Do fertility goddesses have paladins?
Do fertility goddesses have paladins?
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Ask your GM. That is a setting decision.
Only if they're all pregnant women.
As long as their alignment allows for Lawful Good worshippers, yes.
This is where boob armor comes from.
What is wrong with you.
That's a terrible idea, because the character just ends up as an unfunny joke, like that stupid horny bard cliche.
Do their paladins fertilize, or are they the fertilized?? How does it intersect with being a martial champion?
Better question, is there any god that wouldn't like to have an order of divinely chosen heavily armed warriors with the ability to detect and smite whatever they dislike most?
Yes, but those outside their order know them as bards.
The female ones adds their Cha to AC as well as saves if their belly is exposed.
Only if the Paladins in the setting actually get their powers from a specific god (A rarity overall), and then only if there is a fertility goddess who happens to be in a moral category that supports paladins, which may or may not be restricted to lawful and good depending on setting and system.
Male paladins grow horns, muscles, hooves, and 8 inch cocks
Oath of Ancients paladin from 5e suits this perfectly.
Fertility is serious fucking business. Gods of war and fertility both are not uncommon at all.
Of course, user. They share responsibilities with the paladins of Love to ensure the population is healthy.
For your information, fertility is one of the main forces that's keeping people and civilization alive.
I imagine paladins who only allow pregnant women inside the walls of their temple fortresses during times of war.
Let's not play dumb.
OP isn't talking about fertility goddesses in the sense of classical deities. It's "HURR DURR SEX GODDESS", because otherwise there would be no reason to even ask if the goddess who helps plants grow and aids women in childbirth should have paladins.
This kind of thing has lots of possibilities.
The whole order could be female or male depending on what the god or goddess wants.
They could be an order that is entirely defensive , or even having combat as a secondary part of their duties, instead focusing on healing.
Dude did you look at the OP? Does that look like animeme fap bait? And it's a good question because a paladin is specifically a more militant divine devotee. Under what circumstances do women in childbirth or clerics of fertility or midwives or whatever need the protection of specialized paladins? That's the situation here.
That would imply that fertility is a good concept on itself which it isn't. Fertility goods would be chaotic neutral. At best.
>Under what circumstances do women in childbirth or clerics of fertility or midwives or whatever need the protection of specialized paladins?
Defenders of pregnant women "behind enemy lines"
You also have to ask why they would need dedicated defensive forces.
What could a god specific paladin do that the generic Divinely Powered Militant Forces of Good™ couldn't do?
Why are you continuing to play dumb?
It's a stupid question, because paladins are not Divine Champions of a god, but act towards either an ideal, a code, or the general concept of good. Secondly, even if they were, there's no reason that fertility goddesses like Chauntea would be excluded.
OP just wants to talk about hurr-durr lawful-good dickings like an eleven-year-old, and you might as well stop pretending otherwise.
>life is neutral
I disagree strenously
user, that statue is "Venus of Willendorf". It has big breasts and a large portion body because those are classic, and still are, traits of fertility. Besides, fertility usually goes with gods and goddesses of war, home, family, marriage, and other supporting blocks of civilization.
Remember, fertility is not just human reproduction, but also the harvest and nature.
A paladin of a fertility goddess would likely be an enemy of a plague god like Nurgle. The Paladin would have lots of spells for healing blights on crops, encouraging growth, and generally ensuring that people survive and thrive.
This is probably the best example of what a historical "Goddess of Healing" might be, honestly. They'd probably do double-duty as a midwife, too. Or midwere, as the case may be. Wandering from peasant village to peasant village, ensuring that mother and child survive birth, healing lame animals and fighting off plague demons seems like a pretty good gig for a Paladin.
>but act towards either an ideal, a code
The fertile state and the production that comes from it can be seen as an ideal worth pursuing by warriors aligned with the Good.
These things could be done according to some code.
>fertility is a good concept on itself
>which it isn't
It's a good "concept" because it's the whole reason why you and anyone else is born.
Simply staying behind to protect a temple dedicated to a fertility deity is something "the generic Divinely Powered Militant Forces of Good™" could, but generally doesn't, do. Lots of paladins can do shit most other paladins can, they just have different priorities depending on what they care about and what god they choose to follow based on that.
>but act towards either an ideal, a code, or the general concept of good
Uh, yeah, such as defending pregnant women during wartime, easing deliveries in contested areas or getting pregnant women the fuck out of Dodge, instead of being out smiting orcs, you dumb fuck, how's that for a code?
Actually read the post you are replying to rather than spouting something everyone already knows.
Please read, you dumb fucks.
How is that "good". People multiplying without any stop isn't a good thing. To be lawful good said deity pursue keeping population in check and offer fertility in moderation. Said paladins work would consist prabobly mostly of either offering abortions or protecting people who do from violence.
Except nobody is fucking talking about boning hot priestesses, are they, you idiot monkey board police?
/pol/ please go.
That's ridiculous. Overpopulation is simply not an issue in any sort of ancient society. Either disease kills your surplus or you go to war and things work themselves out in short order.
Most fantasy settings are quite far from being on the verge of multiplying out of control, and a few niche paladins probably wouldn't do much to change that.
>board police
Oh fuck, what an insult. I'm sorry I'm calling you out on being stupid and you feel like I'm somehow restricting your right to be a dumbass, but seriously, stop being a dumbass.
How is that a /pol/ thing to say? They hate abortions!
>OP post a good question and people are giving good explains
>Assbasted fags are policing and don't want fun
>buuu gay people are evil!
Midwife paladins actually seems like a pretty cool concept. Would they help with livestock births too?
>you are stupid
>you are stupid
>and don't forget you are stupid
Yeah mang, that makes you look smart when you're caught with your pants down and without an actual argument. C'mon son, point me to the shit you're saying is happening. Where's that discussion you claim this thread is about? You dumbass cockmagnet, fuck off to whatever funhating general you crawled out from.
I assume yes. They should help with all types of birth since it's a beautiful thing.
But you are stupid. You want to push one of the most idiotic fetishes into your games? Good for you. But don't soil the board with it.
Sure! You'd actually be well on your way to "hero of the common folk" status with that. You just sort of wander around making the peasant's lives easier, teaching them good practices and helping with especially difficult births, and of course fighting monsters when the need arises. Such a Paladin Order probably isn't very glamorous or well funded, but they can always be assured the support the commoners and likely receive lots of donations in the form of food and simple goods.
>fertility is a fetish
Are you literally 12?
>This one thread is soiling the board
Dude, the only one even bringing up 'lolsexyanimewaifusex' is you. Everyone else is bringing some actual reasonable discussion to the table.
You know you can hide threads you don't like right?
You are stupid, because you genuinely think it was a good question, when either the answer is obvious and goes without saying, or it's another dumb opening for hurr-durr sex paladins discussion.
And, it might be a surprise to you, but this is not the first time this question has been asked. This is a repeat thread, with them always in the past serving just for the same stupid conversation.
Now, how can I make a fertility god/goddess a major threat? Hard mode: It can't deal with making everyone infertile.
I hope they're as stoic and unflappable as og paladins:
Sounds nice
>50+ posts
>no one has mention Paladins of Sune
For shame.
>it's another dumb opening for hurr-durr sex paladins discussion
So where is it, then? Other than what the fuck are you even talking about? Have you read the thread?
It makes everything super-fertile. Wilderness consumes everything.
Wouldn't their powers be more akin to druids though? Assuming they have some power over life or some equivalent.
Is fertility even a domain of hers?
Don't know about officially but we had one in a game. It was about as magical as you'd expect.
You missed quite a few posts before that one.
It's almost the same fucking thread, all over again.
Is this against the rules, mods? Since i was banned last time i reported shit like that i don't know if Veeky Forums isn't governed by nazis.
> Better question, is there any god who-
Just kidding. Do post your best fedora, though. Also, god of pacifism.
Oh, no! The BBEG's wife is about to give birth! Do you help or restrain yourself? She's just the wife and the child would likely be a normal baby but you're technically helping the BBEG.
Is the fertility goddess LG, NG or LN? If yes, then yes, if no then no
Are you talking about real druids or D&D druids?
>How does it intersect with being a martial champion?
>a picture that's barely cheesecake
>two jokes
Keep reading the thread, baby cakes.
Better to just ignore.
Nothing is "good," then, because an overabundance of anything leads to problems. Paladin of a nature god helps plants flourish? Nope, can't do that, too many plants and they take over civilization. God of mercy wants you to forgive people who atone for their sins? Sorry, not "good," if everybody forgave wrongdoers for everything there would be no justice.
>captcha: PISS BRICK
What requirements should paladins of the fertility god follow? I mostly say they must encourage couples to have children, have children of their own, know healing techniques, fix broken bonds and be midwives
If you don't show them their place they will overrun this board.
Except for the few edge Lords, /pol/ isnt very fond of abortions or population control.
Unless you count eugenics. But that's a vocal minority who won't want it for their chosen race.
Do you like falling right before the boss fight? Because that's what's gonna happen if you don't deliver that baby. It's a good question though, because it'd be hard to say if the baby is actually an integral part of the evil plan or not. Bad guys love making evil superbabies, after all. But if not? Then it's just a baby. It's not evil or wrong to help a bad guy in a way that doesn't help him do evil stuff. And imagine how much evil he'd become if he lost his wife in childbirth.
If you risk being banned doe.
Maybe you'd be better off not speculating and just read about the fertility goddesses of different settings. There's almost always at least some Demeter-analog.
>Rampant growth of all life
>Harvests reach fertility then rot before there's time to harvest them
>People begin warping into cancerous aberrations
>Rot attracts vermin and pestilence
...But what if the Big Bad IS the mother?
For fuck's sake, retarded politics go to /pol/, regardless of what side you stand on.
/pol/ isn't a single person, it's a place you go to when you feel like engaging in endless, circular debates.
Midwifing for sure, along with your basic healing techniques and possibly helping relationships start and flourish. Kinda sounds like a medieval nurse with a bit of love guru thrown in.
Maybe they're better equipped to handle the undead than the average paladin? Undeath is an affront to life and a fertility goddess would sure as shit want that nonsense stopped.
They're a draconic fertility god. Overpopulation of dragons threatens to destroy everything
>unfunny joke, like that stupid horny bard cliche.
Actually, that could totally be an in setting stupid horny bard joke...
But is right, I could see such a paladin, the kind of paladin close to the people. Maybe a poorer order, equipped by personal donations. They could be mad at bad rulers, rather than just evil rulers, for their mismanagement cause much struggles for the common man. But in the same time be reticent to cause troubles since troubles always fall on the back of said common man.
Are you a bad enough paladin to convince the new insecure king that he doesn't have to be so tough to be respected and that the strength of the kingdom lie in his fields before the Hunger riot start?
>>a picture that's barely cheesecake
I'll have you know she's wearing fullplate. It's just glamoured to show off her fecund figure as a celebration of her goddess' gift of bringing new life into the world!
Well, shit...
You freeze it for later use.
I think most paladins have a similar reason to hate undead already. Baby snatchers and monsters who replace human babies with their own, however, hoo boy.
This guy gets it.
Then that's how you defeat her! The baby is her source of power.
If think they would be more concerned about the "everything wither" thing undeads sometime have than about the blasphemy of interrupting eternal rest or evil necromancy.
So different priorities than other paladins but same result, I guess.
> The BBEG cornered your group just so he can demand you to save his wife and his child.
If you're that worried about overpopulation you're welcome to lead the way in doing something about it by relieving society of your burden on it ;^)
That's a tough one. Maybe try to negotiate a truth for awhile? They wouldn't want to risk miscarriage in the middle of battle.
I imagine anons aren't exactly the most well-represented demographic in childbirth statistics.
Those half-celestials gotta come from somewhere.
They still consume resources and generate waste.
Every bit helps. Be the change you want to see in the world, and such.
Honestly given the absurd number of super dangerous creatures that could depopulate entire cities if not countries in most settings it's surprising humans and such don't go extinct.
>it's surprising humans and such don't go extinct
All in good time my lad
> "Did I told you how the king learned not to be an asshole?"
Paladins serve Law and Good, rather than gods, so sure, if reproduction is considered lawful and good.
>She names the child after you.
>They grow up to be the Big Bad of tomorrow.
>Erects a massive gold statue in your honour in the capital of their evil kingdom.
>Creates several holidays in your name to replace those of your deity.
>legacy of good deeds is buried and forgotten under the infamy of having delivered the BBEG
Feels bad, only wanted to help.
I can't tell if you're an elf or a dwarf, but I know about your plans now.
All in good time, indeed...