.
How is that hate speach?
>caring about where you get the same fucking images
You fucking poser. I bet you're the kind of faggot who looks down on people who don't rename images they get from tumblr via google.
>even rename the GM to gamemistress
It's a system that is supposed to be enjoyed by women. Why should they call their GM with a male pronoun?
No one should go through the horror that is knowyourmeme, and you know it you fucking faggot.
Try posting "the proportion of women must be reduced to and maintained at 10% of the human race" on all your social media accounts and see what happens to your career and social life.
>Gains health and mana from wounding others
>Can mentally dominate people on save
This definitely seems legit
Can't we all just sit down to a nice wholesome game of busty barbarian bimbos instead?
>we're going to take out The Serpent the evil patriarchial force that drives civilization
>Martial Valour, technological innovation, and social advancement are evil forces!
>we've been fighting for thousands of years surely we'll win soon!
That's not the same thing. You can just flip the gender and say it means the same thing.
Now I want to play in a game where Snoop Dogg is the GM.
Master is actually gender neutral
It really isn't. Did you ever saw a woman referred as a "master"?
That's up to the individual user, or do you hate freedom? That's the only question here: DO YOU HATE FREEDOM MOTHERFUCKER?!
I sort of want to play a Blue Rose game where the party is in a 'villain' faction only insofar as they violate a single moral of the kingdom for some reason. Also, Blue Rose's kingdom is basically meant to be the sort of place that you might get Sailor Scouts from in the far future after it is destroyed by the forces of evil, right? That was intentional?
In the case of having mastered something then yes, it's gender neutral. When referred to as somebody in a superior position in the hierarchy, usually at the top, mistress is used.
For example:
She is the master of kung fu
She is the mistress of this house....of kung fu.
And now both combined:
The kung fu master of this house is the mistress of this house
Is that the magical feminist witch one?
I remember we collaboratively built an ambulocetus that would permanently transform into a massive snake and exponentially increase their magical power by literally eating the patriarchy.
The skills in that game were not balanced
>Can't we all just sit down to a nice wholesome game of busty barbarian bimbos instead?
I've got the book right here!
And a crossover module
When you beat the Pokemon League as a woman, they don't call you a "Pokemon Mistress".
When you host a website, they don't call you a "webmistress".
When you're really good at a craft they don't call you a "mistress craftswoman".
I know it's a video but i can't find it.
>you have no idea what radical feminism is
It's not radical as in "Radical Islam" or some shit, Radical feminists just believe in radically restructuring society insofar as to excise the patriarchy (read: not just excise All Men but the systems of patriarchal oppression which seek to undermine both genders (and everything in between)).
It's not "Let's gas all the guys" it's "you can't change an inherently patriarchal system from within the political process, let's just knock it down and make a better one".
>inb4 "yeah but something something they're a nazi cult" or whatever.
Also most of these quotes aren't actually bad, they've all been cherry picked from much larger and more robust talks which make it clear it's not just about killing all men. In fact most of them are calling for men to think introspectively about who they are, or open calls to remain open minded about feminist theory.
Except for Sally Gearhart, not sure what that shit is about.
Side note, I guess arguably Radical Islam believes in changing society without an attempt at political processes as well.
My point is Radical Feminists are not goose stepping and they are doing any suicide bombing.
Finally a voice of reason! I'm sick of /pol/ invading this board.
>If I play on Veeky Forums's innate paranoia of /pol/ being here, maybe people will agree with me automatically.
Daly and Gearhart could be classified as hate speech as they are implying a need in the reduction of men, which of course has the undertone of genocide or systemic reduction via birth control. Others are just generally strawman'ish quotes.
That is like a fucking fever dream.
Though a good point is that these are most likely cherry picked and generally lack the concept of the question. Unless the question was "Hey, make a quote"
It's just ridiculous. If women want to abort male fetuses it's just their business. This isn't any fucking "genocide".
Shit man, if what they're saying is true, every surviving man gets a harem. Sounds fun as fuck. And men will still be on top because women can't beat the cock.
tfw i'll probably get purged
Why do you hate black people?
Without men in power there wouldn't be a patriarchy. Without patriarchy there wouldn't be heteronormative consensus. You are full of shit.
It might be this. I'm still not certain if it's satirical.
What? Are you sure you linked the right post?
>Without patriarchy there wouldn't be heteronormative consensus
So gender studies classes allow me to see alternate realities, as well as read minds? Shit, I might have to take a few if I get the chance.
Sorry, women can not beat the cock. They are physically unable to resist it.
Blacks make up most abortions. Abortions are how fucking racists trying and keep black numbers down. Blacks have always been more oppressed than rich white women.
Just a friendly reminder, draw whatever conclusion you want from it. I'm not asking you to do anything but look at this image and consider it for a few seconds.
Just doing the Lord's work.
Lord Vagina
>Women are between one-half and two-thirds as strong as men, with closer to the same Strength in the lower body (two-thirds) than the upper body (one-half). As such, women’s strength would be rolled as 2D6, rather than 3D6.
Doesn't sound much like radical feminism to me.
Also, a woman having twice the penalty to strength of halfling that's the size of a 7-year-old is all kinds of crazy. And maxing out at 12 strength? Still, I think this is mostly down to a misunderstanding of how the scale works, and otherwise the author seems to actually be fair and thoughtful, at least going by the little bit I skimmed.
/pol/ IS invading you dipshit. How ignorant you need to be to not see it?
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
The occasional shit poster does not constitute an invasion.
>The Kobayashi Maru
>The Kobayashi Maru is the infamous piece of Star Trek lore about the deliberately unwinnable scenario. It’s the one Kirk famously ‘won’ by interfering with the program rather than addressing the scenario as it existed. Addressing issues of diversity and inclusion is a Kobayashi Maru scenario. There is simply no way to ‘win’ in this situation and in regard to these issues. If you’re not inclusive – regardless of the reason – you’re bad. If you are inclusive – you’ve almost certainly done it wrong. If you represent bad things happening in your game world (rape, torture, prejudice), it may well be assumed you condone or support those things. If you do give an inch, a mile will be demanded.
>You’ll tie yourself in knots trying to cater and pander to the various vocal interests that are out there. There’s definitely money to be made pandering to that sector and, equally, there’s money to make taking a stand against the frequently censorious excesses of those who think they’re ‘doing the right thing’. The danger in both instances is in being pigeon-holed – and that may happen regardless of what you really think or do. There are plenty of cases of people taking up with either faction (willingly or otherwise) and then being turned on by those self-same people for a lack of ‘ideological purity’.
>The only way to win may be not to play.
I'm not finding a lot to be upset about here.
Just look at this thread, you idiot.
Insulting people you're supposed to be educating is contradictory you fuckmongling faghammer.
To be fair to the lil' triggler, there was a long time when /pol/posting was the hottest shit. Nowadays, though, it's mostly just Varg general that pops up every so often, and threads like these where people like have to bring up the real thing when no one was talking about it.
>but that second one's /tumblr/, not /pol/
They're shit for the exact same reason, at least when discussing posts on this site.
It is. James Desborough has been targeted by the loonies before for not being PC; this is his way of making fun of them. The fact that you can't tell if it's real or not just shows you how insane these people are.
That's terror.
Oh shit, I think this is by the same person partly responsible for Witch Girl Adventures. You can tell because a lot of the art looks like hers and there's a lot of people being turned into things, mostly cigarettes.
>50% witch
>50% bitch
My last girlfriend prefered I call her Master.
So, yeah.
Like, during sex or all the time?
Oh look. It's one of you people.
This is a good post. A post to remember.
Old Men, ruling the world.
During sex. She wanted more often, but I wasn't comfortable with it.
You need to step back from your computer pal. You are talking about EUGENICS there, but I guess it's okay because it's right this time and in a hundred years people definitely won't look at people like yous endorsement of gender selective abortions with anything other than pride and joy . I'm a woman with a son and people like you are repulsive, I hope you have a son some day and realise the divisive vitriol you're spewing.
/k/ here! They're too busy ruining our threads to bother with you guys en masse.
Finding ridiculous leftwing ideologies to be the subject of mockery is pretty mainstream.
It is if it's enforced as an official policy of the state which is what she's talking about.
I am so sorry, /k/omrade.
Thank you. It's sad how many people give in to scapegoating and hate. It's as if people don't realize that the exact same actions don't cause different results.
I'm starting to wonder if it's not /pol/ retards just shit posting, which is a given considering the fedorian population of traditional gamers, or this place has become a haven for alt-right morons who think that they have some sort of battle against radical feminists to fight.
Let's just go back to shitposting about 4e again. The good ol' days.
Jesus fuck this game...
/pol/ keeps posting, but all I hear is
Hold up son, you're telling me that a dom actually listened to you and reasonably respected your boundaries?
Have my Mongolian motion pictures lied to me?
Bellum Maga?
>that shit
so your saying that men are far more expendable than women?