Excuse me, Captain, but if the Bajoran Occupation killed 50 million people over the course of 50 years, that's 1 million people per year. That's fewer people than who die of car accidents every year in the early-to-mid 2010s on Earth. Why are the Bajorans so upset? This seems like the least deadly occupation in galactic history, excluding of course the Tribble Occupation of Qo'nos.
Excuse me, Captain, but if the Bajoran Occupation killed 50 million people over the course of 50 years...
Other urls found in this thread:
Please just die already.
Hundred times, this.
Look at WWII casualty figures.
Now look at Iraq occupation casualty figures.
Which had people squealing louder in their own time?
Every year, we develop more and more safety features and get more and more bubble-wrapped. By that time, by the time a society hits the level of development that it can into space travel, it's probably become so safe, so bubble-wrapped and so hugboxed that fifty million really is an enormous casualty figure.
I think this user's got the right idea. Watching DS9 gave me the impression that the Bajorans were very peaceful people living cushy lives on an idealic planet who were forced into a war they weren't prepared for and didn't want to fight.
Maybe Bajor had a population of only 100 million or something? They don't have any spaceships, any armies, industry etc. Their major export seems to be religious mumbo jumbo. Having a very low population planetside might account for this, as well as their intense butthurt over what seems like a relatively small number of deaths.
Roddenberry... Jew... Guilt trip... Subliminal...
Except that's not the case. Pre-Conquest Bajor was a shit hole. There's that episode where Sisko has to adjudicate a tribal territorial conflict that threatens to break out into a war.
There's also the fact that Bajoran culture was a caste based repression engine.
Gul Dukat was the best thing that ever happened to Bajor.
Bajorans are so adorably retarded, its no wonder the Cardassians kept them as pets.
Shut up, Dukat.
WW2 made the US a superpower, one that will last for at least another fifty years without any major challenge. Iraq resulted in jackshit and actually handing regional opponents influence.
Make Terok Nor great again!
Because one is the result of accidents and the other was the result of systematic conquest.
People are going to get pissed if you take their lands and subjugate their peoples, no matter if they have much better technology and standards of livingunder your rule, and especially if they don't.
I mean, every alien invasion in media ever has either been met with hostility or shown that hostility toward invaders is 'the right way'. Humans hate it when we get our stuff taken.
That's not the inevitable march of history, it's the story of a civilization in decline. It's a cyclical process that allowed America to absorb huge casualties at its height (1850-1950) but quail at the comparatively light casualties of the wars of 1950 on. It wasn't that Americans became more squeamish; it was a symptom of increased political divisiveness. As America, and especially its government, became a more lucrative prize, seizing control of it became a higher priority than preserving and expanding it. Casualties were the pretext.
This had already happened throughout Europe. They in turn had built their colonial empires at a time when many empires in the rest of the world were in THEIR declines. It's a lifecycle, every civilization goes through it.
The Bajorans probably also suffered from bad timing like that. So then a nationalist liberation movement emerges. They use terrorism and appeal to rival powers to try to undermine the Cardassians, who they can't beat conventionally. And use propaganda to appeal to a Federation that itself was entering a decadence/decline phase. Other races including humans may roll their eyes at a million per year across a multiworld species, but to the Bajorans it probably seems like a genocide.
That, or the writers are ignorant of history and don't do the maths. Even money which it is.
I genuinely think the worst thing about these threads are not the way they are spammed, but the way you keep necromancing them.
You understand that the fifty million people they killed were on top of the number of people who already die for other reasons, right? It's not like they only killed people who were going to die that year.
Lieutenant Commander, what I am about to tell you is classified and you are not allowed to pass it on. You see Bajorans are bunch of whiny niggers with a victim complex.
Well cadet, if you'd studied Bajoran history you'd know that the Cardassian occupation began as a relatively benign annexation in which Bajorans became second-class citizens within the Cardassian sphere, and that as the occupation ground on the casualties began to mount, partly as increasingly draconian responses to resistance of any type to Cardassian rule and partly as certain commanders, with the tacit blessings of their superiors within the Cardassian government, began a program of genocide against the Bajorans. In part this was due to the Cardassian military and especially the Obsidian Order becoming central to the decision-making processes of the formerly relatively liberal Cardassian political spectrum, as what was being visited upon the occupied worlds of the Cardassian territory was no less than Cardassians themselves could expect for dissent; a process which ultimately continued until Cardassia was annexed by the Dominion and these selfsame tactics were used directly against Cardassia Prime, culminating in the deaths of millions overnight.
I'm afraid to say you've not only failed this xenoethics class but you are expelled from Starfleet Academy as a result. Only the best and brightest need apply here, and you've come up with some sophistry about mortality rates that completely ignores the intent behind a genocidal campaign, thus proving yourself to be as thick as Talaxian shit after a heavy meal of Klingon yogurt and hard-boiled Vulcan love eggs.
Because accidents are accidents and murder is murder, holy shit are you some kind of mentally handicapped alien?
Please, just keep your shitty forced meme in /tv/.
It's embarrassing for you to want to try and make your mark here.
Your shitty photoshops and utter lack of humor should be something you should be ashamed of, not spamming constantly.
There's a difference between
>person dies in accident
>person dies of military conflict
Ironically, the best thing about these threads is seeing you diligently monitor the board to make sure nobody is having fun unopposed.
It's almost like you haven't realized by now that your "I AGREE" card is a trophy for OP. Seriously, try not replying for two full days. You'll be amazed at how quickly the thing that you get upset about will stop existing once you're no longer engaged.
If you look in the archive, you can actually find plenty of these dead threads that get ignored and disappear, but this guy really just keeps trying, regardless.
Basically, it's brute force meme spamming. No matter what, he's going to keep trying, no matter how pathetic and unsightly he needs to be.
Why, this one isn't even in regards to a traditional game, because the guy has exhausted the entirety of his "stupid questions everyone already knows the answer to" in that category.
>This meme
WAIT A SECOND, why the fuck did you shop his head onto a vulcan to make a new startrek themed one, the ORIGONAL FUCKING PICTURE WAS FROM STARTREK. Thats god damn needless.
Dude, the original screengrab was from Star Trek. You don't have to make a photoshop.
>If you look in the archive, you can actually find plenty of these dead threads that get ignored and disappear, but here you are replying, regardless.
I'm not OP nor have I responded to these threads before. What I posted in is pretty much straight-up geopolitics and in line with ST canon.
Seriously, chill the hell out. If you don't like my points, argue those. If you don't like the thread, then ignore it. This is on topic for the board and it's a legit point, so argue it (like these guys did ) or post in some other thread. Threads die all the time, and bitching about a thread you think other people shouldn't be posting in just keeps them alive and annoys us with needless shitposting.
As for necromancy, you can't have that on an active board like Veeky Forums. If the thread dies, it gets archived and then deleted. So far as I know, neither Moot nor An Hiro are able to resurrect dead threads... and why should they? Ultimately, a thread is kept alive by discussion.
Please keep /pol/ shit out of threads like this. If you're hinting at Israel/Palestine, both factions can make arguments casting themselves as the Bajorans and the other side as the Cardassians. So unless you have some quote from a writer or sourcebook make that argument on /pol/ where it belongs.
But do we know their actual population? 50 mil out of 9 billion is small, 50 million out of 51 million is not.
>Gul Dukat
I love that guy!
Completely unstated.
Though some non-canon books (Like the RPGs) put them at 3.8 billion. So about 1.5% of the population.
The problem is a lot of people recognize these threads for what they are, and no matter how much you try to defend them, people will always call you out on this dumb forced meme.
Why reply?
Because newfags don't recognize that it's a shitty forced meme made and bumped by a faggot who asks questions he already knows the answer to.
Because they're niggers that can't just ignore shit that they hate and report it if it happens to break the rules.
>please stop calling me out for being a faggot
>if i reply angrily he'll totes gonna stop shitposting
Ask yourself if you're even vaguely upset about the Spanish Inquisition. It killed fewer people every year than died in *bicycle* accidents in the early-to-mid 2010s on Earth.
>where it belongs
why aren't you in /tv/?
Because he can't handle how successful bane posting is there.
Every time he's tried starting this shit up there, /tv/ just bane posted him into oblivion.
I'm not upset about it at all. The Spanish Inquisition quite frankly was just a political purge of recently conquered territories and a consolidation of the Church in Spain under the Spanish Crown, as well as seizure of power from Rome over ecclesiastical matters.
Please, fuck off with your off-topic bullshit.
It is pretty hilarious how everyone is mad about Spanish inquisition when they were pretty civilized and secular compared to shit that went down around the same time in Northern Europe.
Yeah and they actually helped end the practice of witchcraft persecution in Spain.
>user, why do you keep throwing raw meat at these bears? Don't you understand that you're just causing them to see you as a ready source of easy food?
>"Shut up faggot, these bears need to learn that nobody likes them!" user shouted as he continued to throw chunks of raw meat at the bears.
I love this meme. Keep it up, seriously. That ensign behind picard had it right.
But really, Gul Dukat had a bit of a shit job. He was basically whatever General got posted in Baghdad and was told 'Here, make this place not shit'.
Good fucking luck.
Threatening people with shitposting doesn't really work, because it ultimately works against you.
Basically, If you want people to stop complaining about your shitty forced meme, you're going to have to stop forcing your shitty meme. There's really no way to salvage it at this point, because your topics are always less interesting than the fact that you are a ridiculously inept spammer.
People will always complain about it, regardless of how long you wait between your spamming attempts.
But creating and enforcing an inferior travel system prone to a stupendous rate of accidents isn't murder?
Probably the same reason why the Spanish Inquisition is considered a pre-modern holocaust when they were more lenient than many secular courts: sensationalism. If a lot of people die, it's hard to argue that it's not *that* bad even if the facts are on your side.
If we were entirely rational about it, there'd be no cars that could go over 50 km/h, but it appears the benefit of going fast is worth more than human lives.
>Wouldn't it make more sense to just stop feeding the bears and wait for them to get bored and wander off?
>"That's just the kind of thing I'd expect a bear to say!"
I think the best answer is Combined with the consideration that Star Trek has extremely poor sense of population scale.
Shitty offshoot colonies aren't going to have insane homeworld densities. A pre warp civilization like the Jewjorans won't be that high either.
We're a pre-warp civ right now and we have 7 billion humans.
The numbers for populations given in Star Trek never stacks up right.
The Cardassians invaded an entire planet and killed fewer people in 50 years than died in World War II (between 50-80 million depending on survey).
Despite this, it was treated like a triple-holocaust in the setting.
I'm not trying to diss them, the writers just didn't have a good sense of the scale of lives. That's a flaw, but hardly one that tarnishes such legendary work as Star Trek.
It shows up a lot when asked about crew numbers, station populations and planet populations.
Fucking epic meme broseph. Fucking epic.
What are you bumping for, sage?
Tbh both Star Trek and Star Wars are ridiculously overrated.
le fail, it is strong here
this cringe, i just can't even
>I'm not trying to diss them, the writers just didn't have a good sense of the scale of lives.
Though to be fair, the Federation is treated like some borderline utopia. Maybe a handful of people really does matter a lot to such an utopian society where everyone is happy.
Fuck off you retard.
That's why I led by saying was the best response.
This is likely the best explanation. In a world of high tech peace and post-scarcity, 50 million might be an extremely surprising death toll, even though when you're looking at the invasion of a planet it is laughably small by an IRL estimate.
What the fuck is wrong with you. How can you honestly be this stupid.
>b-but muh genocide ;_;
What you call genocide, I call a day's work
School shootings sometimes kill less than a hundred people in a year. Why does anybody care at all?
get lost troll, at least try next time
>traditional games
OP probably wants to know for a Star Trek game he's running.
>i-it's for a traditional game!
Then put it in the first post
>but the commander keen rule! I can talk about whatever I want! the rules don't apply to me!
You mean he ran out of bullshit questions actually related to traditional games.
Is there any reason to even doubt that this guy's whole purpose is just to spam his bad photoshops as some sort of retarded attempt to make a legacy for himself?
Stop samefagging, OP
>I'm not trying to diss them, the writers just didn't have a good sense of the scale of lives.
This is basically the only correct answer, I know online fandoms like to find in-universe explanations to everything they can, but in this case the weird numbers are due to the writers bungling the numbers.
Why are you even bother to try to squeeze out a conversation out of this? It's like you think everyone doesn't see how stupid you are.
Literally my only post in this thread
Still applies.
No it doesn't, you were just wrong, you're one of those faggots who comes here and deludes yourself that you can tell who individual anonymous posters are and even then, even with no name next to your post, you still can't admit to being wrong.
What part of "Why are you even bothering to try to squeeze out a conversation out of this? It's like you think everyone doesn't see how stupid you are" doesn't apply to you?
In fact, why are you even bother to try to squeeze out a conversation out of this? It's like you think everyone doesn't see how stupid you are.
Shhh, don't worry user, you can admit you were wrong. No one here knows who you are and even if they did you're probably not very important.
Hey you should ignore he's probably the same asshat who was doing the random insult responses
I was the person you responded to and I'm glad that someone agrees with me. Writers aren't perfect and honestly it's cruel to expect them to be. They did a great job in Star Trek but it's not perfectly consistent nor is it without the oddity here and there, such as their issues with scale.
Nice bump. Almost like you actually care about star trek and not just forcing your gay meme.
I agree.
I do really enjoy Star Trek, but haven't really found a good RPG system to use to do a campaign. It would have to be a system that didn't subtly suggest violence, since that option being too strong really disrupts the feel. Maybe I should try reread Traveler and actually understand it this time.
Who are you even trying to fool here?
Do you honestly think anyone cares how you try to pretend you're not forcing a meme, when you're forcing a meme?
Maybe he wants to talk about Star Trek RPGs on Veeky Forums.
I'm not sure what are you even talking about. I get that you're almost incoherently mad about something. Because you just tell people to fuck themselves without explaining why, I'm not sure.
Because you keep ranting about a meme, I'm going to guess you're mad about the OP's picture and trite "excuse me commissar" thread start?
I don't know why that triggers you so hard on a board were there's a "ELVES ARE SLUTS POST PICS" thread, and many other stock threads, every day.
Also, I'm not the OP.
I would like to actually, if you have any recommended systems that would fit the setting I'd really like to check them out.
I know I mentioned Traveler but I'm super uncertain about that one, it seemed really overly complex, but it's been recommended to me a couple times so I'm gearing up for a reread.
Traveller is actually really simple (assuming you're using the recent Mongoose edition). The spaceship rules are more complicated, but not terribly so. You would probably want to use the optional point-buy method for character generation, because the regular system is made to give you a Firefly-type character.
There's a not-Trek RPG that I've seen posted on Veeky Forums that at least one person likes. I can't remember the name but it has a picture of the not-Trek crew on the cover.
GURPS Prime Directive.
There's actually a general for that.
And, more importantly, you can do that without forcing a dumb meme.
There's really no way to try and deny you're trying to force this dumb meme if you're forcing this dumb meme.
I mean, you still try, but it's kind of hard when the only evidence needed to throw it all away is a look at the top post and to see the forced meme.
I get the feeling I didn't give Traveler a fair shot on my first read through, but I'm not sure the edition I read.
As for the other system, it sounds hard to locate based on the cover alone, so if you remember anything else let me know, but I could give it shot.
They say you can do anything with GURPS if you set your mind to it, so it doesn't shock me that there's already a Star Trek attempt in it. I'll check it out, thanks.
>muh generals
Fuck outta here, board space is infinite.
>muh memes
Which website do you think you're on right now?
IIRC Prime Directive is based off StarFleet Universe due to licensing, which has its own timeline coming from TOS only and ignoring everything else. I doubt that'd prevent you from ignoring most of the book's lore and set your game anywhere/time you please.
It's also everything you need to play, you don't need any other GURPS book, not even the basic set (core rules), but it wasn't written by the usual GURPS staff, not too sure what's the quality like when you really read everything.
So it's a self-contained adaption? That's good. I don't have any GURPS books and I was wondering what my first step should be. I see a bunch of references to 4th edition so I'll probably chase it down tonight.
>And lo, the meme was brought full circle
Yep. But it won't have rules for things like for magic or superpowers, it only has what concerns Star Trek.
4e is the latest (and probably last) edition of GURPS, it's not a different game from 3rd ed like with D&D, they "just" streamlined the system, tweaked things, upgraded others and reworked the Basic Set (which is the core rulebook). Most 3rd ed rule books now have 4e versions, the genre and setting books are like 90% fluff or "how to run this in GURPS" and largely compatible with a few tweaks.
>Ask yourself if you're even vaguely upset about the Spanish Inquisition
not even a tiny bit