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>How to Jumpchain
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Talk shit about the most annoying enemy you've ever had to fight, /jc/.
Would that work on baseline earth you think? I've been trying to find cross-dimensional things that fiat give you a multiverse even if one isn't already in place. I think I mentioned it a thread back but the idea is if you go home and you feel the need to multiverse-trek, is there anything that would fiat give you a multiverse
Obviously text is a little sparse but decided to post this as I'm still doing it and I'm still after ideas for perks, items and drawbacks.
If anyone has any ideas for Black Dynamite let me know.
I take drawback enemies all the time but as far as annoyance goes in Schlock Mercenary: The Teraport Wars the Gavs thought I was Teri and did A lot of maneuvering and social engineering to limit my influence and resources in an attempt to stop my growth.
So what are your plans for Easter?
and there's a WIP of what the Identities page'll look like in case it helps.
Why do you think I mentioned Dirge?
Then it's both quantity and quality
Reposting current WIP for critique from last thread.
Please banchou stop talking in my place.
As for your question, I've made a total of 25 jumps.
The reason why people joke about my jumps being long is because in total I've written 1800 pages for /jc/, and my longest pair were at 269 and 222 pages long. Hence why people joke about my jumps being 1000 pages.
You do not understand the freaking thorn in my side that Cauldron was while I was attempting to deal with the endbringers and scion.
I even had my companions actively sabotaging them and they still were a nuisance.
Everything is racist forever drawback?
No can do. Shugo Chara hasn't been made into a Jump yet so I can't fight with that villainous organization.
Sorry trying to make a reference,I did not mean to talk over you.
Abbott and Costello, bumbling around, talking about baseball, inadvertently thwarting my plans.
And I totally kept that drawback too.
Radroaches in Fallout.
You don't understand just how many of them there are until you're in there and a wall gives way to reveal an entire colony of the bastards. INSECTS THAT LARGE DON'T EVEN MAKE SENSE! THERE'S NOT ENOUGH OXYGEN IN AIR FOR THEM TO BREATHE AT THAT SIZE!
Impersonating Jesus, painting eggs, chasing rabbits, licking chocolate from fingers[/spoilers], the usual.
>SIRK 00
Didn't see this before. Is this new? Also can we get 009's super thing, it's basically Accelration Mode isn't it?
009 having acceleration mode is why the drop-in capstone allows you to take it.
and SIRK 00 is from like 3 WIPs ago when I expanded the perks.
Which Jumps are yours? There should be a list of Jumps by Jumpmaker.
Why am I suddenly afraid that I'll be attacked by a blackula?
Ah cool beans. You've steadily improved. Anyway I'm heading to bed. G'Night /JC!
Is anyone doing a Horus Heresy Jump? Could someone do a Horus Heresy Jump or would they need permission from whoever did the other warhammer jumps?
Hero BBS magic explicitly can let you travel through the multiverse, even outside your local sector, but can't take you to a world that you know of from fiction. You can go to very close approximations, but no actual fictional world. Like going to a Magical Girl setting where "planets" are the theme, but not actually Sailor moon.
Lol, I used to have "SB's head Chakat Exterminator" in my signature for like a decade before I changed it.
I almost want to make a jump just to curbstomp it, but I don't have the self hatred needed to punish myself by making that jump.
Make it a Black Crusade jump, since we're clearly not getting right now.
FF T-0, 9, 10, 12, 12-RW, 13 1-3, 14, Dissidia, FF-CC, Dark Cloud 1/2, Blame, Knights of Sidonia, Biomega, Warriors Orochi, Golden Sky Stories, Ragnarok, Atelier Arland, Recettear, ARIA, Zoids Legacy, Gravity Rush, Siren Blood Curse.
My jumps can have an annoying tendency of being overly wordy, and my general formatting style is pretty recognizable.
Asking Kanons would be a good idea, but to the best of my knowledge nobody has claimed it.
Zacharis Frost, the 5edgy7me villain of a Gundam SEED fanfiction that I retained a fanfiction drawback when I went to that jump just so I could fight him. He wouldn't be so bad (after all, I chose to fight him) if he didn't keep coming back to life. For fuck's sake, Noah, "cloning a serial killer and modifying him into a psychic cyborg" wasn't a good plan the first time, why did you make so many spares?
Cultist Chan Heresy drawback when?
Why not? The Rick and Morty game Pocket Mortys has dog and rabbit versions of Morty from alternate realities. I don't see why, when a huge chunk of our fiction has animal people in it, you couldn't go to generic animal people universe that incorporates chunks of the furry fandom's collective worldbuilding.
What are the funkiest settings we have jumps of?
We have a jump made out of NK propaganda, you can't get more weird than that.
Permission isn't needed, since there isn't a general WH40K jump. Everything that has been made up until now has focused on a specific faction or conceit of the setting.
90% of that is because of the fox.
Infinicon. You should totally jump it. You won't regret anything. Ever.
Not that kind of funky nigga!
I petty the poor fool that tries to make that jump. Reading that drek is a fate worse than Twilight.
Question about the Jojo jump that's *not* related to the Stand Supplement.
What the hell is up with the seventh page? It straight up doesn't show up when I try to look at the .pdf on my phone, and gives me an error when I try to look at it on my PC. Think something's broken in there.
>Shin Angyo Onshi jump
The english text of the Scenario is blacked out (tried in both browser reader and Adobe reader)?
>rough skeleton
Your "rough skeleton" is as good or better than many of the "complete" jumps.
SJ-Chan, I agree with this user .
All that would need to be done would be to put a short note akin to "Immortals cannot take another origin."
Well, there's your problem right there. I'm on my pc and it's fine. No one likes a phone poster, user.
The blacked out text probably means the Scenario is unfinished.
If you'd finished reading the sentence, user mentions it has a problem on their pc as well.
>The english text of the Scenario is blacked out (tried in both browser reader and Adobe reader)?
Intentional, I never reveal the contents of the scenario while it's still in conception. It won't stop a person from actually taking a look, and the Korean titles are already fitting, so people that know Korean will have a slight idea.
>Your "rough skeleton" is as good or better than many of the "complete" jumps.
Thanks? I just don't like releasing things before IC0.5.
Hey, Dirge? Quick Sidonia question, if you've got a minute.
Does Learmond's [True Body] option mean he can add real Cores to humans who have grafted Gauna placenta to themselves? The wording comes across more as a statement of general fact than a description of what the option does.
Works fine for me, user, but I went ahead and screencapped it for you.
Yes he can add True Cores, since that's essentially the Gauna's "heart", but on a normal human the resulting True Core will probably be structurally weaker than a normal True Core. (For one thing it'll probably be smaller than a normal Gauna)
I think she's at work. The problem with your suggestion is that the Sorcerer Background is based on TBBEG who is also an Immortal. Also, I think there is an immortal of each of the backgrounds, thou it has been a long time since I played the game.
Can jopires survive having their head completely blown off?
Thank you for your time.
which head?
If the head is still intact, then they can survive as a severed head. Having their head reduced to chunks would probably end them.
No. While they can survive without their body (and even that was difficult for Dio, if I remember correctly), the destruction of their head or even their brain will kill them. In Part 3, after Polnareff stabs DIO in the head, DIO taunts him by stating that if he aimed a bit better, he (Polnareff) would have killed him (DIO). Again, this is if I'm remembering correctly.
At one point Dio just starts digging around in his brain to demonstrate how immortal he is. So they can at the very least handle losing a good bit of brain matter.
Witch head.
Correction, it wasn't his aim that was off, it was that he wasn't using enough force. Then again, given this , DIO might have just made that up to taunt Polnareff. Then again again, that was DIO after he drank Joseph's blood, so who knows.
Didn't Dio survive being completely bisected though?
That's perfectly normal paranoia. Everybody has that, user.
I don't remember that. I know Jonathan used the revived knight's sword after enhancing it with Hamon on him, but I don't remember him being bisected by it.
Dirge, can't find the currently circulating WiP of Knights of Sidonia. Mind throwing it up here?
Yeah, but since the brain is naturally split in half by the hemispheres it's not hard to survive having your brain cut in half laterally. That's just separating the corpus callosum, it causes some long-term difficulties but is perfectly survivable. Normal humans can do it, it's all the blood vessels being separated by the sword on its way through the rest of your head that would kill you. Vampires don't need those blood vessels, though, so it's probably not a big deal.
Have a link to my archive of dirge's stuff. Some of it's already on the drive, but this has all the things that he hasn't put up yet: drive.google.com
Huh. Weird. Wonder why I forgot about that.
The corpus callosum doesn't split your entire central nervous system in half, you're still cutting the base of the brain stem in half, which is the part that's most vital for life. You can survive getting a large portion of your frontal lobe removed but damage to the primal parts of the brain is almost always fatal.
Wanted to post a thank-you for the "rough" Shin Angyo Onshi jump.
I had never heard of the series before, but reading over the jump got me very interested in the original work. Guess I have a lot of reading to do now.
I look forward to jumping it when you consider it to be a more finished release.
user's CP Price Review!
Background Cost / Discountable Background Perks / All Perks Available To Background
000 / 2500 / 10500 Drop-In
000 / 1900 / 09900 Scientist
200 / 2300 / 09900 Syndicate/Kaijin (gets discount on multiple Monstrous Power purchases)
400 / 5600 / 11700 Skull Man (gets extra 200 for powers and another 100 from a mandatory drawback)
Drop-In = raid the fridge, loot the cupboards and blow this popsicle stand
Scientist = if you're in it for the cake at the end and/or the army of minions
Syndicate/Kaijin = for the monsters at heart (hey, it's a step up from the furries!)
Skull Man = for the tortured souls who want to complain about how OP they are
user's CP Price Review does not calculate the comparative quality of perks, only their price. user's CP Price Review may not apply in all chains. user's CP Price Review disclaims all responsibility in all universes, multiverses and omniverses, real, imagined or otherwise. Remember, shop smart, shop S-Mart!
Your version is outdated unfortunately.
Fair enough. Looking at the image again it looks like the sword continued down into Dio's neck, not just cutting the head, so it would have hit the brainstem and his spine. I was going with just his head being cut in half.
I don't think the mandatory drawback gives cp.
Didn't Straizo survive being pulped by hand grenades?
I've been introduced to so many awesome works by Jumpchain that I would have otherwise never check out.
Are we blocked by fiat from learning Learmond's modification granting/hybridizing? Or it will be simply very hard as he is very very stubborn?
If so, that should be mentioned in the jump (hint-hint to maker).
Hmmm that skull man jump is interesting.
Anyone ever consider making a Guyver: Bio boosted armor jump?
A fair number of Learmond's modifications are a bit too special to really learn, and they don't all reflect normal possible branches to Gauna modification.
We need this to be a jump. Zoanoid master race!
Soft Warmth [100, Free for Celestia] – There is good and love in all things, and you’ve learned how to properly express such to those who need it. You have an absolutely charming or adorable smile and demeanor, and will find it easy to make a good first impression on others, especially those who are down in the dumps or in need of encouragement. Alternatively, you can appear dumber and more adorable than you actually are (sort of like a braindead puppy), which is disarming in more ways than one. Works best when meeting someone for the first time or when they’re not sure what to expect from you.
Even more~!
>Soft Warmth
The perk also makes you very good at holding hands.
What origins would it have?
Drop In:
(400) Bonus History: Guyver Unit:
What about headpats?
>Guyver jump
I want it and I want it now!
>Bonus History
Blade? That aside, looks good.
Yes. Very yes.
No, not blade. Like his jumps though.
Plus a bonus history makes sense as anyone can get a unit.
Gif very related.
Zoanoids can be a Guyver?
That's fine, it's just that Blade was the only one to do it before so I was curious.
Any chance of a full Tsumugi-style Chimera origin for the jumper themselves? I wanna be the meatmech.
Wait, actually, I just thought of something, since when can Zoanoids be Guyver? I don't remember that being a thing. Then again, I didn't remember Dio being bisected either, so my memory might just be failing me tonight.
Was mostly talking about the True Body and Hybrid, though
>Guyver jump
Joke perk to let you build gadgets out of everyday objects?
What's the height of the Warehouse? Or does it only have the same area and the height is as much as we want it to be?
Two appearances, both with the guyver2 broken one. In the second live action movie The guyver unit can merge with a zoanoid.
As evidenced by Crane.
if I remember right, the picture used was a Warehouse with a ceiling forty-ish feet tall on the short end.
I've also been told "As tall as it needs to be to hold your tallest thing"
I would personally fanwank that it's ~40 feet if you don't take the Loft upgrade, and "as tall as it needs to be" if you do.
That's on you senpai. QS' line was always as tall as needed.
Could you give me like 5 random jumps /jc/?
Only three feet tall, you have to get down on your hands and knees and crawl around.