>"Gee user, why don't you ever play female characters?" >"I dunno. I guess I just don't have any good images, haha."
>the real reason is that whenever I make a female character, I fall in love with them, bad.
I know this happens to some of you, too. How do you get over it?
Blake Peterson
Well first of all I'm not a retarded beta faggot that falls in love with a fucking imaginary character.
That would be step 1.
Kayden Reyes
>That feel when I can't get the guys in my group to play male characters ever.
Jayden Howard
Jaxon Wood
I don't know, since my problem is the worry that my character will end up warping around my sexual preferences of its own accord, and/or that it'll be awkward in an online voice game. Still done it once or twice, because fuck it.
Mason Rogers
Legitimately fall in love? user, no. I'm gonna smash your delusional heart here and tell you that while in fact there may be an alternate dimension or some shit where you live perfectly with your waifu, a piece of paper is not your waifu. It's just not. There is nothing behind it, there aren't even enough moving parts in it to consider it artificial intelligence. Take a paper character sheet, write a female name into the sheet. Then tear the sheet in half. Then get more character sheets, slowly filling them in more and more, before stopping and tearing them in half. This will allow you to visualize the fact that this is not your waifu, it is a character sheet, a character sheet in an imaginary game you are playing. I know you can do it, user. I also know you're a master baiter, but I wanted to answer because I was bored.
Nathan Howard
I don't play female characters because I have an irrational dislike of women and don't trust myself to not play them as either a.) a bland collection of vices and/or inconsistent personality traits or b.) a character that is otherwise indistinguishable from one created as a man, in which case why bother making them female?
Nolan Edwards
Then why not play them as b? If they really are indistinguishable from a man, then changing the name and sex label doesn't do anything significant.
Ayden Hall
David Perez
I my case >Make a female character >Game dies even before session 0 or at session 1 >"Gee user, why don't you ever play female characters?" It's a sign of a game that it's going to die...if I choose my character to be a woman
Jaxson Adams
This t b h.
Joshua Phillips
I play as women because I'm as faggy as a straight man can possibly be.
Noah Bell
Because a female character shouldn't be indistinguishable from a male one other than by physical appearance. Men and women are different psychologically, due to differences in both culturally-normative upbringing/experiences and evolved brain chemistry. If you have a female character that could be swapped out for a male and the story wouldn't change at all, that character is either a bit part in the cast or woefully underdeveloped.
It's like swapping out ethnicities or cultures. If the South African guy could just as easily be a Romanian without changing any of his mannerisms, influences, or impact on the narrative, he clearly doesn't have a meaningful role or the creator is just using the dartboard method of selecting character traits without actually incorporating them.
Jack Long
>Make female character who's a non-sexualized red-riding hood type rogue >That Guy bard tries to seduce her, gets poisoned and dropped in a ditch before the game ends >Make purposefully sexualized ara ara cyborg commando woman with eyepatch >Party is useless petulant children who need a hero and have no time for flirting
What the fuck
Matthew James
Nobody wants to stick their dick in a vacuum cleaner.
Not more than once, anyway.
Kevin Smith
Nah, I just like playing male characters. Even in MMOs or RPGs I always play male characters, maybe my alt could be a female, but my main is always a male.
Christian Rogers
>falling in love with your character I mean, I guess I can see how this might happen; you tend to play things you like, but seriously, dude. Why do you need these (You)s so badly? Go get a hug from someone in real life; I think it might help.
Owen Richardson
>"Gee user, why don't you ever play female characters?" Why is this a question that needs to be asked? At this point it's a Catch-22: you're a sexist if you don't play female characters, you're a sexist if you play a female character outside the parameters set by feminism.
>the real reason is that whenever I make a female character, I fall in love with them, bad. >I know this happens to some of you, too. How do you get over it? I don't. I cannot get over it due to the nature of the problem: a woman selfish enough to risk her own life and spend nights sleeping in a cold, shallow ditch for the greater good already shows virtue far above what any real woman can and has demonstrated, making her incredibly sexy. Why do you think /a/ and Veeky Forums both agree Jeanne d'Arc is a top tier waifu, for example? Even if she embarks on an adventure for purely selfish reasons, she still displays a degree of initiative, knowledge of what she desires, strength, and willingness to work hard for what she wants above that of all but a few 3DPD's.
>ara ara cyborg >Party is useless petulant children Perfect opportunity to show off the cyborg's skill in childrearing. Sooner or later, someone will want to impregnate her. She does have a human womb, doesn't she?
Kayden Hall
You are right in that I am not being truthful, not fully, but not in the supposition that I'm just fishing for (You)s. I wanted to stir discussion about what makes you play a certain gender of characters, what could turn you off from some characteristic. Also, I would if I could.
You tend to like people you understand, and you understand nobody better than someone you made yourself. If one could entertain flights of fancy, they can easily picture themselves alongside this person of your making. Is it wholly unreasonable to grow to like them? Of course not, but then, where do you start drawing lines?
Christian Reyes
>a woman selfish enough to risk her own life and spend nights sleeping in a cold, shallow ditch That's obviously supposed to be "selfless".
Brandon Robinson
TFW i literally never had a male player playing female character in irl game. Wait, I got. Once. For one session when we were all 14 or even 13. He was ostracized by others, his character barely avoided rape, and player switched characters on next session. Generally where I live playing female characters as a male is considered bad taste. I've got female player playing male character tho but she was just one player's GF that was dragged there by him and had literally zero interest in the game In online game I did female character once myself. It was OK though, honestly, she was tomboyish, even if that was on purpose, but for some reason I still prefer to play males.
Julian Brown
>Routinely play both male and female characters. >Choose my character's gender based on what feels most natural or interesting for my character concept. >Play with and GM for players of both genders who occasionally play characters of the opposite gender. >Never had a single problem.
Sure is nice being a well-adjusted adult playing with other well-adjusted adults...
Aiden Sullivan
Once, a player joined my group who was surprised we let male players play female characters. I responded with mild confusion, and he sort of avoided the question of what the problem was. I thought nothing of it and let him join, there were no real problems - he didn't play a bunch of cringy female characters or anything.
Later, it turned out that all the female characters he did play were ERP characters.
Nathan Hall
It kinda happens at times but I don't let it factor into my play
Justin Gutierrez
Not really. I am a man and I don't have the voice of a woman so I don't want to play as one.
I always think it's strange when I hear a man playing as a woman if it isn't the GM since I expect that from him. That's why I avoid playing women any time I am playing a voice-based RPG
James Bennett
Sometimes I've rolled it up at random
Owen Wood
Yea, I find it really weird that so many people find the idea so strange. Authors write characters of the opposing gender all the time, what's weird about me playing one in a tabletop game? It's the same thing.
...Then of course I remember how many people can't even handle the idea of the opposite gender IRL and it makes sense, sad though it may be.
Elijah Thomas
Because, especially with seduction and romance, it gets really awkward really fast. It does however make for some great laughs.
Noah Edwards
first post, best post
Asher Thompson
>TFW I'm DMing and PC/NPC romance is dangerously bordering ERP levels >Both of us are enjoying it entirely nonsexually due to it being a really interesting character arc for the PC >Feel like massive autist describing female NPC's words and actions (Basically an elegant, feminine, high-society Cheetara.)
Jackson Russell
>play female pc >group immediately tries to fuck you Jesus christ
Parker Scott
This means you need more female players to play male characters.
Samuel Hill
I mean, it's bad enough when they try to get into the character's pants, but seriously groping me at at the table just because I'm playing a female sorceress isn't on, guys.
I had to tell them to stop taking off my panties and focus on the game after a few minutes.
Isaac Smith
Dominic Sanders
Okay I'll admit, that made me chuckle.
Leo Allen
>one of my players decides to play a tiefling druid >"Can i be a futa XD" "I roll to fuck the other pc HAHAHA 20 YOU HAVE TO LET ME DO IT"
Adam Young
>Find a better group.
Nathan Thomas
..this? I didn't realise there were people out there this fucking pathetic.
Isaiah Young
Im not that desperet? Plus, i allredy have a waifu and you know what they say, more than one waifu will ruin your laifu
Jace Johnson
You're just a bigot that think every people are the same within their own subclass (sex, religion, ethnicity, culture, whatever).
There are women that are a LOT more virile than most men on Veeky Forums. Yet they're women, sexy ones, not even lesbians.
You just need to meet more people user.
Cameron Collins
You're misinterpreting my words. I said nothing about virility.
People are shaped by their experiences as much as by brain chemistry. A woman has a different outlook than a man not only because she has been born a woman, but because she has grown up being perceived as a woman by others and with the knowledge that she is being perceived as a woman.
Samuel Bailey
What's wrong with getting into character?
Christopher Allen
In an ERP? Absolutely nothing.
Jackson Torres
Other people also want to get into your character.
Ayden Scott
Just because I'm wearing a frilly skirt doesn't mean I want to be fucked at the table. There's an RPG to be played.
Colton Robinson
He's my friend, and nobody else i know is into dnd, the most annoying thing was that this guy had played a pretty serious warlock dwarf before, with no stupid bullshit, he's starting to get a bit mre serious now but god those first sessions were fucking awful.
Justin Hughes
And I respect your wish. Is it ok if another player acts the part of the NPC then?
Christian Gray
Fact: Unless your game is a text based ERP game, men simply cannot play female characters. It won't ever ever work and you ae just gonna look cringe as fuck if you play a girl char on voice.
Michael Cook
Because I have no desire to at all and already have a girlfriend who fills that niche in the party if she wants.
Nolan Smith
Most people are cringeworthy if they try to play any character on voice. This is why text is superior for in-character behavior.
David Jenkins
You can't play normal games through text? Is that a rule? Shit, I hope no one calls the cops on me.
Brody Miller
What this user said.
I've been in PnP for 11 years, GM'd a lot of that time, and playing in voice no matter what I'm playing as is the most cringey thing in the world.
Thomas Mitchell
The sentence you're looking for is >that's why I prefer text over voice.
Josiah Price
By not playing RPGs.
Ayden Robinson
>He's my friend y tho
Bentley Anderson
On my first game of D&D I forgot to pick a gender for my character as well as an age and defining physical features. My party for some reason unanimously agreed without consulting each other that I had been playing a 12-13 ish girl based off of what very little we had played of that session up until I asked "wait, what do i look like" and they all agreed i was a 12 year old girl. I only play 12 year old girls now because it's a meme amongst our group, much like this weightless brick or the corpse of my first character which is supposedly some sort of space-time event that exists in all of our campaigns that we've played.
Eli Turner
I'm perfectly fine with people choosing to use voice instead of text. I just feel it lessens my immersion when someone has the unfortunate fate of having one of the Standard Internet Voices. Plus, people tend to be more eloquent when they can compose their thoughts into text, rather than speaking while they think.
Cameron Hughes
Your preference does not make you right though.
You need to get it in your little pea-brain that text is not objectively superior to voice.
Luis Bell
Fade to blacks happen after the session only!
Xavier Brooks
> Not changing your diction and pitch to sound lighter without going falsetto
I grew up listening to Anthony Heald narrating Star Wars books on tape. I know how to do female voices without it being creepy or breaking suspension of disbelief.
Austin Gray
I don't have fags in my group problem solved
Brandon Diaz
>Fade to blacks Gang-rape? jk
Liam Richardson
We don't make female characters because somebody inevitably starts hitting on them and it can only escalate or die a quick, silent death
Jace Rogers
Please don't joke about that. The after session RPs are one-on-one things only.
Robert Robinson
>"Gee user, why don't you ever play female characters?"
Because all female character archetypes are basically male archetypes with a dash of boring/awkward.
John Lewis
>TFW i literally never had a male player playing female character in irl game. Wait, I got. Once. For one session when we were all 14 or even 13. He was ostracized by others, his character barely avoided rape, and player switched characters on next session. On the one hand, that's awful. On the other, it gave me a boner, so hey.
Evan Richardson
Yet every experience is possible, so there are women that act like you would expect (in your mind) a man would. That's the main point.
Carson Williams
I have no attraction for any of my characters, and I mostly play female characters. I mostly just do it so I can be different, and my voice isn't too deep so as to not make it work anyways
Camden Jackson
>always play female characters >only play with guys >my gf joins us for a few sessions while she's unemployed >DM: ok create your character >GF: OK I WANNA BE A HOT ASS GUY WITH A SIX PACK AND A 9 INCH COCK and all muscles baby I'ma fuck 'em goblins up and get bitches and shit. >mfw
Jack Flores
>GMing >"you know, we haven't encountered any women" >make next NPC they interact with a woman >use my regular voice when speaking as her >"haha what, she sounds like a man?"
Evan Edwards
>Not using that >Not sending the part on a quest to regain the woman's voice >Not starting a secret war against the black voice market
You're just a bad GM
Gabriel Hill
I just draw lewds of my female characters...
Oliver Murphy
I don't get over it, generally. I just find myself with yet another fracture in my psyche which I desperately attempt to fill with anime and videogames to delay my inevitable spiral into total psychotic breakdown or suicide.
Alfred Lord Tennyson is a filthy liar.
Luke Baker
I simply don't believe women can be helpful as anything but support. If we're talking any even slightly realistic setting, who would ever trust their safety to a woman in battle, and why?
I'm only speaking historically, there's a reason the vast majority of women only factored into war as either nurses or working behind the front in logistics. If we have to use "it's fantasy" to empower women to the level of a man, isn't that more insulting than anything?
Since I tend to play characters that either provide frontline protection or are always willing to sacrifice themselves for the well-being of the team, there's just no way my characters could be female. It'd be absurd.
PS I absolutely love women, but my girlfriend most of all.
Jaxon Baker
Show us, user.
Evan Foster
I start by consulting my good friend Jack D and smoking heavily. Then I begin to write.
Short stories, most of the time, based on events from the campaign the character featured in, specific character interactions, battle scenes, that sort of thing.
When I fall in love with a fictional character, the only way I can get over it is to write them out of my head, take everything I am feeling for them and throw it into words, keep on writing until I have completely exhausted all the possibilities I imagine for the character and left the impression hollow in my mind, deconstructed to the point of not even being a character so much as a collection of traits and aspects that have no emotional meaning to me. There is no more character, all that remains is a narrative device.
This is the only method I have found that works for me. The complete destruction of the waifu.
Austin Rogers
not sure if bait but, it could be assumed that depending on the factors of your setting, the females could be viewed in many different ways. If you assume that your setting has a similar history to ours, then of course it would be a little silly and a little bit more interesting having a female character in an adventurers role. But if the setting is different, then it's probably best to accept the setting you're playing in and get in character. It's not very helpful for the other players, gm, nor yourself if you're worried about comparing a fantasy world to our current one. Not that we are using "it's fantasy" as an excuse, but more of a way of explaining that the setting has a historically different set of expectations and such (compared to ours).
John Lewis
Why would/should the majority of fantasy worlds have total gender equality when our own didn't until only recently, and then not even in most of it? It makes no sense. If anything it would be a rarity, as it is definitely not the norm.
Even worse when it's something that is simply accepted throughout every society across the fantasy world. Not in a single culture are women treated like they were in the real world. And if there's ever a character who even hints at something that could be construed as "misogynistic" from a purely modern, real-world perspective, that character is clearly a villain and needs to be put in his place.
Because we're apparently fine when making sure fantasy worlds have equality because it's simply fantasy, but if the genders in a fantasy world is for any reason NOT equal, then real-world sensibilities come into play immediately. That's a weird, bullshitty kind of hypocrisy.
Jordan Adams
>first party with a female character in it >already people fighting about who's gonna make her their sex slave
Matthew King
>If you assume that your setting has a similar history to ours, then of course it would be a little silly and a little bit more interesting having a female character in an adventurers role.
They don't have to. If you're wanting to play in a game where that's not the norm then don't. If you're wanting to play in a more historically accurate setting then you should. I think that's a pretty obvious thing to do.
But, if your dm/gm has a setting where gender isn't something very important to the people/society. Then I would at least hope that they would have a decent amount of explanations for the differences between our history and theirs. Different factors, spread of cultural norms, different societal makeups, and such. Kinda like how a drow society works. There's plenty of information on that (depending on setting) but so few people complain or comment on it.
I also agree that the players should question the setting in multiple ways, gender roles/views included, but they should accept them if they want to have that dm/gm. If they don't, then just find another group. I feel that you might be worried about sjw's ruining our hobby and I personally believe they can go to hell. But, as players and dms we should at least be able to roleplay within any fantasy setting we are given. We don't have to, but if we must, we should be able to.
Brody Clark
only part I can show on a good Christian board like this
Justin Jackson
>I simply don't believe women can be helpful as anything but support >but if the genders in a fantasy world is for any reason NOT equal Does magic and being used as artillery pieces count?
Or for that matter having magic that raises your capabilities to immense powers.
For example, there's a belt of ogre strength in the 3rd edition of D&D - it doesn't matter how muscley they are previously, but the belt gives them an equal amount of strength if they're a man OR a woman, no matter what their previous strength was.
Aaron Morgan
das intense
Nathan Long
> >"Gee user, why don't you ever play female characters?" >start making an attractive (cute or beautiful or charismatic etc.) female character >start thinking about her backstory and motivations >start imagining the situations this character could be in >the character is attractive in my fantasies >realize I'm wasting my time fantasizing about an imaginary woman when I could be spending it with my wife instead >get mad at myself >never play Old hags get a free pass, though. There is nothing better as a source of roleplay potential than Baba Yaga character type.
Benjamin Wilson
Turn that character into a porn character, app them where appropriate, and think up a new character.